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Rubio Pacino[note 1] is an NPC in Arknights. He is a major supporting character in Il Siracusano.


Although Rubio might look like a humble government servant of Volsinii's Department of Food Safety, he is actually a person with big dreams. Rubio joined L'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato together with Carracci Caruso, who would become Volsinii's Minister of Public Works, and inspired by his will to stand against the famiglie-controlled bureacuracy of Siracusa, he detests the current system which he sees as strangling the Siracusans' free will by leaving them at the mercy of the famiglie, and wished to one day resolve this situation.

Rubio has a wife who divorced him at some point for believing him to be a useless civil servant. He has a daughter from the marriage, Luna, who lives with Rubio.


Il Siracusano

After Danbrown breaks into the broadcast room, Rubio accepted his fate as he shares his belief to the hitman before pulling out a handgun he bought from Blacksteel for self-defense. He placed its barrel to his temple and shoots, killing him instantly, all while the broadcast is still on.


The people of Volsinii would never forget the moment when Rubio took his own life, which eventually became the catalyst for some change in Siracusa, making his death not in vain.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Penance's Scribing outfit's inscription