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The Djall (both singular and plural) are a tribe of Sarkaz.


Nymph, the only known representative of the Djalls

Named after al-Masih ad-Dajjal, a figure in Islamic eschatology that acts as an analogue to the Antichrist in Christian eschatology (with Dajjal itself means "deceiver" in Arabic), Djall are similar to deceiving demons and tricksters in various mythologies such as Lilith in Jewish mysticism. They can be distinguished by having curved horns that points upward above their head. Djall are one of the ten surviving ancient pure-blooded Sarkaz tribes of the Sarkaz Royal Court.[1][2]

Djall are known for their excellency in deception and illusory Arts. Their Arts enable them to penetrate one's deepest psychology as if one literally "whips" the heart, hence earning their title as the "heart-whippers." In the primitive past, in order to survive and feed themselves, Djall were notorious for torturing their victims psychologically like Vampires tearing the flesh, but over the course of evolution, most Djall choose a rather gentle way to nourish themselves with emotions — inviting others to share their hearts and having them letting out their grudges. As a matter of fact, Djall are often involved in religious ceremonies, and their rituals are the most obscure and mystic as they do not involve in setting up altars or religious records but through their prayers from their deepest emotions as their medium.[3] There aren't many of the Djall left in Kazdel due to the chaotic situation of the city and how sensitive they are to negative emotions.[3]


Nymph icon.png
  • "The Arch-liar": The current lord of the Djall Court.[4]
  • ■■■: An enigmatic Djall who heads Babel's HR department and continues her post on Babel's successor, Rhodes Island.[5][6] It is later revealed later that she and Nymph are biological sisters.[3]
  • ■■■'s and Nymph's parents: Left Kazdel due to the chaotic situation of the city. They didn't tell Nymph she has a sister until she found out way much later. ■■■ considers them as irresponsible parents because of this. They tried to persuade Nymph to leave Kazdel with them but Nymph chose to stay in Kazdel on her own.[3]


  1. 12-11
  2. p.106, "Races of Terra," Terra: A Journey.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Nymph's Archive files
  4. 13-20 After
  5. Babel's event mission page description
  6. Wiš'adel's Operator Files