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Medic MedicFollowers
Medic Medic.png

Shining icon.png

Shining Elite 2 icon.png

Shining Skin 1 icon.png

Shining, Sarkaz healer, will do everything she can to provide medical care for the squad.
Simple, yet a mystery you can't seem to solve no matter what.
Position Ranged
Tags Healing, Support
Trait Restores the HP of allies
How to obtain Headhunting; Recruitment



Base.pngElite 1.png


Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 854 1204 1451 1613
ATK.png ATK 180 296 424 530 +80
DEF.png DEF 60 88 110 138 +20
RES.png RES 0 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 18 20
BLOCK.png Block count 1
ASPD.png Attack interval 2.85 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Improves Code of Law
Potential 4.png
DEF +25
Potential 5.png
DP cost -1
Potential 6.png
Improves Black Fiend's Protection
Total Cost
Shining's Token.png
Royal Medic Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New skill: Auto Protect.
  • Black Fiend's Protection improved.
  • Range extended.
Raise Shining to Level 50.
Medic Chip.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • New talent: Code of Law.
  • New skill: Creed Field.
  • Black Fiend's Protection improved.
  • Operator Modules available.
Raise Shining to Elite 1 Level 80.
Medic Dualchip.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Oriron Block.png


Black Fiend's Protection
Base.png DEF of allies within range +20
Base.pngPotential 6.png DEF of allies within range +25 (+5)
Elite 1.png DEF of allies within range +40
Elite 1.pngPotential 6.png DEF of allies within range +45 (+5)
Elite 2.png DEF of allies within range +60
Elite 2.pngPotential 6.png DEF of allies within range +65 (+5)
Code of Law
Elite 2.png ASPD +10
Elite 2.pngPotential 3.png ASPD +13 (+3)


Auto Recovery
20 seconds
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
ATK +45%; ASPD +10 0 50 20s
Rank 2.png
ATK +48%; ASPD +10 0 49 20s
Rank 3.png
ATK +50%; ASPD +10 0 48 20s
Rank 4.png
ATK +58%; ASPD +10 10 47 20s
Rank 5.png
ATK +61%; ASPD +10 10 46 20s
Rank 6.png
ATK +64%; ASPD +10 10 45 20s
Rank 7.png
ATK +67%; ASPD +20 14 44 20s
Rank 8.png
ATK +70%; ASPD +20 16 43 20s
Rank 9.png
ATK +75%; ASPD +20 18 42 20s
Rank 10.png
ATK +80%; ASPD +20 20 40 20s
Auto Protect
Auto Recovery
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 2 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 20% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +20%; Can store 1 charge(s)
0 8
Rank 2.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 2 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 23% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +20%; Can store 1 charge(s)
0 8
Rank 3.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 2 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 25% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +20%; Can store 1 charge(s)
0 8
Rank 4.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 2 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 28% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +25%; Can store 1 charge(s)
0 7
Rank 5.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 2 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 30% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +25%; Can store 1 charge(s)
0 7
Rank 6.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 2 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 33% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +25%; Can store 1 charge(s)
0 7
Rank 7.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 3 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 35% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +35%; Can store 2 charge(s)
0 7
Rank 8.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 3 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 40% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +35%; Can store 2 charge(s)
0 6
Rank 9.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 3 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 45% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +35%; Can store 2 charge(s)
0 6
Rank 10.png
The next heal grants the target a Barrier that lasts for 3 seconds
The barrier can absorb damage equal to 50% of Shining's ATK and increases the target's DEF by +50%; Can store 3 charge(s)
0 5
The Barrier can be stacked although each instance has their own timers with the most recent taking priority, but the DEF buff cannot.
Creed Field
Auto Recovery
60 seconds
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
ATK +20%
All allies within range DEF +30%
100 120 60s
Rank 2.png
ATK +20%
All allies within range DEF +35%
100 120 60s
Rank 3.png
ATK +20%
All allies within range DEF +40%
100 120 60s
Rank 4.png
ATK +30%
All allies within range DEF +45%
100 120 60s
Rank 5.png
ATK +30%
All allies within range DEF +50%
100 120 60s
Rank 6.png
ATK +30%
All allies within range DEF +55%
100 120 60s
Rank 7.png
ATK +40%
All allies within range DEF +60%
100 120 60s
Rank 8.png
ATK +40%
All allies within range DEF +70%
105 120 60s
Rank 9.png
ATK +40%
All allies within range DEF +80%
110 120 60s
Rank 10.png
ATK +50%
All allies within range DEF +100%
115 120 60s

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Damaged Device.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Orirock Cube.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Manganese Ore.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Orirock Cluster.png
Rank 8.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Manganese Ore.png
Auto Protect
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Creed Field
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Sugar Lump.png
Rank 9.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polyester Lump.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Auto Protect
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Oriron Block.png
Sugar Lump.png
Creed Field
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Keton Colloid.png
Polyester Lump.png
Rank 10.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Oriron Block.png
Auto Protect
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Creed Field
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png

Base skills

Skill-dorm single1.png Thoughtfulness
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.55 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)
Skill-dorm single4.png Mercy
Replaces Thoughtfulness
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.75 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place)

Operator Modules


Original module.png Original: Shining's Badge
Module Badge.png
Medic Medic.png
Operator Shining has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude healing teammates in the field.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Medic Operator during field operations to exercise Medic responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.


PHY-X module.png PHY-X: "Followers"
Followers module.png
Stage 1
ATK +45
DEF +13
New trait:
When healing allied units with less than 50% HP, increases heal amount by 15%
Stage 2
ATK +55
DEF +17
Code of Law improved:
ASPD +15; +15% ATK while Skill 2 is equipped, +0.45 SP/s while Skill 3 is equipped
Stage 3
ATK +63
DEF +20
Code of Law improved:
ASPD +15; +25% ATK while Skill 2 is equipped, +0.6 SP/s while Skill 3 is equipped
Module MissionsUnlock conditions
  1. During battles, have Shining use Auto Protect a total of 35 times (excluding Support Units)
  2. Clear Side Story NL-5 with a 3-star rating; You must use your own Shining, and allow no Operators to be defeated
  • Complete both of Shining's PHY-X Module Missions.
  • Raise Shining to Elite 2 Level 60.
  • Have at least 100% Trust with Shining.
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Module Data Block.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
At the interval where evening crosses into night, more fall. These people flee for their lives from the battlefield, but sickness has captured them partway, with death shortly to follow.
A dying boy has lost the strength to struggle. His mother kneels at his side, but all she can do is hold him close, like one would their newborn. Sensing how the body in her embrace holds warmth no longer, a noise rises from her throat. It is more a cry than a shout.
Seeming to heed her voice, the boy's weak chest gives a light flutter. Then, another. The movements from the body's deepest parts grow distinct, as if what lifeforce has passed now returns again.
Practically leaping to her feet, the mother clutches tight the hands of the strangers who arrived here before them at some point. At a glance, she recognizes the two as Sarkaz, but whether they are the gospels of life or the emissaries of death, she can do little but beg.
The white-robed Sarkaz places her hand to the chest of the ailing. The black-cowled, instead, lowers her gaze down at them. What remainders of sunlight still strain past night's shade sink now into the pallid eyes of the dying. Gaze meets gaze again, between he and his mother. From their start to their end, the memories which engrave each passage of a person's life, and the emotions held therein, seep out from their selves, circling them together with the faint light of the setting sun. It is a light of no warmth, and ceases now to flow... simply, its journey is from the eyes of the dead to the eyes of the living. A teardrop falls from the mother's dried face, whereupon this instant elapses, and night finally enshrouds one and all as equals.
Shining silently watches the last wisp of twilight pale into the night.
"Legend holds that once, in ancient Kazdel, was a white-horned King of Sarkaz." A cold voice from behind her. "It's said they possessed the ability to weave sunlight. They made the evening their thread, and wove the Sarkaz's past, present, and future glory into the sky. Each soldier fighting upon the battlefield needed only to lift their head, and they would see eternity in a mirror. It led them to forget thoughts of life or death, and under the King of Sarkaz's command, they conquered all."
"Legends of the sort are plentiful in Kazdel," comes the white-horned physician's response.
"Placing the living in touch with the boundary between life and death both spurs their courage to rush into death, and leads them to perceive life as something not devoid of meaning. Thus, they bid a better farewell to their loved ones," Kal'tsit recounts factually. "Through your and Nightingale's treatment, the patient's final Oripathy flare-up has been suppressed in his terminal hours. The rapid growth of Originium crystals in his body has temporarily been pacified. You have not only aided him in his peaceful passing, but saved his mother too."
"Hence why you haven't given the assassin staring at me a single opportunity."
"When we first met yesterday, I noticed the look in your eyes as you saw Amiya. You knew who she was from the first moment, and had no intention of imparting your secrets to us, yet you did not hide that flicker of emotion."
"What emotion?"
"Compassion." Kal'tsit closely watches over Shining's eyes. "Identical to what you showed here and now. It is a physician's gaze."


PHY-Y module.png PHY-Y: Withered Scabbard
Withered Scabbard.png
Stage 1
ATK +35
New trait:
Healing increased by 15% when healing a ground unit
Stage 2
ATK +50
Black Fiend's Protection improved:
DEF of allies within range +80, ground units gain another DEF +30
Stage 3
ATK +60
Black Fiend's Protection improved:
DEF of allies within range +100, ground units gain another DEF +40
Module MissionsUnlock conditions
  1. During battle, have Shining use Creed Field a total of 6 times (excluding Support Units)
  2. Clear Main Theme 5-8 with a 3-star rating; The only Medic Operator that can be deployed is your own Shining
  • Complete both of Shining's PHY-Y Module Missions.
  • Raise Shining to Elite 2 Level 60.
  • Have at least 100% Trust with Shining.
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Module Data Block.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
D32 Steel.png
It was an eerily still night, all light in the mansion extinguished, only moonlight spilling through the window into the room.
In the dim and the dark, a precocious daughter was led to her mother's delivery bed.
Still so young, yet her strict education had already begun, and a sword and scabbard conferred upon her. The father's daughter naturally inherits the ways in which he surpasses others, bloodlines ever able to record power and wisdom. So was the theory to which the Confessarii subscribed.
The daughter watched her mother intently. The white-haired Sarkaz woman shut her eyes and laid down upon her back. Her body rested in calm and grace, shadow cast upon the wall as if the very contours of love for her child.
Below her, an infant's silhouette was drawn out by the slanted moonlight, magnified, and finally thrown upon the wall as if some sort of monster. This newborn life was yet frail and impotent, but did not impulsively wail as the normal suckling would, instead silently opening its eyes that could not yet see. Then clouds masked the moonlight, and the mother's arms slid down past the bed.
Together with the light, the monster's silhouette did vanish from the wall.
Now the daughter gazed, at this succession of life.
It was not her first time witnessing a life pass before her eyes. Her father had departed this coil not long prior, and now, another demise and nascence was playing out. The vanishing and parting, the swelling and birthing of life, every particular presented before the daughter, yet her Arts... the Arts of the Confessarii, would not stir at this, would not collect at her fingertips as expected.
The daughter was struck by confusion.
"Life" was... the concept her father made occasional mention of, the subtle weapon held by the Confessarii, and the thing she was ever urged to gain comprehension of. But her father's death was an airy gossamer in her memories, of little thickness or weight; her mother's passing was all too abrupt, as if someone had with naked hands taken all vitality from her. Now, here in this dead of night, her brother had silently arrived.
Just what was life?
Just what was it she was feeling?
Did the lives of those that populated the household–her mother and father that possessed the same silvery hair, herself who resembled her mother so, and this newborn brother who had yet to cry–did their lives resemble each other in any way?
"Our lives, in the end, will become one with a higher form." Such did the father tell the daughter before drawing his last breath.
Instinctively, she had sensed it was no majestic metaphor.
Life flowed in the veins of the family of the purest bloodline, and something returned to her side once again in this moment... Or perhaps, it had never left.
