Mama John's

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Occupying a spot in every Columbian's table
—Quote from a Mama John's TV commercial, ca. 1080s

Mama John's is a Terran organization. It is a megacorporation based in Columbia that spans in all kinds of fields, from daily grocery to protection equipment. Recently, it even includes pharmaceutical services to the pioneers in Columbia's frontier. Thanks to slogans such as "One of the most popular doughnut chains", the company has become part of the collective imaginary of most Columbians, and an integral part of the three meals per day.

Mama John's is also the inventor of the "Personal Refuge" which can be found in its stores.[1] It is also the main sponsor for the 8th season of the Dossoles Warrior Championship through their valuable vouchers.[2]


Originally, Mama John's was a simple Columbian doughnut chain, eventually growing up in popularity.[3] After many business cooperation discussions, the trademark began to quietly, but quickly, expand into other business areas, providing a wide range of products to its customers in the last decade. In fact, Mama John's stores and products can be found almost everywhere in Terra, ranging to furniture to TVs, and even cargo landships that sail through the pioneering areas and the Terran continent alike. Their food products have become a common sight in every restaurant across Columbia, be it big or small. [4]

Despite Mama John's interest in the pharmaceutical industry, most of the medicine they provide is in fact bought and resold from other corporations like Beachbrella, Tower Mountains, and Rhine Lab. The corporation contracts out uneducated pioneers in the Western frontiers and tricks them with the promise of free Oripathy suppressants in exchange for their labor. In reality, the medicine provided is merely painkillers and nutrient solutions that only hide the symptoms of Oripathy but do nothing to treat the disease. By doing so, Mama John's turned a significant profit at the expense of the common folks' lives. In spite of this, most of their workers are in complete ignorance of this fact and grateful towards the corporation even on their deathbeds.[3] The company also provides these fake medications to the local Infected communities in cities such as Tkaronto.[5] At the same time, they also got involved in political corruption with the infamous "Doughnut Case" where they had an illegal financial scheme with Representative Ben Crisson, candidate for the Union Congress, accused of several corruption cases through his private foundation.

"The Doughnut Case in D.C. Keeps Rolling Out," Bunkerhill Journal
Unofficial English translations provided by Jowett.

As the mid-term election is right around the corner, the recently exposed "Doughnut Case" continues to ferment in D.C. One source claims that the Federal Attorneys have intended to convene a trial this week in order to examine evidences of the case, twenty written documents, seven audio records, and a box of doughnuts, and determine whether to prosecute the main subject of the case, Representative Ben Crisson.

According to D.C. Telegraph, Ben Crisson is accused of maintaining a long-term illicit financial flow with the distribution manager of the well-known corporation Mama John's in Max D.C. by enriching his private foundation through financial infidelity, money laundry, and tax fraud which the Federal Attorneys hold reasonable suspicion on. Last August, Crisson used the name of the foundation to order 30,000 boxes of doughnuts and a batch of Mama John's medical supplies which were claimed to used for "Oripathy charity for the frontier pioneers." He hired media outlets to promote his "Doughnut Charity" which became the main driving force behind Mama John's consecutive victories in competing for supply contracts in frontier settlements.

However, according to undisclosed information, the financial flow of Crisson's private foundation did not chronologically correspond to the "Doughnut Charity" he otherwise claimed. The recording revealed that the funds used to buy doughnut boxes are most likely political bribery provided by the distribution manager in D.C. Furthermore, a box of Mama John's "Special Doughnuts" sponsored by the manager was recently discovered in Crisson's office.

Many senior analysists believe that Crisson, who is currently deep in the quagmire, has great expectation to enter the Union Congress through mid-term election and compete with Leighton Smith, who previously served as Vice President Conrad Jackson's Chief of Staff, for a seat in the House Budget Committee. As for now, he will not only face severe charges from the Union Supreme Court in Max D.C., but also the extreme pressure upon him by his collaborators in the foundation. Ben Crisson's smooth political career will likely come to an end.

In a press conference held on the 19th, a spokesman from the Department of Justice has denied the rumor about the formation of a special investigation team over the "Doughnut Case." Currently, the DOJ has no plan to launch an administrative investigation on the case for the time being.[6]

Mama John's attempted to steal Rhodes Island's Oripathy suppressant formula by bribing the local police to raid their hotel. However, the plan was foiled when the Doctor tricked them by surrendering themselves to the police, claiming to have smuggled illegal goods into the country. By doing so, the ATAO was made to seize their "illegal merchandise" and destroy it, including the Oripathy suppressant formulas that Mama John's was preying after.[3]


  1. Personal Refuge.png Personal Refuge description
  2. Mama John's Voucher.png Mama John's Voucher description
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Spes
  4. pg. 415, "Catalogue of Other Organizations"-Terra: A Journey
  5. Chapter 1, A1 Operations Preparation Detachment
  6. p. 340, "Columbia", Terra: A Journey.