Operator dialogue: FEater

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Appointed as Assistant So... I have to just stand here and not do anything? Bo-ring.
Talk 1 These gauntlets aren't that heavy. See? Even I can carry them around easily, and it's not like I'm particularly strong.
Talk 2 You remember fighting by my side before? I don't remember... fighting for justice is my job, after all.
Talk 3 Ha, that boxer called Beehunter... she's really something! Finally an opponent worth giving my all. And she's got a great honey collection too. Wanna visit her with me next time? You gotta learn how to box first, though.
Talk after Promotion 1 Yep, I'm reading a movie magazine. That's right, the "hot kung-fu actor" mentioned in this article is ME! Huh? You don't believe me? Come on, look! This is my face, right? Why would I lie about this?
Talk after Promotion 2 Do I regret forgoing my previous life? Well, sometimes, of course. This world is rather harsh on the Infected. Lots of places I'm not allowed to go. It sucks.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 There's a street full of food stalls in the neighboring city. And... a candy shop over there? And a theme park? Aww, Doctor, can I get a day off? I wanna visit all these places!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Am I satisfied with life at Rhodes Island, you ask? Hm, to be honest... it's even more fun than in the movies! I got cool opponents to practice fighting with and delicious food... and by working, I'm doing good in the world! Isn't that perfect?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, look! What do you think about this script? Oh, who's gonna act in it, you ask? Well, the main characters are you and I! There's this scene where we leap from the roof of a thirty-floor-high building and glide away into the sunset. Isn't that cool? Hey! Come back! Wait!
Idle Doctor is napping, huh? Guess I'll slack off for a bit too. Mmm, this couch is so fluffy!
Onboard You've seen my face before, you say? Of course, you must have seen one of my movies! But I'm no longer a movie star now. I'm FEater and I'm here to follow all your orders!
Watching Battle Record It's over? Come on, let's watch a bit further. The fun part's just begun!
Promotion 1 Promotion! Yay! Thanks!
Promotion 2 This is the perfect opportunity to show you the skills of a true boxer.
Added to Squad All right, it's show time!
Appointed as Squad Leader Huh? Leader? I'm not sure I'd be good at that...
Depart This is gonna be exciting!
Begin Operation I'm FEater. Nice to meet you.
Selecting Operator 1 Hm.
Selecting Operator 2 Let's go!
Deployment 1 OK!
Deployment 2 Show time!
In Battle 1 Yeehaw!
In Battle 2 This is a classic scene in one of my movies!
In Battle 3 From flexibility comes power!
In Battle 4 Some movie stars are real kung-fu masters too!
4-star Result Wow, it's over?
3-star Result It's over already? I haven't even warmed up yet.
Sub 3-star Result Hey, it's no biggie. Everyone gets injured once in a while.
Operation Failure Aw... I just wanna go home and sleep...
Assigned to Facility Looks chic!
Tap Stop, I'm getting dizzy!
Trust Tap Hey, Doctor, want my autograph? I'll take a two-shot with you too!
Greeting Doctor, did you eat breakfast?
Title Arknights.