Operation story: NL-4

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Kazimierzian Knight B icon.png
A Cheering Knight
Kazimierzian Knight A icon.png
A Spectating Knight
Kazimierzian Knight C icon.png
A Kazimierz Knight
Kazimierzian Knight C icon.png
A Popcorn-Clutching Knight
Kazimierzian Knight C icon.png
An Audience Knight
Female Lungmenite icon.png
An Audience Member A
Male Lungmenite icon.png
An Audience Member B
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
An Infected Knight
Armorless Union Assassin icon.png
An Armorless Union Member
Nearl Estate Living Room
Kazimierz Ghetto
Kazimierz Lounge
Kazimierz Avenue
Champion's Hall
Kawalerielki Arena Tribune Night
Kawalerielki Arena Night
Kazimierz Bar
Kazimierz Alley

Before operation

The Infected knights are preparing to once again trigger a Great Separation, and Rhodes Island continues to jostle with the General Chamber. Under this climate, Margaret welcomes her showdown with the Candle Knight.
<Background 1>
Zofia Her very first time entering a knight competition, Viviana Droste earned a title; "Glimmer" Viviana. Three years later, with her Major debut, she became one of the Grands, taking on the honorific title "The Candle Knight."
In terms of talent, she's the youngest any of the ten Grand Knights have ever been. In terms of strength, hers is still growing to this day. She can't be taken lightly.
[Zofia sees Margaret spacing out.]
Zofia Margaret, are you listening?
Margaret Yes. I'm just reminiscing some.
Maria Auntie, is this like how you and Margaret... used to take on the Major?
Zofia Well, if you want to talk then... heheh.
A certain someone always vanished after a match ended, either holing up in her room studying deep into her next opponent's traits, or secretly running off to train her swordhand with Młynar...
I still remember us all agreeing to celebrate with a feast the first time Margaret won, and in the end she let it completely slip her mind.
When we found her, she was dragging her battered body, attempting her own Arts in the garden.
I did want to ask right then, aren't you freezing?
Margaret It was because my Arts can alleviate pain, too, so...
Zofia So ultimately it's not proper treatment, or else what value would modern medicine even have?
Margaret Heheh... I won't argue with that.
I know many a doctor that would astonish you. It's thanks to their invaluable techniques that rescuing others is no longer a far-fetched notion.
Zofia Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals? Or was it those two Sarkaz women?
Margaret Both. They're all in the fight against suffering.
Maria Come to mention it, Miss Shining and Miss Nightingale went to link up with friends from Rhodes Island, didn't they?
I'm not sure how they're doing right now.
Margaret No matter if they're in the Grand Knight Territory, they're still giving all they have to assist the Infected. I believe in them.
But what I myself must do is unrelated to Rhodes Island's will. I can't force this responsibility upon them.
Hence why I separated from Rhodes Island.
Maria Margaret... take a little care of yourself too, when you can.
Zofia There's something fine for you to say. If you want to talk mess, Maria, you've been SO much worse.
Maria ...Haha...
Zofia Alright–anyhow.
What's the plan of action now? I don't think training would have much meaning to you now, personally speaking.
But this is your first time in years facing a Grand Knight. Should we have a little exercise, get back to peak condition?
Margaret If you would, Zofia.
Zofia Brilliant.
Maria, you're up.
Maria Er, um? I thought I was fine to just sit and watch?
Zofia Sit and watch? I didn't ask you to bring your equipment for no reason, did I? Didn't you see what happened last time? Do you want me taking the Radiant Knight alone again?
Maria Ungh...
Margaret Zofia, if she isn't willing...
Zofia And don't you coddle her!
Margaret Very well.
Maria A–Am I sparring with Margaret? I've never...
Zofia When Margaret was competing, you were just a little girl. Though you still are now.
Maria Yes, yes!
Zofia Let's give our Radiant Knight a little taste of how independent knight, Maria Nearl, toppled Left-hand Knight.
Maria Okay!
Alright, Margaret... let's go!
Margaret ......
Very well.
Meeting Maria's gaze, the words of a certain someone suddenly pop into the Radiant Knight's mind.
Has she renounced... the path of knighthood?
Was it I–who made her give it up?
<Background 2>
Młynar I'm aware, I'm aware... the scheduling for next week's meeting is already in place. Yes. I will not be absent.
I assure you I'll see the work delegated to me through. Yes, I'm very sorry. No... it's nothing to do with the Radiant Knight. I remain an employee of the company. I'll accomplish whatever business is at hand.
It has absolutely nothing to do with my status. Sir, please leave me out of this mockery. They're unrelated matters and nothing else...
Thank you. Alright, I'll see you next week at the meeting.
[Mlynar hangs up...]
Młynar ......
[...as Toland shows himself up out of nowhere.]
Toland Someone's a singleton, huh?
Is this what the Radiant Knight and her sister do too? Never come back home?
Młynar Toland. I've warned you, don't set foot on my carpet whenever you please.
The Armorless Union's eye is firmly fixed upon you. Are you planning to drag me down alongside?
Toland Now that's beyond my wildest dreams. Relax. As long as they don't fold their big slippery kill-men in, how are a bunch of armed lackeys ever gonna track me down?
I'm not winning in a fight, this city's their turf. But if they want to catch me, they'll have to show they want it.
Młynar Are you asking me to praise your audacity?
Toland Now that'd be something else. A high knight praising me, some lowlife? I wouldn't carry that weight, would I?
Młynar I am no longer a knight.
Toland Not even today, with the Radiant Knight getting her title back?
Młynar Shamelessness.
Why are you here?
Toland C'mon, I didn't come to the Grand Knight Territory just for you, Mister Knightsir... but in seriousness, if I could talk you into lending a hand to us, that'd be a fine, fine thing.
Młynar I regretfully inform you, this matter is already settled.
Toland Even though I've given a hundred percent to protecting your little Nearl nieces?
Młynar Even then.
Toland Alright, fine.
Maybe you really have changed. Młynar. I'm just giving you a heads up...
I passed by the border of Kawalerielki today. Those districts were originally a city of their own, right?
You still remember the sight we saw when we came back to the GKT together, back when we were young?
Miles of camps outside the city knocked together by the refugees and the poor, bonfires in the evening lighting up the faces of the homeless.
Infected, bandits, farmers, workers, even knight nobility thrown to the beasts. If tragedy was a melting pot, there it melted.
The sobbing and the anger all mixing together, people to the side being robbed and killed. They just shuffled their bodies around, trying to give themselves a better sleep.
Młynar ......
Toland Ha... I know you wouldn't forget. I know you... you've just been angry for too long, lost hope.
Młynar I won't need you to help me decide.
Toland The Armorless Union is cleaning out the Infected's haunt tonight. The coordinates are on this sheet.
Młynar And what do the Infected knights... have to do with me?
Toland Oh, Kazimierz is loaded with ways to treat the Infected. Even if they drive them to take each other's lives like gladiators, they still beat Ursus by a long shot.
–But the workers infected in the building of the city, the farmers infected when they couldn't escape Catastrophe, and the survivors struggling so they can become knights?
They'll die like wretches before your eyes. What the Infected will go through will directly impact how public opinion determines the Radiant Knight. And then, in the end, everything you love will be swept into the storm that follows.
Młynar You don't need to threaten me.
What about you, then?
Toland I'll help out a bit, "as I feel it." If it really comes down to it, I might risk my neck a little.
Pinus Sylvestris is an important potential partner of ours, and I want to pull them in with us. Ha, sure, they're Infected, but they're big fancy knights, just like you, aren't they?
And that's about that... I'll give you a final touch of advice, Młynar.
The big picture's coming together. Staying out of it won't get you anywhere, anymore.
<Background 3>
Sona All present, then?
[Everyone on the Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub as well as their ally Szewczyk the Plastic Knight is accounted for.]
Plastic Knight Since when did you have so many people?
Greynuty However many knights have been oppressed, are however many knights here.
Drop the idea that you're the only one who's suffered and wants to rebel, Szewczyk.
Plastic Knight ......
An Infected Knight "Plastic" Szewczyk. I've got no prejudice against pets of the General Chamber like you, but I can't say how happy I am, still seeing some will to rebel in your eyes.
Justyna Everyone still has a trace of it. The unwillingness to drift with the tide.
Iwona Hah! Drifting with the tide's one thing, but this swell's gonna beat us dead clear as day in the darkest dump around! And that's sure as hell not their call to make!
Sona The plan's very simple.
Three years ago, on the day before that Major, the moment the four cities were about to link up, the core city power plant got paralyzed by terrorists.
In order to merge smoothly, each district already had its own engines shut off. When the core city's power dropped out of them in that state, every district was forced to switch over to their independent power systems, which included their cities' engines.
At that point, in order to stop the districts colliding, the Grand Knight Territory was forced to completely scatter apart.
Justyna The Great Kawalerielki Separation.
Sona Yep.
But this time, while the Major's on, we're going to completely cut the lights in all the Grand Knight Territory's arenas.
An Infected Knight I've heard it multiple times and it still sounds crazy. Can we really pull this off all on our own?
If the Grand Knight Territory fell this easy, then Ursus would've razed Kazimierz to the ground ages ago.
Plastic Knight Does this tie in with your... "Sprawiedliwi friends?"
Strange. The Adeptus allowing the Separation to rear its scandalous head again? What are they calculating?
Iwona Hah, what, the biggest scandal wasn't getting rode out by the business suits?
Plastic Knight What's the specific plan?
Sona Tomorrow evening, Greynuty's taking a team to shock-attack the Grand Knight Territory power plant.
Ordinarily, it's heavily guarded down there, but on this occasion, the Adeptus are gonna deliberately leave an opening... to give us "something to exploit."
An Infected Knight If the Adeptus are willing to help us so much, why don't they just do this themselves?
Sona Haha, they don't exactly speak in unity. Not just the Adeptus, the law-and-order National Council, the Knights Association, even the General Chamber of Commerce...
We've seen our fair shares of the volatile human condition. Since when would they ever be so simple?
Justyna, you go with Ashley.
After you complete your mission, cover them while they withdraw, then rush for the General Chamber building three kilometers out. Szewczyk'll be there to back you up at the designated spot.
As for you, Iwona, you're gonna have to handle the Armorless Union.
Iwona Aha, just what I wanted to hear!
Sona The Armorless are already watching this place, so we won't get to pull this off so smooth. You've gotta find some way to proactively get them into a fight, Iwona, draw their attention away.
Of course, if any "elites" show up, you've gotta hit the brakes, turn tail, and scram.
Iwona Got it.
Greynuty The next time we hold a celebration dinner, I don't want your seat empty. I'll have no one to drink with, otherwise.
Iwona Relax. As long as you don't mess up and electrocute yourself, I'll keep with you to the bitter end.
Sona Finally... with the help of a few conscientious reporters, we've found a passage to infiltrate the General Chamber of Commerce.
The entrance to the Chamber building's freight elevator is underground. Usually it's only Messengers and porters that go through there–
–Of course, even a freight elevator has its cameras. It won't be as easy as that.
But at the time of the last Great Kawalerielki Separation, with the power out, a Messenger trapped in the elevator escaped by himself, then got caught by a reporter for an interview–
He got into the elevator well through the air vent, climbed up, all the way to the fourth floor meeting rooms.
Our objective's the penthouse computer room. Once we steal the data, I'll find a way to immediately upload it to your terminals, and all of you can get the material–
Greynuty –So that this'll work, even if you don't make it out?
You can't tell me anything of the sort, Sona. I'm disappointed in you. Even if it succeeds, this operation won't mean anything at all.
Justyna Not just you.
Assaulting the power facilities. Facing the Armorless Union. Not a single aspect of this is safe.
Szewczyk You want "safety" now? Hmph, if the Armorless really do send assassins for us, it'll be nothing but playing hunter.
And moreover, we're certain to be the prey. Anyone who's not prepared for this, I suggest you back out right now. Don't drag us down when the time comes.
An Infected Knight We have no way out in the first place, Sir Knight.
We were prepared for this long ago, because we never even needed to prepare.
Sona What we genuinely need amounts to two things.
The truth of Area 0–the cage for the Infected secretly built by the General Chamber–we need to let the whole world know about it.
And the Armorless Union's "roster." To put it in perspective, even the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi doesn't know how many are on that list... In the worst-case scenario, it'll all have been a ruse set up by those spymasters in the first place.
Even so, as long as we succeed in handing these two things over to the Adeptus, we can get our legal papers back... and we won't ever be anyone else's playthings again.
As long as we give the Adeptus a reasonable motive to investigate Area 0 and the Armorless Union, it'll be the best attack they could ever make on the General Chamber of Commerce.
Win or lose, this is the moment.
[Greynuty, Iwona, and the P.S. knight gives off a confident look that they will be able to carry out the plan smoothly.]
Sona Alright! I like those looks in your eyes!
[Sona looks somewhere.]
Sona Well then... anything weighing on you, Toland Cash?
You ought to show your face after eavesdropping for so long, right? Iwona's told us already. We won't pull anything on you.
Szewczyk What?
[Toland reveals himself.]
Toland It's a bold plan. Infected and knightpeople, pleased to meet you.
Szewczyk A bounty hunter? Flametail, you never mentioned an outsider like this taking part in the fight.
Toland You can't stand bounty hunters? Very sorry, but I've got my own share of hate for knights–
Szewczyk ......
Toland But I imagine the fancy knights know to take stock of a situation, especially ones like you, giving up your knighthood for your family. Factually admirable, I tell you.
So what I think, is that maybe you might need a little help in other ways–no, that's fine if you don't trust me–for example, a blueprint of the K.G.C.C. Tower's internal structure.
Justyna Where did you get it?
Toland There's more ways than you know, Miss, but human connections work best.
Sona If you want to join in on us, fine. But. Hm, just as an interview, I want to hear your reasons.
Toland Reasons?
Ahh... you can already see the K.G.C.C. building from this angle. It's one you can catch from any dim alley in the Grand Knight Territory.
I want to see it crumble. It's that simple.
Sona Why?
Toland Have you ever been to one of those villages hammered by taxation and Catastrophes?
I've been. I see them fight over things. I see them run fugitive. I see them pass on.
I've been to many a place.
Sona It sounds like you've got plentiful experience.
Iwona Hah, don't look at me. I thought he was a decent sight from the beginning, right?
"Justice Knight" (A beeping noise)
Justyna No objection.
Greynuty It's your call.
Szewczyk ......
Sona Alright, then. Welcome to the club, Mr. Toland.
<Background 4>
Amiya Doctor!
Doctor You're working hard. / (Nod in greeting) ...... / Burning the midnight oil?
Amiya Ah... mm, I'm alright. All the Medic Operators have been hard at work too.
The Infected knights... I thought they were a special case in Kazimierz, but they number far more than I imagined.
They even have scarring from beast bites... it's precisely because of this that ordinary hospitals are so hesitant to accept wounded Infected for treatment.
Doctor Hm?
Amiya No... I can't shake this feeling that something, somewhere isn't normal.
There's nothing wrong with building an Infected treatment facility in an isolated district, but the people who've accepted treatment, they've all been "knights"...
If it were just for handling Infected knights, they shouldn't have needed to go to so much trouble.
What I mean is... there might be quite a few Infected knights... but how many people–is this nomadic platform able to contain?
The other sections... the workers won't let us near them, but what are those areas–doing?
Doctor Let me worry about this.
I'll ask Gravel if she knows anything.
You need to get some rest first.
Amiya Alright!
Don't push yourself too hard, Doctor. The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi's knights might be treating us politely thanks to our ties with Miss Nearl, but this is still Kazimierz's core in the end.
That's right, where's Gravel? Wasn't she staying at your side?
Doctor I asked her for some company info from the K.G.C.C.
If I can, I want a meeting with the spokespeople and our partners.
Amiya Ah... but given you're the one requesting it...
Doctor, you have to be careful when you're dealing with those businesspeople.
I've been hearing of all sorts of rumors from the knights these past few days...
Ah, that's right, I heard about Nearl's performance! Quite a few of the Infected knights coming for treatment are fans of hers!
I'd known "The Radiant Knight" held weight in Kazimierz, but never imagined this scale.
I hear Nearl's sister's old enough to fight in the knight competitions, so actually she must be older than me, even... if we get the chance, I'd really like to meet her.
[Someone knocks the door, who is revealed to be Hibiscus as she enters.]
Hibiscus Amiya! You're here too, Doctor!
Amiya Ah, Hibiscus. Any news?
Hibiscus Well... it's a little hard for me to put... um.
The knights who came in today were talking about "demonic treatment," "the shady doctor from Kazdel" and the like...
We wouldn't... advertise like that, would we? To be honest, it should be "the health administering maestro from Kazdel" anyway!
Amiya I–I'll consult Gravel and the spokesman. How did it end up like this?
Hibiscus Oh! But–getting a little famous isn't so bad, either. I've been here a while, and you do get to see the same faces from time to time.
With such frequent injuries, it seems like competing as a knight isn't much of an easy job.
Amiya ......
Hibiscus But–I did previously tend to an Infected who was seriously hurt, and I haven't seen him for the past few days. Who knows how his recovery's been going...
Amiya Do you mean Mr. Silverlamp Knight?
Hibiscus Right-right-right, and after I finished basic treatment, he got hauled off by a Knights Association person... I don't know where he's gone.
Ah, I see someone waving at me! I need to head over right away! Amiya, don't forget to ask what's going on with that for me!
[Hibiscus leaves.]
Amiya These Infected knights look... permanently exhausted, going by their faces.
Some may have won matches, gotten considerable prize money, but still can't muster their spirits at all.
It's not like I've never seen this look before. It's just like fighting to the death has filled their entire lives to the point they could burst, and they can't bear even the slightest hope or optimism.
The Infected knight competitions... are simply treating the Infected as entertainment products.
I'm starting to understand a little, what Nearl is here for.
[Someone knocks the door again.]
Amiya Ah, come in.
(Doctor, are you always so busy in here?)
[Malkiewicz enters the room.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz Dr. {nickname}, about that meeting you mentioned last time–I've gotten it all set up and ready.
Oh? Am I interrupting yours and Miss Amiya's conversation?
Amiya It's perfectly fine, Mr. Malkiewicz.
Spokesman Malkiewicz A few medical corporations collaborating with Rhodes Island are deeply interested in your firm's services and technology. Of course, even with a mind for simple friendship, they'd still love to have dinner with you.
However... if you'd allow me to warn you. If Miss Amiya is to participate... she is ultimately Infected, and I worry you'll be treated in unneeded ways.
Amiya It's alright, I'm already used to it.
Spokesman Malkiewicz My apologies.
By the way, Dr. {nickname}, here's the business magazine you mentioned before... I didn't expect you to take such an interest in Kazimierz's economic situation.
Do you plan to open a subsidiary in Kazimierz? I've heard your firm keeps a "branch office" in our nation.
Amiya –?
(D–Doctor, our branch office shouldn't have been officially communicated to the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi yet, right? Did they already... investigate their way to it?)
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Just wanted to get an idea of the Chamber.
Spokesman Malkiewicz You've made the right choice.
I myself only recently began to understand them, but if you truly want to figure out the "General Chamber of Commerce," you won't go wrong starting with the "commerce" part.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I did want to get a look into Kazimierz's situation.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Haha, if you do plan to start a business in the Grand Knight Territory someday, be sure to contact me. I'll find you the best team of lawyers for Rhodes Island.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Do you regard Rhodes Island well?
Spokesman Malkiewicz To tell the truth, Rhodes Island's technology and corporate culture... do deeply move me.
I'm not saying it out of politeness. I believe 90% of Kazimierz's citizens would agree the Infected form an issue, but the majority of the time, none of them want to solve it.
Rather than avoiding the problem via violence, there's "treatment." Yes, Oripathy is just an illness in the end, isn't it?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Spokesman Malkiewicz But...
Doctor Something seems to be worrying you. / What's on your mind?
Spokesman Malkiewicz There was an accident in which an Infected passed away on the field, not long ago.
I'm not casting judgment on this incident itself. I'm saying the force of public opinion is greater than we can imagine.
I'm no professional at all, but I think of, and you understand better than me, an Infected dying from overcasting in the arena inviting uncontrollable danger, and how great that danger is–
–Despite it being, in my eyes, near-deliberate harassment, an unjust confrontation... the fact of the matter is, the barbs of the masses from far and wide are aimed at the Infected.
Amiya Mr. Malkiewicz.
It's not the first time the Infected have been through something like this, and it won't be the last.
In places beyond Kazimierz, what Infected go through far surpass what you've seen.
Spokesman Malkiewicz A partner of mine, from before I was a spokesman, was once the Rose Paper Union's Executive Director of Publishing.
I quickly came to recognize "the terror of gossip," Miss Amiya, Dr. {nickname}.
Perhaps opinion as of late will impact your work. I'll do my best to placate the moods of the workers and those receiving treatment.
Amiya Thank you very much, Mr. Malkiewicz.
Spokesman Malkiewicz It's the least I can do.
It seems I still have a little time today... Dr. {nickname}, did we have an appointment prior?
If you're free, do let me tour you around Kazimierz a bit.
Doctor Can Amiya come with us? / I'm not the only one who admires Kazimierz's splendor.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Of course, so long as the formalities and credentials are in hand, an Infected such as Miss Amiya is free to act as she wishes.
Amiya I–I'll be fine, I still need to check in with all our Medic Operators to–
Spokesman Malkiewicz Appropriate rest is very important, Miss Amiya. Additionally, the patient who just arrived is the last for today.
Amiya Really?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Well, then, we'll meet downstairs in ten minutes.
<Background 5>
Roy Malkiewicz has gotten real close to Rhodes Island lately. Oof, that's not good.
Monique The Board of Directors hasn't classified Rhodes Island as a target... which can only mean Darksteel has a different view of Rhodes Island.
Roy The three of them have foresight a mile better than the average suits. How many years have they hung around in Kazimierz?
Monique What's the point? They're still just the pawns of the K.G.C.C.
Roy Sometimes, foresight means "forget beating the rules that don't benefit you, you've gotta learn to use them, join them."
Yeah, of course the young bunch and the "ooh, look at me, look at my glory" knights aren't gonna approve of that argument, but it's everywhere, and if you want the truth of society, there it is.
Monique What makes your theory so different from all those corporate employees?
Roy The difference is... we're strong enough.
Monique Don't see the logic.
Roy Haha, let's just get back to business. The Board's already made a decision vis-a-vis the Infected purge order.
Monique So soon?
Roy I told the people upstairs about the Infected knights' plans to riot, after all.
Make them realize in advance. Let them be aware "the Grand Knight Territory is about to face an Infected attack."
That's the only way we'll get any space made to operate.
Monique So, then...
Roy We're still tidying a few Infected as appropriate.
Monique Hmph, could've saved your breath from the start.
Roy We've gotta do what we've gotta do, and if we don't do it with enough smarts, we'll invite our own killers in.
There sure aren't any heroes in Kazimierz. Look at the bustling street before us. Who'd waste the energy standing off with this city?
<Background 6>
An Aged Knight Kazimierz's champions–they still carry the people away in this day and age. *chuckle* Truly wondrous.
Gravel ......
An Aged Knight You want to say... it's because I'm old, don't you?
Gravel I would never regard you in that matter.
Your Excellency, these documents are classified by the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi. Will handing them over to Rhodes Island...
An Aged Knight I haven't reached senility yet.
Gravel That wasn't my meaning.
An Aged Knight ...Senomy.
Gravel Yes.
An Aged Knight I hear... you never actually offered your patriarch your true name.
We simply "have a hold on your name," haven't yet earned your loyalty...
Gravel Your Excellency, Grand Knight, I was sold as a slave into Kazimierz, no more.
I'm deeply honored I could receive the appreciation of the master of the house, but how can someone like me have anything to do with the act of offering a true name?
An Aged Knight ...I see.
You've been in contact with Rhodes Island for a time, now. How's it been?
Gravel I believe myself to have already earned a... portion of Rhodes Island's trust.
An Aged Knight That's not what I mind at all, Senomy. What I mind is, has Rhodes Island won your trust?
Gravel ...I...
An Aged Knight Campaign knights are servicemen. You're abiding strictly to your duties, fighting bravely for Kazimierz.
You're still so young. Why constrain your own mind?
All we can give the young is the kindling. It's up to you to light the fire.
Gravel ......
An Aged Knight You don't like Rhodes Island?
Gravel No... it's just...
If we suppose providing care to the Infected like that is "justice," then–what Kazimierz, the Adeptus have been doing for so long–how are we meant to we regard that?
An Aged Knight Go and find out yourself. You've still got a long, long road ahead.
he Armorless Union's begun to move. I assume, before the Major hits fever pitch, they want to eliminate the Infected threat.
Gravel –Do they really plan to hold a massacre inside the city?
An Aged Knight They have cause to. The Infected are indeed planning an attack on the General Chamber's tower. That's not an easy thing to handle.
Gravel ......
An Aged Knight Margaret Nearl–she resembles her grandfather quite a bit.
Gravel She's very unlikely to stay out of this.
An Aged Knight She's also an exceptional case. Whether the Infected, or the Armorless, they hide outside of the rules drawn up by themselves, and so, suffer the cruelest struggles.
The Radiant Knight... has managed to pierce into this barrier. Pierce into the den of horror that calls itself the knight competitions.
The Nearls wouldn't raise an uneducated knight. By all rights, she should know she's doing no better than bailing water with a glass.
And so... the Adeptus decided to grant her one chance. One chance to humiliate the business suits, one chance to let the knights prove themselves.
They are going to give every ounce to support the Radiant Knight's championship bid.
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob Welcome! Welcome, one and all! Welcome to the Kazimierz National Arena, and welcome to the site of the Major today!
I'm your old buddy Greatmouth Mob, honored to host this match you've all been waiting for!
Ooh, I've never seen passion swell as high as this–I've gotta tell you all some juicy data. The match hasn't even started, and the number of people watching has already cemented itself as this Major's highest yet!
And at the same time! Over the match, we'll be drawing lots for ten lucky people here in the audience! These ten winners are going to get their hands on an assigned tie-in souvenir each!
No time to waste, ready your greatest rounds of applause! Out of the legends of the ancient family comes history's youngest champion! Give a warm welcome–to–THE RADIANT KNIGHT! MAAAARGAREEEEEET NEAAAAAAARL!!
[The audience jubilantly cheers...]
<Background 8>
[...as Margaret Nearl the Radiant Knight enters the arena.]
Margaret ......
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob The Radiant Knight Margaret Nearl, returning to the field with a celestial beauty! In just a few short weeks, she's seized qualification to join in on the Major–
And it doesn't end there! Today will see this Major's first clash of Grand Knight on Grand Knight! With the honor of 'the T, the H and the E' on their titles, that's all you need to hear to know what these knights are about!
Margaret Nearl, Nearl the Radiant Knight! Today, she faces her opponent, the light of elegance from Leithanien!
She's been nominated for Most Popular Knight over and over, eighteen individual honors to her name–
And if that wasn't enough, her first ever competition, she beat Frost Skull Knight to become the greatest of dark horses! She was runner-up in the last Major's duels! Not to mention her popularity, an utterly uncontested number two in the nation!
[The audience cheers.]
A Popcorn-Clutching Knight Dark horse? What's dark horse mean? Dark? Dark Knight? The Black Knight?
An Audience Knight It just means someone really strong!
Greatmouth Mob Her name–ooh, the red-hot crowd is already beginning to chant her name–welcome, THE CANDLE KNIGHT! VIVIAAANAAAAA DROOOOOOSTE!
[The audience jubilantly cheers...]
<Background 8>
[...as Viviana Droste the Candle Knight enters the arena.]
Candle Knight Good evening, Radiant Knight.
Margaret Good evening.
The cacophony of voices seems to gradually abate, and in that moment, the two knights nod at each other.
The Candle Knight slowly lifts her hand.
Light and heat, weaving and twining in response to her title.
Candle Knight Radiant Knight, are you proud of who you are?
Margaret Of course.
Candle Knight As a knight? Or as an Infected?
Margaret As Margaret Nearl.
Candle Knight Hm... a common answer.
Were you aware? Truthfully, I was the bastard daughter of a Leithanian noble.
Margaret Oh...
Candle Knight There at the top of that spire, I couldn't even hear the human clamor of the city down below.
I couldn't hear the peddlers market their wares, nor the cars roll across the surface. Every night, the darkness enveloped me, from each and every direction.
However, my mother... would bring me, in secret, wax candles.
Margaret Wax... candles?
Candle Knight Electric lights tend to be easy to spot, don't they? And that noble household always kept so many ornamental candles around, no one would notice if a few went missing.
By the candlelight, I would read. Poems, novels, prose from all nations. They were full of magic.
In those days, I read a fair share of books.
Books, depicting... knights.
<Background fades out>
"Once the waves washed away, once glory and life together faded."
"The world and all its beings fallen from zenith to nadir, becoming dust."
"Once the forge belched its flames, once Catastrophe descended, once families and old friends all let this be forgotten."
"The last knight upon this great land, all alone, faced the swells as dark as night and began to charge."
<Background fades in>
Margaret ...A knight novel?
Candle Knight A fabricated romance, only meant to stir people's imaginations, correct?
Radiant Knight, since becoming a knight, what is it you've wanted to do?
And what should a knight do?
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob The two knights seem to be conversing in their pre-match moments! The atmosphere's so friendly, anyone would hate to shatter it!
But in the end, a match is a match! Knights, to your positions please!
<Background 8>
Candle Knight That was the identity I came to Kazimierz with, practically "banished" to this nation. Simply so I could live on, I chose to become a knight.
To be frank, when I realized that winning matches, earning popularity, was all it took to become "a knight," I was disappointed.
And in these years, I've never felt much of anything genuine. As if my days making a living in Kazimierz–aren't even as rich as my time hidden in the spire.
But you're different.
When I came to Kazimierz, the Radiant Knight had already been banished. But as a knight, I'd always hear all kinds of anecdotes about you.
You do invite curiosity. If you disdain the knight competitions of now, what goal do you pursue by participating? Is it simply to take this championship, prove something?
Margaret Back then, at the time, that was indeed my belief.
If everyone's gazes had diverted from glory, I would go to where they focused most, and tell them all, the knights still remain.
Candle Knight At the time?
Margaret After I left Kazimierz, I traveled to many places. By no means was I always free from bewilderment–but by the end, I'd chosen my own justice, my own faith.
Candle Knight To rescue the Infected?
Margaret Yes, but not that alone.
Candle Knight So this is your definition of a knight?
Margaret If you demand an answer... I once told my sister as much, and to this day, I've still never amended this notion.
"To be a knight is to be the noble light that illuminates the land."
<Background 9>
Bald Marcin The Candle Knight and the Radiant Knight, then.
Old Craftsman Now there's a match that'll light up every corner. Don't you think, V?
Old Knight ......
[Kowal taps at Vogelweide who are seemingly spacing out.]
Old Craftsman Hey, old bones. Why've you been so out of sorts lately? What's wrong? Did that Nightzmora end up being your long-lost lovechild or what have you?
Old Knight Spadaj,[note 1] what the hell nonsense are you talking?!
Zofia Hold on, Maria's not here?
Bald Marcin She wouldn't miss her sister's match for the world. Should be right on her way.
Zofia ......
I'll go and look for her.
<Background 8>
Candle Knight Illuminate... the land.
Not all people can illuminate the land, Radiant Knight. Most are but tiny candle-flames, barely enough to light the way on their own lives.
The storm rocks us. In this age, a candle-flame is indistinct, the people have lost their selves, and what frightens me, is they aren't even conscious of it.
Knowing this full well, why must you still–
Margaret Are you doubting yourself? Viviana?
Candle Knight You call me by my name.
Margaret That may be who you really are, the Candle Knight is no more than a title upon you.
People's fates are not decided by their births, Viviana. In my view, you are an outstanding knight.
Candle Knight ...Heheh.
(Leithanian) If your faith truly is as unshakeable as the sun, allow such a meager candle-flame as myself...
(Leithanian) To try and wrest a moment of your rays.

After operation

To force the Radiant Knight to surrender, the Armorless Union has kidnapped Maria, only for her to be rescued by the Infected knights. In the Arena, Margaret triumphs over the Radiant Knight[sic], but the Infected's ire can no longer be contained.
<Background black>
Viviana Droste. That's your name.
You are the shame of the family. If other nobles find out about you, you will become their weapon, used to attack your father.
You should have been exiled in secret or killed outright. The spire should never have heard your cries.
Yet you were brought here to Kazimierz. You were entrusted to a Kazimierz campaign knight to raise.
Your identity should have stayed hidden, but there is nobody here to hide your identity.
It's as though everyone wanted you to live out in the open, unconcealed.
How respectable yet sorrowful... Your noble father... Your nameless mother...
<Background 8>
[The match between Margaret Nearl the Radiant Knight and Viviana Droste the Candle Knight had already begun, and went intensely with the latter demonstrating her signature luminal Arts.]
Margaret Ngh...
Candle-flame... and shadows.
Candle Knight What a surprise... You seem to have a good inductive reasoning of Arts phenomena.
When a room is illuminated by only a single candle, the candlelight will naturally draw our attention more so than anything else. Yet it is the shadows of everything around that truly engulf us.
Margaret Impressive techniques, Viviana... Not even my light... can shine upon you.
Candle Knight Please allow me to apologize.
Margaret What...?
Candle Knight Out of courtesy, I should call you by your name too, Miss Margaret.
<Background 7>
[The audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob Is... Is this really the a knight competition?!
It looks like neither of the knights are in a rush to slaughter her opponent for a win. On the contrary, you could say this scene is like an elegant aristocratic social gathering!
B-But even so–Did you see those Arts?! The Candle Knight's lightning-quick swordhand! Did it just engulf all that light?!
Is the Radiant Knight's endless radiance starting to wear thin?!
Just a small candle-flame–That's right, it's just a tiny candlelight, but check out its surroundings! The flame is engulfed by the darkness around, and it's that unlit darkness, not the candle's light, that's drawing our attention!
Rather than that tiny glow, you could say the Candle Knight is controlling the shadows underneath that light!
Gotta hand it to them! This isn't something you often see in our matches, not even the finals!
Their Arts are calm and elegant, but there's no mistake that these Arts are of the highest caliber!
That's the Radiant Knight, Margaret Nearl, and the Candle Knight, Viviana Droste, we know and love!
<Background 2>
Zofia Maria? Maria!
Where is she...? She's not at the bar, and she's not home...
<Background 10>
Maria Nnf... nnf...!
Why am I...?
[Centaurea the Platinum walks towards the tied Maria.]
Platinum ......
Maria You...? You're that...
Platinum The Armorless Union.
Maria ......!
Platinum Oh, calm down.
As long as you promise you won't make a fuss, we won't do anything to you.
After all, if the Nearl family's precious little baby got hurt... the Radiant Knight and Młynar wouldn't just sit around and not do anything.
Maria You want to... make Margaret forfeit?
Platinum Something like that.
Do you know what happened to Brassrust? The Infected are the talk of the town right now.
Could you imagine what would happen if, under these circumstances, the Radiant Knight ends up taking the crown?
Your sister just has to be a good girl and let the Candle Knight win. That will save us all the headache. Pretty simple, don't you agree?
Maria ......
Margaret isn't going to forfeit.
Platinum ......
Did you know, Maria Nearl?
Kazimierz... is like a tower. If you stand at its base and look up at the top of the spiraling staircase, you will never, ever see its end.
<Background 9>
Zofia V! Kowal! Marcin!
Maria might've been–
[Młynar showed up.]
Młynar What happened to Maria?!
<Background 8>
I have wondered for a long, long time.
What are we suffering for?
Compared to the farmers of Ursus's barren soil, the refugees escaping Bolívar's flames of war, and the merchants making their way across Sargon's endless golden sands...
Are we not enjoying our lives?
Ursus has nobles living their high lives, Bolívar has war profiteers swimming in money, and Sargon's golden city must be one of the most prosperous metropolises the world has ever seen.
In that case, what is the source of Kazimierz's sufferings? As "knights," as Kazimierzian knights, how are we to handle these tragedies hidden from view?
To start, am I really a knight of Kazimierz?
Should I have stayed in Leithanien, writing poems and songs amid flowers and accordion melodies?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 6>
Spokesman McKee Why don't you try your hand at writing a few poems? With how popular you are, I can get in touch with a few publishers. Your fame and talent will...
Candle Knight Me...? I'm afraid... I can't.
Spokesman McKee You're being humble again.
Candle Knight No, this isn't humility, McKee.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background black>
I might have gone numb.
I thought I had left Leithanien and left that spire behind. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized this. The spire is still there. It has always been there.
It has always stood above all suffering and tribulation.
<Background 8>
[The match between the Radiant and Candle Knights remains intense as both knightesses giving their all against each other.]
Candle Knight ...Margaret.
When you set a tall, magnificent spire ablaze, how far away can the masses see the smoke?
Margaret Flames cannot burn away the contradictions in their hearts.
Candle Knight ......
Margaret The masses can see the black smoke from far, far away, but it may once have been their homes, the lands on which they survived.
Candle Knight In that case... I truly don't understand.
How does a knight like you return to Kazimierz, if not for a change of heart? What is your objective?
Margaret It's just as you said, Viviana.
The times are changing, but that does not mean what we once considered virtuous and righteous must change.
I came back because I must remind the knights of Kazimierz... as well as all those who are here in this country–
–I'm here to remind them of their long forgotten glory.
Candle Knight Remind? How will you... remind Kazimierz of anything, given its current state?
Margaret You want an answer from me... but I'm afraid I don't necessarily have that right. This isn't something that can be done through simple conversation.
Candle Knight My... You can read minds with your Arts?
Margaret I'm only grasping more and more of your honesty by the minute.
Also, you asked me what I saw in my years of exile.
Margaret I've witnessed... the greatest tragedy this world has seen.
I've seen the Infected's struggles at death's door, I've seen great cities crumble and fall as Catastrophes rained down upon them.
Candle Knight Is that the suffering you've seen...? In this world that you pity...?
Margaret I have excellent companions.
No... excellent doesn't adequately describe them anymore. They... possess a brilliant shine, a testament to their ideals.
It's true. I was once lost, Viviana.
Candle Knight Anyone would be lost if they had taken the crown and been exiled at your age.
Margaret But things are different now. At the end of my long journey, I found friends whom I can trust. I realized where my beliefs lie.
I'm alone no longer.
Margaret lodges her longsword into the ground.
Without a sound, the knight's radiance emanates throughout the arena, with gold seemingly flowing through her eyes.
She will be the lighthouse and foundation of everything here.
She will stand solemnly in this place till she ceases, perhaps even till the end of times.
Even if no one has walked the path she alone illuminates–
–There is nothing to fear any more.
<Background 10>
An Armorless Union Member Report. Platinum, ma'am... We've already informed the Knights Association.
However, the match is still ongoing.
Platinum I sure wish the Knights Association would get on with this already. Otherwise, her sister's going to have to suffer.
Maria I told you. Margaret isn't going to forfeit.
Platinum No biggie. I'm sure she won't be in any mood for her next match when she sees your fingers laid out side by side at your family's front door.
Maria ......
Platinum Look at your eyes... So defiant. You're a weird one. No, both you and your sister are weird.
You may come from a famous line of heroes, but do you know how many lackeys the General Chamber has here in the Grand Knight Territory?
So you have the Radiant Knight and Młynar. The two of them together might put up a little fight, but what can they really do? Can they really take on the thousands of assassins here in the GKT and escape legal liability?
Maria I don't remember you being such a talkative gal... Are you nervous?
Platinum Maybe.
I mean, before, all I had to do was draw my bowstring, aim, and let go. Then, my target would die after a quick flash of pain.
These orders I've been getting, though? Not only do I have to go after kids now, I also have to arm wrestle with the Radiant Knight. *Sigh*... Work sucks.
The Armorless Union's really gone to hell lately, hasn't it?
An Armorless Union Member Report!
Platinum Did the Radiant Knight give up?
An Armorless Union Member No, it's just... E7 and E9 didn't answer during the regular check-in just now...
Platinum Why are you standing there, then? Get ready to fight.
[A crossbow shot narrowly misses Centaurea and the A.U. member.]
Platinum All units, deploy immediately. Secure vantage points A1 and A2. Do not give the target a chance to escape.
Numbers three and four, cover me. We'll deal with the infiltrators.
[An explosion is heard.]
Platinum (An explosion? They aren't the least bit worried about the hostage, are they–?)
(–No, that's not right. They're not here to rescue Maria.)
An Armorless Union Member Hostiles in the smoke! Watch for attacks–
[Someone shot the A.U. assassin...]
An Armorless Union Member Nngh–...
[...and he collapses to the ground. Justice Knight shows up right after.]
"Justice Knight" (Loud clicking noises)
Platinum What's this...? A delivery cart?
[While Centaurea is distracted, Iwona charges at her, though the Platinum narrowly dodges the attack.]
Platinum –!
Iwona Well, hello, Armorless lackeys.
Platinum Grr... Infected knights, huh...?
[Centaurea flips backward to gain some distance with Iwona.]
Iwona Whoa, huge backflip. Look at that distance. You're a nimble one–Hm?
Maria Nearl? What are you doing here?
Maria It's... it's you...
[Iwona cuts off the ropes tying Maria...]
Iwona Hey, can you move?
[...breaking her free.]
Maria Y-Yes!
Iwona I don't know what's going on, but I ain't about to complain if this means the Radiant Knight's gonna owe me a favor.
Let's get this out of the way first. It's a serious crime to assault the Armorless Union. Haha, not in the legal sense, but whatever.
You can run away if you want, or–
Maria –If I don't stop them here, they will keep going after my sister.
Platinum ......
Iwona Whew, not a bit of hesitation. I'm starting to like you.
Too bad, though. I'm not gonna have it on my conscience to drag anybody into our fight against the Armorless. Besides, I get the feeling Sona's pretty fond of you. You'll have to do this another time!
[A nearby A.U. member is struck from behind...]
An Armorless Union Member W-What?
[...and dies.]
Maria Huh? Who are you?!
[Toland reveals himself as the one backstabbing the A.U. member.]
Toland Come with me, will you, Young Lady Nearl? Oh, and by the by? You and your uncle are nothing alike.
<Background 5>
[A Kazimierzian knight contacts someone through radio.]
A Kazimierz Knight Report to the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi... It's confirmed. The Armorless Union and the Infected knights' skirmish has begun. Maria Nearl's been taken away too.
It will do as long as the Radiant Knight's match goes uninterrupted. Over.
[The knight signs off.]
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob How long has it been since the match started? No one in the arena today has ever seen two knights duel like this!
Even Arts laymen can tell right away theirs are on another level!
This is a battle of lights! There's no doubt this has become the theme of this match! A weak candlelight versus a full-blown radiance!
Up till 9 o'clock, we've had two million viewers watching this match via the intercity net and other means!
For the first time since the 22nd Major, when the Radiant Knight took her title, we've broken the highest concurrent viewer record! There are countless viewers watching Margaret's heroics right this moment!
Ah, what a shame! I wish we lived in one of those sci-fi novels where fans from all the other countries could watch this match live–Ahhh!
The giant rays of light clash again–How blindingly bright! But amidst the rolling waves of light–That's right! The Candle Knight remains unscathed!
<Background 8>
Margaret Phew...
Brilliant... Viviana.
With light and shadows... you weaved an untreadable swath of land.
Candle Knight I am honored that my little candle-flame could hold the Radiant Knight down for so long.
But you don't seem to be giving it your all. Are you perhaps worried about your family?
Margaret ......
Candle Knight What are you doing is contradictory, Margaret.
You take pride in having such wonderful companions, but the course that you have charted for yourself... will cause you to leave your friends behind.
Perhaps one day, your sister will meet her fate in one of the Armorless Union's conspiracies, and the General Chamber will stand in your way, wherever you will be.
Margaret Viviana.
When the knight charged toward the endless waves, did you imagine that he was trying to overcome the entire world?
Candle Knight Ahh, so you are familiar with that knight legend.
Margaret My sister's a big fan of the book.
<Background 5>
Roy Centaurea's been ambushed by the Infected. It was Wild Mane.
Monique If she can't take care of the likes of Wild Mane, then she should hand in her resignation already.
That said... What should we do? The K.G.C.C. made it clear they want the Infected dealt with... and as soon as possible.
Roy Hmm... They are quite a pain in the rear... but we need them to keep stirring up a ruckus for us...
Monique You're our star performer. It's your call.
Roy Oh? Was that a compliment? You know, I've always thought that I look kinda like some star out there, ever since I dyed my hair blue.
[Roy noticed Monique glaring intensely at him.]
Roy Okay, okay, stop glaring at me like that. It's very simple. Kill a few of them, and as cruelly as possible, too. Spread the fear.
The ones left behind will come to hate Kazimierz and the K.G.C.C. even more, and things will only get more intense.
Monique So?
Roy Eh, so, let's dump all the troublesome mess on our little Platinum.
Let's kill some Infected. The ones who aren't knights or in the limelight. Just the perfect amount of cruelty, like we're hunting them down.
<Background 8>
[The Radiant Knight withstood an attack by the Candle Knight, which catches her off-guard.]
Margaret ...Huff...
I see, so the moment your candle goes out is when you actually start casting.
Even a brief moment of darkness is enough to swallow my Arts whole. In that case, perhaps you can engulf the entire arena's light with each flicker of your candle's flame?
Candle Knight Impressive observation. There has never been a knight who saw through my Arts during a duel. Is this the result of your years-long exile?
Margaret Too bad, then. It seems I have yet to truly make contact with you.
Candle Knight I used to hate Arts more so than anything. The more outstanding my Arts are, the more I am reminded of my upbringing–
And the more I come to realize... the situation I am in.
Tell me, Margaret Nearl, the Radiant Knight. Each and every knight who keeps the faith feels particularly curious about you.
Tell me your answer. Your answer of what it means to be a knight.
<Background 7>
Greatmouth Mob –Both the Radiant Knight and the Candle Knight have stopped. They're cautiously sizing each other up, taking a stroll around the arena–
What's the matter? Is this a tea party to the two of them? Are the two knights going to share a dance together after all that careful probing?
<Background 8>
Candle Knight Hoh, did you hear that? He said we could dance.
Margaret Please, then.
Flickering Candle, Fleeting Shadow.png
Like the gentle morning sun, her beaming radiance begins to extend its reach toward the candle-lit darkness.
Soon after, the light begins to flood the entire arena.
Kawalerielki tonight is as brilliant as any bright, clear day.
<Background 11>
[Several A.U. operatives are searching for Maria in the streets.]
An Armorless Union Member The Nearl girl went this way, didn't she? Quick, find her!
<Background 9>
An Armorless Union Member –There's no one here!
An Armorless Union Member How can that be?! This place's listed in her file! It's Tremoriron Knight's bar!
An Armorless Union Member Check if there's an attic or an exit out back–
[Suddenly Marcin appears and closes the door, trapping the A.U. operatives.]
Bald Marcin Misters, I'm afraid we're not open right now.
An Armorless Union Member Don't you dare!
[Kowal and Vogelweide shows up, and fights off the A.U. operatives...]
An Armorless Union Member Erk...
[...easily defeating them.]
Old Craftsman Don't you kill them, V. Not unless you want shit to really hit the fan.
Old Knight Hah, how about you have a guess at how many artillery casters I captured during the war all those years ago to earn my military honors?
An Armorless Union Member Son of a...! How dare you?! We're–
Bald Marcin The Armorless Union? How about before that? Were you a robber? A bounty hunter? A veteran, or perhaps a down and out knight?
Let me tell you. We aren't scared of you.
An Armorless Union Member You dare cross the Union even once, the Union will hunt you to the ends of the world.
It might happen today... maybe tomorrow. It might happen when you're eating, when you're asleep, or when you're spreading marmalade on your toast... You'll have nowhere to run!
Old Knight Thanks for the advice. *Spit*.
To be honest, though, the Armorless ain't nearly as scary as the vanguards.
[Kowal and Vogelweide beats down the A.U. operatives, thrashing Marcin's bar in the process.]
Old Knight Hah! I haven't felt as good as this in years!
Old Craftsman Looks like their buddies are on to this... Sorry, Marcin, but that might be it for your shop.
Bald Marcin Oh, that's too bad. I paid two years' worth of rent upfront.
[More A.U. operatives show up, shocked upon seeing the earlier ones taken down by the old buddies.]
An Armorless Union Member You! What have you done?!
You dare resist–Form up, ready your crossbows–Uh?
The Armorless points his crossbow forward.
The bowstring has snapped. More accurately, it is being twisted.
An Armorless Union Member W-What?
Old Craftsman Take this!
[Kowal punches the A.U. operative hard...]
An Armorless Union Member Ugh?!
[...knocking him down.]
Bald Marcin It's been a while since I used any Arts... Guess I've gotten rusty.
Old Knight Hmph, since when did the Armorless have this many men?! The K.G.C.C.'s got too much money to throw around, huh?
Old Craftsman Hah, that's why we wiped the floor with all of them!
An Armorless Union Member Watch out! The bald guy's Tremoriron Marcin, and the other two are campaign knights!
An Armorless Union Member Keep two squads here. Keep them alive. They will be our trump card against Nearl. The rest of you, find Maria–
Old Craftsman Hey, this isn't looking good, V!
Old Knight You want to try begging for mercy, then?
An Armorless Union Member Ready, fire–
[Before the A.U. operatives opened fire, someone struck them down with a sword whip...]
An Armorless Union Member What? Who is it this time?!
[...who is revealed to be Zofia.]
Zofia You...
What have you done to Maria?!
<Background 8>
Radiance. The word "radiance" is starting to be wear on everyone in the arena.
The sun-like prismatic colors dye the area behind the Radiant Knight. Standing opposite her is a small candlelight that has lit anew.
Then, right when the audience is starting to grow tired of finding the two knights in the blinding glow...
The faint sphere–Its rays, its halos, and all its light blink away.
Margaret *Pant*... *pant*...
Viviana... You are truly impressive...
Look, my light... have been swallowed whole... *Pant*.
Candle Knight I'm honored to have exhausted the Radiant Knight.
But it seems you rely on more than just your dazzling Arts.
With her Candle Sword held up high, the Candle Knight begins to steadily lower her blade.
The candle's flame has extinguished, leaving behind a glistening brilliance on its milk white cross section.
The candle, now halved, flutters down toward the earth like a feather.
Candle Knight You've broken my blade. It seems I have lost.
I, The Candle Knight, Viviana Droste, admit defeat.
<Background 7>
[The audience cheers upon witnessing the Candle Knight accepting her loss to the Radiant Knight.]
Greatmouth Mob The Candle Knight has conceded! I didn't hear that wrong, did I–? The Candle Knight has just accepted defeat! The committee has confirmed her request. So there you have it–
After this excruciating, protracted duel, the winner is our young legend, the Radiant Knight!
The Radiant Knight, suddenly returned from exile, has defeated her first Grand Knight opponent after an extraordinary match of the highest level!
The Candle Knight may have suffered defeat, but there is no doubt she is basking in glory! The two knights are shaking hands and trading salutes! Take a good look! This scene is going to be all over the headlines the next couple weeks!
A Spectating Knight What?! The Candle Knight lost?! That's a couple months' paychecks down the drain!
A Cheering Knight Serves you right for not listening to me... Not that I earned much myself, but well... *Sigh*... This match's probably giving me some kind of eye disease down the line.
<Background 8>
Margaret Hnnf...
Candle Knight To be a knight is to be the noble light that illuminates the land...
Margaret Viviana.
I won't comment on your background–and that matter that weighs on your mind. However, you are among the strongest knights I have ever met.
Candle Knight That is more than enough.
In the classic knight tales... the knights always opened their hearts to each other by crossing swords.
Reality has proven to be less romantic. Though I've only just met you today, Margaret.
Show me how far you will go.
I'm looking forward to seeing.
[The audience jubilantly cheers upon witnessing the friendly exchange between the Radiant and Candle Knights.]
<Background 3>
[Meanwhile, Centaurea, who chased Iwona and Maria all the way to the Infected ghetto, engages the Wild Mane Knight who are initially overwhelmed...]
Iwona Tch–
[...as she blocked a shot from Platinum.]
Iwona (–I managed to block that strike, but I still almost lost my grip on my weapon–She's tough–)
Platinum My next shot will pierce through your legs. You won't be able to run anymore.
The next shot after that will pierce through your armor.
The final shot will blow right through your chest. You'll struggle in agony for a moment, before dying in the dirty, wet street.
Iwona Hah... No wonder Sona told me to run as soon as I ran into an Armorless elite.
You've really hit it big for someone your age. Bet the people higher up the ladder there are some serious monsters, eh?
Platinum You'd better pray you never find out–Hm?
[Several Pinus Sylvestris knights showed up and fires at Centaurea to distract her.]
An Infected Knight Wild Mane! We'll cover you! Get out of here!
"Justice Knight" (Hurried beeping noises)
Iwona Alright, Justice, if that's what you say. Today's not the day for us to settle the score with the Armorless anyway.
See you next time, Platinum!
[An explosion occurs close to Centaurea, giving the opportunity for Iwona to flee.]
Platinum *cough*, *cough* *cough*...
She's gone.
What's her deal with explosives...?! *Cough*, there's ash everywhere... and I just washed my hair.
*Sigh*... How am I supposed to explain this...?
[Roy shows up...]
Roy No need to explain anything.
We saw all that.
Platinum ......
[...followed by Monique.]
Monique A fair number of the Infected just now are part of the Pinus Sylvestris.
They banded the Infected together fairly quickly. Since when has the Grand Knight Territory had this many Infected?
Roy If we have to play the blame game, I guess that's on both the sloppy engineering contractors and the Catastrophes.
That's why we need Area 0 to do its job... Oh.
Little pegasus? I have a favor to ask you.
Platinum Ask away... I just screwed up in front of my bosses. I'm not about to object.
Roy Will you investigate this company for us? They have dealings with the Radiant Knight, and they are in Area 0 right now.
We'll take over this whole thing about the Infected... And this company has to do with the Radiant Knight anyway. I'd say it falls under your purview.
Platinum Rhodes Island.
I just need to investigate?
Roy They were even gung-ho enough to get in touch with the General Chamber. Man, it looks like this foreign company is extra greedy.
If they prove beneficial to us, then they can do whatever they want. I'll even be okay if they end up solving the Radiant Knight problem with money.
But this whole affair is up to the Board of Directors. Somebody there will come looking for you soon. No need to worry about what we think.
Platinum What will you two do, then?
Monique Since when have you had the right to question the Lazurites' business?
Platinum I... I wouldn't dare.
Monique Now do your job.
<Background 8>
An Audience Member A It's the Candle Knight! Please sign this for me!
An Audience Member B Candle Knight! Look this way, please! Ah–!
Candle Knight ......
[McKee approaches Viviana.]
Spokesman McKee You look like you're in a good mood.
Candle Knight Did you know, McKee?
I heard that the Radiant Knight's legend as the youngest ever champion ended with her exile.
She was infected and then exiled, but it wasn't until I met her six years later that I realized this: They are all tall tales.
Just now...
...she was as radiant as the sun at high noon.
<Background 6>
Spokesman Malkiewicz Phew... That was a pleasant meeting, Dr. {nickname}.
I'm sure you've gained the favor of the top brass. Those were all key members of the General Chamber of Commerce.
Doctor Thank you very much. This is all thanks to you. / ...... / I learned quite a few things.
Spokesman Malkiewicz But my guess is... You are seeking more than just a mutual relationship on paper, right?
I'm curious... are there many researchers familiar with the battlefields of commerce in other countries?
Doctor Perhaps... / Society is changing. It's a necessity. / I might just be one-of-a-kind.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Haha...
<Background 11>
Spokesman Malkiewicz Your hotel isn't much further.
Oh, this is pretty close to where I got my first job. Back then, I was just your average trader–
[Sounds of fighting can be heard before an Infected knight walks towards the Doctor and Malkiewicz...]
An Infected Knight Urghh–
[...and collapses in front of them.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz –! Step back, Doctor!
An Infected knight, injured from unknown causes, turns to your face with a stupefied look.
You can tell that there is not a hint of anger, fear, or sorrow in this man.
But you have not had the chance to truly analyze his complex emotions. Right now, he is like a burdenbeast being flogged.
The man strenuously climbs to his feet and runs away.
An Infected Knight ......
[An A.U. operative shows up before the Doctor and Malkiewicz.]
An Armorless Union Member Mr. Spokesman, this is...?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Who was that just now?
An Armorless Union Member An illegal Infected. If you would like, we can send you the documents later.
I apologize. Even though you are a spokesman, I can't divulge more when there is an outsider in your presence.
Please take your friend and evacuate immediately. There's been a confrontation in the neighborhood.
[The A.U. operative leaves.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz My apologies. I hope that didn't dampen your spirits.
I didn't expect we would run into trouble like that after the banquet...
Doctor Can you help the Infected?
Spokesman Malkiewicz I...
I'm afraid I don't have that power...
Doctor For our friendship. / For your friendship with Rhodes Island. / For the betterment of Kazimierz.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Malkiewicz looks silently in the direction the Infected knight ran away.
There is a small alleyway, from which he can hear music playing and see waves of heat wafting out of a midnight diner.
The knight's blood trail extends into the distance.
Like gemstones sparkling with humanity.


  1. "Get lost," in Polish