Gnosis: Starting Point

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Operator Record
Starting Point
Gnosis icon.png
Wicked men take advantage of a young and willful Gnosis, putting Enciodes in danger, but also marking the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Unlock conditions
  • Raise Gnosis to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Gnosis.
Kjerag Nobleman C icon.png
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Bounty Hunter B
Mountain Burdenbeast icon.png
Wild Burdenbeast
Kjerag Manor Room
Train Compartment
Kjerag Avenue
Mount Karlan Foothills
Kjerag House
Summary: At first, Gnosis did not like Enciodes one bit.

<Background 1>
Three times the fowlbeast has flown past the window. Perhaps it had already flown past many times before Gnosis noticed it.
The fowlbeasts of Kjerag build their nests in the mountains. The adults leave their nests before the sun rises, foraging in human lands.
The cold climate has made them strong and sturdy.
Track the flight of a fowlbeast, and one will find that they traverse half of Kjerag in the span of a single day.
At least, that is what the books at home say.
Teacher Let's continue from where we left off yesterday, then.
The institutions of Kjerag share certain characteristics with Victoria.
The three clans are analogous to the grand dukes of Victoria, while the Vine-Bear Court performs some of the functions of the king.
By understanding Victoria's institutions, you will gain a greater understanding of where the two systems are similar, and an even greater understanding of where they are different.
Do you concur, Master Enciodes?
Enciodes I think I know what you mean.
Kjerag's institutions are built upon faith in Kjeragandr. Therefore, despite the similarities with Victoria's institutions, they are fundamentally different.
As written in the 'Kjeragandr', the three clans formed a covenant with Kjeragandr to lead the people. The mantle of authority is merely an insignificant reward.
On this point, the relationship between the three clans and the Vine-Bear Court is fundamentally different from the relationship between the Victorian dukes and the king.
Teacher Excellent, Master Enciodes...
Gnosis pays no heed to the exchange, letting his mind wander and imagine the fowlbeast outside the winding gliding on the winds.
These fowlbeasts are smart creatures. They are waiting for leftovers from lunch that the kitchens will throw out soon. The Silverash food is among the finest in Kjerag, after all.
After they have had their fill, they will fly towards Lake Silberneherze, frolicking on the meadows there, or interact with the burdenbeasts basking in the sun.
If they are lucky, they will be thrown a scalecis or two by the fincatchers on the ice.
When the sun sets in the west, they will return to their warm nests and put an end to a productive day, like someone who has just finished a hard day of work.
Teacher This concludes today's lesson.
We will have our regular short quiz now.
Gnosis stares at the quiz paper. He finds the questions even easier than a fowlbeast finds looking for food.
His mind wanders to how fowlbeasts live their entire lives between looking for food and sleeping, interposed by the occasional territorial conflict, day after day, year after year, until they die.
It seems almost like there is some kind of law governing it, because the fowlbeasts of Kjerag do not appear to ever think about flying beyond the mountains.
Teacher Time's up.
Enciodes I had two questions that I wasn't sure about. What about you, Gnosis?
Gnosis I—
Enciodes Let me guess, you finished ages ago.
Hm? Some of your answers are different from mine—
Teacher Now, now, Master Enciodes, Master Gnosis grew up in the Edelweiss sea of books.
Your advantages lie elsewhere, do they not?
Enciodes Is that supposed to console me?
Teacher Put it another way, the higher Master Gnosis's academic achievements, the more help you will receive as the future head of Clan Silverash.
Enciodes Very well.
Shoot, I need to meet Matterhorn. I'll be going.
Teacher Of course.
Enciodes Say, Gnosis—
Teacher One moment, please, Gnosis.
Gnosis Did you need something, Enciodes?
Enciodes Oh, er, it's nothing important.
[Footsteps and Door opening]
Teacher Here's your last test back.
Full marks, as usual.
Your grades are spectacular, Gnosis. You're the brightest student I've ever seen.
Gnosis Thank you.
Teacher I can already picture you on a bigger stage when you study abroad in Victoria.
Patriarch Olafur's study abroad policy is practically tailored to you.
But this supposed signature of your father's is forged, isn't it?
Gnosis ...?!
Teacher I'm guessing you didn't think you could keep it hidden forever. Your family will eventually find out, after all.
But the longer it takes for them to find out, the better your chance of making this a done deal.
Gnosis ......
Teacher This is the best you could do.
But it's not enough.
Gnosis I...
Teacher Tell me, Gnosis, what do you think of Kjerag after learning about Victoria's institutions?
Gnosis ......
Teacher Don't worry, this is a private conversation. You can trust me to keep a secret.
Gnosis It's backwards and inefficient.
Teacher What do you think about Enciodes, then?
Gnosis ...He will be a respectable leader.
But i don't understand him.
Teacher What don't you understand?
Gnosis His sense of duty, like he was born to lead Kjerag.
Teacher Ah, good. You're even more radical than I thought.
It appears that knowledge has given you more questions than it has answers.
Kjerag is clearly too small for you, Gnosis.
Gnosis I don't know.
Teacher Don't fool yourself. You would forge your father's signature in order to study abroad.
You want to get out, don't you?
Gnosis My father would never agree.
Teacher Your little trick won't work. But I can help you.
I can act as if I never noticed. I could even pretend to have seen your father and gotten his consent for you to study abroad.
Gnosis Why?
Teacher Because you're like me.
Gnosis ......
Teacher I'm on your side, Gnosis.
Friends help each other. I helped you. Now I need you to help me with something.
Gnosis ......
Enciodes Hey.
Gnosis Hm?
Enciodes Gnosis!
Gnosis Enciodes? You're back?
Enciodes I was going to ask you to come along, but then you had to stay late.
Gnosis Go along where?
Enciodes The first train that Father purchased from Victoria is making a test run today. Do you want to watch?
Gnosis Why me?
Enciodes Hm... because we're classmates?
Plus, aren't you interested? It's a train! Kjerag's first ever!
Gnosis I—
'I'm not interested. I'm going home.'
The words die in his throat.
He could imagine what awaits him back home.
His mother preparing dinner, waiting for his son to bring good news about his studies.
His father buried in his research in a sea of books, with eyes only for the millennia of Kjerag history.
He probably does not know what time it is. He probably does not remember what his son is doing.
When he reads something that excites him, he will call out to his son, then his wife will tell him that his son is studying with the son of Master Olafur.
He would mutter a response and continue with his research. By the time his son came home, he would have forgotten what he wanted to say.
He would talk nonstop at the dinner table about what he discovered that day, and what he would discover the next.
To Gnosis, his father is like a drowning man stretching out his hand to tell his son about all the mysteries hidden in the lake.
If that is the case—
Enciodes Well? What's the answer? Are you going or not?
Gnosis ...I'm going.
Enciodes That's more like it!
Gnosis ......
<Background 2>
[Train moving]
Enciodes Shh—
Alright, the coast is clear.
[Train door opening and closing]
Gnosis Why is the scion of Silverash acting like a thief?
Enciodes Because Father won't actually let me watch.
Gnosis Why?
Enciodes He says that the train is still being tested, and it might be dangerous.
Gnosis Then you—
Enciodes I'm curious.
We so much to learn about engineering, science, and literature every day. It makes my head want to explode.
But it's things that we have to learn. So I want to at least see what learning these things could do for me.
Gnosis ......
You don't like them either?
Enciodes Well... I didn't, at first.
But I found a way.
Gnosis A way?
Enciodes I began thinking about what knowledge can become.
For example, all the knowledge about engineering that eventually becomes a train.
I've found that it motivates me to study when I actually get to see the things I read about.
Gnosis You're so strange.
Enciodes Am I?
Just imagine. This train will let us traverse all of Kjerag in a single day once it enters service.
And we built it with our own hands. It's exciting, isn't it?
Gnosis You—
Enciodes What is it?
Gnosis You're even more childish than I thought.
Enciodes I don't want to be like my father, always engaged in a battle of wit and will against nobles and merchants from abroad. He doesn't even smile when he's with his family.
He didn't use to be like that.
Gnosis You're going to be a leader. You need to get used to it.
Enciodes Maybe. If that's the case, then at least I'll smile and laugh to my heart's content before I get to that point.
Say, I used to think you were one of those people whose brain is filled with Kjerag history and nothing else.
But you're always watching the fowlbeasts outside the window. That's when I began to think that you may be different from how I imagined.
Gnosis Well...
Enciodes Do you enjoy observing them?
Gnosis No—
[Train Horn sound]
Enciodes The train's about to stop.
Let's get off here. We'll get a terrible earful if we're found out.
Gnosis ......
Enciodes Yes?
Gnosis Would you accompany me somewhere?
Enciodes Alright.
<Background 3>
Enciodes Why did you bring me here?
Gnosis ......
<Background 1>
Teacher Friends help each other. I helped you. Now I need you to help me with something.
[Papers turning]
Teacher Bring Enciodes. I want to have a chat with him too.
<Background 3>
Gnosis I'm not sure. But the teacher said he wanted to see you here?
Enciodes He did?
[Box dropping]
Gnosis Who's there?!
Teacher No need to get excited. Just letting Master Enciodes take a little nap.
Gnosis Sir?!
Teacher Take him.
Bounty Hunter Righto.
Teacher Now, now, be gentle with the young master.
Bounty Hunter Don't worry, I'll be careful. He's our money, after all.
Gnosis Who are you?!
Teacher Just a tutor who was hired to instruct the scions of Clans Silverash and Edelweiss.
Being a tutor doesn't pay that well, though, so I started a little side business.
Gnosis ......
What do you want?
Teacher Don't look at me like that. You brought him here, didn't you?
Gnosis Why you—!
Teacher My dear Master Gnosis, did you really think I didn't talk to your parents?
Just as you suspected, your father refused to consent to you studying abroad, and your mother is against it too.
You believe you could make this a done deal, but my feeling is that they will come after you, no matter how far you run.
Gnosis ......
Teacher I'm helping you, Master Gnosis.
If you want to leave Kjerag, get away from this boring, dead-end life—
Tell your parents and Master Olafur...
That Master Enciodes and you will be sowing your wild oats for a while, and you don't want to be disturbed.
Gnosis ......
[Comms buzzing]
Gnosis Master Olafur? It's me, Gnosis.
Yes, Master Enciodes is with me.

I'm sorry, we sneaked onto the train. I just wanted to let you know, so you won't worry too much about us.
...No, he hasn't caused me any trouble. It was I—
When will we be back?

Gnosis looks up to see a flock of fowlbeasts streak across the sky.
A young fowlbeast separates from the flock, flying off in another direction, beyond the snow-capped mountains.
The northern wind often gives fledglings reckless courage, the belief that they can break the iron-clad rules, but it is often cruel reality that awaits.
He's known this.
He's known he is not ready.
Perhaps he would still try to fly beyond the mountains, but not in this way.
Gnosis ......
Don't worry, we'll be back soon.
<Background 4>
Teacher Any movement?
Bounty Hunter No.
Teacher Alright.
[Footsteps in the snow]
Teacher I hope you brought good news.
Gnosis I—I talked to them. They won't suspect anything for a while.
Teacher Looks like you kept our deal.
Gnosis How did these people—
Teacher Well, if you really want to know... they just marched in like they owned the place.
Kjerag is too primitive. This might be the easiest job we've ever done.
Gnosis ......
What are you going to do to Enciodes?
Teacher Easy. Make Master Olafur pay a little price for his carelessness.
Then, we head for Victoria.
Gnosis We?
Teacher Yes, we.
Did you think I was going to fail to uphold my end of the deal?
Gnosis Isn't that what crooks do best?
Teacher Now, don't be so sarcastic, boy.
You can hate me now.
I'll send you to school, help you learn whatever you want. All I ask is a little favor every now and then.
It's a good deal, isn't it?
Gnosis ......
Enciodes must be hungry. I'll bring him his food.
Teacher Sure... You can say goodbye.
<Background 5>
[Door opening]
Enciodes Oh, I didn't expect you. I thought it would be somebody else.
Gnosis ......
Enciodes Are you sure about revealing your involvement? Things won't go well for you if I somehow manage to get out.
Gnosis You sure are confident.
Enciodes Just a little joke.
My family—
Gnosis They don't know yet.
Enciodes Yes, with your cover story, it'll take them some time to realize that I've been kidnapped.
Our teacher sure is thorough, isn't he?
Gnosis It's time to eat.
Enciodes How am I supposed to eat with my hands tied behind my back?
Gnosis ......
Enciodes Go on, feed me.
Gnosis ......
[Dishes clinking]
Enciodes Thanks. The taste's not so bad.
Gnosis Aren't you scared?
Enciodes Sure I'm scared. But that won't help. I was thinking maybe I should get used to this.
Gnosis Are you out of your mind?
Enciodes This is the state of Kjerag right now. So weak that this may not be the last time something like this happens.
Gnosis ......
[Dish clinking]
Enciodes Are you going to leave Kjerag with that man?
Gnosis None of your business.
Enciodes I would say it is, given that it was passage bought with my safety.
Gnosis ...I suppose you're right.
Enciodes Why? Did you dislike Kjerag?
Gnosis I don't dislike it. I just... I don't know. I don't understand why people like my father would bury their heads in history, obsessing over the events of the past.
I can't help but feel the urge to run away when I think about how I'm supposed to become a scholar like him.
Enciodes Ah, your father. We've met a few times. Not the easiest man to get along with.
I should have invited you to my house more often.
Maybe I wouldn't have had to deal with my two sisters so much if I introduced you.
Gnosis I doubt I would have gotten along with them either.
Enciodes Is there anything you want to do once you get out?
Gnosis ...I haven't decided.
Enciodes Well, that's not good. But then, my father says that he began his studies with no particular goal in mind, then began to find one along the way.
Gnosis You—
You're the one in danger. Stop worrying about me.
Enciodes Come now, Gnosis.
Gnosis What?
Enciodes You wanted to leave Kjerag because it's boring. Am I right?
Gnosis Not entirely.
You wouldn't understand.
Enciodes I suppose I wouldn't. Not entirely, at least.
But what if I told you that I can make Kjerag less boring?
Gnosis What?
Enciodes I haven't told anyone else. Keep it secret for me.
I understand why Father says that Kjerag is weak and needs to learn to accept compromise.
But I'm getting tired of seeing him bow his head to foreigners. It's like you said: Boring.
We need to be stronger, tougher, fiercer. Let the foreigners know that they can't walk over the people of Kjerag so easily.
Gnosis ......
[Door opening]
Bounty Hunter Alright, visiting hours are over.
Gnosis ......
Bounty Hunter What are you dallying for? The boss is looking for you. I'll watch this one.
Gnosis Hmph.
[Arts being cast and someone fainting]
Enciodes Do you always carry an Arts Unit with you, Gnosis?
Gnosis I took the scenic route.
Don't move, I'll untie you.
[Arts being cast and rope untied]
Enciodes I felt safer when I was tied up.
Gnosis They don't see Kjerag as an equal partner. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.
Enciodes Makes sense.
Gnosis ......
I'm sorry... I didn't know he would do that.
Enciodes I'm starting to like you, Gnosis.
Gnosis Oh?
Enciodes I thought our little chat was proof enough that I forgive you.
Gnosis This is this and that is that.
Getting you kidnapped and rescuing you after having second thoughts are two different matters.
Enciodes That's what I like.
Gnosis ......
Enciodes So, do you have a plan to get away?
Gnosis A sliver of one. I've been thinking about it.
Enciodes So you came to rescue me from the get-go?
Gnosis That's not what I said.
<Background 4>
Bounty Hunter Gotcha!
Gnosis Hmph.
[Arts being cast]
Bounty Hunter What's that? Trying to scratch an itch?
Surrender, and maybe the boss will let you off easy.
Gnosis In your dreams.
[Arts being cast]
Bounty Hunter Gugh—
You... won't... get... away...
[Something being dropped]
Enciodes Well, that was close.
Can I ask a question?
Gnosis What?
Enciodes You're intentionally making noise along the way, right? Like how you used Arts in that fight just now.
Gnosis Yes, because—
[Blade unsheathed]
Gnosis Here they come.
Teacher This was not smart, Gnosis.
Gnosis I agree.
Teacher Can you tell me why?
Gnosis It's true that I don't like my life right now.
I don't know what kind of life I want.
But that doesn't mean I want to leave with you.
Teacher What a shame.
You've lost your one shot at freedom.
Here, you'll never know how big the world outside is.
Enciodes Not necessarily.
How do you know that world doesn't lie in the future of Kjerag?
Teacher My dear Master Enciodes, do you really think that Victoria will allow you to develop?
Victoria takes pity on Kjerag at the moment, because you're too weak.
They will reap the fruit that belongs to them, when the time comes.
You're only 'developing' for their sake.
Enciodes I've heard this many times, and my answer is the same as my father's.
We'll see.
Teacher Hah. Do you think you'll get the chance?
You're a long way from town. Even if your father realizes you've disappeared, it'll take a long time for him to find you.
No one will save you.
Gnosis No.
You outsiders don't know Kjerag.
A lot of wild burdenbeasts live in these lush forests.
Before the people of Kjerag learned to domesticate them, this was where they caught wild burdenbeasts and tamed them. You're hiding in one of the old ruins that they left behind.
Teacher Burdenbeasts? What are those docile animals going to do?
Gnosis A common misunderstanding. Burdenbeasts are not naturally docile. The tame ones that you see are the result of centuries of domestication.
In the wild, burdenbeasts are—
[Rushing footsteps of animals]
Bounty Hunter A What's going on?!
Bounty Hunter B Over there! Burdenbeasts! A whole stampede of them!
Gnosis Wild burdenbeasts don't like to be disturbed while they're resting.
Teacher Get them!
Gnosis You better know how to ride a burdenbeast, Enciodes!
Enciodes Ha! Who do you think you're talking to?
[Rushing stampedes, people being knocked away and burdenbeasts cries]
Wild Burdenbeast (Excited cry)
Enciodes Good boy, good boy.
[Burdenbeast breath]
Enciodes (Placid cry)
Enciodes Sorry to interrupt your rest.
You can go now.
[Burdenbeast breath]
Wild Burdenbeast (Low cry)
[Rushing stampedes]
Enciodes We should be safe now.
Gnosis Yes, the commotion has probably caught the attention of people in town. All we need to do is hide until they find us.
Well, let's hope Master Olafur's fury doesn't extend to my family.
Enciodes What are you talking about, Gnosis?
You're the hero who rescued me.
Gnosis You must be joking. No excuse can change the fact that I—
Enciodes What does it matter? Friends are supposed to forgive each other's mistakes.
Gnosis Friends?
Enciodes Friends.
Matterhorn has been with me since I was little, and Weiss's situation is kind of unusual. I don't have any other friends.
You'll be the first.
Gnosis ......
Enciodes Let's make a promise, Gnosis.
Gnosis What?
Enciodes I'll make Kjerag big enough for you.
And you'll stay.
Gnosis What kind of promise is that?
Enciodes No good?
Gnosis If we're going to do this, we'll make Kjerag big enough for the both of us.
Enciodes You're on board?
Gnosis You did say I'm the first friend you've made other than Matterhorn and Weiss?
Enciodes I did.
Gnosis You're my first friend, too.