Operation story: 3-3

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Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member

Before operation

The duo of Exusiai and Texas create chaos within the enemy ranks, drawing most of the enemy's attention to themselves.
Elsewhere, Rhodes Island's team finally arrives and prepares to head into battle—
<Background 1>
[Texas attacks the Reunion soldiers.]
Reunion Member Curses...!
There are only two enemies! Get in there already!
What are you so scared of?!
[A soldier is struck down.]
Reunion Member We've already lost over twenty soldiers!
Those two devils are no ordinary people...!
Exusiai Watch your right!
Texas Give me a hand.
Reunion Member Keep pressuring her! I'll finish her off!
Texas I don't have time to deal with that guy rushing at me.
Exusiai You owe me a drink next time, all right?
Texas Sure, now hurry it up.
Exusiai All right!
Hey, Mister Reunion guy?
Reunion Member Huh?
Exusiai This bullet is my gift to you. Make sure to accept it with gratitude~
Reunion Member Bullet? What the...
[Exusiai opens fire at the soldier.]
Reunion Member Guh... Ughh...
Exusiai Heh, took care of him for you~
Texas Thank you very much.
<Background black>
Reunion Member Y-you monster!
Her... her sword...
Aaaaahh! I'm sorry!!
Texas ––Usually, I prefer to use two.
[Texas slashes the Reunion soldier with her swords.]
Reunion Member Gaah! Aaagh!!
<Background 1>
Exusiai That's the rest of them.
We were totally in sync back there!
Texas ...Guess so.
Reunion Member Get back here!
Texas Here comes their main force.
Looks like we made a bit too much noise and drew their attention.
Reunion Member Aaaaaah!!! You...!!
How can this be... What have you done?!
Exusiai Ah, don't take this personally.
But, we're on a contract, you know?
When you're in a logistics business, there's nothing more important than fulfilling your contracts!
Texas On your left.
[Texas struck down a Reunion soldier who attacks Exusiai from her blind spot.]
Exusiai Huh?
Wha– huh?
<Background fades out>
Texas Please cover my right then.
Start running. We need to move.
[Exusiai provides covering fire for Texas as they withdraw.]
<Background fades in>
Amiya Exusiai, we're currently approaching your position!
Exusiai We've drawn the full attention of the enemy. The rest is up to you!
Amiya Stay safe, you two!
<Background fades out and in>
Amiya Franka, have you arrived at the destination yet?
Franka All good here.
Liskarm Liskarm and the other defenders are already in position.
Amiya Everyone, please be on your guard. The enemy snipers may be using the landscape to conceal themselves.
Make sure to mind your own positioning, and prioritize targeting the enemy snipers.
Next... we'll prepare our assault.
...But don't overdo it, we can't put our target in danger.

After operation

Rhodes Island's attack forces Skullshatterer into action. Faced with Misha's apprehension, he gives his denial without hesitation.
Even W offers a plan of her own.
<Background 1>
Skullshatterer Look.
Misha Hmm...
Skullshatterer This is the trigger.
Just load the ammo like this...
Aim at the enemy, and pull the trigger.
This will launch the bullet...
Then concentrate, and grip the handle.
Concentrate... and channel your Arts.
This will cause the bullet to detonate.
Misha I don't know if I can...
Skullshatterer I know you can do this.
We have a lot in common. I can feel it within you.
Just picture it in your mind...
Here, hold on to this Originium shard.
Misha Nnh...
Skullshatterer Concentrate.
Misha ...
My palm feels... hot.
Skullshatterer That's right!
I knew it, I knew it...
Yes, Misha, you really are... Haha, ahaha...
You really are my...
Reunion Member ...We have to go! Skullshatterer, hurry!
We can't hold this base anymore!
Skullshatterer What happened?!
Reunion Member Rhodes Island is attacking! We're being rushed!
Skullshatterer ...
Those bastards...
Don't panic. Regroup and prepare our counterattack!
Misha Skullshatterer...
I'm sure... Rhodes Island will...
Skullshatterer Will what? You want me to have a chat with Rhodes Island?
Misha They, they're surely trying to help the Infected.
Skullshatterer They killed so many of my comrades...
You're really asking me to talk to them?
All my comrades... they were Infected too!
Rhodes Island, those self-proclaimed saviors of the Infected... what did they do to help my comrades?
What did they say to you to blind you?!
Misha I don't know...
Skullshatterer Sorry...
I'm getting too emotional.
But one thing is certain...
Reunion has finally provided a sliver of hope to the Infected after all this time...
But Rhodes Island, despite being Infected, chose to hurt us, to slaughter us!
What are they but traitors?!
What is there to discuss with traitors?!
Misha Are the Infected doomed to always kill each other then?
Skullshatterer Then, what am I supposed to do...
Should I just stand by and watch my comrades die?
Misha ...
Skullshatterer Don't worry.
We'll protect you.
You'll also have to protect yourself though...
Don't get pulled into the fighting.
Please be careful...
Misha Promise... you'll come back...
Just when I finally found you again...
<Background fades out>
Skullshatterer Yeah. I'll come back for you.
Then, we'll go home together...
Misha ...Mhm.
<Background fades in>
W Hey there.
So, you need my help after all?
Skullshatterer That's right.
Actually... the situation is a bit different from what Talulah told us.
The enemy is more powerful than we expected.
That's why... you have to protect Misha.
W I don't think I'm obligated to do that.
Skullshatterer You are.
W Fine, fine.
However, it's not enough to just protect Misha, is it?
If you fail, they'll still catch up to us.
Skullshatterer ...
What do you have in mind?
W Skullshatterer, don't you remember what I told you before?
Skullshatterer ...I do.
We can turn the tables if we take out that target.
Dr. {player_name}...
W See, you were paying attention. All we have to do is take out their commander. Easy, right?
The hooded person who's always next to that bunny girl.
The person who leads Rhodes Island's combat operations.
If you can kill that one... Bang!
Just like that, their brain will be gone.
Everything will be so easy after that~
We don't have many troops left, and we're running out of options.
There's a location near the front of the mines that will be great for setting up our ambush.
My casters will provide cover for you... You know what to do, don't you?
I'll use my troops to draw them here.
Don't miss this opportunity~
Skullshatterer I understand.
...Take care of Misha for me.
W Sure thing~
Hmph... Anyways, good luck.