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There are a large number of items in Arknights with various uses depending on their type listed below.

All non-exclusive items are separated into six tiers denoted by the background it overlaids with as shown below, with higher tier ones being more difficult to obtain than lower tier ones, although certain items did not use the background.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Item Tier 1.png
Item Tier 2.png
Item Tier 3.png
Item Tier 4.png
Item Tier 5.png
Item Tier 6.png



Tokens are used to raise the Potential of Operators.


Four Class Tokens of the corresponding class can be used to raise Operators' Potential by one level.

Class Tokens can be purchased in the Distinctions Store and Purchase Certificate Store, and are awarded in certain events.

Replicated Caster Token.png
Replicated Defender Token.png
Replicated Guard Token.png
Replicated Medic Token.png
Replicated Sniper Token.png
Replicated Specialist Token.png
Replicated Supporter Token.png
Replicated Vanguard Token.png
Original Caster Token.png
Original Defender Token.png
Original Guard Token.png
Original Medic Token.png
Original Sniper Token.png
Original Specialist Token.png
Original Supporter Token.png
Original Vanguard Token.png
Antique Caster Token.png
Antique Defender Token.png
Antique Guard Token.png
Antique Medic Token.png
Antique Sniper Token.png
Antique Specialist Token.png
Antique Supporter Token.png
Antique Vanguard Token.png
Rare Caster Token.png
Rare Defender Token.png
Rare Guard Token.png
Rare Medic Token.png
Rare Sniper Token.png
Rare Specialist Token.png
Rare Supporter Token.png
Rare Vanguard Token.png
Epic Caster Token.png
Epic Defender Token.png
Epic Guard Token.png
Epic Medic Token.png
Epic Sniper Token.png
Epic Specialist Token.png
Epic Supporter Token.png
Epic Vanguard Token.png
Royal Caster Token.png
Royal Defender Token.png
Royal Guard Token.png
Royal Medic Token.png
Royal Sniper Token.png
Royal Specialist Token.png
Royal Supporter Token.png
Royal Vanguard Token.png

Despite being present in the game, Replicated, Original, and Antique Class Tokens are unobtainable.



Currencies are used to purchase items in various stores with the following exceptions:

  • LMD is used to train/promote Operators and process materials at the Workshop.
  • Originite Prime can be exchanged for Orundum, which is used for headhunting.
  • Information Fragments are used to unlock minor event interludes at the Archives.
  • Event Crystals are used to unlock past major events' operations at the Terminal.
Commendation Certificate.png
Distinction Certificate.png
Event Crystal.png
Furniture Part.png
Headhunting Parametric Model.png
Information Fragment.png
Intelligence Certificate.png
Originite Prime.png
Purchase Certificate.png
Universal Certificate.png

Event items

Mode-specific items

Roster items

These items are used to add Operators into the player's roster through headhunting and recruitment.

Headhunting Permit.png
Ten-roll Headhunting Permit.png
Kernel Headhunting Permit.png
Ten-roll Kernel Headhunting Permit.png
Expedited Plan.png
Recruitment Permit.png

Other roster items


Consumables are single-use items.

Sanity restoration

Also known as sanity potions, these consumables are used to restore the player's Sanity Sanity and will expire after a certain period if not used up.

Emergency Sanity Booster.png
Emergency Sanity Concentrate.png
Emergency Sanity Sampler.png
Salted Egg Yolk Flavor Chocolate.png
Burger Set For Two.png
Edible Cubes.png
Frozen Kung Pao Diced Fowlbeast.png
Karlan Chargrill Barbecue Ribs with Truffle Paste.png
Rim Billiton Watermelon Cake.png
Vegetable Radish Tin.png
Full Color.png
Full Moon.png
Smiley Face.png
Papaya Leaf Meat Pie.png
Golden Syrup New Year's Cake.png
Spicy Hotpot.png
Crisp Walnut Cookies.png
Persimmons Picked from a Scroll.png
Radiant Courtyard.png
Clear Nights.png
Fragrant Osmanthus.png
Shrouded Golden Waves.png
Pure Floral Dew.png
Volcanic Lava Cake.png
Pastoral Afternoon Tea Pastries.png
Glassy-Sweet Rice Fritters.png
Custard Creams.png
Amiya's Birthday Cake.png
Amiya's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Castle-3's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Catapult's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Ch'en's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Cliffheart's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Closure's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Courier's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Dobermann's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Jessica's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png
Texas's Grilled Flavor Biscuit.png

Operation Supplies

Event consumables

Half Year Anniversary Red Envelope.png
New Year's Lantern.png
32-hour Strategic Ration.png
Celebratory Box.png
Thank-You Celebration Supplies.png
Technological Investigation Supply.png
Mountaincomm Trade Supplies.png
Investigation Resupply.png

Other consumables

ID Info Update Card.png
Outfit Voucher.png
Rhodes Island Supplies.png
Professional Operator Training Invitation Letter.png
Senior Operator Training Invitation Letter.png
Top Operator Training Invitation Letter.png
Senior Operator Training Apparatus.png
Top Operator Training Apparatus.png
Automatic Chip Etcher.png
Automatic Chip Pack Etcher.png
Advanced Material Voucher.png
Premium Material Voucher.png
Professional Operator Skill Training Pack.png
Senior Operator Skill Training Pack.png
Top Operator Skill Training Pack.png


Items that do not fit anywhere else, including abstract concepts that existed as items in-game.

Drill Plan.png
Logistics Special Permit.png
Monthly Card Exchange Permit.png
PRTS Proxy Annihilation Card.png
Second Authentication Emblem.png