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Trust is a value denoting the "trust" an Operator has towards a player, which determines the addition of different attributes for the operator in question.

Trust can be viewed in the Character Details menu as a percentage-based meter below the Operator's attributes, which displays the Trust value between 0% to 200%.

Each Operator will receive bonus to their attributes at higher Trust, which can be seen by clicking the Trust meter. The maximum Trust bonus are achieved at 100%; any lower than that is based on the Trust percentage (e.g. Amiya, who would gain +200 HP/+70 ATK at 100% Trust, will gain +40 HP/+14 ATK at 20% and +100 HP/+35 ATK at 50%). When the Operator is used as a Support Unit, they will have halved Trust and the bonus is calculated accordingly (which means a Support Unit can only fully benefit from trust bonus if they are at 200% Trust).

Increasing the average Trust of Operators from a specific faction to 100% will unlock that respective faction's furniture, which can be checked in the Trust Overview section of the Info menu. If the player only has one Operator who is part of a faction, then raising that sole Operator's Trust to 200% is sufficient to unlock their respective faction's furniture. The furniture themselves can be found in this page.

Certain events will grant increased Trust gain to certain Operators for the duration of that event. This Trust bonus applies to all operations except Annihilation, and does not affect Trust increases from RIIC.

Increasing Trust

  • All Operators in a squad, even if they are not actually deployed, will gain Trust points equal to the amount of Sanity spent for an operation when it is cleared with 3 stars (or 4 stars if it was a Challenge Mode); if the operation is cleared with 2 stars or less, the amount of Trust is reduced by 1, or halved (and rounded down) if it was an Extreme Mode operation. This also means if the operation does not cost Sanity, no participating Operators will gain Trust.
    • Clearing an Annihilation operation with a Proxy Card will not grant Trust, despite costing sanity.
    • Clearing an Annihilation operation manually or with an Auto Deploy gives trust, and the Trust points gained scales to the amount of defeated enemies as shown in the table below:
Annihilation ops. Defeated enemies
100–199 200–249 250–299 300–324 325–349 350–374 375–399 400
Chernobog 6 11 14 16 17 18 19 20
Lungmen Outskirts on 8 15 18 20 22 23 24 25
  • All Operators who are assigned at RIIC facilities will gain Trust every 24 hours (specifically at 4:00 AM UTC-7) by tapping the said Operator when they have an orange bubble above them, or simply do so on every eligible Operator by using the "collect all" function. The RIIC Assistant and Floor Assistants gain trust every 12 hours (at 4:00 AM and 4:00 PM UTC-7) instead of once that other Operators do, having a blue bubble as well as the orange one if they are assigned to facilities. Operators can be assigned as Assistants and also assigned to facilities to gain Trust from both sources.
    • The maximum Trust points that can be earned by working Operators are 100 and are based on the total Ambience of all Dormitories.
    • The maximum Trust points that can be earned by the RIIC Assistant are 500 and are based on the total Ambience of all Dormitories.
    • The maximum Trust points that can be earned by Floor Assistants are 125 and are based on their respective floor's Dormitory's Ambience.

Trust growth

An Operator's Trust percentage does not scale linearly with their Trust point accumulation.

Trust % 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200%
Trust pts. 804 2732 6195 10070 13945 17820 21695 25570