Arknights Timeline

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The following page shows notable events of Arknights, whether world events or crucial story events, in chronological order, including their summaries.

Note that those with an estimated/unconfirmed date will be labelled with "ca." (circa).

"First Civilization" Era

Long ago in Terra's history, around 13,000 BCE,[1] there existed the "First Civilization" that mastered advanced technologies such as space construction and interplanetary travel.[2]

  • Creation of DWDB-221E
  • The AMa Project
  • The original Firstborn project[3]
  • "The First Catastrophe": The First Civilization was wiped out of existence due to the "threat" from above.[3][4][5]
    • Formation of the "Starpod": The Starpod, or commonly known as the "fake sky," is the borderline that demacrated the previous and modern civilizations as the former is described to be an era when the stars were still observable.

Before the Common Era

Many of these events happen following the collapse of the previous civilization and the rebirth of a new one. They are said to be happened "thousand years ago"; thus, they will be presumed to have occurred before the Common Era.

  • Foundation of Sargon: The Aslanian Conquest that unified the tribes of southwestern Terra would lay the roots to the foundation of Sargon, the first nation with an established sovereignty.[4]
  • Foundation of Yan: The first True Lung, "Yan", would unify the peoples of the west under a single banner, giving birth to an empire named after him. However, he would die prematurely just when his country started to prosper.
    • War of the Hundred Clans/Baishi-zhi-luan: A major civil war in Yanese history following the collapse of Yan the Chieftain, resulting in its fragmentation and collapse of the old feudal system until it was united again by a rising emperor.[6]
    • The Great Hunt: The great war waged by a True Lung (Emperor) who subjugated the Yan "deities"/Feranmuts in order to force them to serve the dynasty. Despite countless sacrifices, the war was nevertheless a success through the aid of numerous mortal heroes and a haughty, traitorous Feranmut named Sui. The result was the full subjugation of the deities, the execution/expulsion of stubborn ones, and the fragmentation of Sui into twelve siblings under the Emperor's order. However, it also laid the future threat of Sui's revival.[7]
  • Foundation of Kjerag: Kjeragandr, the national goddess of Kjerag, led her people to settle in the mountains, a safe haven from the devastating Catastrophes of Terra, thus leading to the foundation of this small yet peaceful theocracy.[8]
  • Foundation of Victoria and Tara: The Draco tribes of the valley fought each other, yearning for a power similar to that of the Sargonian Padishahs. As a result, the kingdom of Victoria was formed,[4] some from the Gaeil clan, led by a certain Draco, seeing the bloodshed caused by the fight for the throne within their clan, fled from Victoria and founded Tara southward.[9]
  • Foundation of Laterano: The Sankta race, under the guidance of their first Saints, united together in order to resist the Sarkaz's harassment. The nation's foundation was marked by the building of the Tower of Revelation, a belfry that would never ring for the next few generations.[10]
  • Foundation of Leithanien: Leithanien was formed as a confederation of ten tribes bound under the Güldenesgesatz.
  • Legend of the She-Wolf: The foundation of Siracusa's mafia tradition by the Six Families of the She-Wolf as well as the establishment of the city of Sette Colli.[11]
  • Birth of the Hippogryphic Empire: After escaping from the Sarkaz/Teekaz' threat, the Hippogryph Liberi would settle in the northern mountain ranges, eventually naming the land safter them and build a prosperous, but short-lived empire. They would subjugate the Ancient Races under racist and unequal policies, as they were seen as "inferior". This segregation would also affect the Ursus race.[12]

Common Era - Before the Crystallization Age

1st century


  • Decree of the Common Era (1): Shahanshah Lugalszargus, the "Aslan Padishah" of Sargon, decreed a common calendar for the Terrans, with the year of the decree marking the beginning of the Terran calendar.


  • Foundation of Made by 0011 (11): The foundation of the fashion brand "Made by 0011" that was rumored to " to celebrate the victory over the Nian beast"
  • The Nightzmoran conquest (11-15): The Nightzmoran Khagan, Kharanduu Khagan, embarked on his never-ending "Khaganquest" with his faithful Kheshigs on a world-wide military campaign across Terra, crushing down empires and spreading fear and chaos upon those who withstand. Starting from the steeps of eastern Ursus, the Khagan's armies would run amok in various nations such as the Hippogryph Empire, and even the Kingdom of Tara.
    • The Khagan's invasion of Kazimierz/The rise of the knight-nobles (12-13): In the Terran year 12, as part of his conquest campaign, the Khagan set foot on the Kazimierz plains and almost toppled the Elder Pegasian rulers. Although they managed to gather their armies and fend off the Nightzmoras, the Pegasian royal family could not keep peace within the kingdom and was eventually overthrown, leading to the knight-nobles to take their place on the throne a year later.
    • The merge of Victoria and Tara: It's stated in Victorian official records that Victoria and Tara merged peacefully due to the imminent Nightzmoran threat and Victoria conferred the title of King Gaeil to Tara's ruler, however, there are multiple historical evidences indicating that Victoria subjugated Tara by force, and the former's ruler, the Red Dragon, from house Artorius,[13] killed Tara's ruler and gave his own firstborn the title of King Gaeil, who acted merely as a figurehead and Victorian nobles dispatched to Tara were the ones to actually rule the country.[9][14]
    • Conquest of the Foehn Hotlands(15): Kharanduu Khan formed a military alliance with Shahanshah Lugalszargus of Sargon to explore the southern Foehn Hotland and then his sudden disappearance in the frigid Northland. The Nightzmora's pillage marked the dawn of a new era that "burned away the previous epoch."[15][16]


  • Foundation of the Ursus Empire/End of the Hippogryph regime (27-31): The previous regime of the empire, the Hippogryph Empire, was overthrown by the Ursi people; the rebel chief, Igor the Great, consolidates himself as the first monarch of the newborn Ursus Empire after the Hippogryph were left defenseless from the Nightzmoran invasion. It was also aided by dissatisfaction against the Elders' racist policies against Ancients. The revolution marked the end of Elder rule across Terra and the rise of the Ancient race.[17]


  • The Eastern March (58): In order to defeat the remnants of the Hippogryph Empire, Igor the Great's son, the Alexei Igorevich the "Young Tsar," issued a national policy to purge the Hippogryph remnants, which later deteriorated to a total territorial expansion and the beginning of Ursus expansionism.

5th century

  • Liches' arrival in Leithanien: The Sarkaz tribe of the Liches came to Leithanien and taught its inhabitants the Originium Arts and helped to develop the region for the next five centuries, away from the Royal Court.[18]
  • Higashi North-South War/Kokusen-shouran (400-801): The collapse of Higashi's Ritsuseikoku system gave rise to the militant bakufu led by the first Shougun Oniayame Shigekazu, but after his passing, the samurai clan fractured into the Northern and Southern Courts, resulting in a 400-year civil war.

8th century

  • The Aslans's palace coup of the Victorian throne (800s): The Aslan rose to power in Victoria and promised to share the throne with the Draco.[19] According to legend, the Aslan Padishah, with the Sigh of Kings, dueled against the Draco king of Victoria, the duel ended with half the sword piercing the Draco's body, half of it remaining, and the Aslan losing his right hand, after that, a treaty between the two was signed.[20]
    • The Aslans' annexation of Tara (late 800s): The Aslan finally fulfilled their promise to share Victoria's kingship with the Draco, shortly after, the last King Gaeil of Tara was assassinated and the Victorian Draco king fled the royal capital and went missing, without a ruler, Tara, was quickly subjugated and annexed by Victoria.[19][21]


  • Francisco de León Geological Expedition (737): Famous Iberian explorer Francisco de León discovers the Bolívarian Plain in the northwestern corner of Terra and started colonizing the region for the next 130 years. Francisco on the other hand becomes its first governor, remaining his position until his passing in 759.[4][22]


  • Independence of Bolívar (769): Due to foreign interference in order to destabilize Iberia's power through Bolívar, the governor was forced to declare independence from the crown. However, the Bolívarians´ peace would be short-lived, as the country fell into chaos.


  • Foundation of the Seven Cities (797): Spanning between 747 to 797, the Seven Cities Alliance, the first modern nomadic city alliance in Terran history, founded the first nomadic city in Terran history. Although it was later annihilated by other superpowers, the technologies it possessed ushered in the era of the industrial Crystallization Age.[23]

Common Era - Crystallization Age

The Crystallization Age refers to the era of modern Originium industry and the complication of Terra's geopolitics due to frequent contact. The demarcation started from the late 8th century with the construction of Terra's first modern nomadic city during the wave of industrial revolution.

9th century


  • Truce of the Higashi civil war: At the nominal capital of Goshin Shinka-kyo, both the Northern and Southern Courts signed a truce that ended centuries of bloodshed.


  • Lingones' relocation (833-858): Under proposal of Gaulish Emperor François, Count Osamane took charge of the capital's relocation plans despite backlash from the conservative nobles. The project would be finished in 858, turning Gaul into the first country to relocate a city into a mobile platform


  • The end of Yanese isolationism (845): Yan dispatched imperial envoys to various nations, declaring its opening up of its borders to foreign nations.[24]


  • The Westward Migration (893): The chaos that engulfed Kazdel caused a westward mass exodus of the Sarkaz, hence the name.[25]
  • Crusade of Kazdel (winter 898): Kazdel was laid waste again during the most recent Crusade by Victoria, Leithanien, and Gaul as part of its more than 3,000 disintegrations. The devastating war was caused by the escalating tensions between Kazdel and the neighboring countries, and the joint alliance sought to hunt down the Sarkaz King. The Kazdelian War Council was founded afterwards.
  • Leithanien's interference in Bólivar (885-897): In the middle of diplomatic tensions between various countries interfering over Bolívar, Leithanien immediately installed a puppet regime, the Singas dynasty, onto the country, which has from then on ruled the nation until the present, laying the power keg that led to its eventual civil war.[4][22]
  • The first Mahuizzotia festival (ca. 898): The first Mahuizzotia festival was held by a Tiacauh Brave who wished to give himself a title in the Acahuallan district of Sargon. This brawling festival has since become a tradition in the region that nominates their Great Chief.[26]

10th century


  • Iberia meets the "Islanders" (913): Seeking refuge from the Seaborn, a mass exodus of Aegir arrived to the Iberian coasts.
  • Sargon's colonization of Minos (spring 917): The Lords Ameer invade the Minos region, under the guidance of the Shahanshah at the time, Paheritu the White-maned Shah. They manage to crush and subjugate the Minoans under strict assimilation policies.
    • The White-maned Shah's passing (917): Despite Sargon's advance through Minos, Paheritu would pass away at the age of 81, ending His 67-years reign. His eldest son, Shasurum, succeeded the throne, and personally assigns his sister Marah as the Padishah of Minos, a position she would hold until 950


  • The dawn of Iberia's Golden Age (930): Thanks to its increasing political and military might, and the contributions of various Aegir, Iberia began its "Golden Age" period.
  • A shocking archaeological discovery (937): A co-authored research paper from Duke Erik and Piesberg Parliamentary University professor, Lierland D., would show how Infected segregation predates even modern times. The paper, published in issue 44 of the Journal of Urban History (Also known as "Where Did We Come From?") would discuss the results on the analysis of a series of weathered human remains found in the Sargon Excavation Zone 4 archaeological site, and how it revealed a common origin for Infected quarantine and executions subjected by the law.[27]


  • The reign of the Witch King begins (969): Herkunftshorn the Witch King arose as the Kaiser of Leithanien, the greatest Caster in the history of Terra, who would start a reign of terror onto Leithanien for the next century.
  • Siracusan independence movement (967-969): Originally an autonomous Kreis of Leithanien, the Siracusans rebelled against Leithanien to gain independence, bringing havoc to the remaining nine Kreise of Leithanien. In response to the chaos, the Witch King amended the Güldenesgesatz and acknowledged their political status as a modern nation-state.[28][29]
    • Beginning of the Siracusan anarchy: Two days after the formal recognition of Siracusa's independence, Siracusa quickly fell into a period of anarchy that lasted for seventy years following the suicidal bombing of the Siracusan Confederation Capitol.[30]


  • Rise of the Kazimierzian capitalist class (ca. 977): Following the auction of a retainer who accumulated huge wealth after selling off his masters' assets, many soon followed in his footsteps; giving the servants more power than the knight-nobles of Kazimierz. The result was the rise of Kazimierzian capitalists who have since been running the country through their corporations until present days.[31]


  • Discovery of Columbia (990): A new region in the western side of Terra rich on Originium depots was discovered by Victoria, and it would eventually be colonized under the name "Columbia". The Duke of Goddodin would send various mining barges to the newly-stablished colony, giving birth to the first Pioneering teams
  • The Fire of Londinium (ca. 998): A fire started inside the Central District of Londinium, causing the royals and aristocrats to flee to a series of underground channels and basements.[32]

11th century


  • Foundation of Solé City (1007): Solé, the predeccesor of Dossoles, is built, being an ordinary Nomadic City.


  • The joint construction project of Sanctilaminium Ambrosii (ca. 1011): Iberia and Laterano announced a joint-project for a mobile monastery named Sanctilaminium Ambrosii, after it was completed the monastery was handed over to Iberia's control.
  • Independence of the Columbian Union (1016-1019): Gaul invaded and almost annihilated the Victorian Empire. During the battle, the Victorian colonies in the western part of Terra rebelled against the border dukes with Gaul's aid. In the meantime, General Mark Max led the Independence Army and miraculously turned the tide against the Victorian armies. With the increasing pressure from both sides, Victoria was forced to give up its colonies, leading to the foundation of the Columbian Union, the first democratic nation in Terra.[33]
    • The Battle of Babbage (1018): The Duke stationed in the frontier suffered a disastrous defeat against the Gaulish forces, forcing him and his armies to retreat southward.[4]
    • Camp Collus rescue mission (Autumn 1019): During Columbia's War for Independence, a group of ten soldiers including the Lateran mercenaries "Clip" Cliff and Woodrow Bianchi tried to rescue their captured comrades from the infamous Camp Collus, a POW camp set by the Victorian Army. However, everything went south when Cliff, in an attempt to gain advantage from the enemy encirclement, abandoned the original plan, causing the capture of his fellow soldiers. Only Woodrow managed to survive by the time the war ended, and both him and Cliff would part ways afterwards, with the latter eventually founding Blacksteel Worldwide.[34]


  • The first Kazimierz Major (1025): The beginning of the Kazimierzian triennial jousting event that would eventually devolve into a heavily commercialized sports festival for the following twenty four seasons.
  • Foundation of Blacksteel Worldwide (1026): Former Sankta mercenary Cliff stablishes his own mercenary company, with the support of other veterans of the Columbian Revolutionary War that he persuaded.
  • The construction of Londinium's walls (ca. 1028): Series of walls and cannons were built as part of Londinium's migration into its nomadic platforms, turning the Victorian capital into an invincible city.
  • Construction of the castle in Calais-Blason (102x): The viscount of Calais-Blason finishes construction of a holiday facility and invites guests to celebrate the completion of the castle, which will include a performance from a traveling troupe.[35]


  • Gallo-Leithanian War (August 1029 - late 1030): Precursor to the Battle of the Four Emperors.
  • Battle of the Four Emperors (late 1030- October 21, 1031): One of Terra's most significant and tragic events, that led to the fall of the Gallic Empire.
  • The Military Commission's reform (1031): Under Theresis' leadership, the Kazdelian War Council is rebranded and reformed into the Military Council of Kazdel.
  • Rim Billiton's Originium Rush (1030s): The discovery of Terra's Prime Veins drew the attention of various nations around Terra, prompting them to set up mining operations in the Targanglis Prime Vein.
  • Relocation of Deity Grypherburg (1033): The newly ascended Tsar, Vladimir Ivanovich, orders the relocation of the Ursus capital, Deity Grypherburg, into a Nomadic City, as part of his industrialization reforms.
  • The Profound Silence (June 28th, 1038): The greatest natural disaster in the history of Iberia that abruptly ended its Golden Age. Columbia withdraws from Siesta due to this.
  • The Temple Reclamation Campaign (1038-1042): Due to the poisoning of the Shahanshah at the time, there arose disputes among the throne successors. This allowed the Minoan nationalist movements, under the leadership of the "Twelve Heroes" to rebel against the weakening Sargonian forces. This culminates with the assassination of the Minoan Padishah at the hands of one of the heroes, Askles, in 1041, and the withdrawal of the Sargonian troops the following year.
  • Unification of Dodici Famiglie (1039): After seventy years of lawlessness following Siracusa's independence from Leithanien, Signora Sicilia unified the Dodici Famiglie under the Grey Hall through the Lateran religion and a new legal system called the "Gun and Order," partially stabilizing the country.[36]
  • The Disappearance of Sanctilaminium Ambrosii (ca. 1039): The mobile monastery that was originally under Iberia's ownership strayed off its course and disappeared. It wasn't until 6 decades later that it reappeared mysteriously.


  • Solé's renovation (1040s): In order to stablish a Nomadic City with an industry focused ln entertainment and tourism, the Singas Dynasty decides to renovate Solé City, but this Is interrupted by Columbia's banking of the Coalition Government. The project would be put in hold until the 1070s.
  • The Witch King's descent to madness (1040s): The Witch King's behavior became more and more deranged due to his constant studies on Originium and the concept of life. At the same time, the Kurfürsten managed to recover some of their political power.
  • Foundation of the Armorless Union (ca. 1047): The foundation of the notorious union of "Knight Assassins" in Kazimierz.
  • Bolívarian Civil War (1048–present day): The Witch King, through the Singas Dinasty, used Bolívar to harass Columbia, this led to Columbia's invasion of the country and the establishment of the pro-Columbian Coalition Government.[22] The Columbian Department of Defense's failure to truly conquer Bolívar made it fall from grace in the eyes of the Federal Government and the public.[37]
    • Start of the three-way Civil War (1050): The dissatisfaction with the two countries' imperialism led to the rise of the local True Bolívarians, thus starting the three-way civil war.[4]


  • Establishment of Sami-Columbian diplomacy: The establishment of diplomatic relationship between Sami and Columbia marked the end of Sami's milennia-old isolationism. Along with it came modernization of the country and the launch of scientific expeditions to the northern Infy Icefield.[38]
  • Establishment of autonomous prefectures in Rim Billiton (1050s): Several autonomous mining prefectures were successfully established in Rim Billiton, a loose alliance between them would be gradually formed.[4]


  • Tenth Ursus-Kazimierz War (1062): Ursus launched ten skirmishes against Kazimierz. As a result of the tenth war, Ursus managed to occupy a significant swath of land from Kazimierz for the next ten years.[39]
  • Yvangelista XI's ascencion (1063): Yvangelista XI became the new Lateran Pope.
  • Siesta's Development (ca. 1066): Victoria offers their annexation of Siesta. It is rejected. Herman Doykos later proposes rejoining Columbia, leading to Siesta's status as a free state with full autonomy. He is later elected as the city-state's first mayor.[40]
  • Establishment of the Lateran Legati (March 18, 1069): Through Laterano's neutral status in geopolitics, the Lateran Church has established the institution of its Legati, dubbed the "Nuntii Apostolici," who act as peace-keeping diplomats across Terra.[41]


  • Independence of Rim Billiton (1070s): The Rim Billiton Mining Alliance officially declared themselves as an independent political entity.[4]
  • Beginning of the Victorian royal feud (1072): Series of royal feuds that led to the downfall of the Victorian Empire, including Aslan King Frederick III's public execution in response to his Parliament taxation policies.
    • Decline of the Draco (1070s): The Draco, the sharing royal family of Victoria, were being conspired against, Loughshinny and Eblana's parents were assassinated and Edward Artorius fled to Lungmen, the Draco were persecuted until Aslan rule could not be contested anymore.[21][42][43]
    • The missing princess and lost relic (1072): A small incident happened during a meeting of the late Aslan King and Duke Robert Cumberland when the Crown Princess Alexandrina Victoria and the Empire's national relic, The Sigh of Kings, went missing at the same time. She was later found with the sword while riding on top of Gawain the Beast Lord by young Allerdale Cumberland who prophesized their reunion twenty-six years later. The incident was treated as a test for the heir by the Aslan king, but the aristocrats did not buy his words.[44]
    • Execution of King Henry (1072): The tension between the monarch and the Parliament worsened when King Henry Alistair Victoria decided to impose higher taxes towards the rich businessmen and the MPs despite Duke Cumberland's persuasion. This eventually led to a popular uprising of the common folks who were incited by the aristocrats, and the Aslan family was purged with the king being tried and publicly hanged at his palace's backyard.[44][45]
  • The Shangshu Catastrophe (1072): A Catastrophe suddenly arrived at the Yanese city of Shangshu without any warning, but it caused little damages. To make the matter more complicated, the eighteenth peak of Shangshu, the Xunri Peak, suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace amidst the disaster. Scholars could not give a precise answer to this day while the common folks venerate it as part of their local folklores.[46]
  • Bloodpeak Campaign (1072-1073): A devastating war that led to the decline of Ursus. Ten years after the war on Kazimierz, Emperor Vladimir became ill and a political conflict ensued within the palace. Acting as a distraction from its inner issues, the Empire launch an invasion onto Higashi which was still embroiled into a north-south civil war. However, not only Ursus suffered a heavy loss onto Higashi, but also Higashi even successfully invaded Ursus as retaliation under its joint alliance. In the meantime, Emperor Vladimir passed away a year after the invasion, thus bringing an abrupt end to Ursus' expansionist war machine.[39]
    • Fyodor's ascension to the throne (ca. 1073): Following his father's passing, Crown Prince Fyodor Vladimirovich becomes the new Emperor and manages to apply numerous economic reforms to push Ursus foward. However, the conservative Old Guard saw this as a threat to their interests.
  • "Daybreak over the Golden Prairie" (1072): Kazimierz's victorious war to recapture Ursine occupied territories amidst the Bloodpeak Campaign. During the battle, Kirill Nearl the national hero led seven of his men to rescue thirty Silverlance Pegasi from Ursus even though being gravely outnumbered. Despite huge sacrifices, Kirill managed to rescue all the Silverlances, including eleven extra ones, and expel the occupants.[47]
  • The Great Rebellion (1074-1076): Following the devastating war against Higashi, a rebellion occurred within Ursus' homeland when the royalist Forth and Fifth Armies who sided with the newly ascended reformist emperor Fyodor Vladimirovich struggled against and the warmongering Sixth Army. Even though it led to the royalists' victory, the Rebellion did not fully purge the conservative aristocrats.[48] There also happened an Infected uprising led by Buldrokkas'tee's son Grrovae'zzeal who disavowed both factions.[49]
    • The Siege of Deity Grypherburg (1074): The Sixth Army launched a Coup d'etat against Imperial Palace in Deity Grypherburg in order to forcefully impeach Emperor Fyodor. In the meantime, the Royalist Second and Seventh Armies returned from the western front to assist their allies in the capital.
  • The Redhorn incident (1075): Kal'tsit conducted a rescue mission onto the Columbian "Sand Soldiers" from a purge by the Sargonian Padishah Murad to prevent him from gaining the relic of a weapon of mass destruction. See A Walk in the Dust/Synopsis for more info.
  • The Sarcophagus purge (1077): The Boris Group, an Ursine mining company, excavated the Sarcophagus, an ancient device, installed it in the city of Chernobog, and hired numerous scientists to research on it. However, a bloody massacre onto the scientists ensued when the Ursus Fourth Army led by Gran Duke Vanya targeted them for concealing sensitive information. Even though reorganization was conducted by the sole survivor Sergei three years after the purge (1080), the research eventually slowed down due to decreasing morale.[50]
  • Die Septemberrevolution (Sebtember 1077): After Leithanien's pyrrhic victory in the Battle of the Four Emperors, the Witch King continued his cruel oppression. This, however, came to an end when a twin of princesses and the Kurfürsten led an uprising against him. The princesses eventually slew the Witch King in his Spire and were crowned the Twin Empresses who temporarily restored the nation's peace.[48]
  • Kashchey's invasion of Lungmen (ca. October 1077): As part of Ursus' imperialism, the Yan city of Lungmen was invaded by Ursus armies led by the Duke of Kashchey. Despite Wei Yenwu's effort to repel the invaders, the city was already half-destroyed. In the midst of the battle, Kashchey kidnapped young Talulah, cuffed her with numerous bombs that could wipe out the entire city, and threatened him to let him escape.[51]
  • Formation of Patriot's Shieldguards (ca. 1077): Following the death of his son during the Great Rebellion, Buldrokkas'tee the "Patriot" deserted the Ursus Imperial Army and formed his Shielguards, the "Aegis" who protected the Infected from the authority's persecution.


  • Assassination of Gran Duke Vanya (1080): Kal'tsit and Lillia, the survivors of the Sarcophagus purge, conducted an assassination onto Gran Duke Vanya who had become a political victim. See A Walk in the Dust/Synopsis for more info.
  • Establishment of the Mansfield State Prison (ca. 1082): The establishment of the eponymous nomadic prison by Chief Warden Randel with the sponsorship of nearby states.
  • Shanhaizhong crisis in Yumen (1082): Taking the opportunity of Yumen's lax control over travelers and the local martial artists, the Shanhaizhong secretly infiltrated the city and created terrible havoc in the streets. Even though the Sui Regulators and the garrison soldiers arrested much of its members after trapping them in the city, the damage done was immeasurable.[52] Since then, Yumen tightened its rule and refused to seek further cooperation with the martial artists which laid an underlying tension between the common folks and the garrison soldiers.
  • The disappearance of Nearl family members (1082): Under the order of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi, Schnitz Nearl and his wife Yolanta embarked on a journey to the north for a particular mission until they suddenly went missing, leaving the young Nearl sisters (Margaret and Maria) and Schnitz's brother Młynar in agony.[53][54]
  • The 19th Major season (1082): Noted for the victory of Degenbrecher the Black Knight over the Diamond Knight who will soon become a consecutive winner for the following two seasons.[55]
  • Political tension in Kjerag (1082): The patriarch of the Silverash Clan, Olafur Silverash, dies in a train accident alongside his wife Elizabeth. His death led to the clan's fall from grace within the Vine-Bear Court, and Kjerag would enter a state of political tension. This chain of events forced Arctosz Paleroche to divorce from his wife and assume the role of patriarch in order to ensure the Paleroche Clan's position. A year later, Enciodes, Olafur's eldest son, had to move to Victoria for his studies.[56][57][58][59]
  • Foundation of Rhine Lab (ca. 1083): Kristen Wright and Saria co-founded Rhine Lab.
  • The Barron Mine incident (1083): Due to an experimental program from the DOD that went wrong, Originium-mutated Needleflies breach a Towerhill Biotech lab located in the Barron Mine, in Southern Columbia, killing various scientists. To contain the situation, Cliff and the Blacksteel mercenaries are called. Details about the incident are leaked to the public, leading to the renouncement of the Secretary of Defense at the time. Cliff later decides to reform Blacksteel into a PMC.
  • Amiya's birth (December 23, 1083)
  • Kalt'sit's encounter of the Emperor's Blade (New Year eve 1084): A battle between the two in the Toron County of Victoria at Count Vincent's mansion with the latter intending to arrest her for the assassination of Vanya. See A Walk in the Dust/Synopsis for more info.
  • Rebuilding Kazdel (1084): Under the leadership of the Kazdelian monarch Theresa and her brother Theresis and the support of the Military Commission, Kazdel was able to slowly rebuilding itself for the following two centuries, reaching its height at this moment. This was also the year when the archaic Rhodes Island landship was excavated somewhere around Rim Billiton.[60]
  • The 20th Major season (1085): Noted for the second victory of Degenbrecher the Black Knight over the Azure Knight.[55]
  • Establishment of Rhine Lab, LLC (1085): Rhine Lab, now consisting of Saria, Kristen and Muelsyse received multiple series of funding under the recommendation of Jara. Notable backers include the Maylander Foundations and several military-backed agencies.
  • Fort Barron enters operation (1086): Clip stablished Blacksteel's Mobile headquarters, Fort Barron. A warship exported from Bolívar, modified with a salvaged mining platform from the Barron Mine.
  • Tkaronto's last-hour relocation (ca. 1086): A Catastrophe would form in the outskirts of the Nomadic City of Tkaronto, Columbia. Luckily, an Infected Catastrophe Messenger would deliver the forecast data to the authorities, allowing the city to relocate and escape without a scratch. However, they had to leave her behind and take her only daughter, Elba.[61]
  • The 21st Major season (1088): Noted for the third victory of Degenbrecher the Black Knight over the Silver Knight and then her employment by Enciodes Silverash while running away from the Major's stakeholders. At the same time, Degenbrecher originally intended to retire from the Knight competitions before being hunted down by the Armorless Union.
  • The 1st Dossoles Warrior Championship (summer 1089): The beginning of the annual summer event in Dossoles funded by Mayor Candela Sanchez.
  • The County Skyes Harvest Festival incident (Autumn 1089): Enciodes is invited by an old friend of his father, Viscount Walden Caster, to the annual Harvest Festival banquet in his manor. He decided to bring Gnosis and Degenbrecher to aid him on his plan to stablish a trade route between Kjerag and the Viscount as part of his business ventures, unaware of Baron Stuart's plans to murder Walden. The events where Prelude Suite: Keen-Edge, Silver Blade take place.
    • "Death" of Carle Caster (1090): Official sources claim that not long after the Harvest Festival banquet, Walden's eldest son, Carle, supposedly died at hands of Infected rioters. However, in reality, Carle actually ran away from his home after intentionally plunging himself an Originium chunk onto his arm in response to Walden's refusal to help an Infected woman he accidentally ran over. From that day afterwards, Carle lived as an Infected thug dwelling the slums of County Skyes.[62]
  • The Sicilian incident/Occupation of Sette Colli (ca. 1089 ~ 1090): The devastation of the Sicilians after their offense against the Signora.[63] The incident seemingly coincided with the occupation of the Sette Colli by a larger family of the Six Families of Siracusa.[11]
  • The Doctor joins Babel/Babel's withdrawal from Kazdel (1089)


  • Kazdel civil war/Establishment of Babel (1086-1094): Following a split of ideological differences, another round of civil war ensued in Kazdel between Theresa and Theresis, leading to the former's exile and the establishment of her loyalist militant group Babel inside her Rhodes Island landship.
  • Establishment of the Reunion Movement (ca. 1090 ~ 1095): The foundation of Reunion, an Infected organization resisting the Ursine persecution in the Northern Tundra, by Talulah and Alina as well as its absorption of Patriot's Shieldguards and FrostNova's Yeti Squadron. However, a series of tragedies within the organization (as well as Kashchey's posthumous manipulation) led to its radicalization into a terrorist organization that harasses non-Infected.
  • Establishment of Karlan Trade (1090): After studying aboard in Victoria, Enciodes Silverash returned to Kjerag, persuaded the Great Elder to open up the nation with the aid of Ratatos Browntail, and founded Karlan Trade, a state-owned business acting as Kjerag's only window to communicate with the outside world. The event also helped restore the Silverashes' status in the Parliament.[56]
  • Rhine Lab Sections Establishment (1090): Rhine Lab establishes Sections system separated as Scientific Research, Defense and Structural Sections. Saria heads the Defense Section while Kristen heads the Structural Section. Yara becomes the head of Human Resource Investigation management.
  • Death of Amiya's parents (1090): During the transport of a beam module to the Rhodes Island landship, a hired engineering team was attacked on the way. Amiya's parents were killed in action, and the young Cautus girl is rescued by the Doctor. The two would start a journey together since then.
  • The 22nd Major season (1091): Noted for the victory of Margaret Nearl the Radiant Knight over the Silver Knight and then her sudden exile due to the false accusation of having Oripathy.[55]
  • The discovery of the Lock and the Key (1091): Andoain led his teammates, Mostima, Lemuen, and Fiammetta, on a mission to deal with some Kazdelian mercenaries, only to bump into an ancient ruin where the Black Lock and the White Key were found. The incident led to Andoain's betrayal, Mostima becoming a fallen Sankta, and Lemuen falling into coma for the next five years.[64]
  • HydeBro manipulation (ca. July, 1091): The Columbian corporation Simon Co. failed in a business struggle against its rival HydeBro, leading to the incarceration of the Simons in Bunkerhill and their son Anthony been kept inside Mansfield for protection for the next six years.
  • Purge of the Texans (1092): In response to the rebellion started by Giuseppe Texas, the Signora dispatched the Dodici Famiglie to conduct a bloody purge onto the once glorious Famiglia Texas in Columbia, with Cellina being the sole survivor.[65]
  • Amiya and the Doctor return to Babel/Amiya's adoption by Theresa (1091)
  • New Rhine Lab Sections formed (1092): Rhine Lab establishes 2 more sections, Business and Scientific Investigation Sections. Rhine Lab also formed Engineering sections. Nasty becomes the head of Engineering Section while Justin D Fitzroy becomes the head of Business Section. Alongside the formation of new sections, Rhine Lab finished the construction of Rhine Lab Park. In the same year, Kristen formed Scientific Investigation Section against the majority of shareholders opinions.
  • Ibut unrest (1094): The event during which Fire Within the Sand takes place.
  • The 23rd Major season/The Great Kawalerielki Separation (1094): The 23rd Major season was marked by numerous events. Firstly, The Great Kawalerielki Separation happened: Leithanian terrorists paralyzed the capital's engines during the docking of the four nomadic cities, causing them to separate forcefully from one another through a total blackout.[66] The Major's finals concluded with the victory of the Infected Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight over the Savage Knight, and led to the implementation of the Infected Participation System, allowing the Infected to earn knighthood for the first time in Kazimierz's history.[55][67]
  • Siege of Babel/Foundation of Rhodes Island. (ca. autumn, 1094): Theresis and the Military Commission launched a siege against Babel and conducted a "decapitation operation" against Theresa. The ultimate result was Theresa's death, a heavy casualty in Babel that forced Kal'tsit to conceal the Doctor inside the Chernobog Sarcophagus, and caused the disbandment of the organization.[68] Following the battle, the remaining survivors eventually reorganized themselves into Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company dedicated to search for the cure of Oripathy, and used this façade to carry on Theresa's plan of restoring Kazdel's peace.
  • Kazdelian occupation of Londinium (ca. 1094): The Duke of Stafford started a rebellion against the Parliament, and the Duke of Cavendish invited Regent Theresis of Kazdel to pacify the worsening royal feud and crushed the rebellion. A fight ensued between the Parliamentarian force led by the Tower and Steam Knights and the Duke's force supported by the Kazdel Millitary Commission, resulting in the latter's control of its walls, the execution of several rebellious dukes, and the formation of Eartha.[69] After Kazdel's bloody victory, Theresis settled there and ruled Kazdel from Londinium. A short period before this happened, several Victorian civilians witnessed Sarkaz mercenaries entering from the Osterlego District of Londinium.
  • A Sami prophecy (1095): A Sami Snowpriest prophesized to the entirety of Terra that the end of the world is soon to come, but Sami's surrounding neighbours, particularly Columbia and Victoria, did not heed it seriously.
  • "Project Diαbolic"/"Diαbolic Crisis" (ca. 1095): An ethically questionable experiment meant to to revive the extinct Diablo Sarkaz under the joint venture of Rhine Lab and Haydn Pharmaceutical; the event during which the Rhine Lab manhua takes place.
  • Ironforge City Leakage Incident (ca. January 1095[note 1]): A Blacksteel team was sent to investigate a Fonterra Bio Researching laboratory rumored to have been conducting experiments aiming to control Infected organisms with Arts for military purposes. However things would end in a confrontation with an unknown, yet armed enemy force which tried to prevent them from reaching the lab.[note 1] The incident would culminate in an Originium leakage that led to Franka's infection, however the situation was successfully contained by the collaboration between Blacksteel and the local Rhodes Island branch office.[70][71] Although the information of the incident is kept in secret from the public following an agreement with the Federal Government, with the official sources claiming that it was just a leakage, it was discovered that the Department of Defense was funding Fonterra's experiments.[note 1]
  • Eruption of Mount Unna (September 3, 1095): The famous Leithanian volcanologists, the Naumanns, were killed by the erupting volcano, Mount Unna, while conducting a geological survey over there.[72]
  • Rhine Lab New Member (1096): Rhine Lab gets new addition in Dorothy Franks who became the head of Originium Arts Section.
  • The "Black Hornet" (ca. August 1096): A Catastrophe would once again hit Tkaronto just one day before the elections, leaving complete damage to numerous city plates and infrastructures; the event during which the A1 Operations Preparation Detachment manhua takes place.
    • Fang's departure: After contracting Oripathy and not being able to stand their former superior and colleagues' attitude during and following the Black Hornet, Fang and her friends would leave the Tkaronto Police Department, ending their future careers as police officers. However, Beagle would suffer an acute Oripathy attack and had to be treated by Rhodes Island personnel.[73]


  • Chernobog-Lungmen crisis (December 23, 1096 - January 8, 1097): Started by Reunion's violent actions, the cities of Chernobog and Lungmen fell into an Infected crisis until Rhodes Island's intervention; the incident during which the "Reunion Arc" takes place. See Main Theme for more info.
    • Peterheim Middle School tragedy: The event is recalled fragmentedly in Children of Ursus.
  • The taking over of Londinium's military factories (1097) : Under the Commission's order, all weapon factories in Londinium were handed over to the Kazdelians. The grandson of the renowned Steam Knights' armor blacksmith Catherine joined Eartha later that day after refusing to help produce weapons for the Kazdelian force.[74]
  • "Disappearance" of Kristen Wright (ca. 1097): Kristen Wright disappears from the public eyes, Rhine Lab shifted its focus to a joint project with the military called "Project Horizon Arc", Ferdinand Clooney plots to takeover Rhine Lab.
  • Anthony's jailbreak (ca. April 1097): After a long planning for four and a half months with the aid of others, Anthony Simon was able to escape from Mansfield. See Mansfield Break's synopsis for more info.
  • Dewville mission (ca. May ~ June 1097): The event during which Grani and the Knights' Treasure takes place.
  • Obsidian Festival fiasco (Summer, 1097): The event during which Heart of Surging Flame takes place.
  • The 8th Dossoles Warrior Championship (summer, 1097): The event during which Dossoles Holiday takes place.[75]
  • The 24th Major season (June 10 - November 6, 1097): Noted by several events such as Maria's participation, Margaret's return from exile, a second Kawalerielki Separation started by Pinus Sylvestris and the investigation of Area 0 by Rhodes Island and the Adeptus; the incident during which the "Kazimierz Major Arc" takes place. See Maria Nearl's synopsis, Pinus Sylvestris' synopsis, and Near Light's synopsis for more info.
  • Wolumonde uprising (ca. Autumn, 1097): the eponymous uprising started by Mudrock and the locals in response to their neglection during the Great Rift. See Twilight of Wolumonde's synopsis for more info.
  • Sauin "gag" (ca. October 31, 1097): The event during which Code of Brawl takes place.
  • Caledon incident (November 19 - December 24, 1097): the event during which A Light Spark in Darkness takes place.
  • The siege of Londinium (ca. November, 1097): In response to Kazdel's occupation of the Victorian capital, eight Grand Dukes assembled their forces and made their advancement to recapture the city, thus escalating the crisis.
  • Snowcap Incident (December 1097): A coup d'état launched by Enciodes Silverash in order to subjugate the Paleroches and the Browntails. See Break the Ice's synopsis and Snowcap Incident for more info.


  • Hillock atrocity (January 2, 1098): The eponymous event started by the local garrison soldiers to suppress a Taran uprising supported by Dublinn. See Episode 09 for more info.[note 2]
  • Gavial's homecoming (ca. mid-June, 1098): the event during which The Great Chief Returns takes place.[note 3][note 4][note 5]
  • The Londinium crisis (July 7, 1098 - ?): A bitter battle in Londinium with numerous factions involving, which will result in a potential civil war in the declining empire; the incident during which the "Victoria Arc" of the main story takes place. See Episode 10 for more info.
  • Sal Viento incident (ca. November ~ December 1098): The incident during which Under Tides takes place.[note 6]


  • The 1st Lateran Summit of Nations (March 18, 1099): In order to commemorate the establishment of the Lateran Legati, Pope Yvangelista XI held the first international conference in Terra's history to discuss future worldwide security along with his speech that will be named the Lateran Declaration by future generations. See Guide Ahead's synopsis for more info.
  • Revitalization of Siesta's economy/eruption of the Siestan Volcano (August 1099[76]): The event during which So Long, Adele takes place.
  • The Volsinii unrest (ca. Autumn 1099): The event during which Il Siracusano takes place.
  • Research Base 359 incident (October 1099): The event during which Dorothy's Vision takes place.
  • Recovery of Sanctilaminium Ambrosii (ca. October 1 ~ 3, 1099): The lost mobile monastery that went off its course 6 decades ago reappeared near Laterano. The event during which Hortus de Escapismo takes place.
    • Canonization of Federico Giallo (September 29, 1099) : Federico Giallo, an executor from Laterano Notarial Hall is granted the status and title of "Saint" from Pope Yvangelista XI. This marks the first time ever since the foundation of Laterano a non-Papal Sankta has ever been granted the "Saint" title, granting Federico the same status as the Sankta who built the city-state of Laterano and the Popes themselves.
  • Vyseheim terroranschlag (ca. mid to late October, 1099): The event during which Lingering Echoes takes place.[77]
  • "Horizon Arc Project"/The "Trimounts Arc" (November 21, 1099): Originally a superweapon program conducted by both Rhine Lab and the D.O.D. that later became the first attempt by the current Terran generation to penetrate the "Starpod;" the event during which Lone Trail takes place.
  • Publication of Terra: A Journey (ca. late December, 1099): After fifty years of research, E.E. Erikson the renowned Victorian scholar, published the first encyclopedia on Terra compiling history and culture of Terran nations as well as his research on Originium.

12th century


  • Davistown bank robbery (ca. late December 1099 ~ early January 1100): the event where Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures takes place.
  • Sanctiilamonium Ambrosii Renovation and Return to Laterano (21 February 1100): The lost monastery has been repaired and it will resume its operation around Laterano territory. A former Cardinal from the Fifth Tribunal has also been appointed as its new Bishop.[78]
  • Kjeragandr Statue Construction in Lake Silbernherze finished (ca. spring 1100): The construction of the Kjeragandr Statue in Lake Silberneherze has been finished. On behalf of the village, Enciodes Silverash invited representatives from the Kazimierz General Chamber of Commerce, Rhine Lab from Columbia and Viscount Harold Craigavon from Victoria. The event which The Rides to Lake Silberneherze takes place.[79][80]
    • Starpod Research Station construction: Rhine Lab and Karlan Trade managed to reach an agreement in regards to the construction of a Starpod Research Station near the peak of Mount Karlan. The research station will also serve as test launch site in the future with Karlan Trade handling its construction solely using manpower from Kjerag.
    • Laterano and Kjerag budding relationship: Prior to the event, Ensia Silverash helped a Notarial Hall executor named Samara to track down an exiled Sankta which ends up with her meeting Cardinal Velliv in which she nominated herself to become a liaison between Kjerag and Laterano.[81]
  • The evacuation of Zeruertza (ca. late summer - early autumn 1100): The event during which Ideal City takes place.[note 7]
  • The "Stimmverlust" (September 1100): During the 23rd Anniversary of the Septemberaufstand, it's said that one of the Twin Empresses' had "lost her voice."[82] See Zwillingstürme im Herbst's synopsis for more info.
    • The Liches' Departure from Leithanien: The Liches Sarkaz finally departed Leithanien after getting involved in the Stimmverlust after being there for more than five centuries.
    • The arrest of Arturia Giallo: The infamous Laterano fugitive, Arturia Giallo, is arrested during the event by the Leithanien's Twin Empresses' Guards for her involvement in the incident in the Ludwig University. Saint Federico Giallo later reported her arrest to Pope Yvangelista XI.
  • The Gran Faro-Millarium incident (approx. July ~ December 1100): The incident where Stultifera Navis, Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, and Path of Life take place:[note 6]
    • Gran Faro incident (approx. July ~ September 1100): An attempt to recapture the last Iberian lighthouse and search for the lost Stultifera Navis. See Stultifera Navis' synopsis for more info.[note 6]
    • The Doctor and Mizuki's Seaborn investigation: The event during which Mizuki & Caerula Arbor takes space, of which only the first ending is canonical. Most of the alternate endings and events described in Memory Selections, that are projected doomsday scenarii for Terra caused by the Seaborn, happen at a much later date than any of the other events, sometimes even millennia.[note 8][note 9]
    • Millarium's Project Pathway (ca. November ~ December 1100): Millarium, the nearest Aegirian city to Iberia, initiated "Project Pathway" to reestablish connection between Aegir and the land nations. See Path of Life/Synopsis for more info.
    • Aegir's declaration to the land nations: Shortly after Path of Life, Aegir broadcasted an audio declaration to the land nations, leading to its discovery received in DISCOVERED TERRA 3.0. Notable nations that received its message are Columbia and Siracusa.
  • Yan's government secret meeting (ca. 1101): In response to the worsening condition across Terra, a secret meeting was held in Yan to discuss future preparation. Twenty-eight decrees were proclaimed publicly while the remaining two were kept in secret to deal with the increasing threat from the northern Collapsals, the Seaborn, and the revival of Sui.[82]
  • The Sui siblings' reunion/Sui's revival (ca. 1101-1102): The story for the Sui saga (Who is Real, Invitation to Wine, Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow and Here a People Sows).[83]
    • Journey to Kou-wu (ca. late autumn - early winter 1101)[84]
    • Journey to Shangshu (ca. late winter 1101 - early spring 1102)[82]
    • The Yumen unrest (March 1102)
    • Demonic pollution of Dahuang (ca. May–June 1102)[85]

Undated events

The following events are noted to happen earlier or in the future but without a specific time and/or with time that is hard to estimate.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 From "Ironforge City Incident Report," epilogue of Rhodes Island's Records of Originium: Blacksteel physical comic. See here for summary.
  2. Before the proper incident, civil unrest had been ongoing since last autumn, as stated in FC-5 After
  3. Breogan's key is entrusted to AUS at the end of the Obsidian Festival and is given to Gladiia in Stultifera Navis. Since Tomimi says in RI-2 that "Around this time last year, (...) people calling themselves AUS came here", and the key is still in their possession by that time, Gavial's homecoming must take place in 1098.
  4. In her HES-X Operator Module's description, Eunectes has been an operator for half a year as of December 13, thus placing this event specifically around mid-June.
  5. Corroborating this is Anterior (which takes place shortly before the Londinium Crisis) where the Doctor is said to having "being out in Sargon", presumably referring to Acahualla.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Seaborn plotline has been rather messy chronologically, but in accordance of the plot, the arrangement goes like this: Under TidesI, Namely IMerry Christmas! (which occurred around Christmas) → Lone Trail, CW-10 After (where the Doctor was already well acquainted with the Abyssal Hunters by November 1099) → Stultifera NavisPath of Life (three months after SN). BP is confirmed to occur post-CW more than a year after the "Trimounts Arc" (BP-3 Before) and three months after SN (BP-ST-1). It is also confirmed to occur after The Rides to Lake Silberneherze (BP-ST-3, in which Muelsyse returned from her trip in Kjerag). The Fifth Contact also suggests that Mizuki joined Rhodes Island earlier before Gladiia.
  7. Inam refers to Gavial's first return to Acahualla as having occurred "the year before last" in IC-5
  8. While the non-canonical endings and Memory Selections take place in a long span of time, the Doctor's investigation itself occurs around the time of the Gran Faro incident: many nodes, such as "The Beginning" and "Lingering Glimmer", imply the events of Stultifera Navis as being recent. Ishar-mla's awakening in the three non-canonical endings can also be attributed to the Abyssal Hunters returning to Aegir with the ship, according to the plan of the bishops of the Deep uncovered by Ulpianus.
  9. In the canonical ending, Highmore is brought to Rhodes Island when "The Hunters from Ægir had only just finished their report at the Rhodes Island Landship and left when Tulip and Mizuki sent us such a big surprise. Even Dr. Kal'tsit was still in talks with Iberia".
  10. The discovery of The Door happened around 1099, though the exact month remains unclear.
  11. Iana's module mentioned that it has been 41 days since she and her squad were transported to Terra. It also mentioned the fact that Project Horizon Arc happened recently making it approximately happening in very late 1099 to early 1100 with no exact month.
  12. The reconstruction took place sometime after 1100. This is inferred from the fact that Aegir is well aware of the Door's reconstruction by the time of Path of Life.


  1. CW-ST-3
  2. Amiya's CCR-Y Operator Module description
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mizuki's AMB-Y Module description
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 RETRACED TERRA
  5. Deep, Dark Dream
  6. pg 317-318, "Yan: A Fair Glance," Terra: A Journey.
  7. WR-10 Before
  8. BI-1 After
  9. 9.0 9.1 FC-8 Before
  10. GA-6 After
  11. 11.0 11.1 Stories from the Sky
  12. Correspondences from Laterano#3
  13. 11-4
  14. Reed the Flame Shadow's Archive Files
  15. WD-8 Before
  16. Near Light Epilogue 3
  17. 10-19
  18. ZT-ST-2
  19. 19.0 19.1 FC-3 Before
  20. 11-14 After
  21. 21.0 21.1 FC-8 After
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 DH-ST-3
  23. pg. 51-52, "The First Modern Nomadic City," Terra: A Journey.
  24. p. 420, "Timeline of Terran History: Chart," Terra: A Journey.
  25. Vigna's CHG-Y Operator Module description
  26. RI-9
  27. 6-1 Before
  28. ZT-4 After
  29. Bassline's Archive Files
  30. pg. 263-264, "Siracusa," Terra: A Journey.
  31. Blemishine's Archive Files
  32. 10-16 After
  33. Kal'tsit's Archive Files
  34. CV-5 After
  35. Phantom and Crimson Solitaire Theater Promotion Board
  36. IS-8 Before
  37. CW-2 Before
  38. Pudding's CHA-Y Operator Module description
  39. 39.0 39.1 Home
  40. Siesta
  41. GA-ST-1
  42. Reed's Archive Files
  43. END8-1
  44. 44.0 44.1 11-1
  45. 11-2 Before
  46. IW-6 Before
  47. NL-10 After
  48. 48.0 48.1 WD-3 After
  49. 6-13
  50. M8-8 After
  51. 7-20
  52. WB-1 Before
  53. NL-ST-4
  54. Nearl the Radiant Knight's DRE-X Operator Module description
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 Voice of Rosebud 14
  56. 56.0 56.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :4
  57. Chapter 1, Prelude Suite: Keen-Edge, Silver Blade
  58. Gnosis's Archive Files
  59. RS-6 After
  60. WD-8 After
  61. Chapter 2, A1 Operations Preparation Detachment
  62. Unbreakable Ice
  63. CB-7 Before
  64. Fiammetta's Archive Files
  65. IS-7 Before
  66. NL-4 Before
  67. MN-4 After
  68. DM-6 Before
  69. 10-5 Before
  70. OD-1 After
  71. Chapter 3, Rhodes Island's Records of Originium: Blacksteel
  72. SL-4 Before
  73. Chapter 9, A1 Operations Preparation Detachment
  74. 11-3
  75. DH-ST-1
  76. SL-2 Before
  77. Departure Application Attachments
  78. Ephemeris Episcopi
  79. RS-ST-1
  80. "Summer's already on its way" RS-5
  81. Cliffheart 2nd Operator Record
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 IW-9 Before
  83. WB-3 Before
  84. WR-8 After
  85. Zuo Le's Archive Files