Achievement Star

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Achievement Star
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Casual clothing made for gamers, comfortable while maximizing the gaming experience.

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Achievement Star

Your Superconvicting Friend
Conviction Skin 1.png

Model: Conviction
Illustrator: TOMATO

One of Conviction's casual outfits.

Ah, games–a whole new domain ripe for conviction.
Achievement Star Collection/Your Superconvicting Friend. A complimentary outfit that came with the luxury limited edition of a retro arcade machine. Loose and relaxed with a classic palette, this fit will both flaunt your gamer status and accompany you on your daily outings.

How to obtain: Clear BF-2

Achievement Star/II

Light Gun Adjuster
Aosta Skin 1.png

Model: Aosta
Illustrator: Infukun

One of Aosta's casual outfits.

Chiave takes care of the repairs, but Aosta is the one to make the final check.
Achievement Star Collection/Light Gun Adjuster. The outfit Aosta wore while working for the Family, paired with tactical equipment. He also likes to wear it when testing light guns at Rhodes Island.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: The arcade machine where Aosta sits on in the background is named "Cyber Boy III" and its label is reminiscent to the official titlecard of Cyberpunk 2077.

Sport For All
Flametail Skin 1.png

Model: Flametail
Illustrator: NoriZC

One of Flametail's casual outfits.

Flametail likes playing games, because the rules are reasonable and don't change at the last minute.
Achievement Star Collection/Sport for All. Sporty outfit worn by Flametail when playing VR games. The limited space is made even more cramped by the gaming equipment, but she has a great time nonetheless.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)


  • The background features abstract versions of Wild Mane, Fartooth, Justice Knight, and Ashlock.
  • Flametail's idle animation with the outfit shows her having a sparring match with a training dummy modeled after Wild Mane and end up losing. The dummy also carries out the second attack when Flametail triggers Vanguard Swordsmanship with the outfit.
  • When Flametail uses her skill with the outfit, "ROUND x" briefly appears above her, with x being the number of her respective skill (e.g. 3 for Skill-Flametail3.png Flameheart).
  • The "MISS" indicator that appears when Flametail dodges a critical attack with the outfit uses a unique style and will also appear on normal attacks.

Trendsetting Player
Kirara Skin 1.png

Model: Kirara
Illustrator: 我妻洛酱

One of Kirara's casual outfits.

Bringing this stuff to Rhodes Island cost Kirara a pretty penny, but the number of times she's requested leave since then proves it was worth it.
Achievement Star Collection/Trendsetting Player. A gift from the devs, thrown in when Kirara bought a complete set of gaming equipment. Customized just for her, a loose and comfortable outfit for around the home.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: The UI of the video game Kirara is playing in the art is identical to the UI of Monster Hunter games.