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Marksman SniperLaterano
Marksman Sniper.png

Insider icon.png

Insider Elite 2 icon.png

Insider Skin 1 icon.png

Professional executor Richele of the Lateran Notarial Hall, providing Rhodes Island assistance as a collaborative operator.
Doesn't stand out, doesn't stir trouble–a solid employee who shouldn't worry you... right?
Position Ranged
Tags DPS
Trait Attacks aerial enemies first
How to obtain Hortus de Escapismo (Secretae Continere)



Base.pngElite 1.png


Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 644 920 1180 1440
ATK.png ATK 177 295 428 522 +75
DEF.png DEF 63 105 150 178
RES.png RES 0 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 80 seconds
COST.png DP cost 13 15
BLOCK.png Block count 1
ASPD.png Attack interval 1 second


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Redeployment time -10 seconds
Potential 4.png
DP cost -1
Potential 5.png
ATK +23
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
Insider's Token.png
Epic Sniper Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Fire Support.
  • New skill: "Problem Solver".
  • Range extended.
Raise Insider to Level 50.
Sniper Chip.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • Fire Support improved.
  • Operator Modules available.
Raise Insider to Elite 1 Level 70.
Sniper Dualchip.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Sugar Pack.png


Fire Support
Elite 1.png After being deployed for 20 seconds, increases the ammo capacity for this unit's skills by +2
Elite 2.png After being deployed for 20 seconds, increases the ammo capacity for this unit's skills by +3, and increases the ammo cap for a random Laterano Operator's ammo-based skill by +1


"Don't Invite Trouble"
Offensive Recovery
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
Each attack deals 170% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 15
Rank 2.png
Each attack deals 175% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 15
Rank 3.png
Each attack deals 180% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 15
Rank 4.png
Each attack deals 185% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 14
Rank 5.png
Each attack deals 190% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 14
Rank 6.png
Each attack deals 195% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 14
Rank 7.png
Each attack deals 200% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 13
Rank 8.png
Each attack deals 210% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 13
Rank 9.png
Each attack deals 220% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 13
Rank 10.png
Each attack deals 230% of ATK as Physical damage
Skill activation grants 4 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
0 12
"Problem Solver"
Auto Recovery
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
ATK +60%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
6 28
Rank 2.png
ATK +65%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
6 28
Rank 3.png
ATK +70%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
6 28
Rank 4.png
ATK +80%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
8 24
Rank 5.png
ATK +85%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
8 24
Rank 6.png
ATK +90%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
8 24
Rank 7.png
ATK +100%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
10 20
Rank 8.png
ATK +110%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
11 20
Rank 9.png
ATK +120%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
12 20
Rank 10.png
ATK +130%, Attack Interval shortens slightly, attacks prioritize enemies with long-ranged weapons, and becomes less likely to be targeted by enemies
Skill activation grants 14 ammo and the skill ends when all ammo are used (Can manually deactivate skill)
14 20
"Problem Solver" reduces Insider's attack interval by 0.3 seconds.

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Damaged Device.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Orirock Cube.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Integrated Device.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Semi-Synthetic Solvent.png
Rank 8.png
"Don't Invite Trouble"
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Oriron Block.png
Crystalline Component.png
"Problem Solver"
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Refined Solvent.png
Rank 9.png
"Don't Invite Trouble"
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Optimized Device.png
Refined Solvent.png
"Problem Solver"
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Circuit.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Rank 10.png
"Don't Invite Trouble"
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Nucleic Crystal Sinter.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
"Problem Solver"
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
White Horse Kohl.png

Base skills

Skill-hire spd&clue2.png Networking
When this Operator is assigned to the HR Office, increases HR contacting speed by +30%, and increases Clue collection speed in the Reception Room by +5% for each additional Recruitment slot (does not count default slots).
Skill-dorm single&one02.png Donut Party
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, restores +0.4 Morale per hour to another Operator assigned to that Dormitory whose Morale is not full (Only the strongest effect of this type takes place); furthermore, self Morale recovered per hour +0.4

Operator Modules


Original module.png Original: Insider's Badge
Module Badge.png
Marksman Sniper.png
Operator Insider has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for maintaining distance whilst conducting suppressive fire against the enemy.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Sniper Operator during field operations to exercise Marksman responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.


MAR-X module.png MAR-X: "The First Surprise"
The First Surprise.png
Stage 1
HP +80
ATK +22
New trait:
Increases ATK to 110% when attacking aerial targets
Stage 2
HP +120
ATK +30
Fire Support improved:
After being deployed for 20 seconds, increases the ammo capacity for this unit's skills by +4, and increases the ammo cap for a random Laterano Operator's ammo-based skill by +1
Stage 3
HP +160
ATK +38
Fire Support improved:
After being deployed for 20 seconds, increases the ammo capacity for this unit's skills by +5, and increases the ammo cap for a random Laterano Operator's ammo-based skill by +1
Module MissionsUnlock conditions
  1. Defeat a total of 30 enemies with Insider (excluding Support Units)
  2. Clear Main Theme 3-4 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Insider, and cannot include any other Sniper Operators as members
  • Complete both of Insider's MAR-X Module Missions.
  • Raise Insider to Elite 2 Level 50.
  • Have at least 100% Trust with Insider.
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Module Data Block.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Keton Colloid.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Polymerized Gel.png
"You're Richele?"
Someone taps something ice-cold and unyielding against his head.
Richele knows what it is. A gun. A Sankta's gun.
Richele remembers–the old man at church had a gun too. He treasured his gun like nothing else, wouldn't bring it out just for anything, but one time he let Richele touch it, because he was the same as him, a Sankta.
"Young man, you should have a gun too."
The old man looked into his eyes, seeming to mean something by it, though Richele wasn't quite able to tell what.
Should he have a gun?
It wasn't something he'd ever thought about.
He'd always been pretty much like the other kids on his street. They whiled away the time wandering about the city, scuffling every which where, doing odd jobs for the famiglie, fighting over the right to play at some machine in the arcade and calling it a "turf war"... If that described him, should he have a gun?
"Young man, what are you getting distracted for right now?"
The Sankta before him gives him a light few nudges with the gun.
"Aren't you scared? Aren't you worried I'll pull the trigger?"
"You're not going to, Mister. Because... um, I heard, we can't hurt our own people? Isn't that how it works?"
But this was just sophistry.
Thou mayst not harm thy kin. That's what the old man at church said, and he thinks that's what he meant. He has some recollection of it, but he's never paid it much mind.
Richele carefully scrutinizes the Sankta before him. Travel-worn, but with clothes all neat and tidy, and looking in good health.
Are he and this person kin? It's hard to say.
"You're not wrong. We can't point guns at our own people."
Says the Sankta. But. There's always a but–
The sound of pulling a trigger.
Richele holds his breath in that instant, and fiercely throws himself to the side. He feels no despair at this turn of events, he simply hopes he can avoid the fatal shot, and–
He feels a faint sting on his forehead. Something falls, sweeping past the bridge of his nose, and Richele grabs it.
It's a piece of candy.
"And that's to say, nice to meet you."
The Sankta grins, no longer tensed up like before. He gives the prank item that spat out the candy a spin around his finger, then hands it to Richele. "We know you from the head of the chapel. He asked if we could pick you up on our way back."
He shoots Richele a wink, and says:
"What do you think, Richele? You want to get out of here... come with us, and live back in Laterano?"
