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Nian icon.png

Nian Elite 2 icon.png

Nian Skin 1 icon.png

Nian Skin 2 icon.png

Nian, a mysterious visitor from the faraway land of Yan, is willing to provide a little bit of assistance.
Always in the middle of where the excitement is.
Class Defender.png Defender
Branch Protector Defender.png Protector
Faction Sui.png Sui
Position Melee
Tags Defense, Support
Trait Blocks 3 enemies
How to obtain Festival Limited Headhunting





Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 1539 2080 2737 3699 +400
ATK.png ATK 295 405 513 619
DEF.png DEF 254 380 529 726 +70
RES.png RES 0 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 19 21 23
BLOCK.png Block count 3
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.5 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
ATK +24
Potential 4.png
DEF +30
Potential 5.png
Improves Tectonic Armor
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
Nian's Token.png
Royal Defender Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Tectonic Armor.
  • New skill: Copper Seal.

Raise Nian to Level 50.
Defender Chip.png
Orirock Cube.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Clairvoyance.
  • New skill: Iron Defense.
  • Tectonic Armor improved.
  • Operator Modules available.

Raise Nian to Elite 1 Level 80.
Defender Dualchip.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png


Tectonic Armor
Elite 1.png When this unit is in the squad, all Defenders gain +8% Max HP
Elite 1.pngPotential 5.png When this unit is in the squad, all Defenders gain +12% (+4%) Max HP
Elite 2.png When this unit is in the squad, all Defenders gain +16% Max HP
Elite 2.pngPotential 5.png When this unit is in the squad, all Defenders gain +20% (+4%) Max HP
Elite 2.png After deployment, immediately gains 3 Shields


Tin Burning
Auto Recovery
20–30 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
DEF +25%, ATK +10%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 20
Rank 2.png
DEF +30%, ATK +10%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 21
Rank 3.png
DEF +35%, ATK +10%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 22
Rank 4.png
DEF +40%, ATK +20%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 23
Rank 5.png
DEF +45%, ATK +20%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 24
Rank 6.png
DEF +50%, ATK +20%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 25
Rank 7.png
DEF +55%, ATK +30%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 26
Rank 8.png
DEF +60%, ATK +35%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 27
Rank 9.png
DEF +65%, ATK +40%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 28
Rank 10.png
DEF +70%, ATK +45%, and normal attacks now deal Arts damage 10 30 30
Copper Seal
Auto Recovery
30–35 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
Stops attacking; DEF +60%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 50% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 25 50 30
Rank 2.png
Stops attacking; DEF +65%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 50% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 26 50 30
Rank 3.png
Stops attacking; DEF +70%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 50% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 27 50 30
Rank 4.png
Stops attacking; DEF +80%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 60% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 28 50 31
Rank 5.png
Stops attacking; DEF +85%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 60% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 29 50 31
Rank 6.png
Stops attacking; DEF +90%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 60% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 30 50 31
Rank 7.png
Stops attacking; DEF +100%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 70% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 3 seconds 31 50 32
Rank 8.png
Stops attacking; DEF +110%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 70% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 4 seconds 32 50 33
Rank 9.png
Stops attacking; DEF +120%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 80% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 4 seconds 33 50 34
Rank 10.png
Stops attacking; DEF +130%, Block +1, upon receiving an enemy attack, deals Arts damage to the attacker equal to 90% of Nian's ATK and silences them for 5 seconds 35 50 35
Iron Defense
Auto Recovery
40–45 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
ATK +55%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +30%, Block +1 and status resistance 40 85 40
Rank 2.png
ATK +55%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +30%, Block +1 and status resistance 42 85 40
Rank 3.png
ATK +60%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +30%, Block +1 and status resistance 44 85 40
Rank 4.png
ATK +65%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +40%, Block +1 and status resistance 48 85 40
Rank 5.png
ATK +70%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +40%, Block +1 and status resistance 50 85 40
Rank 6.png
ATK +75%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +40%, Block +1 and status resistance 52 85 40
Rank 7.png
ATK +80%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +50%, Block +1 and status resistance 56 85 40
Rank 8.png
ATK +90%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +60%, Block +1 and status resistance 60 85 41
Rank 9.png
ATK +100%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +70%, Block +1 and status resistance 64 85 42
Rank 10.png
ATK +120%; Nearby ally units gain DEF +80%, Block +1 and status resistance 70 85 45

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Damaged Device.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Coagulating Gel.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Oriron Cluster.png
Rank 8.png
Scorching Tin
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Loxic Kohl.png
Copper Seal
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Manganese Ore.png
Iron Guard
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Rank 9.png
Scorching Tin
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Copper Seal
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Oriron Block.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Iron Guard
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Keton Colloid.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Rank 10.png
Scorching Tin
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Copper Seal
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Iron Guard
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png

Base skills

Skill-ws evolve4.png Rare Metal Identification
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process elite material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 100%
Skill-ws nian.png Reckless
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Elite materials, increases the Morale consumed by all corresponding formulas by +2

Operator Modules

Original module.png Original: Nian's Badge
Module Badge.png
Protector Defender.png
Operator Nian has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for preservation of the front and resilience against the enemy.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Defender Operator during field operations to exercise Protector responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
PRO-X module.png PRO-X: The Array of Chaos
The Array of Chaos.png
Stage 1
HP +200
DEF +60
New trait:
DEF +20% when blocking an enemy
Stage 2
HP +280
ATK +35
DEF +70
Clairvoyance improved:
After deployment, immediately gains 3 Shield. When a shield is broken, ATK +5%, DEF +5%, and gain 2 SP
Stage 3
HP +375
ATK +50
DEF +80
Clairvoyance improved:
After deployment, immediately gains 3 Shield. When a shield is broken, ATK +7%, DEF +7%, and gain 3 SP
Module Missions
  1. Deal a total of 60,000 damage with Nian (excluding Support Units)
  2. Clear Side Story WR-9 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Nian, and have Nian defeat at least 10 enemies
PrerequisitesStage 1
  • Complete both of Nian's PRO-X Module Missions.
  • Raise Nian to Elite 2 Level 60.
Module Data Block.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Stage 2Have at least 50% Trust with Nian.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Stage 3Have at least 100% Trust with Nian.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
At the border was a fellow of Li, who tilled. He dug up an idol, of more than a chi in length, formed like an armored soldier, vividly lifelike, but its nature was unknown. He gave it to his son, and his son loved it very much.
The fellow's son once carried the idol with him to the neighbor's boy to play, imitating an expedition. The idol was light yet sturdy, and all else that touched it fell afoul. The neighbor's boy brought out clay burial figures among others to serve as troops. None could withstand, and he was greatly angered, and abruptly took a hoe to the idol, whereupon the hoe broke and the idol was unharmed. The fellow's son treasured it all the more, always sure to place it by his pillow, thereafter falling asleep.
The neighbor's boy told his father of the idol. The father was covetous, and sought to rob it upon hearing of this, believing it to be valuable.
One day, upon the city docking in remote regions, the neighbor there entered the house of Li at night, seized the idol and left, to enter the city in his greed to offer it to a noble.
Before long, he met a person, who spake: "To walk at night is very tiring. Rest for a brief while." He did not answer. Again the person spake: "The idol in your sack is an infant's toy. I bid you know this; it will not bring you reward, but instead suffer you calamity. You should return swiftly."
The neighbor was greatly startled. He knew he had met an extraordinary one, and could not balk for a moment, only mumbling his assent. The extraordinary one knew his intent, and laughed grandly. The neighbor dared not raise his gaze out of fear. Shortly the laughter fell, but the extraordinary one had thus left.
Though he feared calamity, he did not return, instead hurrying fast for the city, but the idol in his sack grew all the heavier, and shortly he could not carry it on his back, and dragged it. In an instant his strength was depleted, his mood in great turmoil. Fearful the extraordinary one would take the idol, he thus fell upon the sack, and as he looked all around he wept, and in the end could not abandon it.
At daybreak, a merchant passed by, and saw a man lying sound asleep. Before long, he awoke with a start, grasped the sack and spake: "Do not take my idol!" But the sack was completely empty. The merchant believed him crazed, and left him behind. Thus he was in a daze, returned home, and there fell deathly sick.
The son woke, looked all over but could not find the idol, and wept greatly and did not stop. Told by some that the neighbor had thieved it, the fellow of Li sought to question the neighbor, but found him of grave illness, and instead made no question.
The townsfolk believed the idol inauspicious, and the son argued with them. And unsuccessful, was angered but spake no further of it. The fellow of Li, fearing his son would walk the neighbor's path in life, sought for it with great care. His son did not become crazed, but began to study forging and casting. Some asked the son of it, and he spake: "I know the idol is not born of magic, it is the work of real man. I will cast a new idol to prevail over it."
The son grew somewhat older, and forged and cast relentlessly, ingenious of mind and divine of spirit, and word of his reputation reached the capital. A department examined his talent, and weighed him well. He was selected to become a Tianshi.
Five years later, the son cast an idol, and offered it to all at the Ministry of Works. This idol was fashioned after an armored soldier, clad and equipped full and well, of nature light yet sturdy, and did not rust even when aired to the sun or lashed by the rain. The High Minister was alarmed, and sought to ask of it, and the son told him of what happened in childhood. The High Minister fell silent and did not respond.
The son of Li lived to ninety and passed, and his marvelous skills have been passed down to countlessly many, and even now still have their employers.
PRO-Y module.png PRO-Y: "Don't Disturb"
Don't Disturb.png
Stage 1
HP +320
ATK +35
DEF +24
Block +1
Trait improved:
Blocks 4 enemies
Stage 2
HP +440
ATK +55
DEF +26
Block +1
Tectonic Armor improved:
When this unit is in the squad, all Defender Operators gain +19% Max HP; this unit gains +3% Max HP and healing received for each Defender Operator deployed, stacking up to 3 times
Stage 3
HP +550
ATK +70
DEF +30
Block +1
Tectonic Armor improved:
When this unit is in the squad, all Defender Operators gain +21% Max HP; this unit gains +4% Max HP and healing received for each Defender Operator deployed, stacking up to 3 times
Module Missions
  1. Complete a total of 5 battles; You must deploy your own Nian, and unleash Iron Defense at least 1 time in each battle
  2. Clear Main Theme S6-2 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Nian, and allow no Operators to be defeated
PrerequisitesStage 1
  • Complete both of Nian's PRO-Y Module Missions.
  • Raise Nian to Elite 2 Level 60.
Module Data Block.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Stage 2Have at least 50% Trust with Nian.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Stage 3Have at least 100% Trust with Nian.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
O Sui, o ye!
In lands so wide of life so rich, your birth was much to be beheld. What 'tween your scales came would do fall, and piled as mounts as you did journ. Thick green they grew and prostrated, to ye who sired their ranging lengths. Your words rang hard as mystic seas, your name on land as heavens high. All was your mastery to make, the crafts exquisite and profound, the natural realm would aid your might.
And when you did relate with common man, there was no soul in Yan who'd not admire your character and moral gait, that mut so fearsome could be so humane, and not a soul would fail to call your name in praise for such pure kindness held, for where was such a beast as fine as ye! They speak of ye who cherished life and would not see it wanton smit, 'twas ye who soothed all into peace, made clouds and rain of it to bring Yan good portent, that you would scheme of strategy, would kill the others of your kind to see the land be gold in time. How selfless that you were, how giving to the end, our honor be!
So when you passed away, the mounts and lakes joined too to mourn, the grass and grain did weep along, and all were moved by what a heart you bore; across it all did mists collect and wind in layers thick, the autumn gusts time and again blown with their baleful cold; they saw the clouds now and bemoaned that they could see no end, at river's rage they now bemoaned how stop it never would.
So once you passed away, and each incense stick burned to nil, and all my brethren parted thence, they left me here to guard your rest. All that you bid was failed and left adrift, and young and old all know this well. O wouldn't you regret this woe, for who would see such torment be? Soul such a wretch that hundredfold flesh still mayn't truly you return?
O Sui o Sui, the seasons will memorialize, your deeds turned into song and dance, and what a ■■ing scene.
I further note. The True Lung told me this: While you remain in here, I cannot freely roam. The deadline of a hundred years, that's come and gone, and I'm extremely bored, so here I take my leave to find a decent hotpot place.

–Candle lit and door rapped thrice, the Sui Regulator Candleholders entered to find the guardian of the tomb absent. All anyone found was an inscription in the walls of the southeast corner, carved cuttingly deep. From the style and contents, it can be discerned that this was presumably left by her as an... obituary to Sui?
