Justice Knight

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"Justice Knight"
Marksman SniperPinus Sylvestris
Marksman Sniper.png
Pinus Sylvestris

Justice Knight icon.png

Justice Knight Skin 1 icon.png

"Justice Knight" of the Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub, tasked at Rhodes Island with cover fire support.
She knows that she's a robot.
Position Ranged
Tags Support, Robot
Trait Attacks aerial enemies first and ignores the Deployment Limit, but has a long Redeployment Time
How to obtain Recruitment





Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 396 495 N/A +100
ATK.png ATK 137 172 N/A +45
DEF.png DEF 32 41 N/A
RES.png RES 0 N/A N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 200 seconds N/A
COST.png DP cost 3 N/A
BLOCK.png Block count 1 N/A
ASPD.png Attack interval 1 second N/A


Potential 2.png
Justice Drive I becomes Justice Drive II
Potential 3.png
Justice Drive II becomes Justice Drive III
Potential 4.png
Justice Drive III becomes Justice Drive IV
Potential 5.png
Justice Drive IV becomes Justice Drive V
Potential 6.png
Justice Drive V becomes Justice Drive VI
Total Cost
Justice Knight's Token.png


Justice Drive I
Base.png For 10 seconds after deployment, all ranged allied units within Attack Range becomes less likely to be attacked and apply 10% Fragile effect to aerial enemies
Justice Drive II
Replaces Justice Drive I
Base.pngPotential 2.png For 12 seconds after deployment, all ranged allied units within Attack Range becomes less likely to be attacked and apply 13% Fragile effect to aerial enemies
Justice Drive III
Replaces Justice Drive II
Base.pngPotential 3.png For 14 seconds after deployment, all ranged allied units within Attack Range becomes less likely to be attacked and apply 16% Fragile effect to aerial enemies
Justice Drive IV
Replaces Justice Drive III
Base.pngPotential 4.png For 16 seconds after deployment, all ranged allied units within Attack Range becomes less likely to be attacked and apply 19% Fragile effect to aerial enemies
Justice Drive V
Replaces Justice Drive IV
Base.pngPotential 5.png For 18 seconds after deployment, all ranged allied units within Attack Range becomes less likely to be attacked and apply 22% Fragile effect to aerial enemies
Justice Drive VI
Replaces Justice Drive V
Base.pngPotential 6.png For 20 seconds after deployment, all ranged allied units within Attack Range becomes less likely to be attacked and apply 25% Fragile effect to aerial enemies

Base skills

Skill-pow spd1.png Backup Energy
Power Plant.png
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the drone recovery rate by +10%
Skill-pow jnight.png "Beep beep, activate!"
Base.png 30
Power Plant.png
When this Operator is assigned to a Power Plant, increases the productivity of the Factory Wild Mane is assigned to by +5%
