Causality & Karma

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Causality and Karma are RIIC mechanics exclusive to the Nine-Colored Deer.


Whenever a recipe that consumes 4 or less morale fails to produce a byproduct, gain 1 point of Causality for every 1 Morale consumed.
—Causality tooltip
Whenever a recipe that consumes 8 morale fails to produce a byproduct, gain 1 point of Karma for every 1 Morale consumed.
—Karma tooltip

When a material is processed while the Nine-Colored Deer is assigned to the Workshop, if the material costs 4 or less morale and the process fails to produce a byproduct, the player will accumulate 1 point of Causality per morale spent. The morale threshold increases to 8 for Karma, which replaces Causality when the Nine-Colored Deer is promoted to Elite 2.

When 40 Causality or 80 Karma are accumulated, the next material processing that costs morale equal to or below the morale threshold above (or the current processing if it can produce a byproduct) is guaranteed to produce a byproduct, removing the accumulated Causality/Karma which accounts for the surplus point(s) (e.g. if the process would increase Causality to 42, it will be reduced to 2 after the guaranteed byproduct is produced).

Causality and Karma points will be retained even if Nine-Colored Deer is assigned to another facility or removed from Workshop altogether; it is unknown whether this would remain the case when she is promoted to Elite 2.