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Return to land and sing the praises of Alfonso's feats! The last monster that Alfonso slew... was himself!
—Alfonso's last words

Alfonso is an NPC in Arknights. He is a major supporting character in Stultifera Navis.


Alfonso was once an admiral of the once mighty Iberian Armada, as well as the proud captain of the Stultifera Navis, the last remaining dreadnought after the Profound Silence. In the past, he was renowned for his involvement in numerous conflicts with countries like Victoria and Leithanien, including the sinking of an Aslan king's fleet,[1] which earned him recognition as a war hero, even immortalized in various novels and other fiction works such as "The Adventures of Captain Alfonso".[2] He was also an acquaintance of Carmen I Iberia, although he was skeptical of the King's idea to appoint him as a Pope, believing that he was not worthy of undertaking such a mantle.[1] Alfonso was in a relationship with the first mate of the Stultifera, Garcia.

However, when calamity struck his homeland, the Stultifera was attacked by the Seaborn while trying to defend Gran Faro, causing the ship to lost contact with Iberia completely. During its isolation, most of the crew fell into the Seaborn's influence or committed suicide, yet Alfonso did not lose his willpower. Over the years, he personally executed many of his crew who had lost the will to live rather than let them kill themselves. Alfonso and Garcia eventually came to be the last survivors. They managed to survive for over six decades in the nameless ocean by consuming the flesh of the Seaborn, at the price of partially becoming one with the its collective consciousness. By the time Irene and the Abyssal Hunters discovered the Stultifera, one of Alfonso's arms had become a Seaborn itself (which seemed to have a mind of its own), and Garcia had totally transformed into a Seaborn. It is implied that Seaborn blood may had extended Alfonso and Garcia's natural lifespan; this may be why, as Irene pointed out, Alfonso looked as if he hadn't aged a day since the Profound Silence.[1]

Due to his stubbornness, patriotism, disapproval of the Iberian Church's ideas, and nostalgia for Iberia's bygone Golden Age, Alfonso became delusional, and proclaimed himself the "king of his own kingdom." He did not allow any outsiders to enter the ship, whether they be Seaborn or human. He also seemed to be prejudiced against Aegir, referring to them as "filthy" and barring them from his "kingdom" upon seeing Gladiia and Skadi.


Stultifera Navis

Alfonso on the Stultifera Navis' bridge
Alfonso and Laurentina agreed to work together

After the Abyssal Hunters and Irene boarded the Stultifera Navis and already having met Garcia, Alfonso personally showed up. Irene couldn't believe at first that the Forte in front of them —now as a Seaborn — was the legendary captain Alfonso himself, since he looked like he didn't age since the Silence. Upon presenting himself, Alfonso held hostility towards the Hunters' arrival, asking for them to go back where they came from as he thought that the Church of Iberia had sent them to the ship. He even showed his deep prejudice against the Hunters for being Aegir, even insisting that Skadi was actually Ishar'mla, despite her claiming otherwise.[1][3]

However, as the encroaching threat of the Seaborn on the Stultifera grew and the Nethersea Brand expanded to the point of heavily damaging the ship, Alfonso soon found himself allied with them against the sea monsters. Because a captain always goes down with his ship, Alfonso made no attempt to escape the vessel when it came to sank; instead, he killed himself with his own blade.[4]
