Upcoming events

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A list of upcoming events in the Global server of Arknights; that is, events which have been or are to be released in the CN server but their Global release date is neither been announced yet nor referenced in the game files or by official announcements.

Please note that the release date estimates done by the Arknights Terra Wiki are subject to change because Yostar may change the event release order by necessity, hence they are colored yellow. However, Celebration, Festival, and Carnival events are not as they are designated as Global's Thank-You Celebration, half-year anniversary, and yearly anniversary events, respectively, thus allowing their release dates to be accurately estimated.

Events that are released in CN but not in EN, including certain collaborations such as KFC Collaboration, are excluded from this list.

Event CN date Estimated Global date
December 22, 2023 – January 1, 2024 After HS
February 22, 2024 – March 7, 2024 Unknown[note 1]
March 7, 2024 – March 21, 2024 Early September 2024
March 21, 2024 – March 31, 2024 Late September 2024
March 28, 2024 – April 11, 2024 Early October 2024
April 11, 2024 – May 3, 2024 Mid ~ late October 2024
May 1, 2024 – May 15, 2024
As Arknights CN's 5th anniversary event
Late October ~ early November 2024
Rebranded into the 2nd Fan Appreciation Event?
May 15, 2024 – May 29, 2024 Mid ~ late November 2024
May 24, 2024 – June 3, 2024 Late November ~ early December 2024
June 5, 2024 – June 19, 2024 Early ~ mid December 2024
June 20, 2024 – July 4, 2024 Concurrent with HE Rerun?
June 25, 2024 – July 5, 2024 Late December 2024 ~ early January 2025
July 9, 2024 – July 16, 2024 February 2025[note 2]


  1. Trials for Navigator 4 is released as a stand-alone event after Here a People Sows in the CN server; since the Global server delays the release of What the Firelight Casts Rerun to after HS, it is unknown whether TN4 will remain stand-alone as in CN, released concurrently with FC Rerun, or in the third week of HS to give space for FC Rerun.
  2. Given that The Black Forest Wills A Dream is delayed until late February 2024 to make way for So Long, Adele as the Global server's 4th anniversary event, A Kazdelian Rescue will likely subject to the same reschedule as FD.