Sarkaz trivia

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  • The Sarkaz race has a heavily religious theming in which they take elements from the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). Some of these elements are:
    • The Sarkaz' first contact with the first Originium and their vulnerability to Oripathy could be a parallel to the original sin in Christianity. In some ways, the first Originium can be seen as a parallel to the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden.
    • The racial origin between the Sankta and the Sarkaz and their ultimate split probably alludes to the divergence between Judaism and Christianity in our world.
    • Sarkaz has a concept of souls and spirits with separate natures in a similar fashion with those in the Abrahamic religions, and the liberation of souls from eternal bondage can be treated as ascension to heaven, though there are some parts of that ideology that does not fit well with the Abrahamic religions but more inclining towards paganism similar with the religions of pre-Abrahamic Near East.