Operation story: NL-8

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Armorless Union Assassin icon.png
An Armorless Union Member
Kazimierz Ghetto
K.G.C.C. Office
Kazimierz Bar
Kazimierz Alley
Kazimierz Lounge
Kazimierz Avenue
Kawalerielki Arena Tribune Night
Kawalerielki Arena Night

Before operation

During their brief respite, the Infected knights discuss their future. Maria proceeds to help fix her sister's armor, only to come across Nightmare Knight, still disgruntled by the abrupt interruption of his brawl.
<Background 1>
A Voice on the Broadcast Our champion, having appeared out of nowhere, has put a stop to the battle with a thunderous momentum!
Last night's match was cut short when Nightmare Knight's Arts were ruled a violation, and the one who stopped things from getting even further out of hand was the hero, the Blood Knight!
The match between the Radiant Knight and Nightmare Knight ended in a tie, and Nightmare will be facing the Blood Knight, whose opponent has dropped out, in his next round–
Greynuty A tie...? Nightmare broke the rules. Shouldn't they have promoted the Radiant Knight to the next round?
Sona They don't want to let an Infected to just move up the ranks like that, of course.
Where's Szewczyk?
Justyna He's with his family. Give him some time.
Greynuty To be honest... I didn't really care much about him to begin with.
Sona We can tell.
Justyna True enough. Were you trying to hide it?
Greynuty ......
Sona He's still alive, real flesh and blood, right?
The city makes us forget it a lot... but we're all alive.
We should have our own choices, our own lives... instead of drifting about in the endlessly beating waves, never to find out who we really are.
[More news are heard over the radio...]
A Voice on the Broadcast The battle of a lifetime between the Blood Knight and Nightmare Knight will begin tomorrow evening!
Be sure to tune into the Night of Knights channel tomorrow at 8 o'clock for the best competition experience!
[...as the recovering Iwona tries to rise up and Justice Knight comes to her side.]
"Justice Knight" (Loud beeping noises)
Iwona Oh... Justice! You're okay!
Sona Iwona! You can't get up yet.
Greynuty Come, I'll help you.
Iwona Heh... Thanks, Ashley.
Sona I thought I had exclusive rights to the nickname Ashley?
Iwona Haha, let me borrow it for a while.
Sona You're gonna have to pay for using my trademark.
Iwona, that day...
Iwona Yeah, I saw the Blood Knight's silhouette.
Justyna There were traces of blood Arts...
It's... a really awful kind of Arts. As things are, just casting normal Arts is enough to make me ache. I can't imagine how much pain the Blood Knight has to bear, controlling Arts like that.
Iwona The Blood Knight... He's strong.
Sona Everybody knows.
It's thanks to the Blood Knight that the Infected won the right to fight in the Major.
Greynuty We became the K.G.C.C.'s playthings... We lost our dignity and freedom... but we're still alive.
Iwona It's only by staying alive that we have the chance to run.
Justyna Between the Radiant Knight and the Blood Knight, who do you support, girls?
Iwona The Blood Knight. No doubt about it. He's the one who opened up the future for us Infected.
Greynuty But what we need is an unflagging fight instead of the status quo... so I choose the Radiant Knight.
And you?
Justyna I pick Sona.
Iwona You can do that?!
<Background 2>
Platinum You called...?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Spokesman McKee The Board has made their decision... Area 0 will be wiped clean.
Our current strategy with the Infected is a mistake.
Platinum A mistake, huh...?
Spokesman McKee Moreover, Rhodes Island's leader has been digging too deep into the Area 0 affair. This is a lapse on the Armorless Union's part.
Platinum ......
Spokesman McKee Several executive directors are strongly demanding the Armorless Union eradicate this threat. Do not let Rhodes Island's medical team leave Kazimierz alive.
Any issues?
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Platinum None... but this is only an order from "several executive directors" and not the whole Board. Right?
Spokesman McKee That is not for you to question. We have authority over your command.
Platinum Point of order, it's Mr. Malkiewicz over there who has authority over me.
Spokesman McKee Malkiewicz... You know what to do.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
<Background 3>
Zofia Are you hurt?
Margaret Yeah... Probably when I blocked his strike.
I couldn't feel a thing at the time... but it might have bruised a bone or two.
Zofia Hold still. Let me see...
You need a doctor. This will affect your performance.
Maria Maybe put some ice on it.
Margaret Alright.
Maria Can't we heal this with Arts?
Zofia That will alleviate the pain and help the wound heal, but if she's got any broken bones, she could end up worse in the future if we don't take proper care of them.
What do we do? You're up against the Wind Knight the next match... That's a strong opponent. If you have to fight this hurt...
Margaret Don't worry so much.
Zofia How am I supposed to not worry?!
Margaret It's just a minor injury. I'm more than used to this.
Maria You call this... minor...?
Margaret... You've worked so hard, and you've gotten so strong... What is it all for?
To become a champion?
Margaret "You cannot surmount the rulesetters within their own rules." Isn't that what Uncle said?
Maria Mhm...
Zofia But that's just because Młynar–
Margaret No, I get it.
He's right.
But it's not the rulesetters that we need to defeat.
We need to break free of the rules. We need to teach those who have been tamed to rise up, help those who have fallen to regain the light.
Uncle Młynar... He doesn't believe that there are still those who would follow a lighthouse's beam and charge into the storm.
But I don't agree with him.
If we can dispel this darkness, the people will push forward.
<Background 4>
Old Knight You need to listen to the doctor and rest up for a few days.
Your next match is against the Wind Knight, right? If you don't recover by then, it won't go well for you.
Bald Marcin Don't end up like me...
I knew my arm was no good, but I pushed myself even further. This is what I got.
Margaret Right. You needn't worry about me.
[Maria enters the bar and rushes to Margaret's side.]
Maria Margaret... Look! Ta-dah!
Margaret The new gauntlet?
Already...? That's amazing. I thought it'd take you until tomorrow.
Old Craftsman It probably would've taken me another two or three days if I was working by myself.
We didn't adjust your gauntlet around your new weapon last time, not that we'd know where to start.
But that taught us a lesson, and it really got Maria working.
Margaret Maria... I know some excellent craftsmen. Perhaps I should introduce them to you.
Maria Really?! Where are they from?
Margaret All over. Ursus, Leithanien, Higashi, Laterano... you name it.
Maria Whoa... That's like a whole guild of master craftsmen... Hm? Why would a pharma company need so many craftsmen, though?
Margaret You'll just have to find out for yourself.
This reminds me... there was this one year when Uncle Młynar bought you a small drone for your birthday.
You had the thing torn apart that afternoon.
Maria I... I put it back together after that, though.
Old Craftsman I was shocked, you know. It might not have flown again after she put it back together, but I never expected the kid to have such amazing talent–
–I half expected Maria to become a knight back then, though. Otherwise, I'd have entrusted her with my workshop.
Old Knight You better get on that, Kowal. Who knows when you'll kick the bucket?
Old Craftsman Huh? Cursing me now, are you?!
Margaret Do you want to pursue your interests, Maria?
Maria Erm... I don't know yet.
Old Knight Hah, Maria's still young.
Maria I just know that... it's been a very long time since we talked like this...
Oh! I forgot to bring the restoration gel!
We still have to try out the new gauntlet... The match is coming up soon, isn't it? I'll head back to the workshop now!
[Maria rushes off.]
<Background 5>
Maria (Margaret... Those are some serious injuries...)
Hm? What's that noise?
[Tola reveals himself.]
Nightmare Knight ......
The Nightzmora drags his weapon across the floor, sending tiny sparks everywhere.
Enraged, he mutters to himself. He has made his way here following only the smell of the light.
[Suddenly Tola strikes at Maria, who narrowly blocked it.]
Maria –Aaah?!
Nightmare Knight Ngh...
You... You are not her... Right, you are her sister.
Where is she?
Maria –! You want Margaret! Why?
Nightmare Knight Our battle has not yet ended.
Maria But the match's over!
Nightmare Knight The match...?
My Khaganquest's purpose is not a mere match in a competition.
The Radiant Knight is an essential part of this path... Our holy battle should not have been interrupted!
Maria Then you just have to defeat the Blood Knight and fight my sister the next round–
Nightmare Knight Enough!
Maria Gah!
Nightmare Knight Competitions... The Major... They are all for show.
You heard the rules, you heard the crowd! Couldn't you feel how laughable and blasphemous it all was?!
Maria –!
Maria Nearl, the Blemishine.png
Is this the Major? What is it you won? What did you get from all this?
Glory, wealth, your family's honor, but what is it you're missing...? Hm, what is it you're missing?
And without much time to think about it, as if in pure response to the cheering all around her, Maria holds her sword up high.
Only the pain, sharp, radiating from her hand, overcomes the applause.
<Background 5>
Nightmare Knight Do not take me for a jester entertaining the masses!
I am a descendant of the Kheshig. I must complete my Khaganquest!
Stand aside, I have no interest in frail children! The only business I have is for the Radiant Knight–
Maria No...
I won't let you pass.
Nightmare Knight You...?
You are nothing but a retainer of the Radiant Knight.
Maria A... A retainer?
Nightmare Knight Your dream is taken from another. Your conviction is borrowed.
You use your young age as an excuse for your confusion... but what point is there?
The world can laugh at the Radiant Knight's stubbornness, but no one may refute the strength in her actions.
Yet you... you are not even a knight.
Maria ......
Nightmare Knight Now stand aside, lest my blade slice your throat open.
Maria No.
I won't let you see my sister.
Nightmare Knight Is she hiding? No... With her brilliant light, the Radiant Knight is above that...
Then... is she injured?
Maria –!
Nightmare Knight You mean to tell me I injured her in our fight, and I must wait until she recovers before our next match?
[Tola strikes Maria again, but she held him back with some trouble.]
Maria Nngh––!
(So heavy–That's heavier than Tytus's lance strikes!)
Nightmare Knight ......
Maria Haahh... haaahh...
Why am I...
Nightmare Knight Look at you... already drowned in fear...
You cannot wield your weapon in front of me. If we had met on the battlefield, you would already be dead.
Maria No...!
This... has nothing to do with knights.
I just want... to protect... my sister–
Nightmare Knight The Radiant Knight is not for you to protect, you ignorant pegasus...
[Out of nowhere, Tola was struck by several arrows...]
Nightmare Knight Guh!
This arrow... A far cry from that blue archer.
[...as the shooter reveeals himself to be Vogelweide.]
Old Knight Step away from the child, Nightzmora.
Nightmare Knight Batbayar...
Will you stand in my way too?
Old Knight Maria! Quick, stand up! Come over here!
[Maria runs away from Tola to Vogelweide.]
Maria R-Right!
Old Knight Are you nuts?!
Nightmare Knight This is not the first time you asked me this question.
I thought... at least you would...
Old Knight You have nowhere to go, kid.
Tell me, where is your Khagan?
Where is the Kheshig's banner? Where are their tents?
It's been a thousand years... Why live in that past? Why chase that tradition?
What can all that bring you, kid?
Nightmare Knight ......
<Flashback starts here>
Background-Snowy Forest.png
Your name means "grasslands."
You must take pride in your bloodline.
Whensoever and wheresoever you stand, you must take pride in yourself.
You must live as a normal Kuranta. This is very simple.
Study, grow up, learn a trade, and marry a beautiful wife.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 5>
Nightmare Knight ......
Batbayar, I made up my mind when my mother died to the fangs of a wild beast.
It was this nightmare of mine... that made me a Nightzmora.
Old Knight What kind of nonsense are you on about–
Nightmare Knight I have struggled for years... in this country of knights.
Yet, in the end, I was guided to this path to fulfill my last ideals.
Old Knight Hold on... hold on.
You can't seriously mean... your journey was all for–
Nightmare Knight Speak no more.
You are old and frail, but it does not change the fact you once stood on the battlefields. If you insist on standing in my way...
Then I shall trample upon you and destroy one of my last remaining blood kin with my own hands.
Come. I shall charge you.
[Tola strikes at Vogelweide, who narrowly guarded it...]
Old Knight What–
[...as Maria bashes the delusional Nightzmora away with her shield.]
Maria Master Vogelweide–Get out of there!
Old Knight Maria, are you okay?!
Maria I-I'm fine.
We can't let this lunatic find Margaret... Or else–!
Nightmare Knight You would stand in my way... So you will kill me?
Do knights of Kazimierz truly know what it means to fight to the death?
No, you cannot possibly. Batbayar, you are old. And you, naive pegasus, you know nothing of the cruelty of the world.
You would interfere in my fight with her. You are sullying both our names and honor.
Maria No!
Honor doesn't matter at all!
Nightmare Knight –Then what does your sister fight for?!
You dare spout such blasphemy?! You dare claim the Radiant Knight vies for the Major's title not to regain her glory?!
Maria *Whimpers*...
Nightmare Knight You heretic! Raise your weapon! You will pay the price!
Maria I... still won't let you pass!

After operation

The temperamental Nightzmora suddenly gives up on fighting Maria, while the Doctor is the target of an assassination attempt. Gravel tries her hardest to fend off Platinum, but it seems Rhodes Island came prepared.
<Background 5>
[Tola strikes at Maria, who parried it with some trouble.]
Maria Ahh!
Old Knight Kid!
That's enough. Don't push yourself–
Maria No... Master Vogelweide... Look at your hand...
Old Knight This isn't the first time. I'm used to it.
[Tola approaches Maria and Vogelweide.]
Nightmare Knight It's over. Your strength is beyond my expectations. It was just enough to tide my anger...
You too are a descendant. I shall not take your life, but you will get out of my way.
Old Knight So you've got your heart set on dueling Margaret, huh?
Nightmare Knight Wrong. I am merely continuing a fight that was cut short.
Old Knight What do you want?
You're stubborn and... mad. What are you looking for anyway? What is it that you actually want?
Nightmare Knight You do not understand...
Old Knight Like hell I would. For that so-called tradition of yours, you gave up your whole life and everything ahead of you! It's all pointless!
Nightmare Knight Did I need you to give my life meaning?
Old Knight I just don't want to see you stay on this path of insanity forever. The "Khaganquest" is a coming-of-age tradition followed by a handful of tribes. Doesn't that make you still a child?!
Nightmare Knight Gah! I am done with you. Out of the way.
Old Knight Over my dead body!
Nightmare Knight –You will regret this, old man!
[Tola tries to strike Vogelweide, but Maria stands in the way and parried the attack.]
Nightmare Knight –!
Old Knight Maria, what are you doing?! You're hurt–
Maria This is my first time to see you so worked up, Nightzmora...
Nightmare Knight ......
Maria The shield of a knight is meant to protect people. That's what my sister told me.
You said my conviction was borrowed. I've got nothing to say about that.
But if I'm going to be scared to walk even well-lit roads, then there's really no point in the knighthood anymore!
Nightmare Knight How dare you spout that nonsense about knights–
Maria –Sorry, but I'm not a knight anymore. I just want to protect my sister–
I can't let a psycho like you get in her way!
[Maria used her Arts to augment herself.]
Nightmare Knight Arts...? It's... Hm?
A ray of light shines off the blood on Maria's face.
Fragile and insignificant. It's true. If he gave it his all, the Nightzmora could easily have strangled the pegasus to death.
He is confident of that.
Yet... why does the blood on her face... have this radiant, golden shine?
Nightmare Knight Is it the light of the Arts turning it gold?
A pegasus whose name is bound to go down in history... yet so frail... Is it a mere coincidence?
Maria Master Vogelweide, go back without me... I'll hold him here.
Old Knight Drop the act, kid. He'll kill you–!
Maria Don't worry.
I'll stop him!
Nightmare Knight ......
[Suddenly Tola turned back and walked away.]
Maria Huh...? Why are you turning around...?
Nightmare Knight ...Pegasus.
You cannot grow stronger on the conviction of others. Not unless you truly believe in it.
And you do not.
Maria ......
Nightmare Knight Dedication and sacrifice.
These virtues border on self-destruction... and you possess them at birth. You taught me a lesson, pegasus, descendant.
...No, never mind.
Tell the Radiant Knight that my bout with her has not yet ended. I am merely putting it on hold.
Maria ......
[Tola leaves.]
<Background black>
Perhaps? Perhaps what?
Perhaps I would have made the same decision if I had been raised in the same environment as you?
Never allow yourself to be so weak, Tola.
<Background 6>
Gravel The Radiant Knight, the Blood Knight... The Major has really heated up in the blink of an eye.
If we go by points and nothing else, the finals should long have been in reach of the Radiant Knight.
Doesn't that make you happy?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor If only the K.G.C.C. would let Nearl take the crown.
Gravel You're right...
But even if the General Chamber is scheming something, I'm sure you and the Adeptus will help Nearl overcome.
That said, is the K.G.C.C. really the problem...? They're definitely not ones to do any work themselves. Instead, they prefer to sow the seeds... and wait for them to sprout.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor After the Infected incident, will the people accept that?
Gravel Many will voice their gripes...
Hehe... but that also happened when the Blood Knight first came along.
But who still remembers any of that after the Blood Knight took his trophy and the money came raining down?
They have short memories, Doctor. No matter who ends up winning, as long as they speak on the Infected's behalf, it'll all work out fine.
Kazimierz loves its champions.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Nearl's greatest challenge has only just begun.
Gravel You mean... the Blood Knight? No, you wouldn't say something so skin-deep...
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gravel Whatever's the case, I believe you and Nearl will overcome.
Doctor How are Amiya and the medic operators doing?
Gravel They're giving the Infected knights checkups and treatment, just as always.
Rhodes Island is plenty efficient. I can see why the Grand Knight trusts you so much.
That said... I'm here right with you, and you haven't shown even a little bit of care for me.
That makes me kind of sad.
Doctor You're right. I should thank you for all your help.
Gravel What are you thanking me for, specifically?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor For being a diligent bodyguard.
Gravel I'm just doing my job. I was given my orders, and I would go through fire and water to fulfill them.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor For giving us all this invaluable intel while we have our hands tied.
Gravel I've only told you what the Grand Knight permitted me to say.
I'd love to accept your thanks, but it was her who truly helped Rhodes Island.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Uhh... for chatting with me and helping me kill time?
Gravel Oh... so our conversations are just a way to pass the time to you?
Hehe, but in that case, I'll keep talking to you all you want.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gravel So, how will you thank me, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Pretend to take a walk outside so you can take a break and go shopping?
Gravel Hehe... That sounds wonderful. I've always wanted to be a model, just once.
I may wear all this armor all the time, but I'm still a girl. I got tired of this outfit a long time ago.
That said... I didn't really have the right to think about something like this, in the past.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor What are you into? Rhodes Island's got all kinds of people.
Gravel What I'm into...?
I've never thought about it before... What do normal Kazimierzian girls like? Food? Makeup? Oh... Let's not talk about knight stuff.
Well... as for outfits... All this armor does dampen my spirits every now and then.
Though a campaign knight like me doesn't really get much chance to wear regular clothes, either.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Anything you want.
Gravel Doctor... do you know what you're saying? "Anything you want" is pretty much the last thing you'd want to say when you're being interrogated.
Most of us hand our decision-making power away, probably because we find obnoxious to have to make decisions... but sometimes... the one we give that power may have some unexpected ideas.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gravel Well, then, Doctor... Would you lean back, please?
Doctor Uh, sure.
Gravel Close your eyes, okay? I wouldn't want anything to happen to them...
<Background black>
Gravel And then...
[As the Doctor closes their eyes, they can hear sounds of windows shattering followed by fighting noises. Curious on what's going on, the Doctor tried to peek a bit, but...]
Gravel Doctor, don't open your eyes.
If you see an Armorless assassin's face, I'm afraid you won't be leaving Kazimierz alive.
??? ......
Doctor I can't let you bear all the risks. / ...... / I've got to at least know what's going on, no?
[The Doctor opened their eyes anyway, and...]
The Doctor's Battle.png
Platinum You're not just a regular campaign knight, are you?
Gravel The Armorless Union doesn't hold the patent on assassination, you know?
Platinum Don't move, or I'll cut your throat open.
Gravel Now that won't do. I can't let you put the Doctor's life in danger, even if it costs me my own.
Platinum It's just some foreign company... Is this one really worth giving your life for, knight–Hm?
The barcode on your arm... You're a purchased slave. Why so loyal to an outsider?
Gravel Unfortunately, my desire to protect the Doctor comes from the bottom of my heart.
[The assassin sent to liquidate the Doctor, who turned out to be Centaurea the Platinum of the Armorless Union, engages Gravel in an intense battle.]
<Background 6>
Platinum I see... The Adeptus Sprawiedliwi arranged for a lackey like you to follow Rhodes Island around. They planned to use Rhodes Island to investigate Area 0 right from the start.
Gravel Don't make our relationship sound so exploitative.
Doctor That's right. If you gotta say it, we exploit each other. / This is what you call a win-win situation. / As long as we get along, am I right?
Platinum So you are Rhodes Island's "Doctor." There's supposed to be a Cautus girl around too...
I'm not into hurting kids. Bumping you off should do the trick, right?
Doctor Too bad. Amiya's Rhodes Island's true leader.
You really shouldn't underestimate Amiya though.
Gravel Doctor, go on without me. I'll hold her here. Take Miss Amiya and leave this place. Look for someone from the Adeptus–
Platinum I'm not here alone.
The Armorless Union already has you surrounded... You're not walking out of here.
Gravel It's okay, Doctor... As long as I'm here, I–
Platinum Shielding your own bodyguard? What's the idea? You'll give your life for someone else?
Aww, so cute... I've got a job to do though.
Doctor A mission from the Board of Directors?
Platinum What...?
Doctor If my guess is correct, the Board didn't give you these orders.
Platinum I don't know what you're talking about.
Doctor Is it Mieszko Industries? / Is it Sun Shrubs Pharmaceuticals? / Is it Cloud Pharmaceuticals?
Of course, Rhodes Island is a threat to them.
But does it matter if some foreign company knows the truth? / I'm sure they have the power to silence Rhodes Island.
What they're really afraid of are the beasts sitting at the same table. / They're afraid of their fellow men.
Platinum So?
Doctor I'm guessing it won't be hard for you to kill me, huh? / What's the rush? You on some kind of flexible work schedule?
Why don't you take a seat and catch a breather?
Platinum Do you really understand what you're doing...?
Even with this campaign knight in the way, I can–
Doctor No, you can't.
The spokesman personally oversaw our contract signing with our partners. / Malkiewicz has been very helpful. / Would you like to know, from a legal perspective, where Rhodes Island stands?
Right now, we're temporarily affiliated with the General Chamber of Commerce. / If you lay a finger on us, you're doing the same to the K.G.C.C. / Anyway, I think there's someone out there who's not about to let this chance pass by.
Platinum ......
Doctor Of course, you people have a way to get around the law. / But under the veneer of civilization, there is a bloodbath that you can't get around.
[Suddenly Centaurea's phone rings amidst the tension.]
Platinum ......!
Gravel A call...?
Doctor Answer the phone, uh... Platinum, right? / It's for you. / Have a nice chat with civilization, ma'am.
Platinum ......
[Centaurea picks up the phone.]
A Voice from the Phone Centaurea...?
Platinum ......!
A Voice from the Phone No need to be so shocked, Platinum.
I'm very glad you haven't killed Rhodes Island's leader yet.
Call it off. Your orders were mistaken. Those morons, jumping the gun. It is not up to them to give the Union orders without consulting the Board.
And stop the madness that Area 0 is pulling on its so-called useless Infected. Rhodes Island has opened our eyes. Their lives still have meaning... They can yet create value.
That's all.
[The one calling Centaurea, likely a K.G.C.C. executive who ordered the Doctor's assassination, hangs up.]
Platinum ......
You... You planned this?
How did you do it?
Doctor You cozy up to some people, and you square up to others.
Wasn't that hard. / Most people think it's difficult to even bring ideas to their bosses.
What's actually difficult is figuring out how to cozy up and who to square up to.
Thankfully, I got a friend who's a good listener.
<Background 2>
Spokesman McKee So what will we do with Area 0...?
We'll be working with too many uncertain factors if we let the two Infected knights make a big splash after all the uprisings the Infected have instigated.
And if the public catches wind of the way Area 0 takes care of its Infected right now...
Spokesman Malkiewicz I suppose there are both upsides and downsides.
Spokesman McKee We don't permit "both upsides and downsides." Whether it's good or bad, what we want is control over the matter.
Spokesman Malkiewicz I have other ways to handle this...
Just to be safe, I've already instructed the Armorless Union to take care of it.
<Background 6>
Platinum Should I let you go, just like that?
You're an outsider who knows about the Armorless Union...
Gravel Don't be such a sore loser, Platinum. You're embarrassing yourself, you know?
Platinum ......
[Amiya enters the room amidst the tension.]
Amiya Doctor! I've got something to ask you about transporting today's supplies–
Hm? Do you have a guest? I-I'm sorry...
Platinum It's okay... Come in.
Gravel An Armorless and a campaign knight are having tea together because of you, Doctor. You're really full of surprises.
Amiya Um... Doctor, may I have a second? I need you to sign this...
Platinum (So that's Rhodes Island's leader... If I take her down now...)
Naturally, she is just entertaining the thought.
Even Gravel, who sits mere meters away from her, can feel not an ounce of hostility. After all, she is merely entertaining the thought.
Be that as it may, Platinum suddenly hesitates, before feeling relieved for her decision.
She is relieved that she did not carry out her mission.
In the blink of an eye, she senses a possibility in the petite Cautus.
If things escalate, will she actually be able to draw her arrow unscathed?
Or perhaps, before that–
Amiya Hm...? Miss? Is something the matter?
Platinum Never mind. Please excuse me.
I'll send someone to fix the glass I broke. Time to go.
The Doctor...{nickname} of Rhodes Island.
I'll be back.
[Centaurea leaves, having lost the will to continue her mission.]
Amiya Doctor, Gravel... Did something happen?
Gravel No.
We had a cup of tea together. That's all.
<Background 7>
An Armorless Union Member Platinum, ma'am... Here's what you wanted.
Platinum I'm surprised you found it.
An Armorless Union Member Right. We searched through the communications between Rhodes Island and the Adeptus, and we narrowed it down to this message with the clues we had.
These are the true medical examination records of Operator Nearl... the Radiant Knight.
[Platinum reads through R.I.'s medical files of Margaret...]
Platinum ......
[...but to her surprise and shock...]
Platinum What...?
The Radiant Knight... isn't Infected?!
<Background 8>
Greatmouth Mob Welcome to the Kazimierz Major! It's your old buddy, Greatmouth Mob!
Thanks to Nightmare Knight's mistake, we're treated to today's matchup, the Blood Knight versus Nightmare Knight!
With their terrifying auras, and might unmatched by any other, imagine the fight our mighty Blood Knight and the legendary Nightzmora have in store for us today!
The Blood Knight and Nightmare had a fiery first encounter the other day! And now! They face each other in a formal match!
There will be blood! There will be slaughter! Only the victor will get to bask in fame and glory. Let us welcome–our knights–for today's match–!
[The audience cheers as Margaret watches...]
Margaret ......
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[...Tola entering the arena.]
Nightmare Knight ......
Greatmouth Mob No knightclub, no sponsors. Good lord, why are you people leaving that huge pie on the table?!
Somebody, make him a knightclub! You'll be rolling in all the dough!
On the other side, we have the king of blood, Kazimierz's Blood-Red Chalice, the heartless victory machine, and deservedly, the very pinnacle!
[Dikaiopolis the Blood Knight enters the arena.]
The Blood Knight We meet again... Nightzmora.
Are you still searching for the shadows of the past?