Bloodline of Combat

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Bloodline of Combat.png
Bloodline of Combat
Through the bloodline, the struggle continues.
"Bloodline of Combat" is an experimental personal equipment series developed by Rhodes Island in collaboration with other organizations based upon the actual needs of operators. The equipment is densely packed with advanced, and potentially even dangerous technology, for operators to be able to deal with the most demanding tasks. Rhodes Island and its operators never give up.

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Bloodline of Combat/I

Distinguished Vistor
Angelina Skin 1.png

Model: Angelina
Illustrator: LM7

One of Angelina's outfits for crucial moments.

"Captain, I'll handle things here. You're still needed elsewhere."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Distinguished Vistor. The outfit worn by Angelina while she was stationed at the 2nd Final Defense Front. The substance of reality slowly flows between her fingers and her tools.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Beagle Skin 1.png

Model: Beagle
Illustrator: 下野宏铭

One of Beagle's outfits for crucial moments.

"I... knew you'd be here. Sorry, but I won't let you pass. No matter what."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Dreadnaught. The attire worn by the elite operator, Beagle, when serving as rearguard during the Great March of Bolívar. This is her final test.

How to obtain: 3600 Guerrilla Squad Member Badge.png milestone

GreyThroat Skin 1.png

Model: GreyThroat
Illustrator: m9nokuro

One of GreyThroat's outfits for crucial moments.

"Follow the road behind me, quickly. Don't thank me, it's part of my duty."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Homecoming. The outfit worn by Operator GreyThroat while participating in a rescue operation for the Infected within the Catastrophe zone of Sugar City. Disregarding protection or camouflage, upon this outfit is etched the will to protect the next person, and save another life.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Refined Horrormare
Lappland Skin 1.png

Model: Lappland
Illustrator: 幻象黑兔

One of Lappland's outfits for crucial moments.

"Is that all? That's all our lives are worth. I told you, everything you've taken from me, I'll have you repay. In full."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Refined Horrormare. The outfit Lappland wore at the Laterano Apostolic Knights' Funeral Memorial Hall. Collect the debts, and pay the price.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Seventh Night's Awakened
Midnight Skin 1.png

Model: Midnight
Illustrator: 竜崎いち

One of Midnight's outfits for crucial moments.

"Did you see it, my lovely mistress? Are you not pleased with this banquet of blood and darkness– Ow... If you want to fight, don't start with the face..."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Seventh Night's Awakened. An outfit worn by Midnight during the promotional video of an annihilation operation. Though it was undeniably effective, everyone agreed that it was a bit over-the-top.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Saria Skin 1.png

Model: Saria
Illustrator: NoriZC

One of Saria's outfits for crucial moments.

"What's the matter, Boss? You don't seem as sharp as before. Since you didn't manage to finish me off, I suppose it's my turn now. Don't blink."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Stronghold. An outfit worn by Saria during the confrontation between the General Jurisdiction and the Research Branch. Though her surroundings crumbled under the onslaught of Arts colliding, her conviction never wavered, like the land itself.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Titleless Code
Executor Skin 1.png

Model: Executor
Illustrator: Skade

One of Executor's outfits for crucial moments.

"Don't worry, she won't get away. As you said, if she and I are the only people in this world who can't see eye to eye, then nobody is better suited to be her nemesis than me."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Titleless Code. The outfit worn by Executor when tracking important charges for the Laterano Notarial Hall. Though one's identity may change over the years, what the heart desires does not.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Bloodline of Combat/II

Octopath Illusion
Hellagur Skin 1.png

Model: Hellagur
Illustrator: Liduke

One of Hellagur's outfits for crucial moments.

"I like leading the vanguard in all my battles. In his case, I imagine it'd be the shieldguard."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Octopath Illusion. Hellagur's clothing during his time as vanguard commander in the Bloodpeak Campaign. If he weren't an enemy, if he could have served Ursus... Even if no such possibility existed.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Wind of Breaking Blade
Shirayuki Skin 1.png

Model: Shirayuki
Illustrator: 阿鬼

One of Shirayuki's outfits for crucial moments.

"Execute without pardon."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Wind of Breaking Blade. Shirayuki's combat attire in her confrontation with a general serving the North, during the Northern and Southern Courts Battle of Echigo. The head orders: sight enemy, see blood.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Bloodline of Combat/III

Dark Cloud
Mountain Skin 1.png

Model: Mountain
Illustrator: WincalBlanke

One of Mountain's outfits for crucial moments.

"I apply to withdraw from Rhodes Island. You've helped me plenty enough, and I will not implicate you all in what I am to do next."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Dark Cloud. Mountain's attire at his parents' funeral. Though he personally slew his own enemy, there is no hint of joy in his heart. There are still things he needs to do.

Release: Under Tides
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Eunectes Skin 1.png

Model: Eunectes
Illustrator: Liduke

One of Eunectes's outfits for crucial moments.

"Gavial, I'll keep Rhodes Island safe in your stead."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Forgemaster. Rhodes Island Engineering Chief Eunectes's outfit while refitting an experimental-model Raging Ironhide. Every point worked on all by herself, everyone saying she's much more reliable than Closure. Closure fiercely rolling her eyes.

Release: Under Tides
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Gorgeous Flower
Flint Skin 1.png

Model: Flint
Illustrator: aZLing4

One of Flint's outfits for crucial moments.

"Been learning for so long. Now I can finally go take on all those strong guys. Yeah, relax. I'll be a little civilized about it."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Gorgeous Flower. Flint's attire when she set out on a lone journey, a "Catastrophe Messenger" by her own declaration. Before, her fists only knew Acahualla and Rhodes Island. Now, it's Terra's turn.

Release: Under Tides
How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Spot Skin 1.png

Model: Spot
Illustrator: 阿鬼

One of Spot's outfits for what might be pretty crucial moments.

"We done shooting yet? No? Listen, director lady, I don't wanna get you rated for obscenities, but can you not waste my precious freaking time along with yours?"
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Professional. The outfit Spot wore for an Annihilation mission promo. It might've been effective, but all Spot's thinking about is what cartoons are on tonight.

Release: Under Tides
How to obtain: Gift of the Deep Ones Sign-In Event (Day 10)

Tested One
Ayerscarpe Skin 1.png

Model: Ayerscarpe
Illustrator: NoriZC

One of Ayerscarpe's outfits for crucial moments.

"And Leon's armed like a weaponized tin can now. Fine, at least we all know what we're doing."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Tested One. Ayerscarpe's attire while upgrading the Rim Billiton Weapon Distribution Center weapons system. He needs to infiltrate a Catastrophe area together with his friends, and heist an important piece of data back before the Columbians.

Release: Under Tides
How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Bloodline of Combat/IV

Breaking the Ice
Frostleaf Skin 1.png

Model: Frostleaf
Illustrator: 下野宏铭

One of Frostleaf's outfits for crucial moments.

"People are still sending children onto the battlefield? Got it, I'll handle this rescue mission."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Breaking the Ice. Operator Frostleaf's attire during her special appointment by the Rhodes Island Columbia branch to conduct a search and rescue in the nation's north. Life has bestowed her the resolve to return to the battlefield.

How to obtain: Gift of the Deep Ones Login Event (Day 4)

Gnosis Skin 1.png

Model: Gnosis
Illustrator: 竜崎いち

One of Gnosis's outfits for crucial moments.

"Terra will be witness to Kjerag's precipitous rise."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Forerunner. Following the Vine-Bear Court's final meeting of the Tri-Clan Council, Gnosis formally assumed the post of inaugural Speaker of the Parliament of Kjerag by SilverAsh's recommendation.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Polar Catcher
Aurora Skin 1.png

Model: Aurora
Illustrator: LAL!ROLE

One of Aurora's outfits for crucial moments.

"Hi, are you there? Can you hear me, Maggy? This is Aurora! I made it to the summit!"
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Polar Catcher. The nations of Terra collectively sent a dozen or so survey groups to scale Sami's perilous peaks. Only Team Aurora funded by Karlan Trade Co. ultimately scaled the summits without hassle, planting their flags and beacons at the peaks.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Shore Rescue Modification
Lancet-2 Skin 1.png

Model: Lancet-2
Illustrator: 过失帝国

One of Lancet-2's modifications for crucial moments.

"I couldn't perform any tasks while I was afloat, so the only thing I could do was compute something interesting. According to my calculations over these last three months, the logic of space and time takes the form of the lovely Ms. Closure."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Shore Rescue Modification. Lancet-2 was unexpectedly shot down into the water while aiding Ægir refugees off the coast of Iberia, and remained afloat for three months until located and retrieved by a Rhodes Island search and rescue team.

How to obtain:

Skadi the Corrupting Heart Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Illustrator: alchemaniac

One of Skadi the Corrupting Heart's forms.

As He decided this body was perfect and sublime, so the Seaborn would ascend from Terra, their destination the infinite sea of stars above the skies.
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Sublimation. In the ocean-soaked wreckage of this great Iberian chapel rests He, and His song comes from the efferent throat, to reach the ears of every Seaborn.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (21 Originite Prime icon.png)

Bloodline of Combat/V

Gladiia Skin 1.png

Model: Gladiia
Illustrator: Chuzenji

One of Gladiia's outfits for crucial moments.

"My fellow Ægir, no longer does the sea lies behind us. We have no other choice."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Return. Ægir Consul Gladiia's attire as she led her unit to return to the sea. Following sufficient exchange with the nations of dry land, the Ægir found themselves fully prepared to return to the home they'd left.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Bloodline of Combat/VI

Born as One
Specter the Unchained Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Illustrator: Skade

One of Specter the Unchained's outfits for crucial moments.

"Step aside. The silence and blood won't bother me one bit, and I need to get the others back to the ball ASAP."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Born as One. An engraving leaves a shadow, like two sides of a coin, or the cycle of day and night. When both are aware of their dual nature, Laurentina possesses a soul most complete, like unto the twin moons.

Release: Lone Trail
How to obtain: Outfit Store (21 Originite Prime icon.png)

Eine Variation
Ebenholz Skin 1.png

Model: Ebenholz
Illustrator: 竜崎いち

One of Ebenholz's outfits for crucial moments.

"My duty, my obligation, the shame of my nobility, and the golden cage that I oh so hate... this is my path."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Eine Variation. A traditional-style gown worn by every Graf Urtica, now draped over Ebenholz's shoulders. Orders apathetically seep from the tip of the staff, piercing through the sparse ensemble of nobles.

Release: Lone Trail
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Kal'tsit Skin 1.png
Special Intro
Exclusive Dialogue
Outfit Voucher

Model: Kal'tsit
Illustrator: 红色彗星

One of Kal'tsit's outfits for crucial moments.

"I'm Kal'tsit, a doctor of Rhodes Island, and also the companion of Amiya and the Doctor. You have long been worthless to me."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Remnant. Originium has taken over the land, and what she envisioned has become a reality. She has enumerated and entrusted everything else to the others, leaving only her name as she hones her mission into a sharp blade.

Release: Lone Trail
How to obtain: Outfit Store (24 Originite Prime icon.png)

Ten Thousand Mountains
Ch'en the Holungday Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Illustrator: 唯@W

One of Ch'en the Holungday's outfits for crucial moments.

"My thanks to you two Tianshi for accompanying me on my journey so far, but it's about time we went our separate ways."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Ten Thousand Mountains. Ch'en Hui-chieh entered the capital on a starry night, and left before sunrise after settling matters. She bid farewell to old friends and took a sampan down the river, the lamp on the prow crashing through the fog and night.

Release: Lone Trail
How to obtain: Outfit Store (21 Originite Prime icon.png)

Twines of Time
Orchid Skin 1.png

Model: Orchid
Illustrator: Liyu黎

One of Orchid's outfits for crucial moments.

"I didn't understand back then... I gave them form, but could not manage warmth or life. But now I do, which is why they're always a beautiful shade of pure white, while I'm always draped in black."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Twines of Time. Orchid finally completed her design after several torturous nights. She stroked the delicate stitches on it, quietly praying for life.

Release: Lone Trail
How to obtain: One Giant Leap Login Event (Day 5)

Bloodline of Combat/VII

Tournament Fantasy Retrofit Kit
Justice Knight Skin 1.png

Illustrator: 过失帝国

One of Justice Knight's modifications for crucial moments.

"I dreamed of a knight. They were a carefree and cheerful sort, having traveled all over the land and gathered an array of talents. They saved countless enslaved robots and Infected, and in that dream... that knight was me."
Bloodline of Combat Collection/Tournament Fantasy Retrofit Kit. The General Chamber of Commerce had no idea the newest wave of protests would arise from a most unremarkable robot's tournament retrofit labelled as a "drone."

How to obtain: Crystal Showroom

Bloodline of Combat/VIII

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Blade-Cleaved Tides
Thorns Skin 2.png

Model: Thorns
Illustrator: Studio Montagne

One of Thorns's outfits for crucial moments.

Bloodline of Combat Collection/Blade-Cleaved Tides. 棘刺亮出剑锋,沉寂近百年的伊比利亚舰队再度起航。黄金璀璨的秘密显于律外之地,无垠沙海与汪洋再难掩盖夺目辉光。

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Three Hundred Meters Underground
Savage Skin 1.png

Model: Savage
Illustrator: 臼

One of Savage's outfits for crucial moments.

Bloodline of Combat Collection/Three Hundred Meters Underground. 暴行举起提灯,防护服被深渊的气浪翻动。在更远处的黑暗中,引力子加速器缀连成环,整齐地闪烁着。他们已注意到她的来访。

How to obtain: Login Event (Day 9)

Under the Flaming Dome
Ines Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Model: Ines
Illustrator: 板板

One of Ines's outfits for crucial moments.

Bloodline of Combat Collection/Under the Flaming Dome. 炮火弋空,崩天裂地,一切好似旧日重现。伊内丝来到城下,她将改写看似注定的结局,使卡兹戴尔免于被毁灭的命运。

How to obtain: Outfit Store (21 Originite Prime icon.png)

Young Branch
Muelsyse Skin 1.png
Special Intro
Exclusive Dialogue
Outfit Voucher

Model: Muelsyse
Illustrator: NoriZC

One of Muelsyse's outfits for crucial moments.

Bloodline of Combat Collection/Young Branch. 归壤的水融开冰川,飘游的叶重访林地。可血脉之源已陷入永恒的沉睡,答案早已远去,当下又在何方?

How to obtain: Outfit Store (24 Originite Prime icon.png)