Path to Glory: Secret medals

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Path to Glory medals that are hidden from the list until obtained, thus the condition must be guessed by the player. In fact, certain secret medals' condition remains vague even after they are obtained with certain exceptions; the Arknights Terra Wiki have included their true conditions (if the aforementioned was the case) as spoilers.

Flaming Shards.png
"Flaming Shards"
Memories taken from the ashes. They are still burning, and only tears can douse these flames.
With all the fragments gathered, the story has now been fully restored.

"Do you yet remember those memories burning bright in the cracks between past and present?"
Unlock EG-1, EG-2, EG-3, EG-4, and EG-5, and watch them at least once.
Private Letter.png
Private Letter
Who could have imagined that, after all the complex calculations, the answer would be so simple and heartwarming?
Given the sincerity overflowing from these letters, perhaps you should consider writing a reply?

"Special requirements have been met. Feedback obtained from record restoration now being synchronized. Decoding in progress–"
Obtain a welfare Operator's Personal Letter from a past event available in Record Restoration when the corresponding Operator's Potential is 2 or higher.
Great Compassion.png
"Great Compassion"
"As a dream, as a fantasy. As a bubble, as a shadow.
All that is false, all is as real."

"A kind stranger from afar has opened her heart to you, and soon you will hear her story."
Iron Can Feast.png
"Iron Can Feast"
An engraved medal made in the image of the dishes served by the client from Iron Carrot City during the celebration banquet.
The food was good and the portions filling. While a little lacking in presentation, there's not much to criticize about it.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Iron Carrot Mine Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Iron Carrot Mine without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Toron Rural Platter.png
"Toron Rural Platter"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served by the client from the County of Toron during the celebration banquet.
Even in a remote rural village, you can still experience Victorian hospitality.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Toron Mine Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Toron Mine without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Glebe Smoked Fin Salad.png
"Glebe Smoked Fin Salad"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served by the client Rostov Industries during the celebration banquet.
Finely smoked delicacies made just for today's guests, together with black tea to sluice away the fat, and a healthy side of laughter and bluster.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Glebe Mining Platform Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Glebe Mining Platform without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Yep, I'm Taking Him Home!.png
"Yep, I'm Taking Him Home!"
There's no doubt that the day you found each other was a special one–why else would it float to the surface of your mind every day and night?
For on that day, you met him, and he met you, and from that day on, you had him, and he had a home.

Condition: Unlock all It's Been A While interludes.
You have come across a child made tense by unfamiliar surroundings.
After a lot of hesitation, he finally takes the hand you're holding out, and you can't help but break into a smile at the warmth of his palm.

Condition: Add Luo Xiaohei to your roster, which is only possible during the BW event.
Sleepwalker Sailing.png
"Sleepwalker Sailing"
All his master teaches him, Xiaohei has learnt extremely well.

Słoma 3-Minute Barszcz.png
"Słoma 3-Minute Barszcz"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served by the client Słoma Foods during the celebration banquet.
"Three hours for a chef, three minutes at home!" brag the Słoma suits about their own firm's products.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Słoma Foods Processing Platform Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Słoma Processing Platform without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Dossoles-style Tacos.png
"Dossoles-style Tacos"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served by the client from the Dossoles during the celebration banquet.
The artfully selected fillings had diners embark on a journey across half of Terra, yet the only thing that truly belongs to Dossoles is that golden-fried tortilla.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Under-Construction Dossoles Plate Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Under-Construction Dossoles Plate without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Tiacauh-style Fried Plantains.png
"Tiacauh-style Fried Plantains"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served by Inam during the celebration banquet.
The celebrations lasted from noon until sundown. Even though the Tiacauh are still gorging themselves, you have already reached your limit.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Acahuallan Jungle Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Acahuallan Jungle without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Felynes' Thank-mew Letter.png
"Felynes' Thank-mew Letter"
You have given the Felynes, new arrivals to Terra, a job aboard Rhodes Island.
"In a-purr-reciation for providing us a work opportunity... we thank mew greatly!"

Condition: Add the Terra Research Commission to your roster, which is only possible during A Flurry to the Flame.
Firebathed Hunting Spear.png
"Firebathed Hunting Spear"
You have beaten back the Rathalos, and led the residents of Roka Village in a safe evacuation.
The melting scars of this hunting spear tells of a journey, one of a battle bathed in flame.

Condition: Clear all of A Flurry to the Flame's Soubo Mountains operations except CF-TR-1 with 3 stars.
Mama John's Thick-Cut Burger.png
"Mama John's Thick-Cut Burger"
Medal based on the dishes offered by Mama John's at the thank-you banquet.
Only half a piece of lettuce and a thin meat patty remain in memory of the now-eaten extra large burger.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Mama John's New Plate Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Mama John's New Plate without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Raythean Roast Fowlbeast.png
"Raythean Roast Fowlbeast"
Medal based on the dishes offered by Raythean at the thank-you banquet.
Ready to eat after a little bit of roasting. The crispy skin and juicy meat is wholesome and filling, popular among the workers for its taste, and the managers for its cost-effectiveness.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Raythean Industries Test Platform Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Raythean Industries Test Platform without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Alsterii Waffle Ice Cream.png
"Alsterii Waffle Ice Cream"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served by the Alsterii Monastery during the celebration banquet. The ice cream balls are shaped as if they were shaved off the walls, and the edges of the waffles are smeared with an icing of inexplicable origin. The banquet was held on the platform after the crisis was resolved, and with this in mind, these things don't seem so strange after all.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Alsterii Bellariorum Manufacture Platform Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Alsterii Bellariorum Manufacture Platform without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Inquisition Special Sliced Ham.png
"Inquisition Special Sliced Ham"
A medal inspired by the dishes prepared by the clients from the Inquisition during the celebration banquet. Slices of meat with uneven textures are spread across the reef. The meat's textures shimmer with oil, and you can smell a slight nutty aroma when you get closer. Only after breaking free from the shackles of the ocean's grasp does one realize how sweet the gift of land is.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Abandoned Lighthouse Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete The Abandoned Lighthouse without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Tower Mountains Fried Sandworm Leg.png
"Tower Mountains Fried Sandworm Leg"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served during the celebration banquet by the client, Tower Mountains Biotech.
The sandworm legs, deep-fried to perfection, are packed full of juices that ooze out as you bite into the meat. The rumors about this delicacy are the least of anyone's concerns when confronted with this flavor. It was only after your meal that you learned the "twenty-legged sandworm" was a pack of lies. There's no need for sandworms when their legs can be grown in vats.

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Tower Mountains Agricultural Experimental Platform Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Tower Mountains Agricultural Experimental Platform without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Durin No 10 Whiskey.png
"Durin No. 10 Whiskey"
An engraved medal inspired by the dishes served during the celebration banquet by the client, the Terran Society For The Protection of Durin People.
After more rounds of drinks that anyone can possibly count, the inebriated Durin drift into slumber. Members of the Liquor Association lean on members of the Mead Fan Club, blending the rich aromas. The No. 10 Whiskey, also known as "friendship."

The client promised that should there be no mistakes made during the Automaton Arena Stationary Security Service, they would prepare a special appreciation feast for Rhodes Island.
Complete Automaton Arena without failing or quitting out of any operation throughout the mission.
Friend of Chaos.png
"Friend of Chaos"
You met an expert at creating chaos on the battlefield.
By the time the others hear the sound of the explosion, he has already found the shortcut hidden behind smoke and rubble.

Condition: Add Fuze to your roster, which is only possible during Operation Lucent Arrowhead.
Spicy Krysztauowa.png
"Spicy Krysztauowa"
You visit a strange barbecue restaurant in an art museum.
Your efforts saved the museum from destruction. The previous owner did not mind the restaurant's presence, but he hated its name.

Condition: Clear all of Operation Lucent Arrowhead's Roam the Exhibition operations except CR-TR-1 with 3 stars.