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Allerdale Cumberland is an NPC in Arknights. She is a major supporting character in Act II of the Main Theme.


Allerdale is the daughter of the late Duke of Cumberland, Robert, and a loyalist of the Aslan dynasty. The Cumberlands have been faithful to the Aslans, including Allerdale herself, and they are the only ones who could correct the kings in decision-making. However, twenty-six years ago (the year 1072), the Cumberlands were unable to stop the late Aslan king from imposing heavy taxes onto the greedy Victorian aristocrats, which led to a popular uprising incited by the nobles that completely purged the royal family.[1] It was during this chaotic period that Robert was executed by the nobles for siding with the Aslans, leaving young Allerdale to bear the royal burdens.

Despite her family's responsibility, Allerdale has a dream of becoming a Steam Knight. She wishes to become like her ancestors who possess their own steam armor inside their mansion.[1] While her adulthood has gradually diminished reality, she still retains this desire.

Allerdale and Vina are close acquaintance who met each other since childhood. During a royal banquet, the young Allerdale accidentally bumped into some conspirators plotting to overthrow the Aslan king. While trying to find an escape route, she suddenly fell from the stairs but was miraculously teleported to the mansion's backyard. It was here where Allerdale met young Vina riding Gawain who carried the mythical "Sighs of Kings", and the Beast Lord prophesized that the two will eventually meet again in the future before their sudden disappearance.[2] Since then, Allerdale has been an ardent believer of the prophecy, which led to her becoming a supporter of Vina and her bid to reclaim the vacant throne.


Episode 10

Episode 11

Allerdale bargains with a businessman to transport the goods with a group of Rhodes Island in it to support the plan. However, the businessman demands for more compensation due to how risky this is, forcing Allerdale to sell the Steam Knight armors, which are something she is emotionally attached to. Being aware of how important the armors are to her, Vina decides to pursue the businessman. With some blackmailing threats, the businessman agrees to leave the armors alone.

In the enormous and abandoned underground tomb, Allerdale is last seen where she uses her Arts to forcefully retreat the rest of the group during the confrontation of the confused awaken Steam Knight out of tiredness from the past burden that has been causing her, as well as the relief to see the surviving Steam Knight, effectively sacrificing herself to protect the group. Her fate was left dubious until later chapters.

Episode 13
