Witch Feast

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Witch Feast.png
Witch Feast
The night approaches, and the Witch's Feast is nigh.
Rhodes Island holds its Witch's Feast festivities every year, turning an ancient tradition long restricted to female Sarkaz into something everyone can enjoy. During this merriment, colorful costumes and decorations can be seen all over, and these festive outfits are sure to become a fond memory for all the operators.

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Witch Feast

an elegy
Nightingale Skin 1.png

Illustrator: Skade

Nightingale's Night Carnival outfit.

An ancient elegy from the twilight.
Witch Feast Series/an elegy. An outfit tailored for Nightingale. Who is the one who sings, and what language is it in? Whose dream do I see, and whose death do I see?

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)


The passage on Nightingale's left side in the background is paraphrased from parts of the final paragraph of the novel Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy:
And they are dancing, the board floor slamming under the jackboots and the fiddlers grinning hideously over their canted pieces. Towering over them all is the judge and he is naked dancing, his small feet lively and quick and now in doubletime and bowing to the ladies, huge and pale and hairless, like an enormous infant. He never sleeps, he says. He says he'll never die. He bows to the fiddlers and sashays backwards and throws back his head and laughs deep in his throat and he is a great favorite, the judge. He wafts his hat and the lunar dome of his skull passes palely under the lamps and he swings about and takes possession of one of the fiddles and he pirouettes and makes a pass, two passes, dancing and fiddling all at once. His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.

the feast
Warfarin Skin 1.png

Model: Warfarin
Illustrator: 时辰

Warfarin's Night Carnival outfit.

This is her home.
Witch Feast Series/the feast. A custom-made outfit for Warfarin that incorporates holiday designs with Sarkaz motifs. The designer personally embellished this outfit with plenty of jewelry.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

the mag
Kroos Skin 1.png

Model: Kroos
Illustrator: 下野宏铭

Kroos's Night Carnival outfit.

The holiday's true value lies in this smile.
Witch Feast Series/the mag. An outfit that Kroos designed for herself. In addition to being fashionable, it incorporates some mechanisms to assist her with her magic tricks.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Imp's House
Rope Skin 1.png

Model: Rope
Illustrator: m9nokuro

Rope's Night Carnival outfit.

Phew... Someone is knocking.
Witch Feast Series/Imp's House. A custom-made outfit for Rope that takes the young woman's activities and body shape into account. It utilizes lightweight and breathable materials, simple while not sacrificing elegance.

How to obtain: Secret Sanctuary (300 Contract Bounty icon.png)

Witch Feast/II

Echo of the Horrorlair
Shamare Skin 1.png

Model: Shamare
Illustrator: 下野宏铭

One of Shamare's costumes.

Shamare has to give commands to the other actors to protect the treasure of the Horrorlair from pilferage. She may be the only actor here really playing herself.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Horrorlair's Enigma" Custom Line/Echo of the Horrorlair. The actor plays the role of the Horrorlair's incarnation, patrolling its corridors and keeping it safe from the patronage of thieves.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Fated Hero
Snowsant Skin 1.png

Model: Snowsant
Illustrator: NoriZC

One of Snowsant's costumes.

Once a pauper, now the world's greatest hope. That's what the script says anyway, but Snowsant just wants to get at the treasure chest Whislash brought!
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Horrorlair's Enigma" Custom Line/Fated Hero. The actor plays the role of the hero chosen by fate, who descends into the Horrorlair not just to quell disaster and eliminate evil, but with the hope of finding treasures to improve her life.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Grave Thief
Click Skin 1.png

Model: Click
Illustrator: れおえん

One of Click's costumes.

Click's ready to buy Snowsant's loot at half price, trade for supplies, then sell it back to her at premium. She'll record each transaction, call it material for a future set.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Horrorlair's Enigma" Custom Line/Grave Thief. The actor plays the role of the first enemy the hero faces. If defeated, she will offer her service as a merchant.

How to obtain: Record Restoration

Moon Catastrborn
Blemishine Skin 1.png

Model: Blemishine
Illustrator: 竜崎いち

One of Blemishine's costumes.

Everybody knows Blemishine isn't cut out to be the bad guy, but isn't that what makes it fun? Anyway, she and her family there are just out to have fun, they're not in it to win or lose.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Horrorlair's Enigma" Custom Line/Moon Catastrborn. The actor plays the role of the heir of bane who descends upon Terra after rending the moon into twins. The hero stands no chance in a head-on fight.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Witch Feast/III

Like Illusion
Kazemaru Skin 1.png

Model: Kazemaru
Illustrator: 温泉瓜

One of Kazemaru's stage outfits.

For a good while, Kazemaru secretly had a paper self "listening" for her while the script was explained, and was only found out once everyone decided to break for food.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "The Curious Trove Manor" Custom Line/Like Illusion. The actor plays the role of the maid who guards the treasure. In a sea of roaming shadows of a hundred and one forms, all truest true and falsest false, the willful intruder finds himself endlessly dithering about the stairs.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Mirror Visitor
Iris Skin 1.png

Model: Iris
Illustrator: 下野宏铭

One of Iris's stage outfits.

The children absolutely love this costume of Iris's, and to placate them, she might even show up to her recent storytelling tea parties wearing it.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "The Curious Trove Manor" Custom Line/Mirror Visitor. The actor–hush, now. Does she play the role of the Master, a guest, or a phantom in the mirror? Until the highest landing is reached, all remains a mystery.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trust Your Eyes
Lee Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Model: Lee
Illustrator: KuroBlood

One of Lee's stage outfits.

Lee deftly handles his playing cards, corner of his mouth cocked in the same smile as ever. "Winning a commitment from the underworld three times over in one card game? Ah, that's nonsense."
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "The Curious Trove Manor" Custom Line/Trust Your Eyes. The actor plays the role of a Great Thief Magician, here for the treasure. No, come now–doubt those eyes of yours. Trust his hands.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (21 Originite Prime icon.png)

Witch Feast/IV

Divine Oath
Fiammetta Skin 1.png

Model: Fiammetta
Illustrator: 三目YYB

One of Fiammetta's stage outfits.

"Stop passing around my character card! I mean it! Divine Oath and Crimson Fury are just made up for the game, not my new codenames!"
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Dominions & Dogma" Custom Line/Divine Oath. This player shall be the apostolic knight who takes charge in times of crisis. She is the crimson fury spilling forth from the Holy Spirit's palm, bearing the eternal burden of seeking the land of salvation.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Hand of Destiny
Dorothy Skin 1.png

Model: Dorothy
Illustrator: Jacknife

One of Dorothy's stage outfits.

This is not the first time Dorothy has taken on the role of the lord of the realm. To weave a fantasy, to direct an adventure, to achieve everyone else's hopes and dreams... She has always been like this.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Dominions & Dogma" Custom Line/Hand of Destiny. This player shall be the will of the realm behind the story. She is neither a wicked god, nor a righteous spirit. All she does is let the players roll the dice.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Priory of Abyss
Whisperain Skin 2.png

Model: Whisperain
Illustrator: Chuzenji

One of Whisperain's stage outfits.

Everyone unanimously agreed that Whisperain's character card was scarily well put together, and she herself looks shockingly fitting... Is this really her first time playing this game?
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Dominions & Dogma" Custom Line/Priory of Abyss. This player shall be the sister in black, who has saved countless adventurers' lives. The people never ask who forgets the traumas of their mundane lives for them.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)


  • The stained glass windows in the background depicts the following Iberian characters (from left to right): Amaia, Lumen, Irene, a Sankta that resembles Andoain, Thorns, and Elysium.
    • Amaia and Andoain were both illustrated by Chuzenji.
  • The four tiny white figurines surrounding Whisperain resembles the following characters (from left to right): Andoain or Indigo, Irene, Thorns, and Weedy.
  • Circulo de Mortalidad ("Circle of Mortality" in Spanish) is written on the plaque at the bottom of the background, which is a reference to the biological immortality of Turritopsis dohrnii which Whisperain is based of.
  • There are two Morse codes on the bottom of the art, which reads "Resst[sic] the souls of the wandering / Soothe the the[sic] pain of the dying".

The Bard's Tale
Quercus Skin 2.png

Model: Quercus
Illustrator: YUJI

One of Quercus's stage outfits.

There are many who believe themselves dashing and humorous, more than enough to take on the role of a wandering bard, but Quercus's improvised performance is not something just anyone can learn.
Witch Feast Role-Playing Script "Dominions & Dogma" Custom Line/The Bard's Tale. This player shall be the one singing ballads for the heroes of old, livening up the tavern with her ditties. Come, listen close, who stole the melody that wends through the shadow-flickering breeze?

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)