Path to Glory: Chronicles medals

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Path to Glory medals related to Operator Records.

Certain Choices.png
"Certain Choices"
A person's identity begins and ends with their name.
How are our identities, our beginnings, and our ends defined?

Condition: Unlock 12F: Certain Choices.
A Night of Terror.png
"A Night of Terror"
It is a lack of stability that leads to a lack of contentment.

Condition: Unlock Aak: A Night of Terror.
The Face of a Wall.png
"The Face of a Wall"
A facemask, and a can of spray paint. The graffiti she leaves behind may be easily washed off, but the same cannot be said for the memories left in the hearts of onlookers.

Condition: Unlock Aciddrop: The Face of a Wall.
Swordswoman from a Distant Land.png
"Swordswoman from a Distant Land"
Fighting may be the binding duty of a swordsman, but there is more meaning to it than fighting for the sake of fighting.

By setting foot on a new top deck, she will have a much clearer view of her future.

Condition: Unlock Almond: Long-Haul.
Package with No Recipient.png
"Package with No Recipient"
A work slip-up?
Angelina sure doesn't feel like anyone here would send her a present.

As A Medic.png
"As A Medic"
Whether it is about himself, his friends, or all the lands, the more aware he is that there is no solution to a question, the more unwilling he is to give up.

Condition: Unlock Ansel: As A Medic.
Future Woven.png
"Future Woven"
This was a skill he only learned to make life easier. Now, his hands have crafted a doll seemingly as soft as the clouds. It is an accessory to be worn, a gift given to one another.

Condition: Unlock Aosta: Future Woven.
Hunter's Vision.png
"Hunter's Vision"
She gazes upon the beast, and the people gaze upon her.

Condition: Unlock April: Hunter's Vision.
Idol Promotion.png
"Idol Promotion"
Beliefs cannot be used to trade, just as faith cannot be given a price.

Condition: Unlock Archetto: Idol Promotion.
Strange Sights.png
"Strange Sights"
Every time she climbs back up again, she thinks to herself: that was worth it.

Condition: Unlock Asbestos: Strange Sights.
Traveling Companions.png
"Traveling Companions"
Drink some water, talk a bit about yourself, heave your backpack full of nothing but hope onto your back, and continue your journey.

Condition: Unlock Ash: Traveling Companions.
May you shine as brightly as the stars in the sky.

Condition: Unlock Astesia: Revelation.
Return to Radiance.png
"Return to Radiance"
Some binary stars flash across the sky in parallel. Some binary stars depend on one another and glow as one.

Condition: Unlock Astesia: Return to Radiance.
Now Experimenting....png
"Now Experimenting..."
Reactions proceed in an orderly manner, and the addition of each element leads toward the final result.

What She Saw.png
"What She Saw"
She wants the spectacle of the sky, and more than that, she wants to witness the fruits of her own efforts upon this land.

Condition: Unlock Aurora: What She Saw.
Seeker in the Sands.png
"Seeker in the Sands"
Though all is buried by sand, and his hands covered in blood, he will continue to dig away at that sand, until he sees that face.

Dangerous Road.png
"Dangerous Road"
A road map that has been thoroughly marked.
From County Hillock of Victoria to Londinium, across Leithanien and Siracusa. And finally, towards Lungmen.

Condition: Unlock Bagpipe: Dangerous Road.
The Wilds Do They Call.png
"The Wilds Do They Call"
The little Metal Crab guys think you're doing great!

Ending Bell.png
"Ending Bell"
A boxer needs to do more than just keep standing.

Condition: Unlock Beehunter: Ending Bell.
Trail of Sands.png
"Trail of Sands"
Sometimes, what we have looked for all our life is not at the finish line, but at the starting line.

Condition: Unlock Beeswax: Trail of Sands.
The Simple Wish.png
"The Simple Wish"
Having a wish is easy. Making a wish come true isn't necessarily difficult. But remembering a wish long enough for it to come true might actually be the tricky part.

Condition: Unlock Bena: The Simple Wish.
Shell Break.png
"Shell Break"
Commemoration of new birth.

Condition: Unlock Bibeak: Shell Break.
Through the Long Hallway.png
"Through the Long Hallway"
Bibeak heads through the long hallway and goes outside. It is a beautiful day. She looks at the clear skies and exhales.

A Fulfilling Holiday.png
"A Fulfilling Holiday"
Why not compress all your worries and stress into a soccer ball, and give it a good punt?

Condition: Unlock Bison: A Fulfilling Holiday.
Souls of the Wilderness.png
"Souls of the Wilderness"
These boundless barrens are where her home is, which is why she will never wander the lands.

Will You.png
"Will You?"
Rhodes Island's elite operators have all asked themselves this question:
Do you truly understand what it is that you fight for?

Condition: Unlock Blaze: Will You?
Ready to Serve.png
"Ready to Serve"
Blemishine wants to understand what kinds of roads her sister has traveled, to see what she has seen.
But before that, she has to figure out where she is about to head.

Condition: Unlock Blemishine: Ready to Serve.
The Team's Sturdy Shield.png
"The Team's Sturdy Shield"
He lifts his shield not for himself, but for the ones behind him.

Condition: Unlock Blitz: The Team's Sturdy Shield.
Untouchable, but still trying hard to reach out.

Condition: Unlock Blue Poison: Untouchable.
Breeze's Warmth, Chilled Forest.png
"Breeze's Warmth, Chilled Forest"
Breeze has received many a medal like this, as a doctor, and she treasures each one in a pouch she carries around.

Prisoner's Dream.png
"Prisoner's Dream"
...I'd like to thank my assistant, Mr. Counsell, for helping me sort through a considerable amount of info... that day will eventually come... the sun shines, the breeze blows, and thus all things are born. ––H.A. Cloudlace, Handbook of Traditional Gaulish Folk Medicine, 3rd Edition, translator's foreword

Condition: Unlock Breeze: Prisoner's Dream.
The First Step Towards Trust.png
"The First Step Towards Trust"
There exists no organizations that we can come to like at first glance.
All we can do is to convince everyone through our actions that our ideals are far from empty promises.

Day & Night at Fashion Street.png
"Day & Night at Fashion Street"
A family's love and memories can be found in that tiny shop on Fashion Street.

Trial For The Brave.png
"Trial For The Brave"
She can dash through all obstacles in her way all the way until she reaches that vast, boundless land.

Condition: Unlock Bubble: Trial For The Brave.
A Fowl Through the Window.png
"A Fowl Through the Window"
Would speaking up improve the future?

It'll Be Fine, Guaranteed!.png
"It'll Be Fine, Guaranteed!"
A beat up snowboard that can't be used anymore.
Nevertheless, it's been deeply treasured and cared for because of the help it provided to some important friends.

Protector's Nature.png
"Protector's Nature"
The more protective, the more aggressive.

A song played over and over again on an old record player.
Castle-3 learned to simulate the melody with electric sounds, and "contemplates" its entire existence within the melody.

Condition: Unlock Castle-3: Immortal.
Break Free.png
"Break Free"
A memento of Catapult's departure from her hometown.
She scattered jewels and gold baubles along the way, taking nothing with her except her free and easygoing manner.

Condition: Unlock Catapult: Break Free.
The only proof of Catapult returning to her hometown.
With the exception of the people who had left, everything had changed, yet nothing had changed.

Condition: Unlock Catapult: Change.
XXL Honey Biscuit.png
"XXL Honey Biscuit"
An engraved medal handcrafted by Vulcan Modeled after a honey biscuit, these medals are given to Ceobe as a reward for her performance.
Though Ceobe is particularly fond of these medals, they are actually the same size as all other medals; the only difference being the letters "XXL" emblazoned on them.

Condition: Unlock Ceobe: XXL Honey Biscuit.
Heartfelt Present.png
"Heartfelt Present"
Her heart yearns to save others, and that is where her bottomless courage comes from.
She may sometimes seem a little unsociable, but nobody faults her for that.

Condition: Unlock Ceylon: Heartfelt Present.
In One Effort.png
"In One Effort"
Endless effort isn't to be feared. What's terrifying is gaining nothing in return.

Condition: Unlock Ch'en: In One Effort.
Coffee from Dossoles has a richer texture than your everyday brands.
Back when she was still at the Royal Guard Academy, Ch'en would sometimes brew herself a cup.

It is only by repeatedly tempering an ideal in real life that we can know whether its substance is sincere or hollow.
Ch'en still has a long way to go, but at least she is making her way there.

Black Rocks.png
"Black Rocks"
Right now, they are bright, shining eyes.

Condition: Unlock Chestnut: Black Rocks.
Some think that the playlist loaded on a car's stereo system is the best indicator of the owner's tastes, while others think that's absolute nonsense. Chiave agrees with the former.

Condition: Unlock Chiave: Masterpiece.
Once Upon a Time, I Wandered Afar.png
"Once Upon a Time, I Wandered Afar"
Once upon a time, I journeyed afar with you by the side. Today, I look back on those times and wonder where you are.

Unmanned Workshop.png
"Unmanned Workshop"
Ideas! Plotlines! Scenes! Dig them up!

Condition: Unlock Click: Unmanned Workshop.
Heart of the Cliffs.png
"Heart of the Cliffs"
A chunk of crystal-clear ore that barely fits in one hand. In addition to its medicinal properties, several Columbian collectors have been paying handsome sums for this ore.
According to an Kjerag-born operator, it used to be inexpensive despite its rarity.

New Peaks.png
"New Peaks"
This way is hers only, for she is a Silverash, and Kjeragandr is in her heart.

Condition: Unlock Cliffheart: New Peaks.
Corroserum's Badge.png
"Corroserum's Badge"
A work badge provided by Rhodes Island with a badly damaged photo. Perhaps it wasn't taken properly care of.

The Business.png
"The Business"
You can't help but resemble a spinning top at times, busily going around and around, only to find when you stop that you're still where you started.

Condition: Unlock Croissant: The Business.
The Great Bagnapping Adventure.png
"The Great Bagnapping Adventure"
Don't even try to swipe her backpack!

Meals, Ready-to-Eat.png
"Meals, Ready-to-Eat"
Bringing missions to a successful close isn't all there is anymore. Rather, it's to live with hope and become the person you want to be.

Condition: Unlock Cutter: Meals, Ready-to-Eat.
Dämmerung und Anbruch.png
"Dämmerung und Anbruch"
Every one of the children is also himself.

How She Strode Onward.png
"How She Strode Onward"
Knight of the Tower, Isabelle Montague, Dagda of Glasgow. She grasps both glory and sorrow, never stopping in her march towards tomorrow.

Condition: Unlock Dagda: How She Strode Onward.
Azure Memories.png
"Azure Memories"
That which came from the ocean does not necessarily return to it.

Condition: Unlock Deepcolor: Azure Memories.
Refracted Starlight.png
"Refracted Starlight"
He made a mockery of the gems' starlight, and ridiculed the spire beneath.

Ambiguous Appearance.png
"Ambiguous Appearance"
Does it really matter who exactly is the man in the portrait?

Condition: Unlock Doc: Ambiguous Appearance.
Where is the Friend's House.png
"Where is the Friend's House?"
Though the way is long and hard, Dorothy continues to seek her "home."

Extra Training.png
"Extra Training"
Dur-nar's goal is to ensure her students will survive.
It's time to break a sweat, because it's far too late when you find yourself bleeding.

Condition: Unlock Dur-nar: Extra Training.
A Glass with Old Stories.png
"A Glass with Old Stories"
Evenings are best spent with old friends, yet there is one thing to bear in mind.
Most don't heed this advice, but it must still be said—don't open old wounds.

Lunchtime Nap.png
"Lunchtime Nap"
More than anything, Durin enjoys the moments of rest she gets after meals.
Nothing compares to a good meal and a good sleep.

Condition: Unlock Durin: Lunchtime Nap.
Dawn and Dusk.png
"Dawn and Dusk"
"Two score years and some have come and gone like a dream, with this body yet in shock."

Condition: Unlock Dusk: Dawn and Dusk.
Extra Work.png
"Extra Work"
She can plan out the extra work accordingly, so there is no need to stay up all night.

Condition: Unlock Earthspirit: Extra Work.
Distant Relic.png
"Distant Relic"
One of the items Professor Bachmann was unable to hand over to Earthspirit before his passing, engraved with her name. One who holds the medal and armband is able to enter the Scholar's Association he was part of and converse with other members. Beware, for curiosity heralds the beginning of ruin.

Condition: Unlock Earthspirit: Distant Relic.
Lone Lamp.png
"Lone Lamp"
He once performed for himself. Then, for his best friend. Now, he wants to perform for even more people.

Condition: Unlock Ebenholz: Lone Lamp.
Like The First Time.png
"Like The First Time"
The first of many lessons that she and Kazimierz will teach each other.

Condition: Unlock Ela: "Like The First Time".
Long Journey.png
"Long Journey"
A brief respite from fatigue. Prepare, for the journey continues.

Condition: Unlock Elysium: Long Journey.
Departure Plans.png
"Departure Plans"
When you plan out each and every step in detail, even the most unrealistic plan has a chance at becoming reality.

Condition: Unlock Enforcer: Departure Plans.
The Epic of Heroes.png
"The Epic of Heroes"
I am among heroes, walking alongside them.

Condition: Unlock Erato: The Epic of Heroes.
One Small Step For Her.png
"One Small Step For Her"
Flower crown hand-made by Lena, given to Estelle as witnessed by the Doctor. A small step forward, witnessed by only a few, but one that has brought a rare smile to her face.

Old Friends in Foreign Places.png
"Old Friends in Foreign Places"
"I've got a friend. We haven't met in so long. I only know everything worked out fine for him after."

Executor medal.png
An executor listens to the requests of both the living and the dead.

Condition: Unlock Executor: Executor.
Enemy medal.png
As long as an objective threat exists, the executor's gun will render a correct judgment.

Condition: Unlock Executor: Enemy.
Through cracks in the clouds, he could occasionally catch glimpses of the blue sky.

Incoming Mail.png
"Incoming Mail"
A letter from one's hometown.
When traveling afar, is there anybody who doesn't get homesick at all?

Condition: Unlock Exusiai: Incoming Mail.
Constants Within Changes.png
"Constants Within Changes"
Exusiai cherishes her life in Laterano, and likes her life in Lungmen. When change visits her again, she'll gladly take it, because she knows it's all her own choice, and she trusts her choices.

Heart of a Scholar.png
"Heart of a Scholar"
The heart of a scholar is an abstract concept. It is something that cannot be quantified, and can only be conceptualized in our hearts.
Be careful not to let mere representations cloud your judgment.

There is a volcano is Eyjafjalla's mind.
That once burned away is truth, and eternity.

Condition: Unlock Eyjafjalla: Volcano.
Second Charge.png
"Second Charge"
Fang meticulously saves her reports after each and every mission.
To her, these are not merely written records of what she has done. They are proof of the trials and tribulations that she has overcome with her friends.

Condition: Unlock Fang: Second Charge.
The deep mountains and ancient rocks are endless, but new and strong shoots take root.

Condition: Unlock FEater: Nosedive.
To grow is to understand just how much choice you really have.
Some people choose to enjoy life, while others merely go through it.

Condition: Unlock Fiammetta: Paradisus.
On My Way.png
"On My Way"
Firewatch believes the future holds naught but a path of revenge.
Perhaps it was a pitstop, or perhaps it was a detour, but, by chance, she came upon Rhodes Island.

Condition: Unlock Firewatch: On My Way.
The Lone Goer.png
"The Lone Goer"
Even though there is no one to confide in, she nonetheless chooses to face the fierce winds of the Rim Billiton wilderness by herself.

Condition: Unlock Firewhistle: The Lone Goer.
Warrior's Due.png
"Warrior's Due"
A proper Tiacauh warrior who hits hard and thinks quickly.

Condition: Unlock Flint: Warrior's Due.
Symbols of the Past.png
"Symbols of the Past"
A sword move, a letter, a piece of the past. The dead are gone—it's time to begin a new life.

Condition: Unlock Franka: Symbols of the Past.
To a Standstill.png
"To a Standstill"
She is her mother's support, Liskarm's partner, Jessica's mentor, Blacksteel's merc, Rhodes Island's operator... but perhaps, she might just be Franka.

Condition: Unlock Franka: To a Standstill.
Searching for Home.png
"Searching for Home"
"So long as it never stopped in any one place, no part of this land would come to mean 'home,' nor 'away' to it, anymore."

Condition: Unlock Frost: Searching for Home.
Learning to Read.png
"Learning to Read"
We are all lost stars, wanting to light up some other corner of the sky.

Condition: Unlock Frostleaf: Learning to Read.
Waking From A Dream.png
"Waking From A Dream"
Everything has an end, but that is not an excuse to give into despair.

Condition: Unlock Fuze: Waking From A Dream.
In the Name of Alcohol!.png
"In the Name of Alcohol!"
She is not exactly the best at dealing with this stuff, but she has her own way.

Everything has a price, and no price is ever the same.
Divination is much the same: pay their terms, obtain your results.

Condition: Unlock Gitano: Divination.
The dry air on land takes a lot more time to get used to than battles on land.
Besides, Gladiia is actively resistant to change.

Condition: Unlock Gladiia: Dehydration.
On My Own Two Legs.png
"On My Own Two Legs"
Technology may have forged my legs, but it's only when I run that they have meaning.

Condition: Unlock Glaucus: On My Own Two Legs.
Starting Point (Gnosis).png
"Starting Point"
No one is born with an ambitious goal. Sometimes, it comes to be because of a promise and a habit.

Condition: Unlock Gnosis: Starting Point.
Once Rock Bottom.png
"Once Rock Bottom"
She will keep walking this path. She is Grani.

Condition: Unlock Grani: Once Rock Bottom...
Past in Dreams.png
"Past in Dreams"
Some have told her that honor is intangible.
Others have told her that she must never betray the honor she carries.

Condition: Unlock Gravel: Past in Dreams.
Filter Stars.png
"Filter Stars"
The faint light filters away the darkness. At this moment, the stars mirror each other in their twinkling.

Condition: Unlock Greyy: Filter Stars.
Light, He Wrote.png
"Light, He Wrote"
His writings chronicle his progress. His brightness will last into the future forevermore.

Lost Companion.png
"Lost Companion"
A videotape full of memories.
One day, Gummy will offer it up with her own two hands.

Condition: Unlock Gummy: Lost Companion.
Growing Up.png
"Growing Up"
Gummy packed her bags and prepared to set out.
The little bear held her companion's hand, enjoying a rare night of sleep.

Condition: Unlock Gummy: Growing Up.
Solitary Dancer.png
"Solitary Dancer"
What she likes are people and things that are useful to her. That's what she said. But sometimes, she dances alone.

Condition: Unlock Harmonie: Solitary Dancer.
The "Kitty Fanciers' Association" is now recruiting. Prospective applicants should report to Operator Haze.

Condition: Unlock Haze: Kitties.
Heavyrain is a kind girl, but that kindness might not be what she needs right now.

Condition: Unlock Heavyrain: Untimeliness.
The First Letter.png
"The First Letter"
Her unyielding ideals howl furiously at the times on paper. With her fragile life, she seeks out answers for the present.

Condition: Unlock Heidi: The First Letter.
The general is distancing himself from the land he once believed in.
Beneath the burning sky, he leaves behind his arrogance, his glory, and his entire past.

Condition: Unlock Hellagur: Fate.
The Best Cure.png
"The Best Cure"
Bitter things don't just make for good medicine. They make for good advice, too.

Condition: Unlock Hibiscus: The Best Cure.
Nameless Flower.png
"Nameless Flower"
Deep in the silent night, a nameless flower blooms in a deserted corner.

A Bitterest Rhizome.png
"A Bitterest Rhizome"
From time to time, sweet fruits grow from astringent rhizomes. It's happenstance, the sort that's enough to be called lucky.

Having lost all her accompanists, the Tempest Platoon's warrior can only soldier on with her responsibilities alone.
Fortunately, there are those who hear her horn and heed her call.

Condition: Unlock Horn: Solo.
Wasteland Artisan.png
"Wasteland Artisan"
Before you use anything he makes, remember to smack it a few times first.

Condition: Unlock Humus: Wasteland Artisan.
South Wall.png
"South Wall"
One who once mixed their rice with tears will not add too much salt to their cooking.

Condition: Unlock Hung: South Wall.
Searching for Tomorrow.png
"Searching for Tomorrow"
This was once the conclusion she dreamed of, but now it is the starting point of her dream.

Condition: Unlock Iana: Searching for Tomorrow.
Team Captain (Ifrit).png
"Team Captain"
How tall do you have to grow, before others will depend on you?

Condition: Unlock Ifrit: Team Captain.
Hardcore Drink.png
"Hardcore Drink"
A light-purple liquid with fresh and unique taste. The only downside is that it is not very suitable for drinking.

Condition: Unlock Indigo: Hardcore Drink.
The Guide to Mutual Learning.png
"The Guide to Mutual Learning"
Tailored for Operator Indra.
The purpose of this is not to teach her to knock down her opponents faster, but to teach her to help them back up after knocking them down.

Secret Mission.png
"Secret Mission"
Once you complete this mission, you will formally be an executor.

Condition: Unlock Insider: Secret Mission.
Lantern's Twilight.png
"Lantern's Twilight"
No one will help her navigate this journey, but the light in her heart will forever illuminate the path forward.

Condition: Unlock Irene: Lantern's Twilight.
The Candy House.png
"The Candy House"
May every child who seeks out fairy tales find the faraway Castle of Dreams close at hand.

Condition: Unlock Iris: The Candy House.
Let's Go, Let's Go.png
"Let's Go, Let's Go"
Sweets. Lots of sweets. An entire assortment of sweets. Familiar shapes. Familiar aromas. The familiar sweetness fills her mouth, but the aftertaste quickly turns bitter.
Then, with all her might, she pivots her body around, turns her back on all those memories, and moves on with her life.

Condition: Unlock Istina: Let's Go, Let's Go.
Before I Say Goodbye.png
"Before I Say Goodbye"
She decides to return to that slow-and-leisurely land cruiser, back to her friends of the Ursus Student Self-Governing Group.

Condition: Unlock Istina: Before I Say Goodbye.
A Priceless Medal.png
"A Priceless Medal"
A medal with no significance, but a story worth retelling.

Condition: Unlock Jackie: A Priceless Medal.
Roll With Your Mistakes.png
"Roll With Your Mistakes"
A seafood hawker can do his part for Lungmen's order too.

The waves at the docks continue to grow, but Jaye will continue to set up his stall on time.

Condition: Unlock Jaye: VIP.
The Slow Walk Ahead.png
"The Slow Walk Ahead"
These training records may not prove to her family that she can more than hold her own, but they do show that she is quickly improving.
The things that she gifts others might seem valuable, but what is truly priceless is the courage hidden deep within her.

Condition: Unlock Jessica: The Slow Walk Ahead.
To not step back in the face of adversity is to move forward.

Let's Keep That a Secret.png
"Let's Keep That a Secret"
The key to a secret isn't the secret itself. Instead, it's who has the right to be let in on it.

One Should, One Must.png
"One Should, One Must"
Kazemaru has never hesitated when it comes to what should be done and what must be done.

Secret Ending.png
"Secret Ending"
She triggered a secret ending without even trying, and then put that ending right back in its secret place.

Condition: Unlock Kirara: Secret Ending.
No-Damage Clear.png
"No-Damage Clear"
If you only get one attempt, pull out all the stops and do your best.

Condition: Unlock Kirara: No-Damage Clear.
All She Cares About.png
"All She Cares About"
Though what She cares about and what She sees may walk different paths, in the end they will reach the same destination.

Condition: Unlock Kjera: All She Cares About.
A kind of food and also the marksmen's favorite target.
If you ever find Kroos's toy arrows stuck anywhere that's not an apple, that's because she never intended to shoot the apple in the first place.

Condition: Unlock Kroos: Apples.
Plumas de Tenacidad.png
"Plumas de Tenacidad"
Some have their eyes fixed on grand propositions, while others are reluctant to let go of even the most tenuous connections.

A Piece of Grafitti.png
"A Piece of Grafitti"
It is said to be a piece of Columbian slang.
Lancet-2 is not certain about whether she is fond of it since she is a robot, yet she appreciate its prettiness.

This isn't something you can just give to other people!
Even if Lava won't acknowledge it, nobody's ever doubted that the sisters truly do get along well.

Condition: Unlock Lava: Sisters.
Hibiscus is sick?!
This would be Hibiscus's first time ill, and Lava's first time tending to her big sister... right?

Condition: Unlock Lava: Caring.
Three Square Meals a Day.png
"Three Square Meals a Day"
Fruits and vegetables, sauces and condiments, plates and bowls. Through all of these, you can see the passage of time.

One Who Controls Lightning.png
"One Who Controls Lightning"
All that is, is the Thunderlight.

Sometimes, rather than being together, it's more than enough that I know you are doing well, and you know I am doing well.

Condition: Unlock Leto: Hide-and-Seek.
Living in Darkness.png
"Living in Darkness"
Even in the midst of danger, he never forgets his duties and his promises. He is the light in the darkness, shining in order to reunite with one's dearest.

From a Long Dream Woken.png
"From a Long Dream Woken"
A few jugs of Husong wine. Jiangnan's is weak, Saibei's is strong, and Shangshu's lingers in the stomach.
Everywhere she goes, she must seek out fine wine. She lifts her cup to the sun and offers poetry to the moon.

Apple Pie Party, Now Preparing!.png
"Apple Pie Party, Now Preparing!"
"You guys can cook. I've still got a bill I need to settle."

Still Waiting.png
"Still Waiting"
Reality isn't as fine as it is in novels.
That said, the longing and fantasy of it will pave the road for realists. Just keep waiting for her.

Condition: Unlock Liskarm: Still Waiting.
Till the Lights Shine Bright.png
"Till the Lights Shine Bright"
His journey should be over an unknown sea, but the light has not illuminated his home.

Cycle of Life.png
"Cycle of Life"
Dreams sprout where you are not looking, blooming far and wide by the time you notice.

Condition: Unlock Magallan: Cycle of Life.
Dead Silence.png
"Dead Silence"
A combat exercise plan with a small note attached that doesn't fit the format of a formal application.
The handwriting is slightly crooked, and the paper has been punctured in several places. You know this isn't how she normally writes.

Condition: Unlock Manticore: Dead Silence.
One Day.png
"One Day"
The tastes from those distant memories are nigh-impossible to reproduce.
The ingredients haven't changed, only the tongue.

Condition: Unlock Matterhorn: One Day.
The Great Detective's Case Files - Volume I.png
"The Great Detective's Case Files - Volume I"
Each and every detective was a beginner once, and future great detectives are no exception. How will the clumsy Metis transform? Will our detective get a much-deserved reunion with the lady assistant? Stay tuned for the continuation!

One Packed Daily Schedule.png
"One Packed Daily Schedule"
Mayer always works around the clock.
Of course, she asked for that herself, since she likes it.

Heart of Creation.png
"Heart of Creation"
Years ago, it was just a mischievous clock. Now they are Meeboos. They are Mayer's friends.

Condition: Unlock Mayer: Heart of Creation.
Lost Time.png
"Lost Time"
A sense of touch, a taste of sweetness, or a whiff of aroma... These are the things in which lost times are hidden.

Condition: Unlock Melanite: Lost Time.
Team Captain (Melantha).png
"Team Captain"
The formation of Reserve Op team A4 is not without twists and turns.
The instructor believes that Melantha will become a good captain. But what does it take to become one?

Condition: Unlock Melantha: Team Captain.
Scalding Old Memories.png
"Scalding Old Memories"
On a wrinkled sheet of paper, the handwriting of a young, immature child recounts a heartwarming fairytale.

A seed from a rare tree. Given the right environment, it may be able to germinate.

Condition: Unlock Meteor: Dilemma.
Firefly's Light.png
"Firefly's Light"
Fireflies descend upon the rare quiet evening.

Condition: Unlock Meteorite: Firefly's Light.
Letter From Home.png
"Letter From Home"
A letter from Higashi.
Midnight has opened this many times, but this time, he finally knows how to pick up the pen.

Condition: Unlock Midnight: Letter From Home.
In the Endless Summer.png
"In the Endless Summer"
Even though summer has come and gone, some things will remain with us. Whenever we lay our eyes on them, we will be brought back to those unforgettable events and people.

Yesterday Once More medal.png
"Yesterday Once More"
Mint once made a promise—that in her research, she'd willingly brave all hazards.

Condition: Unlock Mint: Yesterday Once More.
The Fifth Contact.png
"The Fifth Contact"
You try to send him a token of your friendliness, but that is obviously not the rational choice.
This may either prove the cornerstone of a magnificent bridge of camaraderie, or the key to the unmaking of civilization. Or, it might just be yet another trifling matter between the two of you.

Condition: Unlock Mizuki: The Fifth Contact.
Beneath the Worthy Wheel.png
"Beneath the Worthy Wheel"
The wheels trample over every corner of the city, but not everyone is aware of its existence.

Atop the Skyscrapers.png
"Atop the Skyscrapers"
She does not care, but that does not mean she has forgotten.

Unexpected Annoyance.png
"Unexpected Annoyance"
For Mountain, formalwear is not only a symbol of his past status, but also a form of recollection, and a little warning.

Sinner's Path.png
"Sinner's Path"
This path must be walked alone.

Condition: Unlock Mountain: Sinner's Path.
No matter what happens, you're always my pride, Sweetheart.

Condition: Unlock Mousse: Sweetheart.
A small silk brocade bag, stuffed with candied plums, a specialty of Mr. Nothing's hometown.
It's a shame, but the bag fell straight into some water along the way, and the plums inside have lost their flavor. Heaven knows how long it'll be until he can buy the right kind again.

Condition: Unlock Mr. Nothing: Drowning.
April Showers.png
"April Showers"
Hopefully, you don't leave empty-handed this time.

Condition: Unlock Muelsyse: April Showers.
A Prayer for Peace.png
"A Prayer for Peace"
A normal, slightly old-fashioned lucky charm. The simplest blessings are also the weightiest expectations.

Condition: Unlock Mulberry: A Prayer for Peace.
Lucky Charm.png
"Lucky Charm"
Those gone far away will meet us again one day, guided by the spirits of the flora.

Condition: Unlock Myrrh: Lucky Charm.
Mission Report Filing Guide.png
"Mission Report Filing Guide"
But, just as always, she deserves your trust.

Starting Point.png
"Starting Point"
The Radiant Knight penned a strategic manual which she named "Starting Point."
Though paperwork can hardly be considered her forte, she's determined to start learning from scratch.

A Thousand Years in Sigh.png
"A Thousand Years in Sigh"
The past is ephemeral. Occasionally, when reflecting back, the evening sun still blinds the eyes.

A Song and a Blue Feather.png
"A Song and a Blue Feather"
A single blue plume shimmering in the night, an ephemeral but touching song.
These are not things that any regular person can discover. 'tis a small secret between you and Nightingale.

The Other Side of the Deck.png
"The Other Side of the Deck"
Get off work earlier, kick back and relax.
At the bar, you may expose yourself to some new perspectives you've previously overlooked.

Life forever beats on, just as many beautiful things are lost to the rivers of time. Even so, thanks to all of Perfumer's work, many years later there will still be those who get to breathe in this fragrance.

Condition: Unlock Orchid: Incomplete.
Mercenary Youth.png
"Mercenary Youth"
Look at the children. They are ready to go to war, though they understand nothing.

Condition: Unlock Paprika: Mercenary Youth.
Refurbishment Plans.png
"Refurbishment Plans"
The Convalescent Garden needs a refresh to keep up with the times.
To this end, there's a great deal Perfumer needs to do, just like when she first established the Garden.

How Old Trees Grow.png
"How Old Trees Grow"
Life forever beats on, just as many beautiful things are lost to the rivers of time. Even so, thanks to all of Perfumer's work, many years later there will still be those who get to breathe in this fragrance.

Condition: Unlock Perfumer: How Old Trees Grow.
There is much that we cannot accomplish alone. Therefore, we must work together.
It is part of a Rhodes Island operator's required studies to learn how to work with our many peculiar teammates to bring our missions to a successful conclusion.

Condition: Unlock Phantom: Cooperation.
Yours Sincerely.png
"Yours Sincerely"
The song in the letter connects the past to the present.

Condition: Unlock Pinecone: Yours Sincerely.
It floated in the sky, glowing iridescent; and with a "pop," it disappeared without a trace.
For better or for worse, you still remember how it glowed in mid-air.

Condition: Unlock Platinum: Bubbles.
A Grand, Distant Ideal.png
"A Grand, Distant Ideal"
Some spare weapon parts that had already been swapped out. Plume will neatly arrange them in a certain compartment of her box.
Unlabeled, just like everything else in her storage.

Bloom Season.png
"Bloom Season"
The girl from Bolívar wanted to become an amazing florist. She became an amazing florist.

Condition: Unlock Podenco: Bloom Season.
The Fowlbeast That Returned.png
"The Fowlbeast That Returned"
The fowlbeast returns after having taken flight. Even though she may no longer recognize her homeland, she still remembers a warm nest.

Kids always have a buncha secrets.
Some don't matter, but others can really give grown-ups a big headache.

Condition: Unlock Popukar: Funtime.
Fallen Inktrails.png
"Fallen Inktrails"
Being pricked by the nib of a pen is not particularly painful, but the inkstain will grow deeper into the healing wound.

Condition: Unlock Pozëmka: Fallen Inktrails.
Beyond the Snowy Mountain.png
"Beyond the Snowy Mountain"
A veritable tome that has been returned to your desk. Despite its size, you know she's read it carefully.
Cliffheart once said that before her sister became the Saintess, she loved reading fantasy novels and poetry anthologies.

While you are worried about others, there are bound to be others who are concerned about you.
Thanks to Tsukinogi's thoughtful advice, our Medical operators stand ready to keep Provence from sneaking out through the landship's entrance.

Condition: Unlock Provence: Coworkers.
A Perilous Road.png
"A Perilous Road"
A soft ball of fluff from the fur of her tail, and a few yellow rocks she specifically collected.
Provence will remember the significance of these items.

Condition: Unlock Provence: A Perilous Road.
Hypothetically Just.png
"Hypothetically Just"
Just another victory for her on the side of the defense.

Condition: Unlock Proviso: Hypothetically Just.
Deep, Dark Dream.png
"Deep, Dark Dream"
Rhodes Island Operator Ptilopsis, Rhine Lab Data Keeper Joyce Moore.
She has hidden her past, a tragedy shrouded in mist.

Condition: Unlock Ptilopsis: Deep, Dark Dream.
What the Snow's Like Far Away.png
"What the Snow's Like Far Away"
As snowflakes descend beyond the memories in the distance, don't let the narrow door block any of the scenery.

A Trickle, a Rapids.png
"A Trickle, a Rapids"
Nobody will forget all the things she's done.

Blizzards Be Your Voice.png
"Blizzards Be Your Voice"
Feathers cover his eyes, and he sees the person he missed the most.

Thawing as the Winter.png
"Thawing as the Winter"
A score settled flows away with the water, like broken ice, like thawing snow. Will it fade away, or will trouble stir again?

No Regrets.png
"No Regrets"
No more regrets for what was never yours, no more laments for what you have lost. Those who have nothing travel light.

Condition: Unlock Quartz: No Regrets.
Final Moments.png
"Final Moments"
A reviled life, a celebrated death. None of this should ever have been.

Condition: Unlock Quercus: Final Moments.
The Sprouts of Life.png
"The Sprouts of Life"
Though tribulations and pain leave their mark, that is no reason stray from your path. Let decaying branches be broken off for new ones to grow.

Condition: Unlock Quercus: The Sprouts of Life.
Heart Like a Reed.png
"Heart Like a Reed"
Even someone like her who drifts in the wind now has the courage to begin her search.

Condition: Unlock Reed: Heart Like a Reed.
The elegy sings of the flames of life, and the flames of life burn for the singer.

Condition: Unlock Roberta: Elegy.
Six Hundred Pounds.png
"Six Hundred Pounds"
At what point can a person's worth finally be weighed, in anything but money?

Condition: Unlock Rockrock: Six Hundred Pounds.
Floral Perfume.png
"Floral Perfume"
A fragrance neither luxuriant nor special; just perfect for a girl who grew up on the streets of Lungmen.
Rope holds this perfume dear to her heart. It was something she could only ever look at through the shops' windows, and now she has one specially made for her.

Condition: Unlock Rope: Floral Perfume.
Yesterday's Morrow.png
"Yesterday's Morrow"
"So she can rely on herself."

Condition: Unlock Rosa: Yesterday's Morrow.
A Pair of Fowlbeasts.png
"A Pair of Fowlbeasts"
What she likes are people and things that are useful to her. That's what she said. But sometimes, she dances alone.

Flowers by the Temples of Your Head.png
"Flowers by the Temples of Your Head"
She kept a hint of spring hidden in her braids. When her hair is unbraided, this spring is unleashed upward, allowing a small flower to blossom next to her ear.

Stirring Future's Snowflakes.png
"Stirring Future's Snowflakes"
The past is the present, and the present is the future. Her duty has never ceased.

Painful Reversal.png
"Painful Reversal"
The Steel Robot City Honorary Citizen Medal is awarded to people from all walks of life who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Steel Robot City.

Condition: Unlock Savage: Painful Reversal.
No Less Than a Pie.png
"No Less Than a 'Pie'"
Delicious, right? All of Savage's dishes are prepared with the full flavor of Rim Billiton's hospitality.
Incorporated within is friendliness, sweetness, and sincere blessings.

Condition: Unlock Savage: No Less Than a 'Pie'.
The Will of a Coin.png
"The Will of a Coin"
To a nobody on their own, a life is worth just about one silver coin.
More often than not, it's just pulled out on a whim and lands as it will, but there are exceptions to the rule.

Sometimes, the stories behind photographs deserve more attention than the pictures themselves.

Condition: Unlock Scene: Recorder.
The Day We Left Home.png
"The Day We Left Home"
In the past, Schwarz's life was always very simple.
But now, things have gotten complicated.

Fatal Attraction.png
"Fatal Attraction"
I have never escaped from vengeance, and I will never sink into it.

Condition: Unlock Sesa: Fatal Attraction.
The Play That Was.png
"The Play That Was"
Stay awake. Your reality is not a play in someone else's eyes.

Condition: Unlock Shalem: The Play That Was.
A Curse Without Words.png
"A Curse Without Words"
She digests pain and sorrow in her own way, using words of malediction to record frank kindness.

Careful of Flammables.png
"Careful of Flammables"
Shaw has received many honors and medals in the past. One of these medals was personally awarded to her by Lungmen's chief executive.
These shiny medals are what encourages the fireman to always remain as determined as she was when she started out.

Condition: Unlock Shaw: Careful of Flammables.
What's already happened becomes Shaw's motivation, not her burden. She's forever readying to prevent another tragedy from taking place.

Condition: Unlock Shaw: Flammables.
The Way of Shinobi.png
"The Way of Shinobi"
The way of the shinobi is a strange, poorly traveled road.
As Chief Engineer Closure can attest, having Shirayuki inspect pipes is perhaps a fine decision indeed.

Ask What I Seek.png
"Ask What I Seek"
Rise and set with the sun, dig your own well, and plant your own crops. What do I care for the emperor?

Condition: Unlock Shu: ...Ask What I Seek.
Nobody has the resolve to tell Sideroca that her intense focus can be rather troublesome.
So, everyone's always trying to divert her attention towards somebody else.

Condition: Unlock Sideroca: Diligent.
Will two similar people become friends, or foes?
Perhaps only time will tell.

Condition: Unlock SilverAsh: Unpredictable.
Unbreakable Ice.png
"Unbreakable Ice"
For some people, anyone met even once might be considered a friend. But others may find only one or two in a lifetime.

Condition: Unlock SilverAsh: Unbreakable Ice.
New to the Workforce.png
"New to the Workforce"
A dream becoming reality is by all rights wonderful, all the more so when reality doesn't reveal what lies behind the curtain.

Endless Journey.png
"Endless Journey"
Go, Skadi. The farther, the better.

Condition: Unlock Skadi: Endless Journey.
Old Classmate.png
"Old Classmate"
Some people are stuck in the past. Others keep moving forward.

Condition: Unlock Skyfire: Old Classmate.
A Dilemma of Values.png
"A Dilemma of Values"
Everyone understands the allegory of building a tower from grains of sand, but very few people are actually able to bend down and collect the sand, grain by grain.

A letter that has been unfolded and refolded countless times.
Sora reads each fan letter painstakingly penned to her, over and over again.

Condition: Unlock Sora: Distance.
Merry Christmas!.png
"Merry Christmas!"
A precious music box. Its mysterious melody exudes elegance.

Condition: Unlock Specter: Merry Christmas!
I, Namely I.png
"I, Namely I"
The pocket watch, the very thing that proves who "Specter" is, has always been in her hands.

Condition: Unlock Specter: I, Namely I.
A newly carved stone emblem.
Get to know others once more, and get to know yourself once more.

Face of the Hero.png
"Face of the Hero"
A messily-scrawled "Hero's Certificate," but it means something.

Condition: Unlock Spot: Face of the Hero.
Professional Doctor.png
"Professional Doctor"
If Sussurro had a medal for every patient she treated, then the walls of her bedroom would be papered with them.

Day Before the Job.png
"Day Before the Job"
A piece of insignificant bygones—formerly a child's deep suffering, now reduced to a few jokes. Used to start conversations and draw people closer, proving the will and personality it was born with.
The summit still towers overhead, but the tiger cub has already left the shadows of the past.

Condition: Unlock Swire: Day Before the Job.
The Same As Always.png
"The Same As Always"
Ursus is the same as always, and so is he.

Condition: Unlock Tachanka: The Same As Always.
Taste of Thorns.png
"Taste of Thorns"
Grasping the thorns means that the scent of the rose has not been forgotten.

Condition: Unlock Tequila: Taste of Thorns.
Guaranteed Success.png
"Guaranteed Success"
You can't go wrong with Texas's expedited delivery service.
If there is an issue, it's definitely something on the recipient's side.

Condition: Unlock Texas: Guaranteed Success.
We clasped each other's hands and called ourselves brothers. We will usher in a new era.

Condition: Unlock Thorns: Anniversary.
Scorching-Hot Assault!.png
"Scorching-Hot Assault!"
There's no such thing as hottest! We can only go hotter!
Are you ready to bear the heat of Thermal-EX's love? Recommended to prepare insulation materials in advance.

Armor and Crossbow.png
"Armor and Crossbow"
The armor and crossbow each exist to restrain the other. Perhaps their users harbor the same feelings.

Brand New Life.png
"Brand New Life"
Inspired by a friend's suggestion, Tomimi forged an emblem for her dorm's exhibition room.
She designed it all by herself after a bit of research, and not even Gavial has seen it yet.

Condition: Unlock Tomimi: Brand New Life.
A Plan.png
"A Plan"
Even with the most surefire stratagem, life can't be controlled.

Condition: Unlock Totter: A Plan.
An Ordinary Sunset.png
"An Ordinary Sunset"
An ordinary sunset is not a particularly awe-inspiring scenery, but it is the life we've fought hard for.

Desert Rainbow.png
"Desert Rainbow"
What is stranger in an arid desert? A woman with an umbrella, or a rainbow across the sky?

Condition: Unlock Tuye: Desert Rainbow.
The Game of Chic.png
"The Game of Chic"
Fashion isn't necessarily a design worthy of being adored; people simply call the design they adore fashion.

Condition: Unlock Utage: The Game of Chic.
Originium Slugs and Hops.png
"Originium Slugs and Hops"
No matter how cruel the battlefield is, Vanilla has always retained her gentle heart. This ordinary girl has no grand ideals to speak of, but one sentence has left a profound impression within her: "Only by cherishing every nameless blade of grass can we embrace the entire grassland."

Somewhere to Make Home.png
"Somewhere to Make Home"
This is where she stopped. She has already walked in their shoes.

Future Coming.png
"Future Coming"
At the very least, he believes himself to be correct, here and now.

Condition: Unlock Vigil: Future Coming.
What You've Gotta Do.png
"What You've Gotta Do"
For Vigna, rock 'n' roll is her whole hobby.
But it's not her whole life.

Condition: Unlock Vigna: What You've Gotta Do.
Himmelszelt und Federwolke.png
"Himmelszelt und Federwolke"
We cannot hope to hold onto a single cloud. But is it not the entire sky we seek to depict?

Hard steel in the hands, soft emotions in the heart.

Condition: Unlock Vulcan: Forging.
What Martial Arts Serve.png
"What Martial Arts Serve"
Some say "martial arts halt wars," while others say kung fu is past its expiration date. After going through quite the gauntlet, Waai Fu has her own answers for what it means to practice the martial arts.

Warfarin never hides that she's a Vampire.
No need to panic, and no use for fear.

Condition: Unlock Warfarin: Monster.
Rarely Serious.png
"Rarely Serious"
After traveling on her own for centuries, she chose in the end to settle down at Rhodes Island. Through the flames of war, her train of thought leads her to Amiya.

Condition: Unlock Warfarin: Rarely Serious.
Together Aboard.png
"Together Aboard"
She knows what she's meant to do, and where she'll go.

Condition: Unlock Weedy: Together Aboard.
Exclusive Interview.png
"Exclusive Interview"
The knight died before dawn.

Before the Rain.png
"Before the Rain"
She wants to see another movie.
Perhaps there will come a day when Rhodes Island's operators won't get to read Whisperain's movie reviews anymore, but not today.

Condition: Unlock Whisperain: Before the Rain.
What kind of self to aspire to?

Condition: Unlock Wild Mane: Aspiration.
Once a Leaf Has Fallen.png
"Once a Leaf Has Fallen"
Stirred by the roiling winds, some float through the mountains, some are scattered to the four corners.

Lone Dance at the Old Factory.png
"Lone Dance at the Old Factory"
Even the most tired can dance a darling dance here.

She remained in their yearning eyes.

Condition: Unlock Yato: Tachihaki.
Strong Meets Stronger.png
"Strong Meets Stronger"
"Big Sis" made it personally. The Engineering Department feels that she is very talented, as does Zima.

Condition: Unlock Zima: Strong Meets Stronger.
Burning on a Winter Night.png
"Burning on a Winter Night"
Stick together, and we'll all get out of this fire together, all five of us in the Ursus Student Self-Governing Group!