Wind Chimes: Once a Leaf Has Fallen...

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Operator Record
Once a Leaf Has Fallen...
Wind Chimes icon.png
As long as their home remains, people will continue to write letter after letter.

Unlock conditions
  • Raise Wind Chimes to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% Trust with Wind Chimes.
Female Lungmenite icon.png
Ah Yun
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Arrogant Robber
Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Humble Worker
L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Officer
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Suspicious Man/Crafty Man/Crafty Robber
Male Yumenite B icon.png
Well-Traveled Man/L.G.D. Officer
Blank icon.svg
Crafty Man
Blank icon.svg
Addled Elder
Blank icon.svg
Convoy Leader
Blank icon.svg
Curious Villager
Blank icon.svg
Enthusiastic Villager
Blank icon.svg
Exhausted Villager
Blank icon.svg
Impatient Villager
Blank icon.svg
Rushed Villager
Blank icon.svg
Young Villager
Lungmen Uptown
Lungmen Station
Yumen Desert
Moushan Lot
Desert Mountain
Sargon House
Summary: Wind Chimes must deliver a letter to Shiqiao Village– a place that even she knows only by name.

<Background 1>
[A girl runs after Wind Chimes.]
??? Wind Chimes, Wind Chimes!
Phew, managed to catch you before you left town.
Wind Chimes Ah Yun? What's wrong? Did I leave something at the post office?
Ah Yun It's not that. The mandarins want a letter sent to Shiqiao Village.
But none of the Messengers at the post office had ever heard of a place by that name, so they spent a while asking around.
Not sure how this came up, but eventually someone said "if Wind Chimes doesn't know, then I reckon nobody knows."
And that was just as you'd left.
Wind Chimes Got it. I'll take care of it.
[Wind Chimes opens her rucksack.]
Wind Chimes threw open her rucksack, revealing the various letters stuffed to the brim within.
Wind Chimes Just throw the letter in there. I've heard of Shiqiao and roughly know which direction it's in, but I might have to ask for specifics along the way.
Ah Yun Where are you going after you finish your deliveries? Yumen or Lungmen?
Wind Chimes Lungmen. Lungmen's had a longer backlog of letters to be delivered to the mountain countryside than Yumen.
Ah Yun Then, I'll treat you to that new Mrs. Pepper ice cream that's been all over the ads when you get back. Apparently, they're going the spicy-and-savory route this time, and it's not sweet at all!
Wind Chimes But, isn't ice cream supposed to be sweet?
Ah Yun Pssh. When you get tired of eating sweets, you obviously go with something spicy. That's what's trendy these days.
<Background 2>
L.G.D. Officer Leaving the on another delivery run?
Wind Chimes Mmhmm.
L.G.D. Officer Go right on ahead then, no search needed. When I saw you taking every single letter out and neatly packing them back in, I felt a bit bad for inconveniencing you.
Wind Chimes Appreciate it.
L.G.D. Officer Oh, also, Old Cheung asked me to thank you for him.
Wind Chimes Cheung?
L.G.D. Officer That bearded guy whose letters kept bouncing because his hometown was relocated.
You delivered several dozen of his letters all at once, and when he got some replies back, he was so happy he started crying.
Wind Chimes Oh, I remember now... It's not like I did anything special. Just part of my job.
L.G.D. Officer Then, thank you for doing your job. You take care of yourself now!
<Background 3>
After staying in a nomadic city for a while, people tend to forget that there is an "outside".
But, the "outside" is actually pretty close. Close enough that if you walk a few li out towards the edge of the tracks, you'll come face-to-face with the wind and sand.
Wind Chimes Thanks for your hard work on fixing up the Chidao!
Humble Worker Oh, if it isn't the Messenger with the broken horn! What's up? Did we get mail? Is it for me, or some young lad or lass on our construction site?
Wind Chimes I do have mail, but it's just a stipend from Lungmen.
Humble Worker A stipend, huh...?
Wind Chimes You don't seem too thrilled about it.
Humble Worker No, of course I am! The whole point of comin' out here to work is to make life a little better! I'm just, a bit worried. It's been two months since we've gotten any letters from our village.
Wind Chimes I passed by the village just last month. Everyone was very nice.
Humble Worker That's good to hear.
Say, don't be in such a rush to leave. Stay here for dinner, and leave some time tomorrow.
Wind Chimes I have a lot of mail to deliver this time, so I think I should––
Humble Worker Don't be shy, we're practically family here! Everyone's always looking forward to you coming around. It's mighty interesting hearing you talk about the cities.
Since we got paid our stipends today, I'll have 'em get the food ready for you earlier, and find some youngsters for you to chat with!
<Background 2>
L.G.D. Officer Next.
Leaving for work?
[A man walks to the L.G.D. officer.]
Well-Traveled Man Yes, work.
L.G.D. Officer Please open your bag for security inspection.
[The man opens the bag.]
Well-Traveled Man Oh, right, there's something I wanted to ask.
L.G.D. Officer What is it?
Well-Traveled Man Did a Forte Messenger with a broken horn leave the city at about noon today? Would you mind telling me which way she went?
<Background 4>
Impatient Villager "Jianzi... rumian... I'm in Lungmen..."
Ah Fang, you know how to read, don't you? C'mere and help me figure out what this says.
Exhausted Villager What is this thing anyway, a flashlight? I already have one at home. Why would they need to send one out from Lungmen?
Young Villager Auntie, that's not a flashlight, it's a telescope!
Curious Villager What's this?
Wind Chimes It's a camera. I use it to document everyone's lives.
Curious Villager You mean, the stuff they use to make TV shows?
Wind Chimes Uhh... close enough?
Curious Villager Then, I'd better clean myself up and make a good impression...
Other people always say you become numb after working for too long. They say this is true for everything else as well, that everything becomes normal once you've been through it enough.
But when I go back and forth between the mountains and the cities, what I deliver most is letters back home.
There's hardly any difference between this month's letters and last month's. Just a few extra days of rain, a few extra bushels of wheat harvested.
But as long as their home remains, people will continue to write letter after letter.
Wind Chimes Oh right, would you happen to know how to get to Shiqiao Village?
I only know that it's somewhere to the north, but don't know the exact location...
Curious Villager Shiqiao? Can't say I've ever heard of it. Want me to try asking around?
Wind Chimes I'd appreciate it.
<Background fades out and in>
Curious Villager Sorry, but we don't know either.
But, apparently there's a lad in Bianti who came from Shiqiao, seeking shelter with his relatives. He might know the way.
Wind Chimes Bianti Village? Sounds good. I happen to have mail to deliver there as well.
Curious Villager You're not going to stay awhile?
Wind Chimes Not this time. See you around!
[After Wind Chimes left, the villager is approached by a strange man.]
Suspicious Man Hey you, old timer!
Curious Villager Hmm? What's wrong?
Wait, who are you? I haven't seen you around here before.
Suspicious Man The Messenger that was here just now, did she say she was going to Shiqiao?
Curious Villager Yes, but... Hey, are you just gonna leave without saying anything?
Suspicious Man My home is close to Shiqiao. I'll lead her there!
<Background 5>
[Wind Chimes approaches another villager.]
Enthusiastic Villager A boy from Shiqiao...? Wait, do you mean Ah Liang?
Get over here, Ah Liang! Someone here needs directions!
<Background fades out and in>
Wind Chimes Head north, then about ten li after reaching Beifen, there's a big tree several arms' length 'round. Enter the mountains from there.
After turning around, there'll be a two-way trail. Follow it all the way to the right for about a day...
Alright, got it.
Enthusiastic Villager You can memorize something that complicated?
Wind Chimes Actually... Following the trail to the left leads you to my hometown.
Enthusiastic Villager I'll just say this, you look just like one of us country folks, like you're right outta the mountains.
By the way, how's your hometown doing? Has everything been alright?
Wind Chimes It's deserted. Everyone's already moved into the city for work.
Enthusiastic Villager *sigh*... The last few years have been tough, and our village has been through similar, but at least we've managed to survive. Be careful out there.
<Background fades out and in>
[The villager is approached by the strange man as well.]
Crafty Man Excuse me, that Messenger just now–
Enthusiastic Villager Did you have some business with her?
Crafty Man I'm also trying to get to Shiqiao Village. I heard you folks talking about it from the distance, but I didn't catch everything...
<Background 6>
Wind Chimes There's Beifen.
Two letters to be delivered here in Beifen, then one last letter... to Shiqiao.
Why are there so many people gathering here?
[Wind Chimes walks to the crowd.]
<Background fades out and in>
Wind Chimes They're all here to... read the announcement?
Rushed Villager Yeah, our village's finally gettin' relocated. There's a new nomadic plate that's lookin' for workers, and they say anyone who helps build it can help keep it runnin' after the plate's been completed.
If the notice has been posted, doesn't that mean the convoy's probably ready to pick us up in a few days?
Wind Chimes What about your mail...?
Rushed Villager Just hand it over to me. I'll make sure to pass it out when everyone gets back. Really appreciate you bringing us our letters all these years.
Wind Chimes ...You're welcome.
Rushed Villager Huh? What are you still headin' north for?
Wind Chimes I have one last letter addressed to Shiqiao.
Rushed Villager Shiqiao Village?
They were supposed to get relocated last month. Dunno if anyone's there anymore.
Wind Chimes Are you... absolutely certain about that?
Rushed Villager Certain I saw the news. It was nailed up on the announcement board. The convoy also went into the mountains a few days ago, but we haven't seen any cars leavin'...
Wind Chimes I might still be able to make it then.
[Wind Chimes runs off.]
Rushed Villager I wouldn't, if I were you. It's a long ways out, you don't even know if there'll be anyone there, and you might even get robbed–
Huh? Where'd she go?
Wind Chimes I appreciate the tip, but I need to get going. There should still be enough time!
<Background 3>
As the sun sets, the mountains stretch out along both sides of the narrow road.
Just past ten li north, I saw the dead tree. I followed a few bends and went into the mountains, climbing over peaks and ridges until I reached a fork in the road.
This is the way I went out, back in the day, but this time...
[The strange man and another man block Wind Chimes' way.]
Wind Chimes Excuse me, you're in the way.
Suspicious Man Sorry, but we're here for the letter.
Wind Chimes I don't have anything addressed to you in this bag.
Suspicious Man Is that so? Well, I heard you had something for Shiqiao. The village is just ahead, so hand it over and I'll deliver it for you.
Wind Chimes I'm good.
Suspicious Man Hmph, so you wanna play hardball, huh?
Arrogant Robber Hand the letter over. It's just one piece of paper. Stop wasting time and bring it here!
Wind Chimes Make me.
Arrogant Robber Oh, you have the guts to challenge us? Think you're hot shit, huh?
Wind Chimes Have we met before?
Arrogant Robber Cut the crap! The boss ain't around this time, so don't expect us to show any mercy!
[The robber attacks Wind Chimes.]
Arrogant Robber Your stance looks pretty good by-the-books, but let's see if your blade has ever tasted blood...
[He attacks again.]
Wind Chimes Gah!
Crafty Robber You're pretty quick on your feet––
Wind Chimes Hyah!
[Wind Chimes hits the robber.]
Crafty Robber Shit, this wench means business!
Arrogant Robber What are you afraid of? She can't take all of us at once!
[Wind Chimes attacks them multiple times.]
Crafty Robber Why's a little errand runner putting her life on the line? You sure as hell don't know what's good for you.
Wind Chimes (Pants) ...I have nothing to say to you.
Crafty Robber (Whispers) Laoge, she's not backing down. Maybe we ought to...
Arrogant Robber (Whispers) Hmph, that's our only option now.
Why don't we all take a step back? I'll tell you exactly why we can't let you through, and then you decide whether or not it's worth fighting us.
Wind Chimes ...
Arrogant Robber Do you know whose letter you're delivering? Our boss sent it after he got arrested.
Shiqiao is the boss's hometown, and that place has been deserted for a long while now. If not for the fact that you were going around where it was, we wouldn't have had eyes on you.
Wind Chimes As if I'd believe you.
Arrogant Robber Sure, so we fight you to the death over a piece of paper from who-knows-where. Does that even make any sense?
Lemme give it to you straight: before he got caught, the boss hid some treasure. If he went through all the trouble to send that from Lungmen, there's gotta be something big inside.
So hand over the letter, and when we find the treasure, we'll split it with you.
Wind Chimes In your dreams.
Arrogant Robber Alright, then. Let me just tell you one more thing. We were the ones who saved your life. Your horn wasn't broken back then, and you weren't carrying that blade on your back.
Wind Chimes You what–?!
Arrogant Robber Does that jog your memory?
Wind Chimes You're... those first group of robbers that I met? The ones who blindfolded me and burned my letters?
Arrogant Robber Who else?
If not for the fact that the boss didn't wanna cause extra trouble and felt sorry for the pitiful little girl who lost her family, you think taking the head of a mandarin is some big deal?
Wind Chimes Pitiful? What about that is pitiful?
Arrogant Robber Heh, do you actually think we had any pity for you?
Any thieves worth their salt are already striking it rich in some nomadic city. If we had somewhere to go, you think we'd be camping out in these barren mountains to rob people?
Wind Chimes ...
Arrogant Robber You might even call this destiny, that you're here again delivering the boss' letter. Now that we're meeting again after so many years, let's not make this an ugly occasion.
Wind Chimes (Shakes head) If you really think this is destiny, you'd best get out of my way.
Arrogant Robber What, don't you speak Yanese?
Wind Chimes I bought this blade after you robbed me. Don't make me use it on you.
Arrogant Robber You heard her, boys. Since you've got a death wish, don't blame us for what happens next.
[Multiple robbers appear and attack Wind Chimes, but she fights them off.]
Crafty Robber You'd dare?!
[Wind Chimes repels the robber's sword blows.]
Wind Chimes ––Hyaaah!
Crafty Robber She's protecting that bag! Stab her in the back!
[Wind Chimes blocks the attack.]
Arrogant Robber Her reactions are pretty quick...
Wind Chimes You'd best... leave while you can. Those two back there aren't fatally injured. You could save them.
[The robber slowly approaches Wind Chimes.]
Arrogant Robber We've already given you the bottom line. If you're not gonna cooperate, we can't let you leave here alive.
Crafty Robber Your legs have gone weak, girl. Behave yourself and hand over that letter. Come with us, and you might even make yourself a fortune.
Wind Chimes Don't... even think about it...
Crafty Robber Look at you. You can't even finish a sentence––
[Wind Chimes strikes the robber with her sword.]
Crafty Robber Urkh...
[The robber falls to the ground.]
Wind Chimes I was aiming... for your arm. Don't expect... the same courtesy next time.
Arrogant Robber Not bad. A single Messenger managed to take down three of us. But, that's the best you can do. Put your blade down.
I said, put your blade down!
[An arrow strikes next to the robber.]
Arrogant Robber What the hell? You brought backup?!
Run, run!
[The robbers run away, and the man who shot the arrow approaches Wind Chimes.]
Well-Traveled Man Are you alright?
Wind Chimes I... I'll manage. Who are you?
Well-Traveled Man That letter...
Wind Chimes takes a step back.
Well-Traveled Man Sorry, I got ahead of myself. Here's my ID.
Wind Chimes The L.G.D.?
L.G.D. Officer Long story short, I have some work to take care of, and I'd like your cooperation. Come back with me to Lungmen, and wait for us to finish inspecting this letter before you send it out.
Wind Chimes What's the deal... with this letter?
L.G.D. Officer This letter was sent by a bandit leader we had in custody. He said it was a letter home to his mother in Shiqiao Village.
We looked into his claim and found that he indeed was from Shiqiao. By the way, the first crime he confessed to was robbing you.
Wind Chimes ...
L.G.D. Officer The guy's never been back home since he left, and it's been over a decade. Given that he doesn't have much time left, we didn't really try to stop him.
Wind Chimes He hasn't been back home in a decade?
L.G.D. Officer He claimed it was to avoid getting his family involved, but as for the actual reason... Who knows?
Unfortunately, at around the same time you left town, we discovered that he had been involved in a rash of related cases.
And so we had to consider the possibility that what he sent wasn't a letter to home, but rather a message.
Wind Chimes But... I'm almost there. What are the odds that this whole thing is a misunderstanding and it really is just an ordinary letter to home?
L.G.D. Officer I followed you all the way here just to confirm that.
Wind Chimes Sir, if you follow this fork to the right, it'll take you to Shiqiao. If you follow it to the left, it'll take you to my hometown... But, you won't find anything there anymore.
Shiqiao will be relocated soon. I still know where to address my letters home, but this man...
L.G.D. Officer ...
Wind Chimes Do we have to go back to Lungmen?
L.G.D. Officer *sigh*... If you're dead set on not going back, then I suppose I can inspect the letter right here.
But, if there really is some funny business going on with this letter, or if something happens to me, you'll be held liable.
Wind Chimes That's fine.
L.G.D. Officer Even though that guy robbed you?
Wind Chimes This has nothing to do with that case, but...
Someone who's been away from home that long, and won't ever be able to go back... I want to believe that his last letter was just an ordinary letter home.
L.G.D. Officer Alright then.
Does that camera of yours work? If so, I'd like you to take pictures of the entire inspection process.
<Background fades out and in>
L.G.D. Officer ...And, done.
Wind Chimes So... What's the story...?
[The man gives Wind Chimes the letter back.]
The man folds the letter neatly, stuffs it back inside the envelope, and then hands the envelope back to me with a pat on the shoulder.
L.G.D. Officer Go ahead and send it where it belongs.
<Background 5>
[Wind Chimes is running.]
I know that on the other side of this mountain lies more mountains, and that when the convoy from Shiqiao sets out, they'll at best meet me head-on. But, I can't slow down.
It feels as if I'm rushing to meet the last of my neighbors who still haven't moved.
If I arrive earlier, we'll be able to sit down together for a chat over a cup of tea. Any later, and I'll only be able to catch the sight of their backs.
Wind Chimes *pant*, *pant*... Finally made it...
Convoy Leader Who might you be, girl? Are you here to see off your relatives?
Wind Chimes No, I'm... a Messenger. I have a letter to Shiqiao from Lungmen...
Convoy Leader Lungmen? It mustn't have been easy coming all the way out here. Let me see that letter, and I'll ask the people who've already boarded.
[Wind Chimes gives the convoy leader the letter.]
Convoy Leader Well, that's unfortunate. This letter seems to be addressed to Aunt Zhao.
Wind Chimes Unfortunate?!
Convoy Leader Don't panic. It's not what you think. Aunt Zhao is fine. She's old and a bit addled, but otherwise fine.
The villagers made an agreement that everyone would leave together once the convoy arrived, but now she's refusing to leave, throwing a childish fit and saying we lied to her.
I'm not sure if she'll be able to read your letter.
Wind Chimes ...
Regardless, let's get it delivered to her first.
<Background 7>
[Wind Chimes enters Aunt Zhao's house.]
Wind Chimes ...Auntie?
Addled Elder Who's there? Who is it this time? I said, I'm not leaving! I don't care about nomadic cities or telephones or intercity nets– it's all a scam!
You're all trying to trick me into leaving, just like you tricked Erya! I'm not going anywhere!
Wind Chimes I'm not here to ask you to leave. I simply came to deliver a letter–
Addled Elder I'm not leaving! I'd rather die than leave! I'm just going to wait right here... I don't like sweets!
Wind Chimes Huh?
Addled Elder Who are you? How'd you get into my house?
Wind Chimes I'm a Messenger, Auntie. I've come to deliver a message from your son–
Addled Elder I don't know how to read, and I've been lied to and cheated my whole life... But, what's the use? Erya knew how to read and write, but he was cheated all the same...
Wind Chimes I believe Erya wrote this letter for you.
Addled Elder Letter...? What letter? He's never written home before...
Wind Chimes How about this: I'll read his letter for you, okay?
Addled Elder Read the letter... for me?
Yes, please.
[Wind Chimes opens the letter.]
Wind Chimes "I'm sorry, Ma. I haven't been back home in more than ten years. I haven't even sent a single letter..."
I'm sorry, Ma. I haven't been back home for more than ten years. I haven't even sent a single letter.
I don't want to be a burden on you, and I also don't know what I should even write.
I went down the wrong path and hurt a lot of people. I've been living in a stupor the last few years, as if I've gotten terribly sick.
People say that you have to choose your own path, and can only rely on yourself. But, I'd rather rely on the hawkers who'd come to the village. You could always trust them to bring ice cream.
It was so sweet, Ma. Even after all these years, I still remember that taste. Whatever that stuff was labeled 'ice cream' on the outside, how could anything be so sweet and so delicious?
I used to love jujubes. But after that, I wouldn't even touch the biggest, reddest jujubes. I just wanted to eat ice cream.
You scolded me back then. Said I was acting like I was possessed. Maybe I really was possessed, and ended up ran away from home over some ice cream.
When I first made some cash of my own, I immediately went and bought a whole box of ice cream with all sorts of different flavors. But, I ate until my stomach was upset, but still couldn't taste that same maddening sweetness.
Now that everything's said and done, I don't think I'll ever be able to go home again. But, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
If you really miss me, just go plant a jujube tree behind the house and pretend that it's me. In the spring, when the tree sprouts new leaves, that means I've woken up. In the autumn, when the jujubes fall to the ground, it's me who ate them.
If the thorns on the jujube tree prick you, it means I'm throwing a fit. You can hit me or scold me, but my roots will always be there. I won't go anywhere. I'll always be with you.
I guess that's it. Think of that as me coming back home.
When I get to the end of the letter, I have to grit my teeth to keep myself from crying. But, the old woman simply turns around, slowly making her way to the backyard.
There is already a carefully tended tree in the center of the courtyard, covered with jujubes both green and red.
The old woman slaps her palm down between the branches and leaves of the jujube tree, and the sharp thorns dig into her hand. Tears crawl down her wrinkled face.
After a moment of silence, she turns around and heads in the direction of the convoy.