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Minos (Μίνως) is a Terran country located on a piece of land close to Sargon. It is a confederacy of classical democracy formed by multiple independent city-states, with three major cities: Athenus the capital, Corinia, and Lakedaímōn, and it is predominantly inhabited by the Forte race. Minos is also well known for being a pacifist patron of arts and its high-quality weapons.

The Minoans embrace a culture of hero veneration centering the Twelve Heroes of Mount Hymnoi. Since the end of the war with Sargon, the cult gradually expands to a point that every Minoan wants to be a hero. The Minoan hero cult's priests/priestesses also act as both the heads of states and its military leaders.

On the Infected issue, Minos is quite lenient. The Infected are not discriminated by the Minoans where everyone, regardless of whether they are Infected or not, can participate in the Hymnoi Wisdom. A major exception to this is for the Minoan hero cult's priests/priestesses. If such identity is being revealed, they will lose their position, and such news will be covered up.[1]


Centuries ago, Minos was invaded by the Lords Ameer of Sargon. Through its mighty imperial forces, Sargon overran Minos and colonized the nation. In order to fully subjugate the Minoans, the Sargonians enforced forced assimilation onto the subjects. Through this policy, they brutally destroyed the Minoan culture and technology, banned the Minoan hero cult, dismantled the temples and shrines dedicated to the heroes and shut down theatres across the country. Sargon's tyranny eventually led to the rise of the Twelve Heroes. Starting from a war to reclaim their shrine, they united the Minoans and bravely led them in an insurgency that gradually drove the Sargonians out of Minos.[1]

During Sargon's reign, these heroic statues were destroyed. But the Minoans didn't gave up their love for their art of sculpting

Despite the Sargonians' departure, Sargon continues to harass Minos through border skirmishes until the present day. While most of the Minoan city-states are slowly rebuilding themselves, many Minoan villages are constantly raided by the Sargonian clans. However, the Minoans will continue resisting Sargon's aggression until their clans made peace with the Minoan villages, one way or another.[1][2]

The Twelve Heroes did not survive the passing of time and were entombed on Mount Hymnoi. To honor the Twelve Heroes, an annual festival later known as "Hymnoi Wisdom" is held beneath the mountain. Today, Hymnoi Wisdom is a national sports competition where anyone around Minos, regardless of whether they are Infected or not, could participate. But at one time, Hymnoi Wisdom was a military exercise for the Minoan city-states.[3]

Although the Twelve Heroes are revered by many Minoans, the definition of a hero appears to be up for debate even within Minos. For example, some consider heroes to have no weaknesses at all, while other depictions of heroes include flaws and lack of strength, but with optimism and kind-heartedness.[1][4][5]

Minos' wine is said to be particularly strong.[5]

Notable people

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Eurill Pides icon.png


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  • Athenus: The capital of Minos where Pallas came from. It is viewed as the "spiritual garden of Minos"[6] and is the avenue where the Hall of the Twelve Heroes is located.
  • Corinia: One of the three city-states of Minos. it is known for its flourishing trade and business but also its rampant corruption.[6]
  • Lakedaímōn: One of the three city-states of Minos that is viewed as the "sacred ground of warriors."[6]
  • Akroti: A village that borders Sargon. It was the place where an injured Heavyrain was rescued by Pallas.[2]


  • Mount Hymnoi: The second tallest mountain in Minos. It is the burial site of the Twelve Heroes and the location where Hymnoi Wisdom is held.
  • Heria Mountains: Mountains which the Twelve Heroes are said by legends to have passed by to arrive in Minos, and potentially one of the highest peaks of Minos.[7][8] However, its existence and status are not explicitly confirmed by in-game texts, but rather mentioned as a myth-like landmark.
