Operation story: NL-9

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Male Kuranta A icon.png
A Shopkeeper
Male Old Kuranta B icon.png
A Spectating Infected
Female Lungmenite icon.png
An Enthusiastic Spectator
Kazimierzian Infected Knight B icon.png
An Infected Knight A
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
An Infected Knight (B)
Kazimierz Lounge
Kawalerielki Arena Night
Kazimierz Avenue
Kawalerielki Arena Tribune Night
Kazimierz Alley
Champion's Hall
K.G.C.C. Office
Kazimierz Ghetto
Nearl Estate Living Room
Kazimierz Bar

Before operation

The battle between the Blood Knight and Nightmare Knight burns white-hot. Monique, the assassin with her sights set on Rhodes Island, is intercepted by Shining. Shining and Monique make a wager on three arrows, and Nightmare Knight falls just one step short, defeated by the Blood Knight.
<Background 1>
Gravel Good news, Doctor.
The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has approved Rhodes Island's applications. "It's necessary for our valued partners to visit the city."
If none of these things happened in the first place, you would've been able to enjoy the Grand Knight Territory more freely.
[Amiya opens the door and enters the room alongside Hibiscus and Nightingale.]
Amiya Doctor, were you looking for me?
Hibiscus Oh, Gravel! I still have some healthy food leftovers. Want to take them with you?
Gravel ......
Nightingale Good day, Gravel, Doctor.
Doctor We rarely get a chance to visit the other parts of Kazimierz. / Want to take a look around? / It's–– vacation–– time––!
<Background 2>
Greatmouth Mob Wh-What a battle! I can hardly believe my eyes!
[The audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob Actually, I should be talking our unknown Nightzmora! Can you believe this is his first Major appearance, and he's holding his own against a champion?!
The clash of blood-red armor on the field tonight will eclipse the moon!
The audience is definitely feeling it too! Tola, "Scourge of the Prairie," Nightmare Knight! His crazed determination is addictive and intoxicating!
Nightmare Knight's been surging in the polls since his duel with the Radiant Knight! Will he add another page to this story?! A rise to grand knighthood?!
By the way, Ancients Entertainment is holding a 'Knightly Title Trivia Game!' Guess the knightly titles and win fabulous prizes!
[The fight between Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight and Tola the Nightmare Knight remains as intense as both sides exchange attacks with each other.]
The Blood Knight Where'd your bravado go, Nightzmora?
Nightmare Knight Ngh...
Minoan, in the times when my ancestors flayed the land, your heroes had all become naught but words on the lips of poets.
[Tola launches a jumping attack on Dikaiopolis, who blocked...]
The Blood Knight You waste your breath.
Where's your Khagan now? What happened to those proud kinsmen of yours?
[...and parries the attack, pushing Tola back.]
Nightmare Knight ......
The Blood Knight One who lives in a bygone nightmare is a pitiful man indeed.
Nightmare Knight Minoan, Infected. What are you fighting for?
The Blood Knight Survival.
They made me the hero of the Infected... They enshrined me in the annals of history. But I just wanted to survive.
Nightmare Knight The hero of the Infected?
I see... Do you not also fight for your people?
The Blood Knight My people...? No. We don't share the same bloodline, nor were we born in the same place. We are just unfortunate enough to suffer the same disease.
I pitied their plight, so I went to deliver them, to find a way out for them.
Nightmare Knight You say they're not your people... But you still want to save them...
You are mighty, without a doubt. But, have the prairies of Kazimierz been carved up by the Infected and foreigners?
The Kazimierzians, the Kuranta... Where are they?!
Did I cross thousands of miles to the country of knights, only to fight against the Infected, Minoans, and my own kinsmen?!
––A sick joke!
[Tola launched another jumping attack at Dikaiopolis, who deflected it.]
<Background 3>
Hibiscus Woaaaahh... S-So, this is Kazimierz's commercial hub?
Gravel Strictly speaking, this is just one of hundreds of commercial centers across the Grand Knight Territory.
I recommended this particular one because it's close.
Hibiscus But there's way too much junk food everywhere! Just one look around and I count three popcorn stands, two pizzerias, and four burger shops!
This is unacceptable!
Amiya Haha... Is this because there's a competition venue nearby?
Gravel Of course. The arena lies at the heart of every center of commerce.
All businesses revolve around the knights' glorious blood sport. It's the way things are done here.
Nightingale ......!
Is this... a Nearl doll?
Hibiscus Aww! It's so cute!
Amiya Wait a minute, this shop... Is it all dedicated to...
[The shopkeeper welcomed the Doctor and co..]
A Shopkeeper Yo! Are you folks fans of the Radiant Knight too?
Then, you've come to the right place! This is a specialty store for everything Radiant Knight! Clay figurines, plush dolls, Nearl family crests – you name it, we've got it!
By the way, if the Radiant Knight manages to defeat the Wind Knight and advance to the finals, our supplier is considering making exclusive commemorative medals from refined Originium! Want to put in a pre-order?
I mean, the Radiant Knight's pretty much sure to win! Hahaha!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor (Buy the doll for Nightingale.)
A Shopkeeper Thanks for your patronage!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor (Ask how much the pre-order is.)
A Shopkeeper Oh, uh... You only have foreign money? Lungmen Dollars? Err, you'll have to go to the bank first.
Let me do the conversion for you real quick... That should be about 1.3 million LMD?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor (Rhetorically ask if the store would consider a shield used by the Radiant Knight its greatest treasure.)
A Shopkeeper A shield? Since when did the Radiant Knight use a shield?
But we have warhammers, double-bladed swords, and even the latest model of swordspears. Want to take a look?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
<Background 4>
[The audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob It's hard to tell what's going on! Nightmare Knight's ferocious attack was again repelled by the Blood Knight, and the former champion is slicing through the artificial turf as if it was tofu!
It's already been ten minutes, but the tempestuous exchange of blows continues! Who will be the first to show signs of fatigue in this seemingly endless battle?
––As I speak, the champion is readying his Arts again! He evades a sweeping strike from his opponent!
After all that, are the two sides only feeling each other out?! Neither the champion nor the Nightzmora seems to want to take the initiative and cast the first Arts––
<Background 2>
[Dikaiopolis and Tola continues exchanging attacks.]
Nightmare Knight Minoan, how did you learn to fight like this?
The Blood Knight Unfortunately, I had very little combat training before becoming a knight.
It was only after that I learned as I fought.
Nightmare Knight ...A born warrior.
The Blood Knight Young man.
I am not your mentor. But, if it is an opponent you seek, there is one thing I can teach you.
The fear you seek to instill through bluffing means nothing to someone who lives only in the present.
The Blood Knight takes a half-step back.
Fresh blood oozes from his armor, condensing into a stream around him.
A crimson light wraps around his weapon, forging it into a lethal edge of judgment.
The Blood Knight Answer me, Nightzmora. In the history you dreamt, in the thousands of years between then and now––
Were the Infected ever given a new lease on life?
Nightmare Knight Why you...
The Blood Knight You call yourself a Kheshig? Then don't back down now, Nightzmora!
Where is your Khagan now? Bring him to me!
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades out and in>
The Radiant Knight Where is your Khagan?
<Background 5>
Old Knight Where is your Khagan?
Thousands of years have passed since the Khagan stepped into history.
You'll only find him in history books, boy.
Kheshigs? They were the Khagan's attendants, the greatest warriors known to this world.
The Khagan conquered many places, but in doing so, did a lot of things that hurt people.
It is in the nature of the Nightzmora to spread fear, and the desire to conquer was practically sustenance for the Khagan.
But, Tola.
You were born into this world, and you will surely find your own––
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Nightmare Knight ...Father, rival, master, ideals.
Was I actually... looking for these things in this city?
No! It is time to wake up from my dream.
This will just be a lingering memory. The path I drew for my Khaganquest was set in stone a long time ago.
<Background black>
The young hunter sets out on his Khaganquest ♪
From dreams he goes, towards the shores of gold ♪
A Nightzmora stands in the arena.
His limbs are at ease. His flaws are exposed. He knows not where to cast his gaze from beneath that helmet.
He hums an ancient ballad.
Until the black night paints over his vision ♪ Until a tower of bone stands erect in his heart ♪
Until hemlock chokes his hazy home ♪
The Blood Knight ......
Nightmare Knight ......
The Blood Knight Done saying your prayers?
Nightmare Knight My family is dead. My people are lost.
[Tola casted his Arts...]
Nightmare Knight ––The Khagan is wherever the tip of my blade points.
Lord of the Nightzmora.png
Nightmare Knight I—
––am my own Khagan!
[...to summon a phantasmal "horde" of Nightzmoran warriors, likely the legendary Kheshigs, before him.]
Nightmare Knight Come!
<Background 5>
[Monique watches over the Doctor and co. with the mission to liquidate them all...]
Monique Clear weather. No wind. A fine day for shooting.
Targets: the two leaders of Rhodes Island – one hooded person of unknown race, and one Cautus.
Mood... Very bad. Because every time I try to do my work, someone gets in my way.
[...but Shining suddenly stands before her.]
Shining ......
Monique Addendum. Extremely bad mood.
Shining Do you have a habit of keeping a diary?
Monique Who would deliberately write these things down? Might as well send it to the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz and ask for a speedier sentence.
Shining By the looks of things, you're the type of person who brings her baggage with her to work.
Monique Confessarius, the Radiant Knight, and that Cautus who gives off strange vibes.
What the hell is Rhodes Island supposed to be anyway?
Shining I never had a chance to ask you before, but... You people...
Where did you hear the name "Confessarius"?
Monique has seen the skills of the Sarkaz before her.
Excellent swordsmanship. Complex, seemingly incomprehensible Originium Arts – perhaps witchcraft. Along with the Radiant Knight, she was able to block a Darksteel arrow.
She had a suspicion at the time, that perhaps... "blocking arrows" was not the full extent of the Sarkaz's abilities.
But now, she is convinced of one thing.
Monique ...I can't tell you that.
Shining I'm also not so kind-hearted that I can just watch an assassin take aim at the Doctor and Amiya, and then let her walk free.
[Shining uses her Arts to augment herself.]
Shining Besides, the last time we met, we didn't get a chance to introduce ourselves properly. A bit rude on both our parts.
Monique An aura...?
Why are all of the Radiant Knight's buddies so shiny and sparkly? I'm getting tired of that aesthetic.
(It's a comforting glow... Almost no hints of aggression... Is this Sarkaz witchcraft?)
(Her expression... Does she lament drawing her sword?)
Shining ......
Monique Not in the mood to chat?
Very well then. Let's find out just what you're worth.
<Background 4>
Greatmouth Mob Wh-What just happened...?
Are my eyes playing tricks on me? A black mist is rising from the arena – While that isn't too unusual, do you see something rising from the mist?
Is that... a banner? Wait, that's... an entire army?!
The Radiant Knight ......
Is that... the product of your obsession?
<Background 2>
Nightmare Knight
The Blood Knight A shame...
A shame that those knights watching from the stands cannot fathom how I how I feel right now.
The flag flutters, the horn sounds, an army marches... An entire people, an entire history.
––is this the reason you've given up the present, to seek out death like a madman?
Nightmare Knight ––Hraaaagh!
Greatmouth Mob The Nightzmora knight launched an attack! B-But with the thick black mist enveloping the arena, I can't see what's going on!
Is that something charging forward inside the mist?! Is this Nightmare Knight's true Arts? The ability to summon his ancestors?!
The Blood Knight Ridiculous.
You lack the courage to face your fate.
The Blood Knight brings down his axe. He knows he is not facing an ancient Kheshig army.
A young man who seeks his own annihilation.
A young man who tries to bring back a bygone era.
The jet-black mist drowns the sanguine armor of the Blood Knight.
From the impact, from the pain, it is clear that the summoned entities are not illusions or holograms.
The Blood Knight continues to stand motionless. He is waiting. Waiting for the moment when the real Nightzmora will strike.
Nightmare Knight (Ancient language) Sleep now, hero!
[Under the cover of his phantasmal horde, Tola launches an attack which managed to land a clean hit on Dikaiopolis.]
The Blood Knight lets out a grunt.
Even Kazimierz's strongest armor wails in this moment.
Blade cleaves through armor, and even the sturdy Blood Knight is almost forced to take a knee.
The Blood Knight ......
Nightmare Knight Damn... Only a flesh wound?
The Blood Knight You were able to cut me.
But my blood is now on your weapon.
Nightmare Knight (A trap––?!)
The Blood Knight Don't feel bad. Your lack of combat experience has always been your weakness.
You are still a far cry from the so-called "Kheshig."
[Dikaiopolis retaliates by unleashing a bloody swing from his axe...]
<Background 5>
[Monique blocked an attack from Shining.]
Monique The sight of you and the Radiant Knight blocking Darksteel's arrow made a deep impression. Even a Silverlance Pegasus would have trouble withstanding Darksteel's punishment.
My sources tell me you and the Radiant Knight call yourselves the "Followers," an organization that treats the Infected.
A "physician," huh? Looks like I need to toss that informant of mine into the gloompincer cage.
Shining Unfortunately, I'm not fond of fighting.
Monique Is that so?
I used to be in the Victorian army.
Because I was just a commoner without noble blood, I couldn't become an officer. The K.G.C.C. ended up poaching me during a joint military exercise.
At that time, my old bosses were still rejoicing over one fewer thorn in their sides.
Shining ......
Monique So, I'm quite confident in my aim.
From this distance, take three of my arrows head on, and I'll drop my plans for Rhodes Island. Deal?
Shining Why should I trust you?
Monique Whether or not you do is up to you. The Armorless Union has no shortage of ways to deal with Rhodes Island.
For example, we could've applied some volatile chemicals to those dolls that they're clutching so unsuspectingly right now...
Shining ......
Monique Don't give me that look. Anyone could arrange something like that.
Shining Three shots.
Monique Three shots.
(Exhales) ...
Number one.
Monique draws her bowstring. A picture-perfect Victorian form.
Back in her military days, the young Monique could pierce a willow branch at a hundred paces. She was famous for it.
[Monique fires...]
Monique ......!
[...but Shining deflected it.]
Shining Didn't draw enough for that one.
The Sarkaz before her didn't even draw her sword.
The unexpected result sends a stifling heat through Monique's chest, the unwanted sensation rushes toward her heart.
Monique Number two.
She draws her bow taut a second time.
On a rainy night, Monique once attacked a first-order campaign knight.
The opponent was not some famous hero, but a true veteran of the Ursus-Kazimierz War.
His quick reflexes spared him the arrow from the darkness, and the two ended up locked in combat until they plunged off a cliff.
The forests of Kazimierz were cold and steep in the early spring, and the chase through the dense woods lasted seven days and nights.
At the moment when the pain in her limbs and the ringing in her ears were almost intolerable, she drew her bowstring back and nocked her arrow once more, finding her target as he stopped for water.
Shining Her stance changed, as has the look in her eyes.
Like a hunter, waiting for an opening.
[Monique fires again, but Shining deflected it as well.]
Monique —!
The arrow split in two in midair.
One segment embedded itself into the ground. The other disappeared into a grassy clearing, where it startled a few chattering fowlbeasts.
Shining But I have no intention of becoming your prey.
Monique Are all Confessarii all as skilled with the sword as you?
Or rather, are there a lot of other people at Rhodes Island like you?
Shining ......
Monique (Should we redo Rhodes Island's risk assessment?)
To be honest, getting rid of Rhodes Island should be the responsibility of the Board.
But soon enough, I won't be acting on their orders.
Shining ......
Monique You don't believe me?
Shining No... Actually, that doesn't come as a surprise.
Our leader has also foreseen this possibility.
So what's the point of you saying this? That this duel is solely a matter of your pride?
Monique The point is... You should give this everything you've got, Sarkaz.
Last one.
[Monique fires yet again...]
<Background 2>
Nightmare Knight ...Nngh!
The Blood Knight It's over.
[Dikaiopolis' attack not only landed a hard blow to Tola, but also dispelled his illusory Arts as the phantasmal horde and black fog dissipates...]
<Background 4>
[...and the audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob A stunning reversal! In a single heavy blow, the Blood Knight has dissipated the heavy mist lingering in the arena!
His momentum sweeps right through Nightmare Knight's illusions!
Too bad for you, Nightzmora! You made one miscalculation! In the face of the Blood Knight and his mastery of Blood Arts, you underestimated his skills in a melee!
Margaret Was that really an illusion? It seemed like... an entire war.
<Background 2>
Nightmare Knight Graaaah.... Ahhhhh! Arrrrrrghh!!
Greatmouth Mob What?! Even after taking that tremendous blow at point-blank range, Nightmare Knight is still standing?!
Unbelievable! Could he be mustering a counterattack–?
The Blood Knight ––As the Blood Knight, I would like to put in a request to speak with the judges.
Yes, he has lost his senses. Should we continue this, his life will be in danger. Let's call this match.
<Background 4>
Greatmouth Mob ––The judges have reached a verdict! Without a doubt, the first knight to advance to the finals of the Major has been decided!
The clash between the Nightzmora and the champion has ended! A battle between fear and terror incarnate! I have the results right here––!!
It is my great honor to announce the winner of tonight's round––
[The audience cheers upon knowing the outcome of the match, but...]
Before Mob can finish announcing the winner's name, from behind a conspicuous barrier in the corner of the arena....
A certain Infected knight stands up.
An Infected Knight A The Blood Knight!
[The audience cheers as a second Infected knight also standing up.]
An Infected Knight B The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
Margaret They're all... Infected?
<Background 5>
An Infected Knight The Blood Knight has won! Long live the Blood Knight!
A Spectating Infected The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
<Background black>
The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
<Background 2>
The Blood Knight ......
The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
The Blood Knight slowly lifts his hand and gestures to the audience.
He then turns his head to look at the Nightzmora who has still not fallen.
As the Blood Knight lifts his eyes above the Nightzmora, his gaze meets that of another knight in the distance.
<Background 4>
The Radiant Knight ......
<Background 2>
The Blood Knight ......
<Background 4>
The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
Greatmouth Mob Umm...
(The professional thing would be to not interrupt the audience when they're in an uproar, but most of them seem like they're Infected... so maybe it's fine?)
<Background 1>
A Voice on the Television The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
[Viviana the Candle Knight watches the match on TV...]
The Candle Knight This is the hero of Kazimierz's Infected, Margaret.
You strive to fulfill a similar role. How will you deal with this overlap?
<Background 6>
A Voice on the Television The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
[...so does Madame Ioleta...]
Ioleta Russell This is the Infected... Dikaiopolis.
<Background 7>
A Voice on the Television The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight!
[...and Malkiewicz and McKee.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz So that's the hero, the Blood Knight. So much fanfare for that name.
Though the Radiant Knight is a paragon of defiance, the one who truly managed to carve out a space for the Infected... is the Blood Knight, Dikaiopolis.
But... it has been a long time since he bowed his head to us.
Spokesman McKee In my capacity as a media man, I deeply appreciate your proposal, Mr. Malkiewicz.
But as you know, this... public opinion, is just a thin layer of assurance. To make sure things go smoothly, we'll have to prepare to play hardball.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Of course.
I just don't want everyone to end up... with no way back.
<Background 3>
An Enthusiastic Spectator The Blood Knight! The Blood Knight won!
Ahaha! I knew the Blood Knight was invincible! Nobody can take him down!
Oh, what's going on over there?
The roof over there... is it sunrise?
<Background 5>
The Sarkaz slowly closes her eyes, as if refusing to view her Arts.
A brief brilliance lingers on the tip of her sword, like the setting sun.
As if she suddenly remembered something, the Sarkaz quickly changes her pose, bringing the sword into her embrace.
As if this sword never should be unsheathed.
Monique ......
What... did you do just now...
Was that Sarkaz witchcraft? No, what I felt just now was...
The breath of life? No. A soul's lifeforce? No.
It was more like a formless illusion, something that could only be touched while in a trance or a drunken stupor.
But there is no doubt that just now, the Sarkaz... was wielding the twilight.
Monique ......
That technique... You...
You could've killed me!
Shining I was just taking your three shots, Armorless.
Of course, if you go back on your word, I will.
Monique You—
The feeling of being caught.
She can't run. She would be chased down... But by what? By that Sarkaz? Or her sword?
Or by the thing she controls... the essence of life?
Monique ......
Shining Do you want to continue?
Monique No.
Even on the job, we still fulfill our obligations.
[Monique contacted her men through radio...]
Monique Pull out. Stop tailing Rhodes Island.
[...and signs off afterwards.]
Shining Thank you.
Monique I have one more, kind of trivial question for you.
Shining I'll consider it, out of respect for you keeping your word.
Monique For you Sarkaz, is there some kind of significance... to cutting off your horns?
Shining It differs from person to person. Some may see their Sarkaz heritage as a curse, and may do that as a way of trying to hide their identity.
It might also be a way to channel a certain form of withcraft, to a facilitate a certain Arts.
Or perhaps... it might even be a tradition of some unconventional tribes. The possibilities are many, and there's no way to say for sure.
Monique ......
Shining Why do you ask?
Monique ...No, no reason.

After operation

On the eve of the finals, the Infected discuss a way out for the future while the General Chamber of Commerce and the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi keep each other in check. Maria and Margaret have a sisterly heart-to-heart, and everyone solemnly waits for the arrival of the finals.
<Background 8>
A Voice on the News The Blood Knight has successfully made his way to the finals, becoming only the second knight in the history of the Kazimierz Major to have a chance of defending his title.
However, the Blood Knight's status as an Infected continues to draw criticism. A General Chamber of Commerce spokesman came out with this statement: "The Blood Knight will not be treated differently on the basis of his status as an Infected"––
Nevertheless, some knight families do not agree with this statement, and in light of the recent power outage and recurrence of the Great Separation, an incredible amount of public pressure has been mounting. Next, we invite a representative of the Knights Association to speak on the matter––
[Iwona was shocked to see Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight on the news.]
Iwona ...Dikaiopolis! The Blood Knight!
Haha! Now that's what I'm talking about! That's how an Infected knight should be!
Greynuty If the Radiant Knight defeats the Wind Knight, then...
Justyna It'll be Infected against Infected.
The champion of the Major will be decided between the Infected.
Iwona Haha! Isn't that a good thing?
We'll show those bigwigs that their shining city isn't so invincible after all. Then, the Blood Knight and the Radiant Knight will tear off their veil of secrecy and reveal their crimes––
The Infected will finally taste victory!
Greynuty If only things could be so simple.
As for us, what do we do next?
[Sona joins with the rest of Pinus Sylvestris knightesses.]
Sona Ahaha... Well, it's not like we have any future in the Grand Knight Territory anyway.
But we can get our hands on some legal papers and find some place, maybe a nice village, to quietly live our lives.
Greynuty That's not what we set out to do.
Iwona We're not ready to stash away our armor and pick up the plow just yet, Sona!
Are we not fighting to make sure those suffering from Oripathy can be treated fairly?
The purpose of us informing the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi about what the K.G.C.C. has been doing in Area 0... Was that not to save more Infected?!
Our job here isn't done yet!
Justyna ......
Greynuty I can't really argue with that, Sona.
If we leave now, it'd be like giving up halfway.
Sona ......
Iwona Sona?
Sona Why will most of the Infected be left behind?
No, that isn't the right question. Let me think... Why do the Infected... never seem to matter?
Greynuty Workers exposed to high-risk environments, farmers with no way to avoid Catastrophes, the homeless who wander between cities with nowhere to go... These are the people most afflicted by Oripathy.
Justyna ...A refined gemstone.
That might be the first Originium the knight-nobles ever saw.
Of course Oripathy doesn't concern them.
Greynuty Why do you pose that question?
Sona No reason in particular.
Will Szewczyk go with us?
[Szewczyk joins in.]
Szewczyk What nonsense are you going on about now?
Sona Oh, you were here all along.
Justyna How's the wife and kid?
Szewczyk Well. That's why I came by to give my regards. As long as they're safe, anything else goes.
However, I am no Infected. On the face of it, I can even retain my legal status as a knight.
I don't plan to stay in the Grand Knight Territory. I'll use the prize money I earned over the years to buy some property and start a new life in a different city.
Sona Have you considered living somewhere other than a nomadic city? It'll probably be better for avoiding unwanted eyes and ears.
Szewczyk That isn't "living," that's called "surviving"
Anyway, I'm here to say goodbye. The Major isn't over yet, and there are many people moving in and out. It's a good opportunity to quietly slip out of the Grand Knight Territory.
Sona A new city, huh...
Szewczyk Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub, there's something I have to tell you all.
The fact that the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi has been informed of the Armorless Union and of the Infected containment and treatment facility does not necessarily mean that they'll immediately move to depose the K.G.C.C.––
––No, I'd go far as to say that right now, they don't even have the ability to threaten the General Chamber of Commerce.
Sona ......
Szewczyk You likely picked up on this as well, right?
Call me cold if you want, but this has nothing to do with me anymore.
For the sake of the short time we fought side-by-side... Take care of yourselves. Don't challenge the city, Flametail.
[Szewczyk leaves.]
Iwona What, did you just show up to rain on our parade?
Greynuty This is why I can't stand knight-nobles.
Sona Challenge... the city, huh.
It sounds just like one of those silly knight novels...
<Background 1>
[Gravel asks the Doctor something.]
Gravel Doctor.
I've been your bodyguard for a while. So... what do you think of me?
I'll be honest. Just being in the same as room as you... makes my heart beat a little faster, you know?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Do you need a medic?
Gravel Aww... That's too bad.
But I think... You're acting dense on purpose?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gravel Your silence definitely gives you that sort of mysterious allure, but... If you're always so absorbed in your work, Doctor, you'll end up burning out.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Now's not the time for personal questions.
Gravel This is a business inquiry regarding the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi's partnership with Rhodes Island... Your opinion of me is very important.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
[Amiya enters the room.]
Amiya Doctor! Nearl reached the grand finals!
"The Wind Knight Forfeits, the Radiant Knight Advances with a Bye!" It was a headline in today's paper!
Gravel The Wind Knight is only one step away from retirement, and most likely doesn't want to go out with a loss to the Radiant Knight.
Really makes me jealous of that Radiant Knight, seeing how much you care about her.
Amiya G-Gravel?
Gravel Oh, I didn't mean anything by that.
...At least for now.
Amiya Oh, uh... Haha...
(D-Doctor, don't you think Gravel has been in a bad mood recently? She seems to be getting more and more... Huh? You think it's her personality?)
(Um, all right. If that's what you believe...)
<Background 7>
[Centaurea is talking with Roy.]
Platinum Hmm...
Wait... Hold on...
How many men do I have?
Roy Three squads.
Platinum What about you and Monique?
Roy We have other work to do.
Platinum Then...
Roy Don't even think about Darksteel.
They also have their jobs to do.
Platinum Is the Union...
Roy If you've figured it out, you'd do best to behave yourself and act like you don't know anything. You do want to live, don't you?
Platinum ...Yes.
So, with these three squads, I'm responsible for guarding the Major arena and serving as the early warning, right?
Roy Correct.
Platinum ...for the battle of the Blood Knight and the Radiant Knight?
Roy Correct.
Platinum ...and with the possibility of coming face-to-face with a Silverlance Pegasus?
Roy Correct.
Platinum ...Alright. Are you asking me to commit suicide...?
Roy I wouldn't put it that way. Just don't do anything, and you'll be fine.
Platinum How much longer are you going to use me?
Roy ––I'm glad you're so self-aware.
Kazimierz is like a tower.
Platinum What's going to happen to me after the Major is over?
Roy Depends on your performance. If you're just asking me though, at least...
I'd prefer to let you live.
Platinum ......!
A tower with no survivors.
<Background 9>
Młynar ......
Margaret Uncle...
Młynar You've already brought things to this step, doing whatever you feel like, with no concern for others' opinions.
Have you ever thought of all the people you're harming through your juvenile actions?
Have you ever considered that Marcin and the others will now be at the mercy of the Armorless Union?
Have you ever considered that Maria and Zofia may no longer be able to live safely in the Grand Knight Territory?
You may hold your own ideals in a vacuum, Margaret, but remember this: Your greatest mistake is trying to determine the trajectories of other peoples' lives.
There is not a soul who has that right.
I am extremely disappointed in you.
[Młynar leaves.]
Margaret ......
Maria Margaret...
Margaret Maria, tell me the truth.
Did I rob you of your dreams?
You handed both the family name and the right to enter the tournament to me... You...
Maria Margaret! That's never crossed my mind!
I just... don't think I'm cut out to be a knight.
Margaret ...I'm listening, Maria.
It's been so long since I've heard you... confide in someone else.
Maria I... don't understand what you're doing...
I've been doubting... what the point of a knight even is anymore.
When we stand victorious in the arena, what is it the audience cheers for? What have we won?
Even if... you wanted to beat them at their own game, to defeat those rogues who want to keep you from winning...
What if they let you win because they get something out of it?
Or, what if they were never beholden to the rules of the game in the first place?
Margaret You're right.
From the beginning, they never had an ounce of concern about the knights. This, I already knew.
Maria What...?
Margaret There is no meaning to me becoming the champion.
But to those watching us... it means the world.
Maria, if you think this city – this country – is sick, what do you think is the root cause of the illness?
The corruption of the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi? The General Chamber of Commerce's endless expansion and exploitation?
It might be either, or even both.
We often say that Kazimierz needs to regain its former glory, and every so often, someone needs to remind it what glory and justice are.
Maria ......
Margaret But it is not just the knights who need to recover that glory.
Victory is not about defeating some enemy. "To be a knight is to be the noble light that illuminates the land.."
But after illuminating the path forward, clearing the thorns, and filling up the pitfalls...
A knight should have taught all those who seek freedom to overcome hardship.
<Background 10>
[The Corrupted Knight wakes up.]
Corrupted Knight —!
Toland Finally awake, huh? Took you long enough. Thought you were dead.
Corrupted Knight You—
You... You're a Sarkaz...?
Toland And you can talk. Looks like you're doing better than your brother.
Corrupted Knight ......!
Withered Knight ......
Toland Don't worry, he's not dead either.
This special salve is usually used for armor repair. So this is what happens when you apply it directly to humans...
The principle behind it is activation? What exactly do Kazimierz suits of armor have in common with humans? Both humans and armor can be activated? Then, what about Originium slugs?
Corrupted Knight You... You're a de-horned Sarkaz...
Are you... with the Armorless Union?
Toland Hah, I'll take that as a compliment. Those guys make three thousand times more than I do.
I'm a bounty hunter. I'm here in the Grand Knight Territory on a bit of business, as well as... a little investigation related to the Sarkaz.
Of course, it's nothing official. Just a personal curiosity of mine.
––Have you seen any other Sarkaz with trimmed horns?
Corrupted Knight ......
Toland Who cut off yours?
Who would use... the Sarkaz... as slaves and test subjects?
Corrupted Knight ......
Toland All right. I suppose you've been whipped pretty thoroughly.
Want to come with me?
Corrupted Knight What...?
Toland Big guys like you should be able to help out with some handy work, right? We're camped in the wastelands, and we're lacking hands more than anything else–
Corrupted Knight You—
Toland ––Come with me, Sarkaz.
Come with me, and you just might survive.
<Background 11>
Nightmare Knight —!
Old Knight ...*Sigh*.
Nightmare Knight Batbayar...?
Old Knight You poor lad. Your folks won't even pay the bills for you when you're in the hospital.
But your body is undoubtedly sturdy. Anyone else in your position wouldn't have much life left in them after a bout with the Blood Knight.
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight Even if you're an independent knight, you should've at least had some money saved up from making it to the semifinals. Where'd it all go?
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight Stop moving around. Your wounds are deep.
Where are you going?
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight Hey, hold on! Where are you going?
Nightmare Knight ...I'm leaving.
A golden pegasus, a crimson Minoan. I... I've gained much.
Old Knight You're unhappy?
Nightmare Knight ...No, I failed.
I won't fear failure anymore.
I won't be afraid to retreat anymore.
I won't fear... the beauty of weakness.
...But I am still lacking... I have yet to finish my Khaganquest.
Old Knight Khaganquest this, Khaganquest that... Do you even know where you're going?
Even in ancient times, it's not like there was a path you were supposed to follow for years, right?
Nightmare Knight North.
In the distant north... the echoing north where my ancestors disappeared.
Old Knight And after you make your way there, then what?
Are you going to come back?
Nightmare Knight ......
Old Knight You... I assumed you were searching for something you were missing.
But it turns out... are you searching for a place to die?