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FEater icon.png

FEater Elite 2 icon.png

FEater Skin 1 icon.png

FEater Skin 2 icon.png

FEater, Specialist Operator of Rhodes Island, will settle disputes with her excellent martial art skills.
No stand-in, NO.
Class Specialist.png Specialist
Branch Push Stroker Specialist.png Push Stroker
Faction Lungmen.png Lungmen
Position Melee
Tags Shift, Slow
Trait Can attack all blocked enemies
Can be deployed on Ranged Tiles
How to obtain Kernel Headhunting; Recruitment





Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 852 1136 1439 1845 +300
ATK.png ATK 279 388 518 640 +45
DEF.png DEF 158 240 317 382
RES.png RES 0 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 18 20
BLOCK.png Block count 2
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.2 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Redeployment time -4 seconds
Potential 4.png
Potential 5.png
Improves Kung Fu
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
FEater's Token.png
Epic Specialist Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Kung Fu.
  • New skill: Destructive Fist.

Raise FEater to Level 50.
Specialist Chip.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
Raise FEater to Elite 1 Level 70.
Specialist Dualchip.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Polyester Pack.png


Kung Fu
Elite 1.png Obtains 20% Physical Dodge
Elite 1.pngPotential 5.png Obtains 23% (+3%) Physical Dodge
Elite 2.png Obtains 40% Physical Dodge
Elite 2.pngPotential 5.png Obtains 43% (+3%) Physical Dodge


Raging Iron Fist
Auto Recovery
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction slightly and their Movement Speed -15% for 3 seconds 0 6
Rank 2.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction slightly and their Movement Speed -16% for 3 seconds 0 6
Rank 3.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction slightly and their Movement Speed -17% for 3 seconds 0 6
Rank 4.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction moderately and their Movement Speed -18% for 4 seconds 0 6
Rank 5.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction moderately and their Movement Speed -19% for 4 seconds 0 6
Rank 6.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction moderately and their Movement Speed -20% for 4 seconds 0 6
Rank 7.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction moderately and their Movement Speed -21% for 4 seconds 0 6
Rank 8.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction moderately and their Movement Speed -24% for 5 seconds 0 5
Rank 9.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction moderately and their Movement Speed -27% for 5 seconds 0 5
Rank 10.png
The next attack pushes enemies towards the attack direction significantly and their Movement Speed -30% for 5 seconds 0 5
Additional information
Raging Iron Fist's push has a force of 0/0/0/1/1/1/1/1/1/2.
Destructive Fist
Auto Recovery
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies moderately, dealing 160% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -15% for 3 seconds 0 20
Rank 2.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies moderately, dealing 165% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -16% for 3 seconds 0 20
Rank 3.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies moderately, dealing 170% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -17% for 3 seconds 0 20
Rank 4.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies moderately, dealing 175% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -18% for 4 seconds 0 19
Rank 5.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies moderately, dealing 180% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -19% for 4 seconds 0 19
Rank 6.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies moderately, dealing 185% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -20% for 4 seconds 0 19
Rank 7.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies significantly, dealing 190% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -21% for 4 seconds 0 18
Rank 8.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies significantly, dealing 210% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -24% for 5 seconds 0 17
Rank 9.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies significantly, dealing 230% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -27% for 5 seconds 0 16
Rank 10.png
Rushes forward immediately and targets the closest enemy in the frontal line; Knocks back all nearby enemies greatly, dealing 250% of ATK Physical damage and the targets' Movement Speed -30% for 5 seconds 0 15
Additional information
  • Destructive Fist's push has a force of 1/1/1/1/1/1/2/2/2/3.
  • Destructive Fist affects the target and ground enemies in a radius of 0.9 tiles around them.

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Damaged Device.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Orirock Cube.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Polyester Pack.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Oriron Cluster.png
Rank 8.png
Raging Iron Fist
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Keton Colloid.png
Polyester Pack.png
Destructive Fist
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Optimized Device.png
Oriron Cluster.png
Rank 9.png
Raging Iron Fist
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
White Horse Kohl.png
Keton Colloid.png
Destructive Fist
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Manganese Trihydrate.png
Optimized Device.png
Rank 10.png
Raging Iron Fist
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Manganese Trihydrate.png
Destructive Fist
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
White Horse Kohl.png

Base skills

Skill-man exp1.png Combat Guidance Video
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, Battle Record formula related productivity +30%
Skill-man exp2.png Boxing Guidance Video
Replaces Combat Guidance Video
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, Battle Record formula related productivity +35%

Operator Modules

Original module.png Original: FEater's Badge
Module Badge.png
Push Stroker Specialist.png
Operator FEater has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for physically distancing the enemy via applied force so as to preserve the front.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Specialist Operator during field operations to exercise Push Stroker responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
PUS-Y module.png PUS-Y: Shangshu-Style Homemade Chili Sauce
Shangshu-Style Homemade Chili Sauce.png
Stage 1
HP +120
ATK +25
DEF +25
Trait improved:
Simultaneously attacks all blocked enemies; When blocking 2 or more enemies, increases shift level by 1
Can be deployed on ranged tiles
Stage 2
HP +150
ATK +32
DEF +32
Kung Fu improved:
Obtains 47% Physical Dodge
Stage 3
HP +170
ATK +35
DEF +35
Kung Fu improved:
Obtains 52% Physical Dodge
Module Missions
  1. Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own FEater, and cause at least 2 enemies to fall in a pit in each battle
  2. Clear Side Story WR-7 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own FEater, and use Destructive Fist at least 2 times
PrerequisitesStage 1
  • Complete both of FEater's PUS-Y Module Missions.
  • Raise FEater to Elite 2 Level 50.
Module Data Block.png
Stage 2Have at least 50% Trust with FEater.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Stage 3Have at least 100% Trust with FEater.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Oriron Block.png
"Ah-choo... ah-choo..."
Outside the kitchen door, everyone is wiping their noses, sneezing one after another like there's no tomorrow, even their eyes sealed shut.
The culprit: a pungent, choking aroma wafting from a crack in the door, inflaming everyone's nostrils, tickling their throats.
"Ah-choo... ah-choo..."
Despite how unbearable it is, nobody's willing to take even one step away. People are still flowing into the cafeteria, in fact.
"Is–Is it ready? Is FEater still inside?"
"*cough* *cough*... Yeah, you can hear the banging. She's probably still chopping chilis."
"So spicy... I–I'm almost at my limit... ah-choo!"
"Then you'd better get out of here... *cough* *cough*..."
"No way am I letting you jump my spot... ah-choo!"
With a "crrrk," the kitchen door swings open, and in an instant, the entire room is filled with a scent rich and stimulating. Right behind it comes FEater carrying a plate, her smile brimming with satisfaction.
"It's done! Step on up and try it, guys. I've even added my hometown chili paste for a special touch."
Seeing the brilliant red pepper slices and vividly shining chili oil, the crowd craning to steal a look just a moment before is now hush-silent. They share looks of alarm at each other, each sporting their own unique expression.
"Don't let it scare you! Sit down and try!"
"I assume... it's going to be very spicy, FEater?"
"Nope, not spicy at all. I just tasted it."
"Then I suppose I will."
No sooner do the words come out than the crowd parts perfectly into two, and under the admiring attention of all, one lone operator walks up to the table, rubs her hands, and picks up a pair of chopsticks with a tremble.
"Come on, try!"
As if unable to withstand FEater's expectant gaze, the operator's chopsticks chatter like teeth, with a sharp clack-clack-clack-clack. Finally, after circling above the plate a few times, they descend, carefully picking up a piece of meat not totally stuffed with peppers.
She lifts the chopsticks high and gives them a shake, then two, hoping the chili seeds and peppercorns will fall out of the roll of meat, and right away senses it still won't be enough, leading her to wipe it a few times against the edge of the plate. Only once it's wiped bare of all excess oil does she finally take a deep breath, and prepare to put it in her mouth.
"Wait, give it a rinse in your glass!"
The prompting voice from the crowd enters her ears, and she sees the light. Her chopsticks make an about face and dunk the meat in her drinking glass, and instantly, what was clear warm water is now scarlet throughout, beads of oil floating about within.
The sight of the meat's original, fair color greets her. The operator sighs with palpable relief, and scarfs it down in one clean go.
"How is it? Good?" asks FEater with a wink.
"*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*... Wh–Where's my water? *cough* *cough*–"
"*glug* *glug*..."
"Hey, isn't that the water she just..."
