Device (unit type)

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This article is about the game feature. For the upgrade material, see Device.

In Arknights, devices, referred to as traps in the game files, are various units other than Operators and enemies which could help the player or hinder them.


Deployable devices are available for deployment to the operation's map like that of Operators at the cost of DP. The player only have a limited number of deployable devices available, which cannot be replenished even if the device is retreated, but deployable devices' cost do not ramp up as Operators do and they does not use up the Unit Limit.

Most deployable devices are invulnerable; exceptions are noted in the tables below.

Device Use
Can be used to reroute enemies by forcing them to take a different path. Can be destroyed by enemies if it blocks one or when deployed in the way of Lava Cracks.
Introduced in Episode 05, renders Drones in its AoE unable to attack, reduces their speed, and Silences them. Can be attacked by enemies, who targets it over friendly units.
Interference Mine.png
Introduced in Episode 07, deals heavy True damage to enemies and temporarily amplifies the damage they took, but takes a while to be armed once deployed.
Introduced in Episode 08, blocks the path of enemies to buy the player time to dispatch them.
Portable Supply Station.png
Introduced in Code of Brawl, periodically gives additional SP to friendly units.
Rhodes Island Temporary Employee.png
Introduced in The Great Chief Returns, can be used to clear out Giant Mushrooms and create Stumps.
Mieszko Coil.png
Introduced in Maria Nearl, intermittently generates an electric arc when placed close together that deals Arts damage and Slows enemies caught in its wake. Can be destroyed by splash damage from enemies; otherwise enemies never target it.
Mr. Boom.png
Introduced in the Maria Nearl event, Stuns enemies caught in the detonation.
Two-Step Firecracker mk2.png
Introduced in Who is Real, deals Arts damage to enemies caught in the detonation and switches their Hui/Ming attribute; can also be used to switch the Hui/Ming attributes of Marks of Hui and Ming.
Reinforcement Device.png
Introduced in Operation Originium Dust, can be used to reinforce Dirt Mounds.
High-Energy Originium Bomb.png
Introduced in Operation Originium Dust, deals heavy True damage to enemies or instantly destroy Dirt Mounds caught in the detonation. Can be attacked by ranged enemies.
Snowsant's Safe Escape Crane.png
Introduced in Multivariate Cooperation: Defence Protocols, rapidly retreats an Operator and greatly reduces their redeployment time.
Custom Floating Platform.png
Introduced in Dossoles Holiday, allows friendly units to be deployed over Deep Water Zones. Will be destroyed if the friendly on it leaves the map.
Erosion-Resistant Coating Application Device.png
Introduced in Dossoles Holiday, makes a friendly unit immune to Erosion. Only usable in DH operations through the use of certain Stickers.
Demolition Device.png
Introduced in Episode 09, can be used to immediately bring down Tattered Pillars or damage and push away enemies.
Introduced in Episode 09, left behind on deployable melee tiles in a collapsing Tattered Pillar's way and behaves identically to Roadblocks.
Knight Crest.png
Introduced in Near Light, can be used to permanently provide visibility to a specific melee/ranged tile.
Broken Fog Machine.png
Introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, reduces the speed of surrounding enemies but will self-destruct after a while.
Gas Tank P..png
Introduced in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, pushes away surrounding enemies once deployed.
Hand of the Saint.png
Introduced in Stultifera Navis, launches the namesake towards its deployment direction that damages and Stuns enemies it comes in contact with. Can be modified with Little Handy components.
Self-Driving Cart One-Way Road.png
Introduced in Ideal City, redirects incoming Self-Driving Carts into another direction and gives them a momentary burst of speed.
Allerdale's Guard.png
Introduced in Episode 11, summons Allerdale who creates a short-lasting Barrier on a friendly unit and others nearby.
First-aid Kit.png
Introduced in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, can be used to heal friendly units.
Shabby Fence.png
Introduced in Hortus de Escapismo, can be used to temporarily block Monastery Inhabitants, preventing them from straying into dangerous areas.
Spare Timber.png
Introduced in Hortus de Escapismo, can be used to repair a broken Makeshift Walkway.
Steam Soda Bottle.png
Introduced in So Long, Adele, creates Pure White Steam in the vicinity when broken by friendly units (and only friendly units) once deployed. Can be redeployed after being broken, with the redeployment time shortened whenever a Pure White Steam is created.
Aspect of Annihilation.png
Introduced in Zwillingstürme im Herbst, will be attacked by friendly units over enemies and transfers all damage taken into the Aspect of Creation, which will release them as a damaging Physical projectile. Will self-destruct after being deployed for a while and can be redeployed.
Flint device.png
Introduced in The Rides to Lake Silberneherze, can be used to instantly light up an Emergency Heater.

Integrated Strategies

Device Use
8-Sided Dice.png
12-Sided Dice.png
Featured in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, may reduce the ASPD and speed of enemies, and cuts friendly units' redeployment time depending on the rolled number; the higher the roll, the better the effect. Consumes 1 die roll when used and only one is available in each operation.
Barrier device.png
Introduced in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, can be used to stall enemies with its block count of 4 and good HP. Given through Support Riot Pile.
Featured in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, will be pre-deployed in operations up until and including the 4th floor when the player has the Breath of the Tide.png Breath of the Tide, and must not be defeated until the player enters the 5th floor to reach the Age of the Silence ending. Has good stats and his attacks can push away enemies every several attacks.
Altar-type Radar.png
Featured in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (exclusive to Deep Investigation), gives out Recon Proficiency when enemies are hit by its Pulse Waves; a single enemy can only give out Proficiency once this way. Given through Altar-type Radar collectible.png Altar-type Radar.
R-45 Portable Gramophone.png
Featured in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (exclusive to Deep Investigation), attacks enemies with the highest maximum HP to deal percentage-based Arts damage and give out Recon Proficiency once activated by having adjacent friendly units charge it up, but loses HP over time once activated. Given through R-45 Portable Gramophone collectible.png R-45 Portable "Gramophone".
Ornamental Giant Mushroom.png
Featured in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (exclusive to Deep Investigation), increases the DEF of adjacent friendly units and Recon Proficiency given when they defeats an enemy. Given through Ornamental Giant Mushroom collectible.png Ornamental Giant Mushroom.
Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector.png
Featured in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (exclusive to Deep Investigation), explodes after deployment to deal Arts damage and gives out Recon Proficiency for each enemy caught in the blast. Given through Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector collectible.png Two-step Firecracker and Data-collector.
Recon Self-Driver Launchpoint.png
Featured in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (exclusive to Deep Investigation), spawns a Self-Driving Cart at the cost of DP that gives out Recon Proficiency when colliding with enemies (up to a limit); the Launchpoint loses HP whenever it launches a Cart. Given through Self-Driving Recon Cart.png Self-Driving Recon Cart.

Stationary Security Service

Device Use
Featured in Receding Tides (The Abandoned Lighthouse), each Absorber present causes friendly units to take True damage and Nervous Impairment over time. Can be deployed, having 1 HP at first and can be healed by friendly units; will despawn once at full HP, lowering the Thirster's defenses and adding a Neuronal Revival into the Deployment Waiting Zone. Periodically added to the Deployment Waiting Zone as long as the Thirster is present.
Contaminated Mineral.png
Featured in Nature's Premature Death (Iron Carrot Mine), prevents anything in the Deployment Waiting Zone but the Contaminated Mineral itself from being deployed. If the deployed Mineral is not destroyed in a given amount of time, friendly units in a cross-shaped radius to it will take True damage and be Stunned; destroying the deployed Mineral allows the player to remove one of four random units on the Preparation Area in return for Transfer Permits. Periodically added to the Deployment Waiting Zone as long as Milan is present.
Fluorescent Spores.png
Featured in Long Journey (Glebe Mining Platform), spawns two Fluorescent Originium Slugs at where the Spores is deployed, which goes for the nearest Protection Objective. Periodically added to the Deployment Waiting Zone (Recuperation Area if the Waiting Zone is full) as long as the Drifting Cabin is present.
Fragrant Essential Oil.png
Featured in Bottomless Pit (Słoma Processing Platform), spawns additional enemies which comes in larger numbers and upgraded in subsequent uses. The player will be forced to use this, Gloompincer Shell Meal, or High-Efficiency Baking Powder whenever the Danger Level rises while the Fruit of Gluttony is present.
Gloompincer Shell Meal.png
Featured in Bottomless Pit (Słoma Processing Platform), buffs the ATK and DEF of the "Fruit of Gluttony", which can stack without a limit. The player will be forced to use this, Fragrant Essential Oil, or High-Efficiency Baking Powder whenever the Danger Level rises while the Fruit is present.
Heat Cluster.png
Featured in Nature's Premature Death (Iron Carrot Mine), all deployed friendly units will receive True damage and be Stunned when the Heat Cluster is transferred. Periodically added to the Preparation Area as long as "Milan" is present.
High-Efficiency Baking Powder.png
Featured in Bottomless Pit (Słoma Processing Platform), all friendly units will take True damage every second while the "Fruit of Gluttony" is present, which can stack without a limit. The player will be forced to use this, Fragrant Essential Oil, or Gloompincer Shell Meal whenever the Danger Level rises while the Fruit is present.
Long Live Mead.png
Featured in Acahuallan Peak (Automaton Arena), explodes shortly after deployment to temporarily nullify the Spirit of Liquor's immunity against most crowd-control effects if it is caught in the blast and Stuns enemies in the vicinity. One will be added to the Deployment Waiting Zone when an Aged Mead (spawned by the Spirit) is destroyed.
Modified Phytohormone.png
Featured in Man And Nature (Acahuallan Jungle), removes pollen from tiles pollinated by the Nature's Compromise's Growth Hormone, preventing Small Symbionts from spawning on said tiles. One will be added to the Deployment Waiting Zone (Preparation Area if the Waiting Zone is full) when the Compromise unleashes Deciduous Hormone.
Neuronal Revival.png
Featured in Receding Tides (The Abandoned Lighthouse), removes a large amount of Nervous Impairment on friendly units and cures Stun on them. One will be added to the Deployment Waiting Zone when an Absorber despawns from being fully healed.
Rupturing Canister.png
Featured in Suffocation (Raythean Industries Test Platform), all enemies other than Tumor himself will become invisible for some time when the Rupturing Canister is transferred. Periodically added to the Preparation Area as long as "Tumor" is present.
Supersweetie Superblend.png
Featured in Smile Guaranteed (Alsterii Bellariorum Manufacture Platform), increases the block count of friendly units on melee tiles which can be stacked and remains until the Supersweetie Smiley collides with the friendly while on the Speeding Mode. One will be added to the Deployment Waiting Zone when a Supersweetie Delivery Drone (spawned by the Smiley) is destroyed.

Reclamation Algorithm

Device Use
Camouflage Device.png
Camouflages friendly units around it.
Crabbie Pumpie.png
Deploy on Clear Water to periodically gather Fresh Water.png Fresh Water.
Emergency Repair Vehicle.png
Repairs a damaged Construct ahead of it and self-destructs after a while.
Basic Gathering Hub.png
Advanced Gathering Hub.png
Executive Gathering Hub.png
Periodically spawns up to 3 Basic Harvesters to gather resources in range.
  • Basic Gathering Hubs have standard gathering efficiency and Harvester spawn rate.
  • Improved Gathering Hubs have increased gathering efficiency, Harvester spawn rate, and durability.
  • Executive Gathering Hubs have further increased gathering efficiency, Harvester spawn rate, and durability, and can support 4 Harvesters.
Hypnotic Censer.png
Temporarily puts surrounding enemies to Sleep; Wild Beasts are pacified for longer and become docile again upon waking up.
Refreshing Potion.png
Significantly boosts the ASPD of an Operator ahead for a period of time, but forces them to retreat upon expiring.
Remote Shield Generator.png
Periodically protects the friendly unit ahead of it with a Barrier that grows stronger the more they receives it.


Device Use
Entangles an allied unit to damage and Stun them as well as inflicting Nervous Impairment until destroyed. Periodically deployed by Sal Viento Bishop Quintus.
Fires a high-explosive shell straight ahead at periodic interals until destroyed, dealing AoE damage centered on the first friendly unit hit by the shell. Periodically deployed by Pancho Salas while he is on his motorboat.
Buffs the ASPD and speed of enemies, which can stack without a limit. Will be deployed on top of the first Yumen Catastrophe Defense passed through by a Shanhaizhong Relayer or Harbinger.


Static devices are permanently placed on the operation's map and can be used at the player's discretion through the device's skills. Not all static devices are useful for the player; some are hostile to friendly units and are activated on their own without the player's intervention.

All static devices are invulnerable with exceptions noted in the tables below.

Device Use
Damages and Stuns surrounding enemies at the cost of some DP.
Reveals nearby invisible enemies when activated.
Introduced in Episode 05, periodically fires a bolt straight ahead that damages the first friendly unit hit by the bolt.
Originium Ice Crystal.png
Introduced in Episode 06, periodically releases a frigid wave that inflicts Cold to friendlies caught in its wake.
There is also a friendly variant named FrostNova's Originium Ice Crystal, introduced in Episode 08.
Introduced in Episode 07, periodically releases a pulse of Originium energy that deals True damage to anyone, friendly or enemy, caught in its wake. Sarkaz Guerrilla Casters and Fighters take no damage from the pulses and will be enhanced instead.
There is also a friendly variant named Patriot's Originium Altar, appearing in Episode 08.
Introduced in Episode 08, prevents allied units from moving through and reroutes enemies like Roadblocks until destroyed by friendly units, who can attack them but targets enemies over the Static Roadblock.
Introduced in Episode 08, will release fireballs that deal Arts damage and inflicts Burning Breath to the four cardinal directions if not destroyed by friendly units first, who attacks them over enemies.
Command Terminal.png
Introduced in Code of Brawl, can be activated once charged at the cost of DP to increase Unit Limit. Can be attacked by enemies; the player will lose 1 Life Point if a Command Terminal is destroyed.
Introduced in Darknights Memoir, generates a strong airflow that increases/decreases the ATK of friendlies and the speed of enemies depending on their direction towards the airflow.
Introduced in Twilight of Wolumonde, attacks enemies with percentage-based Arts attack and heals friendlies once captured by deploying friendly units adjacent to it. Certain enemies can contest Gramophones, eventually turning them hostile.
Giant Mushroom.png
Introduced in The Great Chief Returns, increases the DEF of adjacent friendly units and can be cleared by Rhodes Island Temporary Employees to create Stumps.
Introduced in Mansfield Break, temporarily Stun enemies and imprisons freed Prisoner enemies caught in its wake at the cost of some DP. Can be attacked by enemies.
Introduced in Contingency Contract Lead Seal, reroutes enemies like Roadblocks until destroyed by enemies, who can attack them if it blocks one.
Introduced in Operation Originium Dust, blocks Sandstorms and reroutes enemies like Roadblocks. Can be damaged by Sandstorms (unless once reinforced) and attacked by enemies if it blocks one.
Featured in Old Plate Ruins (Multivariate Cooperation: Defence Protocols), can be used by the upper player to deal massive True damage and Stun enemies on the lower layer.
Featured in Ancient Ruined Tower (Multivariate Cooperation: Defence Protocols), can be used by the upper player to spawn a Cheap/Remodeled Second-hand Drone on the lower layer.
Featured in Abandoned Factory (Multivariate Cooperation: Defence Protocols), can be used by the upper player to temporarily stop noxious gas from being released on certain parts in the lower layer.
Introduced in A Walk in the Dust, spawns Air Support Drones when they are summoned by certain enemies.
Introduced in Under Tides, gradually removes Nervous Impairment when activated by a friendly unit or Automatic Maintenance Drone adjacent to it, the latter of which improving the Nervous Impairment removal rate.
Introduced in Episode 09, can be damaged by reducing its HP to 0 and collapsed by attacking it once damaged, severely damaging enemies in its way or instantly knocking out friendlies and leaving behind Battlefield Ruins on deployable tiles. Can be instantly collapsed with Demolition Devices, but can only be attacked/damaged by adjacent friendlies.
City Neon.png
Introduced in Near Light, provides visibility to the nearby tiles which is expanded once activated at the cost of some DP.
Introduced in Guide Ahead, periodically generates SP to friendlies or replenish the ammunition used by certain enemies once captured by attacking it, at which the Stop releases a pulse that damages and Stuns nearby hostiles. Units will attack hostiles over the Gelato Stop.
Introduced in Lingering Echoes, emits a Realigned Flux to the direction it is facing.
L-7 Whisperer.png
Introduced in Lingering Echoes, redirects the Realigned Flux into another direction.
Resonator device.png
Introduced in Lingering Echoes, can be charged up by linking it with Realigned Fluxes; once fully charged, friendly units can be deployed on it, who emits a new Realigned Flux to the direction they are facing.
Self-Driving Cart Launchpoint.png
Introduced in Ideal City, spawns a Self-Driving Cart when its skill is used at the cost of DP. Certain Gears can change the Launchpoint's skill to become toggled, continuously spawning Carts as long as the player have enough DP until deactivated.
R-31 Heavy Power Armor device.png
R-11 Assault Power Armor device.png
Introduced in Dorothy's Vision, will generate SP when an Experiment Product comes in contact with them and becomes activated as the corresponding R-Series Power Armor enemy should their SP is maxed out this way.
Twigs That Crave.png
Introduced in Episode 11, continuously expels Corruption in the vicinity that also inflicts Necrosis Damage once at below 50% HP. When destroyed, a Rot Eater will emerge from the Twigs with reduced stats based on how many enemies are defeated before the Twigs is destroyed; the Twigs will self-destruct once all other enemies are defeated, in which case the Rot Eater emerges with full stats.
Introduced in Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow, able to block a large number of enemies to stall them until destroyed.
Introduced in Episode 12, gives DP and increases the DP cap when destroyed.
Crumbling Masonry.png
Introduced in Hortus de Escapismo, periodically drop rocks that rolls along the ground ahead until it hits a wall or friendly unit, damaging enemies as it rolls or explodes on contact, as well as reducing the durability of Makeshift Walkways in its path.
Holy Statue.png
Introduced in Hortus de Escapismo, reduces the Panic of Monastery Inhabitants in the vicinity and can be used to greatly reduce their Panic at the cost of DP. Can be attacked by enemies; if destroyed, its ruin further increases the Panic of Inhabitants in the vicinity instead.
Decorative Geyser.png
Introduced in So Long, Adele, renders adjacent friendly units immune to both types of Steam and creates Pure White Steam on the target's position when attacking ground enemies.
Waste Heat Vent.png
Introduced in Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures, releases hot wind several tiles ahead for a short time when charged up that deals Arts damage over time to both friendly units and enemies and reduces the latter's speed but causes those who are subject to the Energy mechanic to generate 1 Energy whenever the Waste Heat Vent damages them. Can be charged up by having friendly units attack the Vent, who can attack it (without dealing damage) but targets enemies over the Vent.
Bloodcalling Altar.png
Introduced in Episode 13, periodically emits a pulse that turns Blood Ambers caught in its wake into Bloodborn Spawns.
Bomb Loading Point.png
Introduced in Episode 13, spawns an Anti-Witchcraft Repositionable Bomb at the cost of DP when its skill is fully charged; only one Bomb can be present at a time for each Loading Point.
Throne of Blood.png
Introduced in Episode 13, periodically spawns Blood Ambers and releases a blood mist that turns the Ambers into Bloodborn Spawns. If Duq'arael, "Regent's Crimson" is defeated while the Throne is present, he will respawn from it indefinitely; once destroyed, Duq'arael will enter his second phase.
Introduced in Zwillingstürme im Herbst, can be used once charged up by having friendly units attack every Node on the map (who attacks enemies over them) and a variation is in effect to switch the variation. Sometimes has a shield that blocks all Physical and Arts attacks from a specific direction.
Introduced in Zwillingstürme im Herbst, releases all damage taken by the deployed Aspect of Annihilation as a projectile that deals Physical damage to enemies coming into contact with it. Will periodically relocate into different positions on the map.
Introduced in The Rides to Lake Silberneherze, renders surrounding friendly units immune to Cold/Freeze and can counteract the Frigid environment, but must be lit up by attacking the Heater first or using a Flint on them. The lit Heater will extinguish over time unless if a friendly is on the right of it.

Integrated Strategies

Device Use
Featured in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, randomly spawns in (Emergency) Operations and gives out additional Originium Ingot.png Originium Ingot upon clearing the operation as long as it remains intact; the Treasure is destroyed when an enemy comes into contact with one.
Featured in Twisted Every Way (Phantom & Crimson Solitaire), periodically deals True damage to surrounding friendly units and reduce their ATK. Destroying the Assistant is the only way to damage the "Troupe Mouthpiece", but friendlies will attack enemies over it.
Introduced in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, randomly spawns in (Emergency) Operations and comes in three versions:
  • The basic version which gives out Originium Ingots when destroyed.
  • The Spiked Treasure Chest which gives out more Originium Ingots when destroyed, but will damage friendlies attacking it.
  • The Chest Seaborn/Testaceous Vinecreeps which turns into the namesake enemy when attacked that will give out even more Originium Ingots when defeated.
Silvernwhite Bulwark.png
Featured in Lofty Silverfrost (Expeditioner's Joklumarkar), covers much of the deployable tiles and prohibits unit deployment until destroyed, having above-average stats and friendly units will attack it over enemies.
Featured in Gardener (Expeditioner's Joklumarkar), renders Crazelyseon, the Ascendant of Cosmoi vulnerable for a short time when its skill is activated, which can be Overcharged to extend the duration at which Crazelyseon is vulnerable and clearing out Seedbeds it creates in the vicinity.

Stationary Security Service

Device Use
Featured in Show of Power (Mama John's New Plate), will periodically drain 1 DP while present and can be destroyed to generate Transfer Permits. Periodically spawned while Mama's "Rebel Girl" is present.
Featured in Show of Power (Mama John's New Plate), behaves identically to Turrets but fires three bolts in quick succession. One will be spawned whenever the Danger Level rises while Mama's "Rebel Girl" is present.

Trials for Navigator

Device Use
Entitative Program.png
Greatly buffs the maximum HP, ATK, and DEF of friendly units for the current wave. Can only be activated after clearing the wave where the Entitative Program appears and then reaching the specified wave upon redoing the TN operation.

Reclamation Algorithm

Device Use
The player's base of operations in the Headquarters. The player will lose a campaign when the Base is destroyed, so protect it at all costs!
Gives out valuables when destroyed. Spawns randomly in combat zones.
Gives out additional resources when destroyed. Spawns randomly in combat zones.
Send off an Operator here to establish Transregional Communication (can carry over some resources from this campaign to the next one). Spawns randomly in combat zones.
Reveals a secret area in combat zones when destroyed. Must be spotted first before the Remains can be attacked, which is often located on inconspicuous positions.
Elite Raids will appear from time to time on Mountain Passes until the Towers there are destroyed, which can summon reinforcements to protect against invaders.
A source of Stone.png Stone found in Resource Zones that can be harvested by Operators and Basic Harvesters.
A source of Iron Ore.png Iron Ore found in Resource Zones that can be harvested by Operators and Basic Harvesters.
A source of Wood.png Wood found in Resource Zones that can be harvested by Operators and Basic Harvesters.
Gives out rare valuables when destroyed, but will harm attackers. Spawns randomly in combat zones.
Poaches Wild Beasts on Hunting Zones to harass the player until taken out, who can relocate into another spot every so often and dodge Physical/Arts attacks. Defeating the Hunter allows the player to claim their quarry along with some valuables.