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Bolívar, formerly known as the Viceroyalty of Bolívar (Virreinato de Bolívar) is a Terran country. It is a small country west of Columbia inhabited by small-sized races (predominantly Perro) with limited self-defense capabilities, known for its rich Originium deposits and a monarchy ruled by the Singas dynasty with a parliament as the legislature. Currently, the nation has fallen into a bloody civil war between three political factions.

Bolívar's use of the Iberian language resemble various Spanish dialects from South and Central America. However, both have distinct grammars and accents, even though both are mutually intelligible enough with each other. The Victorian and Leithanian languages are also two of the most spoken languages in the nation, as a result of foreign intervention.


Glorioso Virreinato

"¡Olé! ¡Sol y Alegría en Los Campos de Oro!" —The tagline of a colonial era advertisement. Compared to modern Columbian Pioneer propaganda, Iberia's call for immigration was considerably more transparent.

Once nicknamed as "Where the King also wants to visit", the land that currently comprises of the present-day Bolívar was once an overseas colony of Iberia founded in the year 737 as part of its Francisco de León Geological Expedition. De León, a famous Iberian explorer, was assigned by the Iberian crown as the first governor of the newly-founded Viceroyalty of Bolívar, named after the vast Bolívaian Plain, which was intended for agricultural production, mining, and colonizing activities. Indeed, the colony entered an age of rapid economic growth under De León's reign, attracting many immigrants to setlle.[1][2] Following De León's death in 759, Iberia assigned a new governor in charge. However, while competent, he wasn't nearly as popular or capable of ruling a colony than his predecessor.

Independencia e Intervención Extranjera

Things in Bolívar started to change drastically in the Terran year 769, with the passing of the Beyade Padishah, who previously agreed to establish diplomatic and trading relationships with De León 32 years earlier. His successor, a power-hungry man, forcedfully closed the trade routes between Bolívar and the Iberian mainland. At the same time, various countries from Terra's Centrum like Leithanien, Victoria, and Gaul grew concerned about Bolívar's rapid growth under Iberia's reign, fearing that it would threaten their interests. They organized themselves to try destabilize the colony. Under pressure from multiple factions, the Bolívarian governor had no option but to declare independence from the Iberian Crown, giving birth to the Autonomous Region of Bolívar. However, the country immediately fell into disunity within two years after its independence.[3][4]

From 885 to 897, in the midst of its political vacuum, a diplomatic tug-of-war between various foreign countries started to destabilize the situation in the newly independent Bolívar. After Leithanien managed to expand their influence in the country, the Kurfürst of Schtone send various armies from different districts to seize control over Bolívar, turning it into a puppet state by installing the Singas family as the fledging nation's ruler and governing Bolívar based on Leithanien's regions. Bolívar provided vast amounts of revenue, Originium exportations, and manpower back to Leithanien, at the expense of the suffering and struggle of its commonfolk.[5]

The independence of Columbia in 1019 would disrupt the plans of various countries regarding Bolívar, and deeply affected the Bolívar-Leithanien trade routes. Between the 1020s and 1047, the Federal Columbian Goverment attempted to interfere in the country's affairs by politically supporting local businesses and merchants, leading to some areas of Bolívar to break away from the Singas Dynasty and fall under Columbia's influence, seeking refuge at the same time. During the reign of the infamous Witch King in the year 1048, Bolívar was used as a tool to harass Columbia in order to target the "traitors" who decided to ally themselves with the country's government. However, not everyone was supportive of the Witch King's decision, most notably the Gesatzswächters, who refused to be dispatched to Bolívar.[6] This ended up with Columbia's invasion of Bolívar as part of its expansionism to control its natural resources, stablishing the "Coalition Government", establishing themselves in La Unidad. Even though the Witch King was later "succeeded" by the Twin Empresses, Leithanien continues to aid the Singas throughout the Bolívar-Columbia war and the two nations have fallen into a never-ending stalemate.[7]

Patria Dividida

Throughout the Bolívar-Columbia war, the nation was fragmented into three factions warring against each other:[7][8]

  • The Singas dynasty, established in 897, which is formally recognized by the Terrans as the de jure government of Bolívar.
  • The pro-Columbian Coalition Government, formed in 1048, by the opposition within the Bolívarian parliament. It is seen as the most well-funded of all the factions due to their covert aid from Columbia. The Coalition Government has been looking for opportunities to take control of Bolívar and is the worst opponent faced by the Singas.
  • The True Bolivarian Liberation Movement (Movimiento Libertario de los Verdaderos Bolívarianos) , often known as the True Bolívarians, which is a populist paramilitary group of insurgents founded in the year 1050. They are made up of ordinary Bolívarians who had enough with the conflict between the Singas and the Coalition Government, as well as Columbia's and Leithanien's imperialism.

Due to its never-ending civil war, Bolívar has been inventing various military weapons, one of which are the "hounds" that were first deployed in this country.[9] Even though they are widely used by mercenaries across Terra due to their convenience, some Perros strongly disagree with such a method.[10] While the exact origins of the "hounds" are unknown, rumors say that they were created as part of supposed national "secret experiments" conducted behind the scenes, using a captured Beast Lord as a basis. These rumors, however, are unconfirmed.[11][12]

Notable people

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  • Francisco de León
  • Carlos Fernandez Melo: A famous Bolívarian writter who was the author of the best-seller novel "Ciudad Misteriosa", which narrates the daily life of a person living in Dossoles, mixed with surreal descriptions and emotions. The book would later be adapted into a Wrankwood movie, receiving critical acclaim despite its creative liberties.[13]



  • Dossoles
  • La Unidad: The capital of the Columbian-controlled Bolívar.
  • Gran Sindicato: The capital of the Leithanian-controlled Bolívar.
  • La Plata: A briefly mentioned Bolívarian nomadic city located near the Columbian frontier.[14]


  • Bolívarian Plain: A huge plain located in the heartland of the Bolívarian region, known for its rich Originium deposits and fertile soil. It is from this place where the country gets its name.[7]
  • The Black Flow (La corriente negra)[15][16]


  1. p.250, "Bolívar- Glorious Exploration", Terra: A Journey
  2. p.251, "Bolívar- Glorious Exploration", Terra: A Journey
  3. Retraced: Terra
  4. p.252-253, "Bolívar - All hell Let loose ", Terra: A Journey
  5. p.253, "Bolívar - Quagmire of War", Terra: A Journey
  6. p.253-254, "Bolívar - Quagmire of War", Terra: A Journey
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 DH-ST-3
  8. Moving Forward
  9. WD-EX-1 stage description
  10. Tactical Hound and Tactical Hound Pro enemy description
  11. p.87, "Races of Terra", Terra: A Journey
  12. "Teller of Tales" (Phantom & Crimson Solitaire) node description
  13. p.249, "Bolívar", Terra: A Journey
  14. Pioneer's Grand Gazette, Nomad City: The Founders
  15. Polaris
  16. Magallan's Archive Files