Deployment Point

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Deployment Point (DP) is a numeric value used to deploy Operators, summons, and deployable devices in Arknights. For further information about DP costs, see Attribute/Cost.

DP is automatically generated at a rate of 1 DP per second; however, some operations restrict DP generation by slowing or even disabling it completely. The automatic DP generation is disabled in Annihilation operations.

Players start an operation with certain amounts of DP, though some have zero. The maximum amount of DP the player can have in an operation is capped at 99, but there are some exceptions to this:

  • Annihilation operations, including MO ones on certain Intermezzi/Side Stories, have a DP cap of 999.
  • Episode 12 operations have a DP cap of only 20, or 15 in certain operations, which can be raised by the methods detailed in the Interactions section below.


  • Pioneer, Tactician, Agent, and Standard Bearer Vanguards generate DP through their skills, with Standard Bearers having the highest rate. Due to their numbers, those will not be listed in the table below.
  • Charger Vanguards generate 1 DP when defeating an enemy.
Soul Spark

When defeating an enemy while active


Ursus's Roar

When a Vanguard defeats an enemy while active


Roadside Emergency Reserves increase the DP cap by 5 and generates 5 DP when destroyed.


Tactical Delivery

Increases the initial DP of the operation if brought into the squad.

  • Elite 1: +1
  • Elite 2: +2

Norport Civilian
Norport Spy

Once identified and entered a Protection Objective, the DP cap is increased. Civilians increase the cap by 2, while Spies increase the cap by 5.


Sarkaz Absurdist Operative
Sarkaz Absurdist Operative Leader

Their ranged attacks, only used while having ammunition, drains DP upon hitting a friendly unit. Operatives drain 2 DP, while Operative Leaders drain 3 DP.

Wasteland Robber
Elite Wasteland Robber

Drains 1 DP upon hitting an Operator in every third (Wasteland Robber)/second (Elite Wasteland Robber) attacks.

Wasteland Skulker
Elite Wasteland Skulker

When at least one Skulker is on the map, the automatic DP generation rate is reduced. Wasteland Skulkers reduce the rate by 25%, while Elite Wasteland Skulkers reduce the rate by 50%.

Wasteland Plunderer
Elite Wasteland Plunderer

Drains 3 DP upon hitting an Operator in every second attacks.

Bounty Hunter Crossbowman
Bounty Hunter Crossbowman Captain

Their area-of-effect attack drains 1 DP for every Operator affected.

Bounty Hunter Disruptor
Bounty Hunter Disruptor Captain

Each Disruptor on the map reduces the DP cap, which can stack without a limit (but cannot be reduced below 0); if the reduced DP cap would exceed the current DP when a Disruptor (Captain) spawns, DP will be drained based on the difference. Disruptors reduce the cap by 10, while Disruptor Captains reduce the cap by 15.