Kroos: Apples

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Operator Record
Kroos icon.png

Chance idleness can have a ripple effect you'd never predict.

Unlock conditions

RI Bridge
RI Corridor
RI Cafeteria
RI Room
Those who slack off will always run into unexpected problems.
<Background 1>
One laid-back morning.
Rhodes Island Landship
[Fang is running around, looking for Kroos.]
Fang How did I let Kroos slip away again...?
[Beagle joins in with Fang.]
Beagle Don't be mad, Captain. Kroos isn't a bad girl.
Fang I'm not mad.
It's just—I'm supervising her work, and every single time...
Beagle She just wants to take it easy sometimes.
Fang Next time, maybe you should be the one keeping an eye on her. It kind of feels like she listens to you more...
Beagle It's not like I do anything special either. I just watch her work.
If she needs my help, l help her, and she goes back to doing it herself after a while.
Fang That's it?
Beagle Yep, that's all I do.
Fang Well, what can I say? I shouldn't have expected any less from you, Beagle.
I'm not sure why, but whenever she has half a mind to slack off, there is just no way I can keep her working...
Sometimes she's got a stomachache. Sometimes it's Instructor Dobermann calling for her, and I always just believe her.
And before I know it, she's gone.
[Kroos is spotted as she runs into Fang and Beagle...]
Fang Kroos!
Kroos !
Fang There you are.
[...but she quickly gets away.]
Fang You aren't getting away!
Beagle, head her off!
Beagle Eh?
[Fang and Beagle splits off to go after Kroos.]
<Background 2>
[Kroos is taking a break after running around...]
Kroos *Pant*.
Fang Kroos, back to duty with me!
[...but Fang's yelling at her spooks her.]
Kroos (I'm just trying to take a short break!)
[Kroos quickly runs away...]
Fang Stop right there!
[ Fang is about to catch up with her.]
Kroos (Huh? Why is Fang getting faster and faster?!)
(I gotta come up with something.)
[On a distance, Scene is seen with Lens, her personal, robotic Mobile Buggy Cam.]
Lens "Is there anything else you would like to listen to?"
Scene Y e s . . .
Lens "Okay, Lens will look it up in the library."
[Kroos spots Scene and Lens...]
Kroos (Is that Scene?)
(Okay, let's give this a try.)
[...and approaches the two.]
Kroos Hello~
[Lens replies on Scene's behalf, as it does most of the time.]
Lens "Oh, hello, Kroos."
Kroos Is it okay if I sit down next to you, Scene?
Lens "Ooh—"
[Lens turns around to Scene, who nods in approval.]
Lens "Miss Scene says she doesn't mind. Go ahead!"
Kroos Thanks~
[Kroos sits down beside Scene and Lens.]
Lens "You look pretty tired."
Kroos I mean, there's a Kuranta chasing me~
Fang Kroos!
[Fang's voice can be heard in a distance.]
Lens "Oh, I can hear her now. It's Fang."
Kroos We're actually playing hide-and-seek right now.
And after she found me, it kind of turned into a race~
Hey, Lens. Help me out, will you?
Lens "Ooh—"
[Lens turns around to Scene, but this time, she says...]
Scene Y e s . . .
[...and "talks" for a bit before turning around to Kroos.]
Lens "Miss Scene says it sounds very interesting. Lens will therefore be providing all the assistance you need, Kroos."
Kroos Thanks~
Lens "However, I can't guarantee that Fang won't recognize you."
Kroos Well, if she catches me, I guess she'll have rightfully earned her victory~
Lens "If you say so—"
*Beep* *beep*!
[Lens signals for two additional Buggy Cams to appear.]
M.P.M No. 1 *Bzzt*—*Bzzt*—*Bzzt*—
M.P.M No. 2 *Chime*!
Kroos (Oh, have these buggies been here the whole time? I didn't even notice.)
[Lens and the Buggy Cams are doing something to Kroos...]
Lens *Beep* *beep*!
M.P.M No. 1 *Bzzt*—!
M.P.M No. 2 *Chime* *Chime*!
[...which causes her to turn invisible just as Fang arrives.]
Fang I know she hopped in here for sure.
[Fang looks around the area for Kroos, but can't find her.]
Fang Just where is she?
She's getting way too good at hiding...
Lens ......
Scene ......
Kroos ......
Fang If I was Kroos...
I'd be—
Right around—
Kroos ......
[Before Fang could expose Kroos's position...]
Beagle Fang—I saw Kroos run toward the cafeteria!
Fang Great, I'll be right there!
[Fang heads to the cafeteria, and Kroos became visible again after the coast is clear.]
Kroos Phew—
Lens "Congratulations, Kroos. It looks like you're still hidden."
Kroos I've seen the way Scene hides on missions before.
It's so amazing~
Lens "Lens uses a revolutionary new camouflage technique that combines stealth and optical refraction technologies, among others, to satisfy Miss Scene's needs."
Scene ......
Lens "I'm sorry, Miss Scene. Lens forgot to put on music for you."
"And without further ado—"
[Lens play a music for Scene, likely one from D.D.D. that she is a fan of.]
Kroos Ha—This slaps.
Is it okay if I chill here for a little bit, too?
Scene Y e s . . .
Lens "Sure thing!"
Kroos By the way, what are you doing here, Scene?
Lens "Miss Scene is brainstorming ideas for her next piece."
"She may look like she's spacing out, but make no mistake. She's thinking."
"And while she has her thinking cap on, it is Lens's job to play music and deliver food to her."
Kroos Isn't there anyone chasing her down, trying to get her to work?
Lens "Let's see—Not according to Lens's records."
"If anyone tried to, Lens would activate these camouflage techniques. No one would be able to find her."
Kroos Sounds so nice~
I wish I could live like Scene does.
Lens "I believe Miss Scene said something similar before."
"Something along the lines of, 'I wish I could live the way Cautuses do—' Something like that."
Kroos What's so nice about us Cautuses?
It's very exhausting~
Ever since I was young, everyone's always told me that Cautuses are meant to be more energetic, and that I shouldn't be so lazy.
But all I ever wanna do is clear my mind and lay on the couch the whole day.
Doesn't that sound wonderful~
Scene Y e s . . .
Lens "What Miss Scene is saying is you can make your own decisions, and that is a joy in itself."
Kroos Huh?
Lens "Let's use Lens as an analogy."
"Lens is able to take photos very quickly. Through the use of my system's auxiliary operations, Lens is capable of snapping photos of running Kuranta and storing those photos in my album without issues."
"But Miss Scene can't do that."
"Even when she's photographing people, Miss Scene takes a very long time, almost like she's sketching."
"That's why Miss Scene is a good scenery photographer. She's not good at it because she likes taking photos of landscapes."
"She wants to take photos of everything, but, most of the time, she's only able to take photos of still objects. Only they have the patience to wait until she's done without moving."
"And that's what Lens meant."
"You don't like to move, but if you put your mind to it, you can still be pretty agile."
Kroos Hm, maybe~?
Lens "Both Lens and Click have edited operational records of your missions, Kroos."
"You usually just hang out around the destination, but once an order comes, you always head towards the new destination quickly. That makes you no different from the other Cautuses."
Kroos That's just because I could die if I mess up~
Missions are hard~
Lens "Without Lens, Miss Scene wouldn't even be able to move to the next location."
"Lens believes there's a difference between 'can't do' and 'don't want to do.'"
Kroos Yes...
Lens "'There are too many things that we can't do, so let's do the things that we can do the best we can.'"
"This is something that Scene told Lens before."
"Of course, Miss Scene may be able to do fewer things, but the things that she can do, she does with relative ease."
"In your case, Lens supposes you probably focus on putting your energy where it matters because you know your limits?"
Kroos Oh, that might be it~
Lens "Looks like Lens's deduction is correct."
Kroos But it could also be because I don't wanna work.
Lens "Lens believes in you, Miss Kroos."
[Out of nowhere, sparks can be seen coming out from Lens...]
Lens *Bzzzzt*—
Kroos What's wrong?
[...but it shrugs it off and continue talking...]
Lens "Oh, sorry about that. The reception here isn't very good."
"The motivational r-routine that Lens s-selected to inspire you had a few e-errors."
Kroos Ugh...?
Lens "It looks like y-you w-w-w—"
[...until eventually it "overloads" and cease functioning, so does the other Buggy Cams.]
Kroos Eh?
Kroos (The buggies stopped moving too.)
(Did they break down?)
Scene —!
Kroos Scene, are you trying to say something?
Scene M m—
Kroos Take your time~ I'm listening~
Scene M m e h—
E h h—
Kroos Let me guess~
Oh, is it—Mayer?
Scene U m m—
Kroos Gotcha. I'll look for Mayer. You stay here to look after Lens.
I won't be long~
See ya~
[Kroos leaves.]
Scene U m m—
Y a—
<Background 3>
[At the cafeteria, it turns out that Beagle had mistaken Leonhardt for Kroos because both Cautuses are quite identical in appearance.]
Beagle I'm sorry, Fang, I got mixed up and went after the wrong person.
Fang You know, there's quite a bit of difference between Leonhardt and Kroos...
Even if they're both Cautuses...
Beagle I'm so sorry! I should've been more careful!
Fang It's fine. Let's look for her again. If we don't find her, we'll have to ask Meteor or Gitano for help.
Kroos isn't going to get away.
Beagle It kind of seems like she's got your full attention today, Captain.
You usually turn a blind eye, but you seem really mad this time.
Fang I'm not mad.
You know what Kroos said when she ran away?
Beagle What?
Fang She said today's the anniversary of me becoming our leader, so she was going to pick out a present for me.
Beagle Isn't that a good thing?
Fang She never came back, in the end. I didn't even realize until you returned to the dorm.
Beagle Is today really the anniversary?
Fang It is...
Beagle Then that's really mean of her.
I'll give her a good scolding myself.
Fang Good.
Beagle Oh, right. Captain, happy anniversary!
Fang Oh, yeah. Thanks.
[Kroos is spotted running past Fang and Beagle.]
Beagle Eh?
Was that Kroos just now?
I hope I'm not seeing things again...
Fang No, that's Kroos alright.
Looks like she's in a hurry.
Come. Let's go take a look.
Beagle Okay.
[Fang and Beagle goes to follow Kroos.]
<Background 2>
Mayer's Room, a.k.a. "Lutra Workshop"
[Kroos reaches the front door of Mayer's workshop.]
Kroos This should be it~
(Isn't this an automatic door? Why isn't it opening?)
Mayer, are you home~?
(The door's broken.)
(Is it this button here?)
[Kroos pushes the button, and the door opens...]
<Background 4>
[...allowing her to enter the workshop.]
Kroos Mayer~
I need a favor. Is it okay~?
[Suddenly the whole room is filled with smoke...]
Kroos May— *cough*...
[ Mayer answers to Kroos.]
Mayer Hm? Need me?
Ehh, my ventilation fan is on. Why is it so strong over here?
I'm painting right now. Why don't you step outside first?
Let me finish up here. I'll be right with you!
Kroos Okay, *cough* *cough*.
[Kroos leaves the room...]
<Background 2>
[...and waits for Mayer outside.]
Kroos *cough*.
Mayer Here I am!
[Mayer leaves the room and approaches Kroos.]
Mayer So, what's up?
If you just want some quick repairs, you should try Engineering. I don't think I'll be much help.
Kroos *cough*, actually...
[Kroos explains about the situation to Mayer.]
<Background fades out and in>
Mayer Oh—Lens is dead? Shouldn't you get Closure then?
Kroos Scene thought you'd be better~
Mayer Okay, sure.
You're in luck today. I don't have anything in that much of a rush. Otherwise, you'd have come all this way for nothing.
Keep in mind, though, if those A.I. things with the four wheels run into problems, you should try Closure first.
Kroos Okay~
Mayer Let's go, then.
[Kroos and Mayer goes to Scene together with Fang watching them...]
Fang Mmm——
[...alongside Beagle.]
Beagle Looks like Kroos is actually busy!
Fang Let's go back.
Beagle Huh? We don't need to follow her anymore?
Fang If she's actually busy, then let's not get in the way.
We'll clean up Kroos's mess for her and get something to eat.
Beagle Right!
[Fang and Beagle gives up the chase and returns to their room.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Kroos reaches Scene and Lens...]
Kroos Here we are~
[...while Mayer is lagging behind.]
Mayer Hey, slow down. I haven't had breakfast...
Kroos Scene~
[Scene is seen together with Lens, now fully functional again.]
Scene Y e s . . .
Kroos Lens?
Lens "Why, hello, Kroos."
"Oh, you're here too, Mayer. Welcome!"
Mayer She looks alright to me.
Kroos Uh... hm?
Lens "Lens actually rebooted not long after you left."
"Lens sometimes runs into problems with certain functions. It isn't uncommon for Lens to reboot."
Kroos Then...
Lens "Oh, you mean what Miss Scene was trying to say? She was trying to tell you, 'It's okay.'"
"She takes a liiiittle while to get her words out, so she might've given you the wrong impression."
Kroos Aha, guess I misunderstood~
[Scene nods in agreement.]
Scene Y e s . . .
Mayer Well, guess I came all the way here for nothing.
Lens "Sorry about that, Miss Mayer. Lens is doing very well."
Mayer Well, let me take a look...
[Mayer checks up on Lens.]
Mayer Doesn't seem like there's anything wrong on the outside.
You said you crashed just now, right?
Lens "That's right."
Mayer Then that should be a problem with the system.
You said it yourself. You reboot often, right?
Lens Y e s.
Mayer Closure didn't try to fix that for you?
Lens "Closure has already ordered replacement parts for Lens. It won't be long before Lens receives an upgrade."
Mayer Oh? Ohh—
So those parts were for you, huh?
I visited that dungeon of hers yesterday. She was working for the better part of the day.
She said it was some kind of "advanced component used in extreme circumstances to be installed on a high-end mobile photography platform."
So she meant you, huh?
Well, this is perfect. Let's go pay Closure a visit now. We'll take care of this problem of yours.
That way, you won't find yourself freezing up or having to install OS updates while you're out on a mission.
Lens "Thank you very much, Mayer."
"But Lens is afraid it takes Miss Scene a while to get around too. Lens will walk with Miss Scene, so we likely won't be able to come with you straight to Closure's."
Kroos I'll walk her there~
Is that okay, Scene~?
Scene Y e s—
Lens "If that's what Miss Scene says..."
Mayer Okay, let's get going, then. Get it over with quickly, and I'll get to go to bed early. I have lots of work to get done tomorrow.
[Mayer grabs Lens along with her and leaves with it.]
Lens "Oh, Mayer, please don't push me around like that!"
Scene Y e a h—!
Kroos Don't worry, Miss Mayer's just a little impatient~
Let's just take our time and walk there slowly~
I know the way~
Scene Y e s . . .
<Background 4>
Reserve Op Team A1 Dormitory
[Kroos returns, bringing something with her.]
Kroos I'm back~
Fang Oh.
Beagle Welcome back.
Kroos Fang, here's some dessert I picked up for you~
Happy anniversary!
Beagle Wow, muffins!
Fang Thanks.
Leave them on the table. We'll share them tomorrow.
Kroos Okay~
Is anyone using the bathroom~
Beagle We're going to bed. It's all yours.
Kroos Okay~
[Kroos goes for the bathroom, with Fang and Beagle looking at her for a moment.]
Beagle See, Fang? Kroos actually worked all day.
She even bought you a present.
Fang Yeah.
I wasn't trying to reprimand her, you know.
If she really wants to take a break, all she has to do is tell me. I'm not going to say no.
It's just the way she goes about makes me kinda upset sometimes.
Beagle Kroos is too shy to actually say it. She's actually really thoughtful.
Fang I kind of think she's just toying with me.
Beagle Well, she's really close with you.
Kroos doesn't do that to most people.
Fang *Sigh*... I'd rather she treated me a little more normal...
Let's go to bed. We have training first thing tomorrow morning.
Be sure to wake Kroos up. She looked pretty tired when she got back. She just might not get up on her own.
If she oversleeps, Instructor Dobermann...
Beagle Relax, Fang, I'll drag her there if I have to.
Fang I hope so...
Whatever, not gonna worry too much about it.
Bedtime now.
Good night.
Beagle Good night, Captain.
[Both young Operators of R.I. goes to sleep.]