Operation story: 3-5

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Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member

Before operation

Amiya lashes out violently, and in a flash of sparks and flame, Skullshatterer falls to the ground.
Reunion rushes back, disregarding everything to bring back Skullshatterer's body.
<Background black>
Amiya Dr {nickname}...
I... I didn't mean to... I...
<Background 1>
Hoshiguma The fog has dispersed.
We've received communications from the L.G.D. They found more Reunion movements.
They're currently tracking down one enemy, described as female with white hair––
Amiya ...
Hoshiguma Amiya, Ch'en told me that she wanted you to...
...You don't look so good.
Doctor Let me handle it.
Hoshiguma Well...
I'll leave her to you, Dr {nickname}.
It'd be ideal to leave within 5 minutes.
[Hoshiguma leaves.]
Amiya ...
Dr {nickname}...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Are you scared?
Amiya Huh...? I...
Doctor... it's not like I'm afraid or anything...
Of course, I'm afraid... of losing you again... That's why...
I just... didn't mean to...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ...Do you not like this power you have?
Amiya I... I just don't know...
I don't know if I should be saying this, but...
It shouldn't... only be hurting other people.
I don't want you to see me like this, up close...
...I took someone's life.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Amiya, it's not your fault.
Amiya I feel no regret.
No, what I mean is...
I will always use my power for your sake. No matter what kind of burden he was carrying, I don't regret killing him.
But... there should have been a better way.
He died because... I wasn't able to find it.
And that... is eating me up inside.
I don't want...
I don't want you to see this side of me, {nickname}.
Even though I've always talked about freeing the Infected from pain and suffering...
But when matters the most, I have to persuade myself, again and again, that it's justified to take the life of another Infected.
I am truly pathetic.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor Amiya, at least you protected me.
Amiya ...
...This was my duty.
I understand.
I never believed that anything was already determined by fate.
But, no matter what happens... no matter what I become...
I'll always protect you, Doctor.
I promise.
<Background fades out and in>
Reunion Member No!
You all go first!
I need to... I need to bring Skullshatterer back!
Reunion Member Are you insane?
That's suicide... If you're going, we're all going together!
Reunion Member All right!
I can't leave him alone out there...
Reunion Member Let's go then!
<Background fades out and in>
Hoshiguma Why...
Why is Reunion... turning back around?
What are they doing...?!
Amiya Madam Hoshiguma! Fall back!
Hoshiguma L.G.D., don't panic!
Prepare for enemy attack!
[Hoshiguma withstand the attacks from Reunion soldiers with her shield Hannya.]
Reunion Member Cover! Cover me!
That woman...
It's impossible... We can't get past her shield!
Quick! Wrap around, before they have a chance to react...
We have to get to Skullshatterer... and bring him...
And bring him home!!
Hoshiguma Rhodes Island! They're changing their target, watch out!
Amiya Oh no!
Madam Hoshiguma! Watch your right!
Hoshiguma Huh...?
[A grenade explodes close to Hoshiguma, but she managed to guard herself with Hannya.]
W Hehe, you managed to block that? That's a bit interesting...
Hoshiguma An explosion? Another Reunion ambush?!
W Not just that, of course~
I'd like you to behave yourself and stay put right here. Don't think about turning back, all right?
[W throws another grenade at Hoshiguma.]
Hoshiguma Tsk... Where the hell did you come from?!
Again with those explosives...!
Amiya! I'm getting bombarded by Reunion!
Their forces are currently headed your way!
W Hmm, that shield of yours is pretty sturdy.
Seems like I've gotten myself into a bit of trouble...
Whatever, I'll just treat it like I'm doing Reunion a little favor.
Show me something entertaining. Make sure you don't let me down~
Amiya That's the "W" person who we saw at Chernobog!
Could she... have managed to shake off Madam Ch'en?!
Be careful of the enemy assault! We've got to help Madam Hoshiguma right away!
There are many more enemies hiding nearby!
We won't be able to get the upper hand unless we reveal them!
Doctor! Please lead our squads and hold off the enemy assault!

After operation

W is surrounded by Rhodes Island, but her role is simply to hand a mobile phone to Amiya.
The voice on the other side of the line belongs to Misha, but this time, her voice is clear and decisive.
<Background 1>
Amiya Fall back! Everyone, regroup!
Let them go!
The enemy is going to cut off our squads at this rate!
We can't afford to let that happen, in case more reinforcements show up...
These Reunion forces... are not targeting us!
Our top priority is to keep our operators safe!
Snipers, stop attacking the fleeing Reunion forces!
Focus on helping Madam Hoshiguma first!
Hoshiguma So annoying!
W Not bad, not bad. You actually managed to soak up all my attacks~
But, how much more can you take?
Hoshiguma That depends on how long you can survive!
–––Ch'en! Hurry up!
Ch'en Surround that woman!
W Ohhh, did L.G.D. come to play?
Ch'en Lower your weapons!
W We meet again, Madam~
Ch'en You won't talk your way out of this.
All that you've done to Lungmen... I'll do to you twice over.
W Oh my, how scary~
But I'm not here to play with you today.
Amiya, catch~
Amiya Me? This is... some kind of phone?
W That's right. Someone wants to talk to you~
Amiya ...?!
W Anyway, that concludes my mission.
Before I forget, I have something for you as well, Madam.
See you later~
Ch'en Watch out!
[W throws a flashbang at Amiya, using the distraction to flee.]
Amiya ...A short-range bomb...?!
No, it's a flashbang!
Don't let her trick you...
Ch'en ...It's too late.
She already got away.
She sure got out of there fast. All she needed was a momentary distraction to slip through our defenses.
Also, you should be careful of that thing you're holding. If it's another bomb...
Amiya This... seems like a regular cellphone...
Except... could it be...
<Background black>
[The cellphone rings.]
Phone Call.png
Misha Is that...
Amiya Misha! Tell me, where are you?! I'm...
Misha Amiya...
<Background black>
Girl's Voice ...Prioritize... treating the heavily injured!! We need a blood transfusion here!! Hurry!!
Young Man's Voice ...Damn it... Why... Even though we're all Infected...
Rhodes Island... why would they do this to us...?!
Girl's Voice ... We were always abandoned from the very beginning!! We have no escape... nothing at all...!
Boy's Voice Don't die! Don't leave me!! We promised... We promised to go home together...!
Girl's Voice *sobbing*... Brother... please don't...
Phone Call.png
Misha Do you hear their voices...?
Amiya ...
Reunion's... Infected?
Misha I remember now.
No, I never forgot. I just... didn't want to remember...
That's right. It was Reunion that destroyed my home. My father also...
But... we brought it upon ourselves.
That year, I watched my younger brother, dragged away before my own eyes... He called out for me, crying my name, but I turned away...
...and hid inside my room.
When he found me again... He had sacrificed so many things.
Even though he still loved me, I was afraid, and I ran away...
But I now understand.
Everything that he has done... was just to give the oppressors a taste of the suffering that the Infected go through every day.
And now, I am one of them.
...It is time for me to atone for my sins.
Amiya Misha, don't be rash!
No matter how you treated the Infected in the past, you can always change––
Misha It's no use.
What can I change?
Because I... was one of those who turned a blind eye...
After becoming an Infected, I finally... can see it clearly.
The way normal people treated the Infected... is how the Infected would treat normal people.
Because they deserve it.
Amiya No...
Misha All of this... Is nothing more than the weeds of evil that have sprouted from the seeds of cruelty I planted...
This torment is my karmic justice.
But, why... Why?
Why did that happen to him, even though he had done nothing wrong?!
All he was guilty of was suddenly coming down with the infection...
He was so young... He had only started asking for me to help with his homework!
If only I... If only I had protected him back then...
Amiya Misha! Please calm down!
You didn't hurt any innocents! None of this was your fault!
Misha From the very beginning, who's innocent?!
Amiya ...
Misha The only thing that's wrong... is this label that the Infected have been given...
If this is a cycle of revenge against each other... Then tell me, who was the one who set this tragedy in motion...?!
If Ursus had never treated the Infected like monsters...
...then what reason would anyone have to hate Ursus so much?!
Who ordained that the Infected must suffer like this?!
Amiya Misha...
Skullshatterer is dead. You can come back to us now. I promise, we'll...
Misha ...
Amiya... I've already found my answer...
I am an Infected.
I stand on the side of the Infected.
Amiya Don't...
Misha That's right, Amiya. You're also an Infected...
So you should be able to understand.
Amiya That's right. I'm just like you... just like everyone in Rhodes Island. We all understand how you feel...
But, Misha, even if you accept your identity, that won't change who you are!
Please wait for me! I'm coming to find you!
Misha Don't come.
Amiya ...Misha! Where are you––
Misha You're right, Amiya. You're absolutely right... I was just feeling guilty. Guilty... because I was too weak.
But I've made up my mind.
Even if it's only a single step... it is a step that I must take.
I'm sorry, Amiya. I'm so sorry...
To be an Infected... is to be a part of Reunion.
That is all we are, after all...
Amiya Misha? Misha?! Misha!!