Operation story: 3-4

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Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member

Before operation

Franka easily sees through the ambush that Reunion is planning, and Rhodes Island decides to press forward and seize victory.
<Background 1>
Exusiai So, what do you think about Penguin Logistics, Amiya? We're pretty good, aren't we?
Amiya Yeah, you're great!
Exusiai W-woaaah!
It feels pretty embarrassing getting complimented by a little girl!
Texas Watch your mouth. She's our client.
Exusiai Oops, sorry about that!
Amiya Don't worry about it. It's you who we should be thanking!
Texas So, we've met up with Rhodes Island.
What's next?
Amiya I might need the L.G.D. to come to a decision before I give my input.
Texas Is that so...
I'll ask them to come take a look over here then.
<Background black>
Hoshiguma This terrain...
Reunion must have lured us here on purpose.
<Background 1>
Franka Nothing but sand and rocks in this wasteland. It's got all the makings of one of those movie showdowns.
The only thing that's missing is the enemy, huh?
Ch'en Hoshiguma, stay here and back up Rhodes Island.
Hoshiguma Hm? Very well.
Ch'en I'll take the L.G.D. and change positions.
If this stalemate continues, we won't be able to control Reunion's escape routes.
Hoshiguma Understood.
You take care as well.
Exusiai ––Wooah, that was a really strong wind.
Ugh... The visibility's getting really poor too, I can barely see ahead of me...
Franka Don't go any farther.
Liskarm Reunion might wait for us to fall into their trap before they attack again.
We can't let that happen.
Franka How about this, Amiya.
Liskarm and I will fight for control over the high ground around here and scout out the enemy.
Until we notify you, stay in this position.
Just don't rush out to us even if it looks like the fighting is getting intense, Amiya.
Amiya I know. I'll make my own judgment call.
Franka Doctor, you keep an eye on her too!
Liskarm We'll be in touch.
<Background fades out and in>
Franka The ruins are empty. The high ground is currently undefended.
That's curious, does Reunion not have any commanders?
Amiya Franka, is something wrong?
Franka This place was supposed to be easy to defend but hard to attack.
There's no way that Reunion hasn't set up an ambush...
Reunion Member Die, traitors!
Franka Tch... No sense of honor.
Amiya ...Franka!! Behind you!!
I see Reunion forces coming up from the nearby ruins!
[Franka slashes at the Reunion ambushers with her sword.]
Reunion Member *cough*... I couldn't see...her sword?!
How... is that possible...
Franka Haha!
Did you really think you could ambush us from there?
Don't you think you're underestimating me?
Reunion Member ...Blacksteel...!
Fall back! Hurry!
[The Reunion ambushers flee.]
Franka I really thought there'd be more Reunion goons up here. I was even walking on tiptoes.
Turns out it's just a bunch of cowards. How disappointing.
Liskarm You're going to get disappointed over that?!
More importantly, we have to go after them! Don't let them get away so easily!
Amiya, what do you think?
Amiya I think... it's best not to risk it!
Let's let Penguin Logistics stabilize the situation before we decide on the next thing to do.
Exusiai, can you prioritize securing the high ground?
Exusiai Sure thing! I'm on my way!
Amiya Good, continue pressuring the enemy. Don't let Reunion stage a counterattack!
Texas ...
Reunion is trying to regroup after retreating a bit.
They're... bringing something out!
Amiya ...
Watch out.
That thing...
is no ordinary thug!
I never expected Reunion to be working with...
Franka Could that be...
Liskarm Working with who?
You're right, this Reunion soldier does look different...
Amiya Could it be...
(Liskarm, we're currently working with the L.G.D.... It's probably not the best time to be talking about sensitive topics!)
Liskarm (Ah, understood.)
Amiya (I'll tell you my theory next time!)
Texas *yawns*...
Amiya Everyone, please get ready!
This... might be a very difficult battle!

After operation

However, the ambush was intended to be a distraction, and everything was to set the stage for a single lethal blow against the Doctor.
Even though the first hit is blocked, the second flies towards the Doctor, about to find its mark—
<Background 1>
Liskarm ...
What the hell...
All that, for only a single Reunion squad...
Franka And a really big guy.
Now that was the highlight. I'm totally exhausted just from dealing with him!
Hoshiguma Impossible.
How could so many Infected vanish so quickly?
Was that giant guy just a diversion?
Amiya ...
Did Reunion manage to completely evacuate this area in such a short period of time?
No... Madam Ch'en should have blocked off their escape route...
Franka I'm not seeing their designated waypoint.
Something... isn't right about this.
Weeds, ruins, sand dunes...
All of which are potential spots for an ambush...
But, I'm not seeing anything.
No footsteps, no sounds of clothing brushing against plants, no spell of explosives...
I can't tell what's going on!
Penguin Logistics, wake up and do your job!
This isn't right at all!
<Background black>
Hoshiguma Hush!
What's that sound...?
[Footsteps can be heard.]
Exusiai ... ... ... Huh?
It's from... underground?!!
Amiya! The noise is coming from underground!
[Someone opens fire from the underground...]
Amiya !!!!
[...which causes an explosion as the attacker follows up with another shot.]
Hoshiguma Doctor!! Get down, now!!!
These guys... will really stop at nothing!
[The attacker is revealed to be Skullshatterer, who strikes at the Doctor with his blades, only to be blocked by Hoshiguma with her shield Hannya.]
Skullshatterer ...?!
How... did you block that?
Hoshiguma My "Hannya" is not something you can penetrate.
Skullshatterer We'll see... about that...
[Skullshatterer fires a shot from his grenade launcher, causing an explosion which disorients the R.I.-L.G.D. operatives.]
Franka ...!
The temperature is rising sharply!!
Is he trying to detonate his staff?
Doctor! Run away! At that distance, you'll––
Hoshiguma You'll–––
Skullshatterer Attacks.png
Skullshatterer It's over!
[A tense heartbeat sound is heard...]
Amiya No... Noooo–––!
You can't–––––
I won't let you hurt Doctor––––––!!
[...and a strong killing intent can be felt.]
Amiya Attacks.png
Amiya ...!
[Amiya unleashes her Arts at Skullshatterer...]
Amiya Strikes Skullshatterer.png
[...impaling him with a black blade that fatally wounds him.]
The Mortal Blow.png
Skullshatterer *cough* *cough*...
Amiya ...!
Skullshatterer You are powerful...
But... look at you...
You're so strong.
*cough*... It hurts...
Even though you have this kind of power...
You still... in cold blood... watch your fellow Infected...
I can't... forgive...
I can't forgive those like you...
<Background 2>
Misha ... ...
No... Don't...!