Operator overview: Justice Knight

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This old fire support robot of the now-discontinued Raythean Exister-S1044 model lay at a pile of junk for quite some time until Iwona Krukowska the Wild Mane Knight found the robot and not only repaired it (and gaudishly decorated the robot for good measure), but also christened it "Justice Knight." After Pinus Sylvestris joined Rhodes Island, the robot was modified and modernized by Closure and Mayer (including the addition of a feminine, self-aware A.I. similar to that of Lancet-2), allowing the Justice Knight to provide supporting fire for her P.S. comrades and interact with them at a closer level (with the occasional "beeps" interjected into her speech found to be amusing, depending on one's interpretation).


Justice Knight is a 1★ Marksman Sniper who specializes in Support and only available from recruitment, where she is guaranteed to appear by combining the rare Robot tag with the Sniper tag (and setting the recruitment time to at most 3:50).

As a Marksman Sniper, Justice Knight has a range of 3×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension up front and targets aerial enemies over ground enemies, but being a 1★ Operator, she has underwhelming stats, which makes Justice Knight unsuitable for prolonged in-game combat. Additionally, 1★ Operators cannot be promoted, so she is stuck at a maximum level of 30. However, Justice Knight has a very low DP cost of 3 and is not counted towards the Unit Limit, at the expense of having a very long redeployment time of 200 seconds.


Justice Drive gives Negative Taunt to ranged friendly units within Justice Knight's range and applies Fragile to aerial enemies within for a short time after she is deployed, with the effectiveness and duration increases in every Potential improvement.

Base skills

Justice Knight's base skills provide various bonuses while she is assigned to a Power Plant.

  1. Backup Power increases Drone.png Drone recovery rate by 10%.
  2. Beep beep, activate! increases the productivity of the Factory Wild Mane is in by 5%.
