Historic UI changes

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This article lists UI additions that have first appeared on the CN server, and are now available on the Global server as well, as well as prior iterations of UI features, for the primary purpose of archival of previous states of the user interface. For future changes that are not yet on the Global server, visit Upcoming UI changes.

Combat menu

The Terminal was preceded by the Combat menu. It has also received an update making current events more prominent in the UI.

Skill names in Operator profiles


This UI feature is a peculiar case, as it is an update that the Global server had received, and that was eventually removed. This does not concern the CN server, and presumably does not concern JP/KR, who also have fairly compact alphabets.

Angelina's skill name problem.

In the CN server, the Operator card displays the names of skills directly under the skills, while players of the EN server have to click the skills to open the Skills menu and see their names. The EN server was changed to work similarly, however, this change was reverted. This removal is likely due to the extremely lengthy size of the same names in English, and increase in character count which led to many of the skills to overflow from their UI constraints. A particularly notable example of this was Angelina.

Previous Support Unit system

Updated Operator profiles

With the addition of the branch system and the module system, the Operator profiles have been adjusted accordingly.

Record Restoration


With the release of Contingency Contract Wild Scales, the Record Restoration system was added for events, allowing the acquisition of rewards of past events after their initial run and rerun. The Record Restoration system is a progressive addition, and not all event records can be restored yet.

Auto-deploy UI change

Prior to the release of Episode 9: Stormwatch, the auto-deploy interface displayed two dark horizontal rims on both top and bottom of the screen, and an opaque PRTS logo. This made it very clear that the game was in auto-deploy mode, but also practically completely obscured these two parts of the screen, which was detrimental to gameplay visibility and OLED screens' performance during auto-deploys. This, likely, was due to a consideration by the developers that granular visibility during auto-deploy was unnecessary, which changed when community-made content involved sharing auto-deploy clears. As of the update, the logo's opacity has been significantly reduced, and the top and bottom bars have been removed in favor of a slightly transparent dark gradient. The scrolling text indicating current auto-deploy status has also received an update increasing its horizontal width and changing the font and font color slightly.

Enemy Intelligence minor design update

As of the release of Episode 09, the Enemy Intelligence view has received a minor redesign changing the position of a few elements around. Notably, the new iteration displays "Attack Pattern" more clearly, putting further emphasis on which type of attacks an enemy uses, whether Melee or Ranged, and physical (assumed by default) or Arts (indicated). It also removes empty, unused space, and the change in information hierarchy reduces the chances of gameplay-related text overflowing out of the screen. This update also changed boss ability text to manual scrolling instead of automatic scrolling.

Overhaul of the selected unit information

As part of the release of Near Light, the information that appears on-screen during an Operation when selecting a unit has received a visual overhaul, adding a new tab for the trait next to skills, and properly displaying the promotion level of an Operator next to their level.

Updated Operator selection menu

The Near Light update also overhauled the Operator menu, adding the following new features:

  • Filtering by class is now easily accessible directly from the interface with a sidebar showing all class icons.
  • Operators can now be set as favorite Operators and will always appear at the forefront of the list.
  • Sorting by a certain statistic, such as ATK or Trust now overlays that number on top of the Operator's card. The UI for filtering this is also overhauled.
  • The UI when an Operator is selected to be added in a squad has received an overhaul.

Class filtering options

Aside from rearranging the new filter button, the new filtering options also allows easier access to sorting their Operators based on statistics (in order, Acquisition Date, Trust, Max HP, Attack, Defense, Resistance, Redeployment Time, Block Count, and Attack Speed), ranging from the lowest to the highest. Previously, this was done through a more complex UI. The stat of interest also gets overlaid on top of the Operator card, which helps with readability of this information and circumvents the need to select an Operator.

This also includes Trust, and appears when selecting Operators to be added as RIIC Assistants in the Command Center.

Preferred Operators


The update also added the option to pin some preferred operators to appear at the top of the list regardless of sorting options.

Squad Operator selection

Home Screen backgrounds

Improved CV language change interface

As of Break the Ice, the game now includes a specific UI for changing character voice languages.

Operators may be selected by language or faction. Each operator possesses a menu allowing to pick a voice and listen to it, if applicable. There is also a button allowing for a mass language change. This feature was initially was released along with Invitation to Wine in the CN server, but was released earlier in the Global server on Break the Ice alongside English and Korean CVs.

Assistant selection UI update

As of Break the Ice, sorting options for selecting a new Assistant operator (the Operator that appears on the home screen) have received a slight visual update. It includes the button for changing the background. This update was originally released as part of Invitation to Wine in the CN server, but was released earlier in the Global server.

Dormitory decoration UI update


As of Break the Ice, the Dormitory decoration feature has received a significant UI update, changing the menu for finding and selecting furniture to be easier to use, as well as adding the following features:

  • Furniture can now be rotated, making orientation versions of furniture redundant.
  • View angle can be changed to aid in placing furniture.
  • Furniture themes can now be saved and loaded, allowing easy duplication of a custom furniture theme if the player possesses twice the furniture, or simply to keep a previous furniture theme in memory for a temporary change.

This feature was initially released as part of Invitation to Wine in the CN server but was released earlier in the Global server.

Comeback missions

New post-operation interface

As of Episode 10: Shatterpoint, the introduction of the Combat Environments feature led to the addition of a new post-operation screen to accommodate the added complexity in stage results. The new interface is closer in style to that which is used in Interlocking Competition: Hymnoi Wisdom and Paradox Simulations.

Updated boss HP meter

There are three iterations of bosses' HP meter.

  • Prior to Under Tides, most bosses use the standard HP meter as other enemies.
  • With the release of Under Tides, due to its main boss Sal Viento Bishop Quintus, being the first enemy that occupies multiple tiles, it has a longer HP meter than normal, but still function similarly as other enemies.
  • With the release of Invitation to Wine, due to its main boss Sui-Xiang being the largest enemy in the game and having mechanics involving His HP, His HP meter was updated to be an active part of the game's HUD, appearing wide and large. As a result, large bosses such as Quintus and the Big Sad Lock from Phantom & Crimson Solitaire were updated to use similar HP meters.
  • With the release of Episode 10: Shatterpoint, all bosses (except, presumably, the Sui-Xiang) including large bosses were reverted to standard enemy HP meters. However, boss HP meters now possess special traits.
    • They are bright red and not orange, and feature the boss enemy logo overlaid.
    • Large bosses' HP meters always appear regardless of whether the boss has taken damage or not.
    • If several enemies are stacked in one spot, the boss' HP meter will always appear on top of standard HP meters.

Using ten single-pull tickets at once

With the release of Episode 10: Shatterpoint, rolling ten times with no Ten-roll Headhunting Permit but at least 10 Headhunting Permits will consume these instead of Orundum.

Assistant at Trust cap warning

As of Invitation to Wine, the base has received an update, notifying players when a base assistant is at Trust cap (200%). Trust also appears as part of the base report from that point onward.

New interface for Regular Affairs

As of Lingering Echoes, the addition of the new Stationary Security Service permanent mode has prompted a change in the interface previously used by Annihilation exclusively. First, the section of the Terminal, previously named "Weekly" is renamed "Regular Affairs" (常态事务) and the interface is more compact, displaying the new mode instead.

New leveling system

As of Lingering Echoes, the leveling system has been completely overhauled. The interface for leveling up Operators has been completely redesigned, and the system has been improved overall. Notable changes include:

  • The player is no longer capped to using 40 Battle Records — whichever the tier — at once, and can use however many they like at once.
  • A level slider is provided for choosing the target level more conveniently. Provided the player has enough, this change is coupled with a "max" button which automatically selects enough Battle Records the operator to the highest level possible currently (such as if they are gated by promotion level) by prioritizing the highest tier of Battle Records first.
  • Automatic Battle Records/LMD calculation results will appear if player choose the unreachable level.
  • Reaching the highest possible level cap (typically Elite 2, level 90) for a unit greets the player with a new unique animation/interface.

Support Unit UI change

As of Lingering Echoes, the Support Unit selection interface has been changed, making it more compact. The interface for setting one's own support unit has also been changed accordingly.

Module system-related updates to Operator menu

As of Lingering Echoes, the addition of module upgrades has caused a change in the user interface. Notably, modules are now displayed on the Operator cards in the Operator menu, where Potential was previously deployed. Potential has been moved on another location of the Operator card.

Likewise, and largely unrelated, the Operator filter menu has received a recolor from black to white, and an option to filter Operators with uncompleted Paradox Simulation.

Operator profile updates

The addition of modules has also prompted a major overhaul of the way skills and modules are displayed in the interface.

Enemy Database overhaul

As of Hortus de Escapismo, the Enemy Database interface has received significant visual and informational improvements. It includes various updates such as filtering options and categorizations and expanded enemy profiles.

While in the previous Global builds of the game, only HP, ATK, DEF and RES of enemies were displayed in four squares, the new interface also displays Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Weight. Furthermore, while actual numbers are still not displayed, the letter ratings have been deepened, with the addition of an E letter rating, and a "+" discriminator for other letters than S (e.g., A+, B+).

It should be noted that the addition of Elemental RES (E-RES for short) and Elemental Resistance (ERST for short) as attributes is also now displayed. This was not the case for the CN server during this update, as those elements were irrelevant until the addition of Ritualist Supporters alongside Expeditioner's Joklumarkar. In the Global server, they were added ahead of schedule, along with the new enemy database UI itself.

The UI also features several new elements:

  • When an enemy incurs a different loss of Life Point from the default, this is indicated. For instance, enemies that do not incur a loss when going through the Protection Objective, or enemies that do not go through one, will have the number 0 displayed next to a blue Life Point icon. Enemies that cost a higher number of Life Points (at least 2), will have that number displayed next to a red Life Point icon.
  • Enemy abilities, now referred to as traits, are itemized with bullet points. If the ability can be Silenced, the bullet point is instead replaced by the dark cross icon which indicates that an enemy is Silenced in-game.
  • Enemies who have several phases/forms have their traits specifically separated on a per-phase basis. A red header text will indicate the form (such as the Patriot's Marching and Ruination Stances), or simply their numbering (e.g. "First Form", "Second Form"). Abilities that are intrinsic to the enemy regardless of phase are displayed prior to these.
  • Attack Pattern (e.g. Ranged Physical, Melee Arts) is now always displayed under the enemy's name, and Physical is longer omitted and considered the default.
  • Enemy type (e.g. Sarkaz, Infected Creature) is now displayed over the enemy's name when applicable.
  • A red Sp. (Special) indicator will be displayed next to the enemy's codename when the specific version of the enemy used by the operation utilizes different statistics from that which are default and listed in the Enemy Index.
    • For instance, bosses in EX operations and Challenge Mode for non-EX operations utilize a higher statistical line known as "Level 1" (bosses are Level 0 by default), while Challenge Modes use a statistical buff between 10 to 20% for all other enemies. In this case, the UI will indicate this change.
    • Common bosses such as Crownslayer can have more levels than 0 and 1.
    • It is also possible that enemies simply use different statistics, which is very common in Contingency Contract. For instance, Mudrock Colossi in Abandoned Mine possess half the HP and a little less DEF than their Twilight of Wolumonde counterpart, before any Contracts are applied. This is reflected in the Enemy Index. However, buffs given by Contracts are not.
  • Enemy susceptibility/immunity to Silence, Stun, Sleep, Freeze, Levitate, and Frighten are indicated at the bottom of the page with an icon.
  • Enemies which interact with other enemies, such as enemies that spawn other enemies, that are spawned by other enemies, or affect another enemy's abilities are now listed as "linked" enemies under their page, and clicking them on the list allows one to see the entry for that other enemy.

Filtering functions are now added to the enemy database page as well. Players can now sort enemies in ascending and descending order, and have better filtering options. Alongside that, the enemy categories are now extended into three main filters: All enemies, Elite enemies and Leader enemies. The following filters also exist:

  • Enemy category/"Race" (e.g. Sarkaz, Arts Creation)
  • Enemy position/"Location" (Ground or Aerial)
  • Attack Pattern (No attack, Melee or Ranged)
  • Damage type (Physical, Arts, Healing or None/"Null")

Before the HE update, the Arknights Terra Wiki used the old interface and its values as reference for the enemy infoboxes, specifically those added before HE. Following the HE update, all of the enemy pages now use the updated values, but with the following differences than the in-game formatting:

  • The infobox does not follow the in-game bulleting due to formatting incompatibility, but will note whether the ability can be Silenced or not on their respective Overview section regardless.
  • For better clarity, the infobox lists attack and damage types separately, and the wiki will change the damage type to be more accurate if the in-game label is not true to what the enemy behaves in-game, but will note the in-game text regardless.

Summon Stats in Operator Pages


As of Hortus de Escapismo, it is now possible to view the stats of an operator's summoned units on their operator page. Any operator which summons or deploys a token with its own stats is capable of viewing the specific unit's stats in their page. The new UI includes all stats, the token's skill and skill effects, and range if applicable.

Home Screen UI