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Dodge is a gameplay mechanic in Arknights.


As the name suggests, Dodge allows the bearer to evade an attack directed at them, completely nullifying it in the process. However, dodging attacks does not prevent the bearer from being affected by anything triggered by hitting the target, such as Negative Statuses from certain attacks and Elemental Damages; Operators with defensive SP recovery for their skills will still generate SP if the attack that would hit them is dodged. In addition, if the attack that would deal "critical" damage (the damage is shown in red) is dodged, the word "MISS" in orange will be shown instead; Flametail's Sport For All outfit is the only known case to change this word's font.

Multiple instances of Dodge stack multiplicatively with each other and as such, can never reach a full 100% as explained in detail here.

Currently all sources of Dodge only work against Physical and/or Arts attacks; there are no known ways to dodge attacks that deal True damage.



Ambusher Specialists have an innate 50% dodge that increases to 65% with their AMB-Y Operator Module.

Operator Source Information
12F icon.png
Dodge Rate Up 50% Physical
Amiya (Guard) icon.png
Ying Xiao - Fleeting Night
60% Arts while active
Asbestos icon.png
Resilient Mode
The first instance of Arts damage received while Resilient Mode is active will be dodged.
Beehunter icon.png
  • Level 1: 20%
  • Level 2: 23%
  • Level 3: 26%
  • Level 4: 30%
  • Level 5: 33%
  • Level 6: 36%
  • Level 7: 40%
  • Spec. 1: 45%
  • Spec. 2: 50%
  • Spec. 3: 60%
Ch'en icon.png
Blade Art 10% (+3% P5) Physical
Croissant icon.png
Miracle Field Physical/Arts; also applied to friendly units in the adjacent tiles to Croissant for half the effect.
  • Elite 1: 10%
  • Elite 2: 20%
  • PRO-Y Stage 2: 24%
  • PRO-Y Stage 3: 27%
  • Potential 5: +3%

Note: The in-game description states that Miracle Field gives a chance to resist Physical/Arts damage, which is incorrect.

Deepcolor icon.png
Visual Trap
Applied to friendly units within the extended attack range while active, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 25% L1-L3
  • Level 4-6: 30%
  • Level 7: 35%
  • Spec. 1: 40%
  • Spec. 2: 45%
  • Spec. 3: 50%
Durin icon.png
Lucky Lass 50% Arts
FEater icon.png
Kung Fu Physical
  • Elite 1: 20%
  • Elite 2: 40%
  • PUS-Y Stage 2: 47%
  • PUS-Y Stage 3: 52%
  • Potential 5: +3%
Flametail icon.png
Quick Intuition
Guaranteed Physical after each activation (once only, does not stack)
"Pinus Sylvestris"
Applied to friendly units within the area-of-effect for 10 seconds, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 35%
  • Level 4-6: 40%
  • Level 7-Spec. 1: 45%
  • Spec. 2-3: 50%
While active
  • Level 1-6: 60%
  • Level 7-Spec. 3: 80%
Pinus Sylvestris Leader Applied to Kazimierz Operators while Flametail is deployed, Physical
  • Elite 2: 22%
  • SOL-X Stage 2: 27%
  • SOL-X Stage 3: 30%
  • Potential 5: +3%
Grani icon.png
Mounted Police Applied to all Vanguard Operators while Grani is deployed, Physical
  • Elite 1: 10%
  • Elite 2: 20%
  • CHG-X Stage 2: 25%
  • CHG-X Stage 3: 30%
  • Potential 5: +5%
Heavyrain icon.png
Striped Camouflage Applied to friendly ranged units within the area-of-effect, Physical
  • Elite 1: 10%
  • Elite 2: 20%
  • PRO-Y Stage 2: 23%
  • PRO-Y Stage 3: 25%
  • Potential 5: +3%
Hellagur icon.png
Half Moon
75% Physical while active
Highmore icon.png
Evanescence from Paranoia
While active, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 40%
  • Level 4-6: 45%
  • Level 7: 50%
  • Spec. 1: 53%
  • Spec. 2: 56%
  • Spec. 3: 60%
Indra icon.png
Quick Fists Physical
  • Elite 1: 15%
  • Elite 2: 30%
  • Potential 5: +3%
Jackie icon.png
Pay Close Attention!
While active, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 40%
  • Level 4-6: 50%
  • Level 7-Spec. 2: 60%
  • Spec. 3: 70%
Extreme Evasion Physical
  • Elite 1: 15%
  • Elite 2: 30%
  • Potential 5: +3%
Jessica icon.png
75% while active
Lappland icon.png
Once active, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 20%
  • Level 4-6: 25%
  • Level 7: 30%
  • Spec. 1: 33%
  • Spec. 2: 36%
  • Spec. 3: 40%

Note: The in-game description states that Sundial gives Lappland a chance to resist Physical damage, which is incorrect.

Lee icon.png
Honored Guest
From enemies outside Lee's extended attack range while active
  • Level 1-3: 50%
  • Level 4-6: 55%
  • Level 7-Spec. 2: 60%
  • Spec. 3: 70%
Luo Xiaohei icon.png
Tail Afterimage
While active, Physical
  • Level 1: 20%
  • Level 2: 25%
  • Level 3-6: 30%
  • Level 7-Spec. 2: 35%
  • Spec. 3: 45%
Mayer icon.png
Bionic Device
Applied to all Robotters (and friendly units adjacent to them from Sp1)
  • Level 1: 10%
  • Level 2: 13%
  • Level 3: 15%
  • Level 4: 18%
  • Level 5: 20%
  • Level 6: 22%
  • Level 7-Spec. 1: 25%
  • Spec. 2: 30%
  • Spec. 3: 35%
Mountain icon.png
Sturdy Constitution 15% Physical
Mr. Nothing icon.png
Wax and Wane
While active, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 30%
  • Level 4-6: 35%
  • Level 7: 40%
  • Spec. 1-2: 45%
  • Spec. 3: 50%
Nightmare icon.png
Dual Personality While using Skill-Nightmare1.png Drain Soul
  • Elite 1: 20%
  • Elite 2: 40%
  • CCR-Y Stage 2: 45%
  • CCR-Y Stage 3: 50%
  • Potential 5: +5%
Nightingale icon.png
Applied to friendly units in the extended healing range while active, Arts
  • Level 1-3: 10%
  • Level 4-6: 15%
  • Level 7-Spec. 2: 20%
  • Spec. 3: 25%
Phantom icon.png
Phantom of the Night
Lasts for 10 seconds, Physical
  • Level 1-3: 20%
  • Level 4-6: 30%
  • Level 7-Spec. 2: 40%
  • Spec. 3: 50%
Projekt Red icon.png
Execution Mode
Lasts for 10 seconds
  • Level 1-3: 20%
  • Level 4-6: 30%
  • Level 7-Spec. 2: 40%
  • Spec. 3: 50%
Rope icon.png
Auditory Training Physical
  • Elite 1: 15%
  • Elite 2: 30%
  • HOK-X Stage 2: 35%
  • HOK-X Stage 4: 40%
  • Potential 5: +4%
Saga icon.png
Clear Mind 70% Physical for 15/17 (SOL-Y Stage 2)/18 (SOL-Y Stage 3) seconds after Saga's HP falls below 50% for the first time in each deployment
Sharp icon.png
Invisible Blade Physical
  • Elite 1: 20%
  • Elite 2: 30%
Spot icon.png
Smoke Installation Applied to friendlies healed with Skill-Spot1.png Secondary Healing Mode for 3 seconds, Physical
  • Elite 1: 10%
  • Elite 1 Level 55: 20%
Tsukinogi icon.png
Without a Trace
Applied to friendly units within attack range while active
  • Level 1-3: 25%
  • Level 4-6: 28%
  • Level 7: 31%
  • Spec. 1: 32%
  • Spec. 2: 33%
  • Spec. 3: 35%
Vulcan icon.png
Self-Defense (E2) 25% (+5% P5) Physical Melee while Vulcan's skill is active
W icon.png
Ambush 10 seconds after deployment
  • Elite 1: 40%
  • Elite 2: 60%

Mirages summoned by Nightingale's Fleeting Phantom talent have 30% Physical dodge.



Delinquent Boss
Nethersea Predator
Nourished Predator
Regressed Predator
Ominous Apparition
Lucian, "Blood Diamond"
  • Delinquents and Delinquent Bosses, Lucian, and Ominous Apparitions have 40% Physical (and Arts for Lucian) dodge while not blocked.
  • Nethersea/Nourished/Regressed Predators have 80% (90% for Nourished Predators) Physical/Arts dodge which will be disabled while the Predator is being Stunned, Frozen, put to Sleep, Levitated, Bound, or Silenced.


Enemy Information
"Redmark" Infiltrator
"Redmark" Elite Infiltrator
While inside a Sandstorm, the Redmark (Elite) Infiltrator gains 40% Physical/Arts dodge.
Andoain, the "Martyr"
Andoain's Lights Unto Sufferers, created on his position when his HP falls below 50% (75%, 50%, and 25% HP on the second phase) and covers a radius of 2 tiles, gives 50% Physical/Arts dodge to enemies inside (including Andoain himself, but does not stack if an enemy is inside multiple Lights Unto Sufferers).
Manfred's Military Training gives him 80% Physical/Arts dodge that will be disabled for 30 seconds when he is struck by the Londinium Secondary Defense Artillery.
The Endspeaker, Will of We Many
If the Endspeaker Consumes the Remains of a Regressed Predator during the transition to the next phase, it gains 50% Physical/Arts dodge while not being Stunned, Frozen, put to Sleep, Levitated, or Bound on the next phase.
Alcohol Lover
Alcohol Association Member
The Alcohol Lover/Association Member has 100% Physical dodge for 20/30 seconds after spawning.
Lakeside Volunteer
Lakeside Lifeguard
The Lakeside Volunteer/Lifeguard has 100% Physical dodge for 10/20 seconds after their HP falls below 50%.


Heavyshooter Snipers' ARC-Y Operator Module causes their attacks to never proc the target's Physical dodge against enemies right in front of them.

Operator Subject Interaction
Croissant icon.png
Auto Defense
Increases the proc chance of Miracle Field's dodge.
  • Level 1: 1.1×
  • Level 2: 1.2×
  • Level 3: 1.3×
  • Level 4: 1.4×
  • Level 5: 1.5×
  • Level 6: 1.6×
  • Level 7: 1.7×
  • Spec. 1: 1.8×
  • Spec. 2: 1.9×
  • Spec. 3: 2×
Fartooth icon.png
Stilled Breath Fartooth's attacks while her skill is active will never proc the target's Physical dodge.
Flametail icon.png
Vanguard Swordsmanship Upon dodging a Physical attack, the next attack deals two hits and (E2) hits multiple enemies within Flametail's range equal to her block count.
  • When Flametail's SOL-Y Operator Module is upgraded, the attack also deals 120% (Stage 2)/130% (Stage 3) damage.
Indra icon.png
Quick Fists Upon dodging a Physical attack, the next attack has its ATK increased.
  • Elite 1: 80%
  • Elite 2: 100%
Jackie icon.png
Pay Close Attention!
Upon dodging a Physical attack, launches a stronger counter-attack to an enemy within range, but Jackie can only launch counter-attacks once every a period based on her attack interval.
  • Damage (of ATK)
    • Level 1: 120%
    • Level 2: 125%
    • Level 3: 130%
    • Level 4: 135%
    • Level 5: 140%
    • Level 6: 145%
    • Level 7: 150%
    • Spec. 1: 155%
    • Spec. 2-3: 160%
  • Delay (of attack interval)
    • Level 1-3: 100%
    • Level 4-6: 80%
    • Level 7-Spec. 2: 60%
    • Spec. 3: 50%
Extreme Evasion Upon dodging a Physical attack, increases ASPD for 5 seconds. Every successful dodge will refresh the duration.
  • Elite 1: 6
  • Elite 2: 12


In Ideal City, the damage dealt by Self-Driving Carts' collision never procs Physical dodge.

See also