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A medieval mural of a Sarkaz religious festival surrounding an eternal furnace along with the lords of the Ten Kings Court

The Sarkaz (both singular and plural) are a race in the world of Arknights.


The term "Sarkaz" does not actually refer to a specific race; rather, it is a derogatory umbrella term for various humanoid races who are neither Ancients nor Elders with some among the first intelligent races to have ever walked on Terra.[1][2] Originally being the natives of Terra calling themselves as "Teekaz," their dominance came to an end when the "First Civilization" from space colonized Terra and accidentally introduced both Originium and the Ancients and Elders upon the planet.[3] With that came millennia-old conflicts between two races with different biological traits that eventually ended in the demise of the Teekaz civilizations, turning them into a homeless race scattered across Terra as a huge diaspora. Interestingly, the scatter of the Teekaz gave rise to three different races sharing a common ancestry with the Sarkaz: Sankta, Anasa, and Oni, but the Sarkaz view them, especially the Sankta, as "traitors" for betraying the Teekaz with an unglorified past.

Sarkaz exhibit a range of physical traits depending on their tribes. The most commonly noticed traits are a pair of horns of varying shapes atop their heads, long, pointed ears, and tails of varying shapes such as having pointed ends or scales. However, there are some Sarkaz tribes lacking any of the aforementioned traits. While horns are common features among Sarkaz, horn-removal is also frequently practiced in order to conceal their identities; however, this is seen as an act of humiliation to some.[4] Some Sarkaz might resemble a Caprinae, which resulted in frequent successful infiltrations of Caprinae spies into their community.[5] Nevertheless, there are traits and culture that are especially unique to the Sarkaz:

The Sarkaz's unique Arts gives rise to their mystic esotericism, one of which is the "Black Procession."
  • Vulnerability to Oripathy: Sarkaz are the first Terran race that ever made contact with the oldest form of Originium, and this led to their ancestral racial curse: being the most vulnerable to Oripathy than other races, from which the first Infected originated from them.[6]
  • Witchcrafts: Sarkaz's vulnerability to Oripathy is often seen as a bitter "blessing" that allows them to both enhance Originium Arts and resist their attack. Their long practices of Arts give rise to their "witchcrafts" or "cannibalism," a derogatory term that refers to these purest and most ancient forms of Arts sustained by bloodline.[7] However, the consequences are far worse than the benefits. The Sarkaz Arts are often associated with death and wrath such as the harnessing of vengeance using the deceased's souls and their collective memory.[8]
  • Elongated lifespan: Sarkaz are famous for having extended lifespans that can last up to centuries or even millennia. This is especially true to many pure-blooded Sarkaz such as those residing in the Sarkaz Royal Court which they take pride of it as the inheritors of the "blood of Teekaz." On the other hand, Oripathy drastically decreases their lifespan.
  • Common collective racial memory: While unlike the Sankta empathic trait, Sarkaz possess the capability to read their racial memories residing in their genes, especially those of the deceased. This is often perceived as the calling of their souls – for instance, they can easily sense the deaths of other Sarkaz in the blink of a second.
  • Esoteric traditions: Because of their never-ending suffering from Oripathy and social discriminations, Sarkaz possess a strong religious viewpoint regarding death more than other Terran races and firmly believe it is the only requiem from their worldly curse. Their mystic esoterism is well-known across Terra which influences the Terrans' religious beliefs such as the Sami Foldartals.

Origin myth

The first Teekaz molded themselves in the image of man after contacting the first Originium.

Being the earliest race dwelling upon Terra, the first Sarkaz/Teekaz were originally animal-like beings wandering around the world millennia ago. While they practiced a hunter-gatherer custom that is now perceived as grotesque to many non-Teekaz Terrans such as hunting upon others which is seen as "cannibalism" in modern eyes, their ancestors viewed it normally as mere survival instincts. But during a year of famine, a Teekaz decided to stop hunting his fellow men out of mercy but only to be banished to the dangerous "Silver Mountains" beneath the ground, but after 3,000 days when the underground Silver Mountains were brightened, that Teekaz turned into a human being after contacting the first Originium while wielding the "Black Crown," earning his respect from his tribesmen as the Farchaser, the first King of Sarkaz in their history.[9]

After spreading his new knowledge and molding his tribesmen into the image of man, the Farchaser led his tribe to conquer the Silver Mountains and pacify its rampaging soul, which in turn establishing their first civilization called "Kazdel," "the place where home stands." They begin to refer to themselves as "Teekaz," "one who owns a home" in their tongue.[9]

For the remaining centuries, the Teekaz civilizations prospered until the "Descending War" in 9,000 BCE between them and the alien Ancient and Elders. As many Teekaz civilizations fell to the aliens, the Farchaser desperately summoned the Ananná[note 1], the first Catastrophe in Terran history, through the first Originium, which unfortunately brought their sin upon themselves as their vulnerability to Oripathy. The fleeing Teekaz refugees had become the rootless "Sarkaz," ushering in their centuries of exoduses and diaspora.[10]


Sarkaz has a rich culture centering on their religious belief born from their understanding regarding death and their esoteric approach to their ways of lives. To a Sarkaz, there are two literal existing spiritual beings: the Revenants and the myriad souls of the deceased.


Myriads of Souls

To many, the souls of the dead might be fictional, but to a Sarkaz, it is something that is very real to them.

The myriads of dead souls are a collective consciousness of deceased Sarkaz from which their shared memory comes from. They are the "spirits" of the deceased that appear to be close to the concepts of Ruakh in Judaism and Ruh in Islam. Because of their acceptance of the first Originium and the summoning of the Ananná, these spirits are forever trapped by the psychic bondage of Originium in the Inner Universe as cryptic information stored within which is best described as "an amber wrapping life and consciousness." Oftentimes, they are perceived by others as either figures of worship in ancestral veneration, cultural symbols among Sarkaz, or just simply another name for the Revenants, but many Sarkaz treat these spirits as a separate entity.[11]

The Sarkaz believe that every living being on Terra is just temporarily separated from the myriads of souls. Before being born, a young soul is part of that chaotic myriad of older souls, and giving birth is just temporarily separated from them. Only by death will they be reunited once again in the spiritual world.[11]

The dead souls are the source of the Sarkaz's vengeful nature and their bitterness against non-Teekaz Terrans. Even before being born, an innocent young Sarkaz already emerges with such a flow of emotion which slowly influences their mindset. As a result, freeing the myriads of souls from the bondage of Originium has been Theresa's long-term goal in order to free the Sarkaz from their eternal bitterness and have these innocent spirits to finally rest in peace. By doing so, future generations will no longer need to face the literal pressure from the deceased, and the memories of the dead spirits will only be preserved in religion and folklore.[11]


Since the fall of their civilizations that forcefully displaced them as the sole inhabitants of Terra, the Sarkaz are banished to the lowest class of Terran society in which they are treated as "sub-humans" by the Ancient and Elders. Such conflict resulted in centuries of dehumanization and discrimination against the Sarkaz. As a consequence, many quickly call them "demons" or "devils" as racial slurs against them. They are falsely pictured as harbingers of Oripathy and calamities as well as bloodthirsty, cannibalistic warmongers who often ignite wars even though many of these are the consequences of the Sarkaz' homelessness. Social discrimination and oppression against them are prevalent across Terra from exemption from social welfare, apartheid policies, exploitations upon them by using them as mercenary pawns in battlefields, to even inhumane experimentation upon them.

To many Sarkaz, such discrimination is seen as inevitable due to their sin as the first Infected, eventually surrendering themselves to reality. Nonetheless, they embrace their stereotypes as a rallying cry for unity. Their endless suffering has left them deeply embittered and vengeful despite attempts by some to convince the Sarkaz to move on from the past, leading to the Victorian Crisis instigated by the ultra-nationalist Military Commission of Kazdel.


As mentioned above, Sarkaz are made up of various "tribes" of the Teekaz who are actually distinct races, which is evident from their differences in physical appearances and Arts capabilities. As a matter of fact, categorizing them as "subraces" is actually incorrect; "sister races"/"sibling races" would be more appropriate.[2] In ancient times, there were more than a hundred different Teekaz tribes, but most of which went extinct throughout the course of history.[12] Pure-blooded Sarkaz like those in the Sarkaz Royal Court are extremely rare in present days because there is mixing of bloodlines among the Sarkaz tribes.


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  • Ifrit is not actually a true Sarkaz; she was a Savra who was forcibly embedded with Diablo shards.[14]
  • The Tin Man is a cyborg possessed by a Sarkaz Revenant.
  • Hyman was originally a Sarkaz before becoming a Seaborn.
  • PhonoR-0 was originally a Banshee Sarkaz before being converted into a robot.


Their name possibly derives from the Greek word for "to tear apart" or "to sneer," σαρκάζω (sarkázō).[15] The word is also the origin of the English word sarcasm.

See also

  • Anasa – a Terran race of Hindu-Buddhist demigods
  • Sankta – a Terran race of angelic humanoids


  1. From the Hebrew word ananá (עֲנָנָה), meaning "cloudy sky"


  1. 11-4
  2. 2.0 2.1 12-11
  3. BB-7 Before
  4. NL-9 After
  5. pg. 340-341, "Kazdel," Terra: A Journey.
  6. 13-22
  7. p 13, "Originium Arts," Terra: A Journey.
  8. 11-17 Before
  9. 9.0 9.1 p. 335, "Kazdel," Terra: A Journey.
  10. pg. 335-336, "Kazdel," Terra: A Journey.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Record x Record: A2
  12. p.106, "Races of Terra," Terra: A Journey.
  13. Valorem
  14. Rhodes Island's Records of Originium - Rhine Lab Chapter 8
  15. σαρκασμός (Wiktionary)