Luo Xiaohei

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Luo Xiaohei

Luo Xiaohei icon.png

Luo Xiaohei Elite 2 icon.png

Executor-in-Training Luo Xiaohei, here to protect his friends with all he has.
A lot of what you say flies over his head, but his heart will always take it in.
Class Guard.png Guard
Branch Lord Guard.png Lord
Faction Yan.png Yan
Position Melee
Tags DPS
Trait Can launch Ranged Attacks that deal 80% of normal ATK
How to obtain It's Been A While – Stray Animal Shelter; crossover limited



Base.pngElite 1.png


Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 856 1224 1611 2040
ATK.png ATK 287 423 565 698 +30
DEF.png DEF 154 212 269 325 +25
RES.png RES 5 10 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 15 17
BLOCK.png Block count 2
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.3 seconds


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New skill: Broken Blade.
  • Range extended.

Raise Luo Xiaohei to Level 45.
Guard Chip.png
Orirock Cube.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • Executor-in-Training improved.
  • Operator Modules available.

Raise Luo Xiaohei to Elite 1 Level 60.
Guard Chip Pack.png
Manganese Ore.png
Oriron Cluster.png


Base.png When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +1 SP to the attacker when killed); Luo Xiaohei will not attack Critically Wounded targets
Elite 2.png When dealing lethal damage, leave the enemy with 1 HP and inflict Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Luo Xiaohei will not attack Critically Wounded targets


Tail Afterimage
Auto Recovery
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, gains 20% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 2.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, gains 25% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 3.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 4.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +10, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 5.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +15, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 6.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +20, gains 30% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 7.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +25, gains 35% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 8.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +30, gains 35% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 9.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +35, gains 35% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Rank 10.png
Can switch between the original state and the following state:
Attack range becomes 4 adjacent tiles, ASPD +40, gains 45% Physical Dodge, and attacks all blocked enemies
0 10
Additional information
  • Luo Xiaohei cannot attack aerial enemies with Tail Afterimage, but his attacks are always treated as melee attacks (and thus not subject to his trait).
  • Contrary to the wording, Luo Xiaohei does not need to block the enemies for his attacks with Tail Afterimage to hit them. Rather, Xiaohei's attacks hit multiple targets in range equal to his block count.
Broken Blade
Auto Recovery
15–20 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
ATK +10%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 100 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 0 45 15
Rank 2.png
ATK +15%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 110 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 0 45 15
Rank 3.png
ATK +20%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 120 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 0 45 15
Rank 4.png
ATK +25%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 130 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 5 43 17
Rank 5.png
ATK +30%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 140 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 5 43 17
Rank 6.png
ATK +35%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 150 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 5 43 17
Rank 7.png
ATK +40%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 160 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 10 40 20
Rank 8.png
ATK +50%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 170 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 10 39 20
Rank 9.png
ATK +60%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 180 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 10 37 20
Rank 10.png
ATK +70%, ranged attacks no longer reduce ATK, target 1 more enemy, and add an additional attack that ignores 200 enemy DEF when target HP is below 50% 15 35 20

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Orirock Cluster.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Coagulating Gel.png
Rank 8.png
Tail Afterimage
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Orirock Cluster.png
Broken Blade
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Compound Cutting Fluid.png
Rank 9.png
Tail Afterimage
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Manganese Trihydrate.png
Broken Blade
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Circuit.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Rank 10.png
Tail Afterimage
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Broken Blade
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Orirock Concentration.png

Base skills

Skill-ws lolxh.png Spiritshaping: Metal
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material with a base Morale cost of 8, byproduct production chance is increased by 50%
Skill-ws cost lolxh.png Catform
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, any recipes with Morale cost of 4 or higher have their Morale cost divided by 4

Operator Modules

Original module.png Original: Luo Xiaohei's Badge
Module Badge.png
Lord Guard.png
Operator Luo Xiaohei has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for engaging enemies in medium-range and close-quarters combat.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Guard Operator during field operations to exercise Lord responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
LOR-Y module.png LOR-Y: Ball of Yarn
Ball of Yarn.png
Stage 1
HP +65
ATK +25
DEF +15
New trait:
ASPD +12 when there are 2 or more enemies in attack range.
Stage 2
HP +83
ATK +35
DEF +20
Executor-in-Training improved:
Increases damage dealt to enemies below half HP by 8%; when dealing lethal damage, leaves the enemy with 1 HP and inflicts Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Luo Xiaohei will not attack Critically Wounded targets.
Stage 3
HP +100
ATK +40
DEF +25
Executor-in-Training improved:
Increases damage dealt to enemies below half HP by 12%; when dealing lethal damage, leaves the enemy with 1 HP and inflicts Critically Wounded (gives +2 SP to the attacker when killed); Luo Xiaohei will not attack Critically Wounded targets.
Module Missions
  1. Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Luo Xiaohei, and unleash Broken Blade at least 1 time in each battle
  2. Clear Side Story IW-4 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Luo Xiaohei, and can only include 6 other Operators in your squad
PrerequisitesStage 1
  • Complete both of Luo Xiaohei's LOR-Y Module Missions.
  • Raise Luo Xiaohei to Elite 2 Level 40.
Module Data Block.png
Integrated Device.png
Stage 2Have at least 50% Trust with Luo Xiaohei.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Oriron Cluster.png
Stage 3Have at least 100% Trust with Luo Xiaohei.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Orirock Cluster.png
[Medical Department Log Excerpts]
Today is examination day for our underage operators. Though the children are bound to misbehave, these chatty brats seem cute and well-behaved compared to the troublemakers who came by for their physicals yesterday. Most Infected children have already started to stabilize, with many of them who had lost their mobility gradually recovering.
As for the non-Infected children, excessive weight gain has been observed in some of them, which we've assessed to be reasonable, given the fact that many of them suffered from malnutrition while growing up in harsh environments, and proper nutritious intake at Rhodes Island is likely to result in rapid weight gain.
However, Operator Luo Xiaohei's weight gain is somewhat peculiar. First, his diet falls within a reasonable range. His companions, Ah Gen and Xiaobai, have told us that they have never seen him overeat. Second, he gets plenty of exercise: in addition to his regular operations, he also makes a habit of exercising.
Based on the above two points, we believe that his weight gain requires further observation to rule out any potential pathological factors that may lead to further problems. We recommend scheduling tests starting next week to identify what these factors might be.

[Excerpts from a Medical Department Operator's Private Logs]
I'm so tired after a long day of work. My neck and back are aching. I just want to go back to the dorm and crash.
My goodness, when will I be free from dealing with all these uncooperative patients? And then there's the brats who won't stop running around...
When I first graduated, I was filled with a sense of duty. Now, I just feel dead inside.
I ran into that black cat again on my way to Medical this morning. It often shows up there, and a lot of my colleagues have seen it. I suppose it enjoys lying there, basking in the sun. Some of the folks who pass by try to play with it, but it basically ignores everyone unless they offer food. Then, it might show some interest.
Despite its cold demeanor, everyone seems quite enthusiastic about it, and it's even become the topic of conversation.
Of course, I'm no exception.
Just watching it engrossed in eating canned food is enough to briefly make me forget the torment of work.
I always bring some spare snacks and was planning on bringing some more freeze-dried food tomorrow until I saw this morning that everyone in Medical had brought snacks and cat food. After touching bases, we realized that we'd all been separately feeding it over the last few months.
No wonder it has put on so much weight... Maybe I should bring some balls of yarn instead tomorrow.
