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Summoner SupporterSargon
Summoner Supporter.png

Scene icon.png

Scene Elite 2 icon.png

Scene Skin 1 icon.png

Scene, battlefield photographer, carries out her duties faithfully.
Did she move? Did she?
Position Ranged
Tags Summon, Support
Trait Deals Arts damage
Can use Summons in battles
How to obtain Permanent Trade Center (since Contingency Contract Blade)



Base.pngElite 1.png


Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 496 671 872 1105 +200
ATK.png ATK 194 278 371 432
DEF.png DEF 67 96 128 155 +35
RES.png RES 15 20 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 9 11
BLOCK.png Block count 1
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.6 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Redeployment time -4 seconds
Potential 4.png
RES +8
Potential 5.png
Redeployment time -6 seconds
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
Scene's Token.png
Epic Supporter Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New skill: Panoramic Overload.
  • Camera Squad improved.
  • Range extended.
Raise Scene to Level 50.
Supporter Chip.png
Orirock Cube.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • Camera Squad improved.
  • Operator Modules available.
Raise Scene to Elite 1 Level 70.
Supporter Dualchip.png
White Horse Kohl.png
Manganese Ore.png


Camera Squad
Base.png Can summon 3 Buggy Cams; Buggy Cams will reveal Invisible enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles
Elite 1.png Can summon 4 Buggy Cams; Buggy Cams will reveal Invisible enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles
Elite 2.png Can summon 5 Buggy Cams; Buggy Cams will reveal Invisible enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles


Protective Camouflage
Auto Recovery
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +10% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 90
Rank 2.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +10% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 87
Rank 3.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +10% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 84
Rank 4.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +20% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 81
Rank 5.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +20% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 78
Rank 6.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +20% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 75
Rank 7.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +30% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 72
Rank 8.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +40% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 69
Rank 9.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +50% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 66
Rank 10.png
Increases the ATK of all Buggy Cams by +60% and grants them Camouflage
Unlimited duration
0 60
Panoramic Overload
Auto Recovery
15–20 seconds
Level Effect Initial SP SP cost Duration
Rank 1.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +50%, DEF +50%, and RES +10
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 40 15s
Rank 2.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +55%, DEF +55%, and RES +10
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 39 15s
Rank 3.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +60%, DEF +60%, and RES +10
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 38 15s
Rank 4.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +65%, DEF +65%, and RES +10
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 37 16s
Rank 5.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +70%, DEF +70%, and RES +10
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 36 16s
Rank 6.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +75%, DEF +75%, and RES +10
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 35 16s
Rank 7.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +80%, DEF +80%, and RES +15
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 34 17s
Rank 8.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +95%, DEF +95%, and RES +15
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 33 18s
Rank 9.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +110%, DEF +110%, and RES +15
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 32 19s
Rank 10.png
Immediately obtains 1 Buggy Cam and grants all deployed Buggy Cams increased Detection Range, ATK +130%, DEF +130%, and RES +20
After the skill ends, all Buggy Cams are stunned for 5 seconds
0 30 20s
The following is the Mobile Buggy Cams' extended detection range:

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Orirock Cube.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Oriron Cluster.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Loxic Kohl.png
Rank 8.png
Protective Camouflage
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Panoramic Overload
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Rank 9.png
Protective Camouflage
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
White Horse Kohl.png
Panoramic Overload
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Rank 10.png
Protective Camouflage
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
Optimized Device.png
Panoramic Overload
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
Polymerized Gel.png

Base skills

Skill-man spd add2.png Time-Lapse Photography
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, productivity +15% in the first hour and thereafter +2% per hour, up to +25%
Skill-man exp&limit1.png Editing α
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to a Factory, capacity limit is increased by +12 when producing Battle Records

Operator Modules


Original module.png Original: Scene's Badge
Module Badge.png
Summoner Supporter.png
"Operator Scene has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude in combat with her deployment of multiple mobile cameras in battle, assisted by her AI robot 'Lens.'
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Supporter Operator during field operations to exercise Summoner responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named."


SUM-X module.png SUM-X: Improved Lens.P
Improved Lens.P.png
Stage 1
ATK +20
DEF +20
Trait improved:
The first summoned unit does not consume deployment slots (The last summoned unit on the field does not return a deployment slot when retreated or defeated)
Stage 2
ATK +28
DEF +25
Camera Squad improved:
Can summon 5 Buggy Cams; Buggy Cams will reveal Invisible enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles and inflict -5% Movement Speed
Stage 3
ATK +36
DEF +30
Camera Squad improved:
Can summon 5 Buggy Cams; Buggy Cams will reveal Invisible enemies within the surrounding 8 tiles and inflict -8% Movement Speed
Module MissionsUnlock conditions
  1. Complete 5 operations and summon Scene's summoned units at least 5 times in each operation (Scene cannot be a Support Unit)
  2. Clear Main Story 3-1 with a 3-star rating using a squad of at most 2 units (including Support Units); a non-Support Scene must be deployed during the operation and only Sniper operators are allowed for the remaining units
  • Complete both of Scene's SUM-X Module Missions.
  • Raise Scene to Elite 2 Level 50.
  • Have at least 100% Trust with Scene.
Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Module Data Block.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Sugar Lump.png
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Optimized Device.png
"Scene is slowly moving toward her objective on her comfy little 'chair.'
Her 'chair' is formed of two mobile photography platforms moving in parallel with a wooden plank placed in-between.
Lens finds this actually rather interesting. According to the data stored in its program, you would at least need a cushion and an ergonomic backrest for something to qualify as a chair.
However, if Scene has no qualms with this being a chair, then Lens is certainly in no position to complain.
'How much longer?'
Scene asks in her usual, sluggish tone.
'Only 200 meters more! We'll be there soon!'
Although it had figured out what its owner was going to say long ago, out of courtesy and respect, Lens waited until Scene actually asked the question to reply.
Scene returns to her silence.
This morning, Scene noticed a small hill as she relaxed on Rhodes Island's top deck. Although it does not compare to Sargon's tall mountains, the path they are on has nothing but flat plains, making the unexpected mountain a sight for sore eyes for Scene.
She firmly believed she would be able to take photos of the most breathtaking sceneries on that hill.
So, driven by her impulse, she immediately had Lens take care of the paperwork and borrowed a car and a few helping hands to race to the hill. This is quite the urgent issue to her, it seems.
Although there is still a ways to go before she reaches her destination, Scene has already started to think about everything:
The angle, the lighting, the colors, and the ratio.
These are questions that Scene is almost always thinking about as she goes about her everyday life.
This is her profession as well as her hobby.
'We are almost there, Miss Scene. The destination is right ahead, past those rocks! But neither the cameras nor I can climb any further. I am afraid you may have to walk the rest of the way.'
Scene slowly slides down from her 'chair.'
She readies her camera and slowly makes her way up.
Step by step.
Bit by bit.
The sunlight at last reaches her eyes, revealing the world before her–
She still remembers how warm the sunshine was as it lands on her cheeks and how cool the breeze was as it brushed her arms.
She remembers the fowlbeasts' melodies, the fragrance of the flowers, the crudeness of the rocks.
The greenery extends endlessly until it reaches the blue sky.
Rays of lights pierce through the clouds up above.
Scene is always working on the composition of her photos in her head.
Yet when the scenery actually opens up before her eyes, thinking only serves to distract her from the task at hand. All she has to do is chronicle the view before her faithfully.
Raise the camera and press the shutter button.
That's all photography involves–
And what an enjoyable experience it is.
