Faction trivia: Bolívar

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  • Bolívar is a parallel to Latin America, particularly Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil.
    • The country is named after Simon Bolívar, a Venezuelan military and political leader who is famous for supporting independence of South American nations from the Spanish Empire. The name Bolívar is present in the official name of Venezuela as the "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" as an honor to his legacy.
    • Bolívar being a constitutional monarchy and a puppet of Leithanien may be a reference to the First and Second Mexican Empires, the latter of which was a puppet state of France, and the more successful Brazilian Empire, it may also be a reference to the Klein-Venedig, the most important German colony in Latin America which occupied territories of both Venezuela and Colombia.
    • The war between Bolívar and Columbia and the civil war in the aftermath are similar to the Central American crisis in our world.
    • The Coalition Goverment draws similarities with the Contras, the US-funded guerrillas who fought against Nicaragua's Marxist regime established by the Sandinista National Liberation Front.