Operator dialogue: Rockrock

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Appointed as Assistant You want me to be your assistant? I can't, I barely know how to read. It'll just be a waste of your time. If you need something fixed, now that is something I can help with.
Talk 1 I'm too frugal? I don't think so, I just live the way I want. Machinery is good stuff, but I don't need 'em to do anything too fancy. Same goes for my clothes, only the stuff I make myself counts as my own. If you have fewer needs, then of course you spend less money.
Talk 2 When my dad was killed, I honestly thought there wasn't a single good man among all the Sarkaz. But now that I think about it, I was too naive at the time. How can stuff like race or appearance decide if someone's good or bad? No matter what your race is, as long as you look out for one another, you're family.
Talk 3 This outfit? Made it myself - it's gotta be as cool as possible since it gets real hot in the boiler room. What d'ya mean it doesn't look like work attire? Huh? What are you talkin' about? There's all sorts of different workers, and each has her own needs, no?
Talk after Promotion 1 Neighbors who take care of each other, simple but comfortable furniture, an ever-growin' pile of spare parts, and machinery that clanks together like the growl of thunder. Now, that's the good life. I thought my dad grow old with his factory, and that I'd grow old seein' the next generation of factory workers, but...
Talk after Promotion 2 Doesn't matter what it is - as long as you make it yourself, it'll feel like home. Same goes for Londinium. Every brick and tile was laid down by Londiniers. We know what Londinium is thinkin', and we're gonna take it back with our own hands.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Sometimes the commander reads real strange books. I remember a line went somethin' like this, "People built cities, but refused to adapt to them." Not sure I agree with that though. As long as you find your own way to live, it doesn't make a difference whether you're in the city or in the middle o' nowhere.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My dad and my old friends always used to say I was stubborn, stinky, and foul-tempered. Don't think there's anything wrong with being stubborn, 'cause you need enough of that to protect those around you. But, I failed... Just where are they now...?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Here, Dr.{nickname}. Why am I givin' this to you? 'Cause I can't spend all my money, there's no point keepin' it around, and you happened to pass by. No need to be polite, I always used to give money to my friends, so they all got used to it. Huh, you don't need it? Bollocks, gotta find someone else then...
Idle Dr.{nickname}, Dr.{nickname}... Havin' a sleep, huh? The blanket, where's the blanket... Hmm, if I made a new blanket, the Doctor would probably find that helpful...
Onboard Londinium Citizens' Self-Salvation Corps Caster, Rockrock, reporting in. Dr.{nickname}, we've had a spot of misunderstanding before, but I'm not blinded by those old prejudices anymore. Hope we can have a good working relationship.
Watching Battle Record That's crazy... I gotta ask again, are you sure you're a drug company?
Promotion 1 I don't care about my rank. As long as I'm with friends... I'm ready for the next battle.
Promotion 2 I fight to reclaim my home, and to put an end to the fighting. I hope that one day, we'll be able to put our weapons down and pick up the tools to rebuild Londinium. Just like... in the past.
Added to Squad Of course, I've got to protect my family.
Appointed as Squad Leader Be careful. Your safety is more important than victory.
Depart My drones are ready, Doctor. Should I scout ahead?
Begin Operation I've found the enemy... You're not gettin' away!
Selecting Operator 1 I'm here, Doctor. I can see the enemy's tracks.
Selecting Operator 2 Standing by. Doctor, do you need me to deploy?
Deployment 1 Ready to deploy.
Deployment 2 Activating Rock-18 attack module.
In Battle 1 Rock-18, track the enemy!
In Battle 2 It's up to us to protect our homes!
In Battle 3 I'm not watching my friends die again!
In Battle 4 Rock-18, maximum power!
4-star Result I know my drone better than anyone else. It can't do that on its own. The fact that you've used it so effectively just shows how great a commander you are, Dr.{nickname}.
3-star Result A total victory with no casualties. Dr.{nickname}, if you were around back then, would things have... turned out differently?
Sub 3-star Result Baddies are gettin' away, after them... Wait, no, scratch that. They might be leadin' us into a trap... Safety's gotta come first.
Operation Failure Run, Doctor, I'll hold them off! ...It's alright, there's no need to worry... When I joined the Self-Salvation Corps, I was ready to face this moment.
Assigned to Facility This place... isn't the same as my home, but it's just as warm. I really like it here.
Tap Hey... Is something wrong? I'm just lookin' at this exhaust fan. Closure said this model's five years old, but it's the first time I've seen it... Crazy.
Trust Tap Oh, Dr.{nickname}? I'm makin' a wooden carving for you. The stuff I make is only good for me, but I should be fine givin' away simple stuff as decorations, right?
Greeting Good mornin', Dr.{nickname}. Time for another day of hard work.
Title Arknights.