Operation story: 3-2

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Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Wildlands Morning

Before operation

Hoshiguma from the Special Ops Team of the L.G.D. joins up with the party.
The chivalrous Hoshiguma offered candid praise for Rhodes Island before charging into battle.
<Background 1>
Ch'en It's about time you showed up, Hoshiguma.
Hoshiguma Apologies. We were delayed for a long time.
Ch'en Any injuries?
Hoshiguma No.
However, we were shocked by how strong that Infected was.
The Special Ops Division had already committed a lot of members to reinforcing Lungmen's defense.
I had to take the rest of the available members with me.
Ch'en ...Was your entire squad really held up by a single enemy?
Hoshiguma I didn't believe it either until I saw her with my own eyes.
That person... truly was that strong.
On top of that, she seemed a bit... absent-minded?
Anyway, about these people standing next to you...
Are they Rhodes Island?
Amiya Madam Ch'en, is she...
Ch'en Hoshiguma, an elite from the Special Operations Division.
Hoshiguma So you're the Rhodes Island I've been hearing so much about?
Hmm, such a young kid. Are you also with Rhodes Island?
Ch'en She's their leader.
Amiya Um, Madam Ch'en...
Hoshiguma Woah...
Anyway, let's cut the small talk.
Any ideas about what we do now?
Amiya Two of our special agents have located the kidnappers' location.
They're tracking Reunion as we speak, and can provide us with directions.
Hoshiguma Not bad.
Ch'en, I can see why they've earned your praise.
These people take their work seriously.
Amiya Madam Ch'en... praised us?
Ch'en Hmph.
Hoshiguma, gather all our squads. It's time to move out.
Lead the way, Rhodes Island.
Amiya Understood. As expected, Reunion left behind some scattered forces.
They'll be lying in ambush on our route...
Hoshiguma Not a problem.
Amiya Yes, as long as we move cautiously, we'll be able to take the initiative against them.
Hoshiguma All right!
Let me see how well you fight, Rhodes Island!

After operation

Misha and Skullshatterer finally meet again, but nothing is as it used to be.
Skullshatterer's hateful accusations leave Misha feeling a sense of unfamiliarity towards the person she once knew, but she can't help but to feel a thread of empathy.
<Background 2>
Reunion Member So, you must be Misha?
Misha ...
Reunion Member Hello.
Misha ...?
Reunion Member I've heard a lot about you from Skullshatterer. Now, I finally get to meet you.
Misha Are you also... Infected...?
Reunion Member Yes, I am.
Misha Why did you... join Reunion?
Reunion Member Why?
My wife, my child... they were all killed by the Chernobogians. Under Ursus, the Infected were treated worse than livestock.
The destruction of Chernobog...? No, no. That is far too light of a punishment...
Do you know how much blood is on their hands?!
Misha... We've been feared, exploited, humiliated, and persecuted...
Just because of the fact that we're Infected.
Not for any other reason.
Misha ...
Reunion Member S-sorry, I got a bit heated. Forget what I said.
Misha ...
Skullshatterer Ivan, come help tend to the injured.
Reunion Member Coming.
Skullshatterer We're only using this abandoned mine as a temporary base until we can reorganize and regroup.
Once the time is right, we'll make our way back to Chernobog.
Misha ...
Skullshatterer No...
I threw away that name long ago.
Misha Why...?
Skullshatterer That person already died.
Just call me Skullshatterer.
Are you... afraid?
Misha Skull...shatterer? ...Why?
Skullshatterer Ah... You'll soon understand.
After we learned that you ended up as a refugee in Lungmen, everyone volunteered to go rescue you.
We've also accepted many new members there.
Misha But... you're hurting people.
I don't want to... do that...
Why are the Infected fighting each other...
Skullshatterer An eye for an eye, as things should be.
There is a saying in Ursus. "Welcome your kin as you would welcome the warm spring..."
"But welcome your enemies..."
... ... ...
Misha What's wrong?
Skullshatterer ...Do you know?
No... No, you don't.
<Background black>
Skullshatterer When they came for me, they dragged me out of my house...
Misha What's wrong?
Skullshatterer I saw my mother. She grabbed my hand...
You saw it too.
Misha ...No...
Skullshatterer You must have––
They beat her mercilessly, but she wouldn't let go of me...
She left a trail of blood in the snow as they dragged her away.
If Reunion had... If the Infected could have... If only––!
If they came sooner, none of this would have happened!
We would not have had to suffer so much!
<Background 2>
Misha I... I wasn't brave enough to...
I... Aaaahh...
Skullshatterer Misha...
It'll be fine... It'll all be fine in the end.
I don't blame you.
Back then... who would've been brave enough?
But now, Reunion has given me that bravery.
Misha Al––
Skullshatterer Whether or not you trust us is up to you.
Even if you trust us, whether or not you join us is also up to you.
But you are an Infected.
Reunion... will definitely fight to the bitter end so that the Infected can be free.
Misha But... you destroyed Chernobog.
Along with countless innocents––
Skullshatterer ...Innocents?
Hah. Who's innocent?
When Chernobog implemented the quarantine, did any of them speak out against it?
When Ursus sent us to die in the mines and the frozen wastelands, did any of them do anything about it?
Did any of them ever stand up for us?!
Misha I don't know...
Skullshatterer ...Reunion has two leaders who fought for Ursus for a long time.
They said that there were some in Ursus who stood against the government for the sake of the Infected.
But they weren't in Chernobog.
Chernobog coldly turned a blind eye toward us as we died...
No, they laughed as they watched us die!!
Misha ...
Skullshatterer Chernobog... deserved to be destroyed!!
Misha I met other people who were helping the Infected... They...
Skullshatterer Rhodes Island?
Despite being Infected, they helped Lungmen and harmed us, didn't they?
Misha ...
Skullshatterer They slew our comrades and decimated our brethren, didn't they?
Misha No...
Skullshatterer You couldn't see the truth. But it should be clear to you now...
...Sorry, I let my anger take over.
Misha It's fine... I...
I understand how you feel...
You must have been suffering so much... all this time...
Skullshatterer Everyone has been through a lot.
But right now, at least we have hope.
Talulah... She is the one who took charge of the Infected and led the fight against the cruelty of this world.
Reunion is the only hope we have.
Misha I see... You've all suffered so much...
If Reunion can really protect them all...
Skullshatterer Of course.
Just like how Reunion will protect everyone... I will protect you.
I won't let anyone hurt you anymore.
Misha ...
<Background fades out and in>
Exusiai Ooh, I found 'em––!
Looks like they sustained some pretty serious losses.
Luckily, I didn't head back to the company headquarters... Otherwise, I would've needed to make a long detour for this mission...
Texas Try to predict their escape routes.
Send all likely routes along with their bearings to Amiya.
Exusiai I'll be done in a sec!
Texas Hmph.
We can't give Reunion time to regroup.
Exusiai Hmmm, let's see... over here... like this... and that should do it!
Texas Are you done, Exusiai?
Exusiai What do you need? How are we going to do this?
Texas Let's have a little warm-up first.
Start with their sentries.