Operator story: Rockrock

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As one of the oldest members of Eartha the Londinium Citizens' Self-Salvation Corps, Rochelle Rockwell, nicknamed "Rockrock," was originally the daughter of a simple railwayman living in the industrious Sydenham District. However, when Londinium fell into the hands of the Kazdelians following the succession crisis of Victoria, her father was executed for opposing its rule, leading to her hatred towards the Sarkaz. Being the deputy leader of Eartha, she has been leading the Londinium common folks to resist their foreign occupants while using her handmade drones nicknamed "Rocks" to detect her enemies and shoo them away. Still, she believes she needs more help to fulfil her goal as Eartha alone is too weak to expel a regular army.

When Rhodes Island first made contact with Eartha, Rockrock remained suspicious on them upon seeing their Sarkaz operators. As the cooperation between R.I. and Eartha continued, she gradually realized that not all Sarkaz are that bad. It will take time for her to get rid of such bad impression, but Rockrock will remain faithful to her ally just like how she treats her Eartha comrades.

Main Theme

Rockrock: Six Hundred Pounds

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

It's Been A While