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Mech-Accord CasterVictoria
Mech-Accord Caster.png

Rockrock icon.png

Rockrock Elite 2 icon.png

Rockrock Skin 1 icon.png

She wants her homeland back, and she'll do whatever it takes.
Position Ranged
Tags DPS
Trait Controls a Drone to deal Arts damage to an enemy; When the Drone continuously attacks the same enemy, its damage will increase (up to 110% of the operator's ATK)
How to obtain Headhunting



Base.pngElite 1.png


Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 600 858 1115 1468
ATK.png ATK 148 209 268 320 +60
DEF.png DEF 49 75 103 123
RES.png RES 10 15 20 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 19 21
BLOCK.png Block count 1
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.3 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Redeployment time -4 seconds
Potential 4.png
ATK +24
Potential 5.png
Improves Firm Foundation
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
Rockrock's Token.png
Epic Caster Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2
  • New talent: Firm Foundation.
  • New skill: Willing Burden.
  • Range extended.
Raise Rockrock to Level 50.
Caster Chip.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • Firm Foundation improved.
  • Operator Modules available.
Raise Rockrock to Elite 1 Level 70.
Caster Dualchip.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png


Firm Foundation
Elite 1.png +2% ATK for every 15 seconds this unit remains on the battlefield, stacking up to 3 times
Elite 1.pngPotential 5.png +3% (+1%) ATK for every 15 seconds this unit remains on the battlefield, stacking up to 3 times
Elite 2.png +4% ATK for every 15 seconds this unit remains on the battlefield, stacking up to 4 times
Elite 2.pngPotential 5.png +5% (+1%) ATK for every 15 seconds this unit remains on the battlefield, stacking up to 4 times


Tactical Chant γ
Auto Recovery
30 seconds
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
ASPD +30 0 40 30s
Rank 2.png
ASPD +35 0 35 30s
Rank 3.png
ASPD +40 5 35 30s
Rank 4.png
ASPD +45 5 35 30s
Rank 5.png
ASPD +50 5 35 30s
Rank 6.png
ASPD +55 5 35 30s
Rank 7.png
ASPD +60 10 32 30s
Rank 8.png
ASPD +70 10 32 30s
Rank 9.png
ASPD +80 10 32 30s
Rank 10.png
ASPD +90 15 30 30s
Willing Burden
Auto Recovery
40 seconds
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
ASPD +30; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.5x, ATK +30%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
10 50 40s
Rank 2.png
ASPD +35; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.5x, ATK +30%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
10 48 40s
Rank 3.png
ASPD +40; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.5x, ATK +30%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
10 46 40s
Rank 4.png
ASPD +45; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.6x, ATK +40%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
15 45 40s
Rank 5.png
ASPD +50; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.6x, ATK +40%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
15 43 40s
Rank 6.png
ASPD +55; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.6x, ATK +40%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
15 41 40s
Rank 7.png
ASPD +60; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.7x, ATK +50%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
20 40 40s
Rank 8.png
ASPD +65; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.8x, ATK +50%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
20 40 40s
Rank 9.png
ASPD +70; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 1.9x, ATK +50%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
20 40 40s
Rank 10.png
ASPD +80; Releases Drone to attack enemies
Overload: Trait Max drone damage increased to 2x, ATK +50%; When the skill ends, Stunned for the same duration as Overload
The Drone locks onto an enemy until the enemy is defeated or until the skill is over, then returns to the Operator. Can manually deactivate skill at will.
25 40 40s

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Oriron Shard.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Crystalline Component.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Semi-Synthetic Solvent.png
Coagulating Gel.png
Rank 8.png
Tactical Chant γ
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Refined Solvent.png
Incandescent Alloy.png
Willing Burden
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Rank 9.png
Tactical Chant γ
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Manganese Trihydrate.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png
Willing Burden
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
White Horse Kohl.png
Rank 10.png
Tactical Chant γ
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Willing Burden
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Orirock Concentration.png

Base skills

Skill-ws p4.png Shed Excess
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process any material, the production rate of byproduct increases by 65%
Skill-ws drop polyester.png Useless Gift
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Elite materials, any byproducts of T3 quality produced will be Polyester Packs

Operator Modules


Original module.png Original: Rockrock's Badge
Module Badge.png
Mech-Accord Caster.png
Operator Rockrock has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for manipulating hovering units to combat and pursue the enemy in concert.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Caster Operator during field operations to exercise Mech-accord Caster responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.


FUN-X module.png FUN-X: Unnamed Drone
Unnamed Drone.png
Stage 1
HP +50
ATK +13
DEF +11
Trait improved:
Attack with Drones to deal Arts damage
Drone deals more damage when it attacks the same enemy again (base damage increased, deals up to 110% of Operator's ATK as damage)
Stage 2
HP +70
ATK +15
DEF +14
Firm Foundation improved:
+4% ATK for every 10 seconds this unit remains on the battlefield, stacking up to 4 times
Stage 3
HP +80
ATK +18
DEF +16
Firm Foundation improved:
+4% ATK for every 10 seconds this unit remains on the battlefield, stacking up to 4 times, +5 ASPD when at max
Module MissionsUnlock conditions
  1. During battle, have Rockrock use Willing Burden a total of 10 times (excluding Support Units)
  2. Clear Side Story RI-EX-4 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Rockrock, and have Rockrock defeat at least 2 Tiacauh Champions
  • Complete both of Rockrock's FUN-X Module Missions.
  • Raise Rockrock to Elite 2 Level 50.
  • Have at least 100% Trust with Rockrock.
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Module Data Block.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Keton Colloid.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Sugar Lump.png
"Hi, Rockrock! Here's a present from me to you! I was gonna whip you up a manual, but Stainless provided the parts, and his two cents are to forget about introducing this drone in writing, so I recorded you a video instead! First, you gotta open..."
Rockrock comes to Rhodes Island's training grounds and, following Closure's guidance, pilots this sudden and impromptu gift. The drone nimbly sweeps through simulated battlefront terrain, casting its tiny shadow on the floor.
Excellent acceleration, excellent turn speed, excellent climb and descent speed, minimal handling delay, stable hovering. It's a fine enough combat drone already. But Rockrock has a hunch that it could be made even better. The notion revs up her curiosity—she wants to know what's causing this to nag at her. Call it a keen eye when it comes to manufactured products; call it the heart of an industrious craftsman's passions.
Heading back to her dorm, she disassembles her present. In the process, she gasps with marvel more than once at its design. Only the best of the best craftwork could have created its structural chassis, with a state-of-the-art console clearly responsible for the precision cutting and superlative materials. Its control system's cable management is 100% orderly, every last hair of savable space saved. The design itself was likely engineered with her piloting habits in mind, because she's never liked the larger drones and their operating platforms, after all. Still, the issue might lie exactly here—in the greedy pursuit of lightweight structural configuration, its cutting-edge energy sources can't output its full potential... but this doesn't jive with Rockrock's other gut question, which is "why would Closure design it this way?"
After carefully inspecting all over, she's astonished to find a tiny little box crammed into the drone's chassis, with all the parts and wiring routing around it. It's as if the designer expressly scooped out a region from an already lightweight skeleton... Opening the box to take a look, she finds a picture scrawled with memos from both Closure and her, and a note tacked on. "To Rockrock from Closure!"
Looking at the memos, a wordless feeling wells up within her. It's the implicit trust that exists only between artisans—I just knew you'd find the real gift. And after extracting this second surprise, the drone's internals become a new present unto themselves—how to reconfigure them to fill this empty portion? Just tweak the motor parts? Or reshuffle the placement of each part completely? Rockrock sinks into obsessed pondering.
And not to forget... where should she put her own hidden present, for the next time she runs into Closure and Feist?
