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Together we stand.
Rhodes Island cooperates with other organizations to launch these fashion lines. These mutually beneficial cooperation agreements create a win-win situation, and operators even get to enjoy some fresh attire.
Crossover slide 0.png
Note: As Among the Luminaries is exclusive to the CN server, Touch the Stars is not released in the Global server, but listed here regardless for reference.


Highlands Visitor
Cliffheart Skin 2.png

Model: Cliffheart
Illustrator: 竜崎いち

WWF collaboration outfit.

Explore, witness, protect.
WWF Collaborative Series/Highlands Visitor. Using synthetic materials to capture the inspiration of the great outdoors, this outfit is capable of adapting to adverse environments and protects experienced explorers as they visit every corner of Terra.

Release: Coexistence
How to obtain: Login Event (Day 7)

Rainbow Six Siege

Tachanka Skin 1.png

Model: Tachanka
Illustrator: Ubisoft

Rainbow Six collab outfit.

To rule is to merely protect.
Rainbow Six Collab Series/Lord. A set of tactical armor that consists of the helmet Tachanka picked from the Lord of Long Spring's collection and a modified set of standard issue battle armor. It has exceptional defensive capabilities, which is further topped off with an imposing appearance that can be seen from afar.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: The outfit is based off a combination of the Lord Boyar headgear and the Slavic Diamond uniform in Rainbow Six Siege. Interestingly, both cosmetics are also part of the Lord Tachanka Bundle in R6S.

Ash Skin 1.png

Model: Ash
Illustrator: Ubisoft

Rainbow Six collab outfit.

The best way to get to know a group of people is to blend in.
Rainbow Six Collab Series/Rangers. This outfit, hand-picked by Ash herself, emphasizes both disguisability and sportiness. A specially-made hat conceals Ash's identity, facilitating intelligence-gathering and related work.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: The outfit replaces Ash's usual R4-C assault rifle with a G36C. This is purely aesthetic and has no effect in-game, however.


Thorns Skin 1.png

Model: Thorns
Illustrator: 幻象黑兔

I.T. collab outfit.

Have fun on vacation. Do not disturb at work.
I.T Brand UNDER GARDEN Collab Outfit/Cómodo. A black and white base, the third color freely selectable. A casual design, a multi-modular composition for balanced action/everyday effect.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Surtr Skin 1.png

Model: Surtr
Illustrator: ASK

I.T. collab outfit.

Accomplishing deeds has no need for meaning. Where the mind goes, the body follows.
I.T Brand UNDER GARDEN Collab Outfit/Liberté//Échec. A black and red base. A non-integrated design, with multiple accessories to select, the complete effect taking on personalized preferences.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)


  • The outfit's name literally means "Freedom//Failure" in French.
    • Échec also refers to a check in chess, and its general meaning of "failure" was derived from being checked in a game of chess.
  • "42" can be seen below the skateboard in the outfit, which refers to a nickname for Surtr by the CN community; see her Trivia for more information.

Ursus IO79
Zima Skin 2.png

Model: Zima
Illustrator: Skade

I.T. collab outfit.

The Ursus people never hide their leading views on fashion trends.
I.T Brand UNDER GARDEN Collab Outfit/UrsusIO79. A black and red base. A compact design, drawing from casual accessories to give a boost to color variety, bringing about a brand new fashion experience.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (15 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: One of Zima's idle animations with the outfit has her dancing with her legs lifting high, which is a reference to the Ukrainian hopak dance.

The Legend of Luo Xiaohei

Before Singing
Rockrock Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Model: Rockrock
Illustrator: Cenm0

One of Rockrock's casual outfits.

Rockrock's endlessly enthused about picking out a present for her new friend, but when the next welcoming activity is–singing twelve straight songs with Xiaohei? That's got her a little awkward.
The Legend of Luo Xiaohei Collaborative Series/Before Singing. Glossy texturing and a bright palette make for materials that shout energy, while contour-hugging innerwear pairs with a loose-fit jacket to provide both comfort and chic.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: Luo Xiaohei and his heixiu can be seen in the outfit.

Spring Praise
Suzuran Skin 2.png
Outfit Voucher

Model: Suzuran
Illustrator: 将

One of Suzuran's casual outfits.

Sunlight filters through the leaves, and she meanders about the trees with her newfound friend, her smile as beautiful and bright as a flower.
The Legend of Luo Xiaohei Collaborative Series/Spring Praise. Rustic apparel commonly seen in Terra's central regions. Simple and easygoing, hardy against wear and dirt. Best suited to journeys, outings, and other such daily activities.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: Luo Xiaohei and his heixiu can be seen in the outfit.

Monster Hunter

Fly Into the Street
Terra Research Commission Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Illustrator: Peachy Miruku

Attire gifted to the Felynes after arriving on Rhodes Island.

"Just a quick spray here, here, aaand here. Purrfect! Yes, my graffiti's quite remeowkable, if I say so myself! Quick, snap a picture of us together!"
Monster Hunter Collaborative Series/Fly Into the Street. The Felynes are amped with excitement for getting some Terra-style fresh fits on, and spray paint-filled cans especially pique their curiosity. Noir Corne senses something big and bad's about to go down.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: The outfit bears resemblance with the popular meme "Snoop Dogg." The Felyne Artisan's action in-game resembles said meme.


Unofficial English translations provided by 30000lightyears.
Touch the Stars
Amiya (Guard) Skin 1.png
Outfit Voucher

Illustrator: Mag42

CASC collab outfit.

She had dreamed of the appearance of stars before. Perhaps one day, on the distant side of the deep space where those stars sleep, her footprints will be left behind.
CASC Collab Outfit Designed by Amiya/Touch the Stars. Equipped with a precise life support system that balances life-sustaining performance and comfort, it is capable of coping with the extreme environment of outer space.

Release (CN only): Among the Luminaries
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Chinese National Geography

Rainforest, Me, Rainbow
Franka Skin 1.png

Model: Franka
Illustrator: 臼

Outfit worn by Franka for long trips.

Swing once, send five fowlbeasts scampering. Swing twice, make a blue fowl land on the fingertip. Swing three times, make the teacher's pet hysterical again.
Brand Collaborative Series/Rainforest, Me, Rainbow. The waterproof, breathable fabric comes in handy for rainforest work. Lightweight, wear-resistant, and protects from the sun. Tail attachment optional.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)


Towering is Cliff of Nostalgia
Ling Skin 2.png
Outfit Voucher

Model: Ling
Illustrator: 下野宏铭

Outfit worn by Ling for long trips.

"How many starry nights must the long wind blow, and how many springs and autumns must the snowmelt wash, before the wonders of blooming gravel are revealed?"
Brand Collaborative Series/Towering is Cliff of Nostalgia. Stylish and classic. The wind brushes the cliffs for a thousand years, a thousand li, brushing against the wanderer's robes, brushing into dream.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (21 Originite Prime icon.png)


Wine-Flushed is Woods of Rime
Qiubai Skin 1.png

Model: Qiubai
Illustrator: 温泉瓜

Outfit worn by Qiubai for long trips.

How long can an old tree stand in the wind and sand? How far can one little boat go? Put your sword away in your rucksack along with the autumn sights.
Brand Collaborative Series/Wine-Flushed is Woods of Rime. Wind-proof and wear-resistant with a clean, slim fit that's easy to move in. Inspired by the northwest poplar forests.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)


Nine-Colored Deer

A Silvern Caress On the Flow of Time
Nine-Colored Deer Skin 1.png

Illustrator: IRIS_呓

One of Nine-Colored Deer's casual outfits.

"Neither the flowing sands nor moonlight speak. As for the magnificence and treasures of the past millennia, shall I recount their stories for you?"
"Nine-Colored Deer" Collaborative Series/A Silvern Caress On the Flow of Time. Crossing the golden sands yet leaving nary a trace, time passes quietly along with the moon's shadow. Nine-Colored Deer meticulously counts the tracks left behind by the passing years, and thus the full moon pauses, seeking one to converse with.

How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Trivia: Many Chinese cultural artifacts are featured in the art; see Nine-Colored Deer/Trivia#Artifacts in A Silvern Caress On the Flow of Time for details.

Sanrio Characters

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Party in the Garden
Goldenglow Skin 3.png

Model: Goldenglow
Illustrator: Namie

One of Goldenglow's casual outfits.

Brand Collaborative Series/Party in the Garden. 最甜蜜的派、最繁盛的花,还有很多、很多、很多蝴蝶结——经历过一场大火之后,澄闪仍没有忘记那个梦。

Release (CN): Sweetness Overload
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Remedy in a Cup of Leung Cha
Lee Skin 2.png

Model: Lee
Illustrator: KuroBlood

One of Lee's casual outfits.

Brand Collaborative Series/Remedy in a Cup of Leung Cha. 很难想象,时常偷闲的老鲤,会兴致盎然地穿着围裙在事务所楼下的凉茶铺帮忙看店。难道说,这是他的某种特别爱好?

Release (CN): Sweetness Overload
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)

Stream Above the Clouds
U-Official Skin 1.png

Model: U-Official
Illustrator: 折射镜

One of U-Official's casual outfits.

Brand Collaborative Series/Stream Above the Clouds. 穿着儿时喜欢的裙子在云上醒来,看见朋友们环绕着自己,她恍惚间感受到了久违的自由——但她为什么掏出手机开始直播了?!

Release (CN): Sweetness Overload
How to obtain: Outfit Store (18 Originite Prime icon.png)
