Operation story: 3-1

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Agent
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Wildlands Morning

Before operation

After regrouping, Amiya learns that Misha has been kidnapped by W. Amiya presses Ch'en for the truth, and the latter finally reveals Misha's secret.
This time, the L.G.D. decides to join forces with Rhodes Island.
<Background 1>
Ch'en Looks like you had a rough time as well.
Amiya Madam Ch'en, what happened here?.
Ch'en We were ambushed by Reunion.
We were caught in a withering assault with no reinforcements. They easily routed our forces.
Amiya And Misha...?
Ch'en She was taken away by a woman dressed in red.
I really should have...
Amiya ...?
Ch'en Nevermind.
Amiya ...
Madam Ch'en, why is Misha so special?
If you keep hiding things from us, it's only going to be harder and harder for us to continue working together.
Ch'en I have no obligation to tell you.
Amiya But Rhodes Island has an obligation to understand the objectives and prepare our strategies accordingly.
Naturally, we'll continue to follow the L.G.D.'s instructions during our operations...
However, when it comes to using the Infected to fight other Infected, we need all the information we can get.
While you may have that information, you don't have the means of using it effectively to reduce your losses.
On the other hand, we have the ability to stop Reunion, but we don't know what they're after.
Ch'en ...
You sounded a bit like that doctor just now.
Amiya Is, is that so...
I think...
This is something that is equally important to both of us.
Ch'en I see.
Amiya If it's because you need to ask for permission from Chief Wei...
Ch'en When we investigated Misha, the most prominent bit of information was that her father was one of Chernobog's most influential people.
Amiya Misha's father?
Ch'en Naturally, we don't know how much Misha knows about Chernobog.
She could know nothing, or she could know everything.
Nobody knows...
...except her.
We also have no idea what kind of information she might have.
Since you predicted that Lungmen would be Reunion's next target...
It's obvious that we have to prevent Reunion from using Chernobog.
That's why we can't allow them to have Misha.
We were aware of the fact that someone who fit her descriptions had taken refuge in Lungmen...
But until you actually found her, we weren't able to verify if that intel was accurate.
Amiya If that's the case, we can't waste any more time.
We have to stop Reunion and rescue Misha before they're able to take her back to Chernobog!
Rhodes Island, prepare to move out!
Ch'en It was L.G.D.'s responsibility to track her down.
...and letting Reunion capture her was a dereliction of our duties.
Rather than launching a joint operation, we'll need Rhodes Island to eliminate other threats from Reunion.
This is an order.
Amiya ...Understood.
Ch'en Don't let me down.
<Background fades out and in>
Reunion Member N-no! D-don't beat me...
Ch'en You should've thought twice before entering Lungmen!
Reunion Member Aaaagh!
Ch'en Lock them all up!
They're not with this group of Infected. Curses...
Not with this group either... Damn it all...
L.G.D. Agent They... retreated way too quickly...
Ch'en It seems that Reunion also has its own hierarchy.
They just left the riffraff behind to buy them more time.
To think that a single person could delay our reinforcements...
Just who are they...
L.G.D. Agent Madam! We found some Reunion stragglers over there!
Ch'en Follow me!
L.G.D. Agent ...!
Be careful, Madam Ch'en!
It's an ambush!
Reunion Member G-go to hell!
Ch'en Don't get in my way––!
L.G.D. Agent Madam Ch'en, we're still on Lungmen soil!
The nearby facilities can still be used, so please try not to cause too much damage!
Ch'en Shut up already!
L.G.D. Agent At least, don't cut these buildings to pieces!
[Ch'en attacks the Reunion soldiers.]
Reunion Member Th-this woman...
She's so hard to deal with!
Ch'en ...Hard to deal with?
Foolish Infected...
Did you think we'd allow you filth to treat Lungmen like your personal latrine?!
L.G.D., attack!

During operation

PRTS Some terrain, such as bushes, can provide good camouflage for our Operators in the open field.
You should take advantage of such terrain to ambush our enemies.

After operation

Reunion's infiltration into Lungmen is unpredictable and unpreventable, but everyone is clear that the primary objective is to bring Misha back.
Rhodes Island leads the charge, Penguin Logistics backs them up, and the L.G.D. make up the main force. The battle lines are drawn, and the operation officially begins.
<Background 1>
L.G.D. Agent Madam...
Ch'en Speak.
L.G.D. Agent Most of Reunion's forces have retreated already.
Amiya Madam Ch'en, we're also done here.
Ch'en Tsk...
About those Reunion suspects that we rounded up a few days ago...
Have we been able to get any information out of them?
Faust Captured.png
Reunion Suspect ...
L.G.D. Agent Does this crossbow look familiar to you?
Reunion Suspect ...
L.G.D. Agent You're able to draw it, aren't you?
What's the structure of the ammunition? How does it work?
What were you doing in the slums?
What were you doing in Lungmen?
Reunion Suspect ...
<Background 1>
L.G.D. Agent ...Nothing.
They won't say a word.
Or perhaps... they just don't know anything.
Like the other Reunion members we defeated, they're probably nothing more than obedient puppets.
Ch'en ...Make them speak.
Use any methods necessary.
I want to know about their squads, their leadership, their strategies, where they're from, and what they plan to do...
Get everything out of them that you can.
I want everything I can get.
Report back to me right away, no matter how insignificant it might seem.
L.G.D. Agent Roger!
Amiya Has the L.G.D. ever arrested Reunion members before?
Ch'en We can't say for sure.
In the end, it's just speculation.
Get me in touch with Hoshiguma!
How's the Special Operations Division faring?
Are they still being overwhelmed by a single Infected?
L.G.D. Agent Reunion seems to have pulled back on their end as well.
Inspector Hoshiguma is worried about a possible trap and is trying to rule out all risks...
Ch'en Hmph... Just a single person...
Who the hell do they think they are, coming and going like that?!
You should already know what your next mission is going to be, Amiya.
Amiya We're going to get Misha back?
Ch'en Correct.
This will be the joint operation.
The L.G.D. will take the lead, while Rhodes Island will be in charge of recon and the assault.
Your mission is complete as long as you can stall Reunion's retreat.
Amiya Understood.
<Background fades out and in>
Franka If we're looking for the enemy... won't we also risk being discovered?
Amiya Right now, we also don't have enough support for our recon squad...
Franka We can't do this on our own.
Amiya We should leave this to the professionals.
Franka, help me get in touch with Penguin Logistics.
We're going to need another favor from Exusiai and Texas.