Operator gallery: Goldenglow

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An outfit commonly worn by Operators.
While not as practical as a uniform, it's what they find most comfortable.
Elite 2
Goldenglow Elite 2.png
An outfit that has been improved after the Operator's Promotion.
Custom-made to suit each Operator's experiences and needs, these outfits are designed to provide them maximum flexibility on any battlefield. Furthermore, this is all done without compromising the comfort that they've come to expect.


Maiden For The Bright Night
Goldenglow Skin 1.png
One of Goldenglow's casual outfits.
Gifts for the guests, decorations at the door, beautiful dresses. Goldenglow has been preparing to celebrate this day with everyone. All that's left is to blow the horn and spread the joy.
Goldenglow's festival attire/Maiden For The Bright Night. Warm, solid wool sweater sent by Goldenglow's mum, paired with gauze skirt for a red and green combination perfect for the festive season.

Summer Flowers FA394
Dynamic Art
Outfit Voucher
Goldenglow Skin 2.png
One of Goldenglow's summer outfits.
Jump off a boat filled with sunflowers and frolic in their shadow. Watermelons, soft drinks, the sun, and the cool waves. This is how a girl's summer should be.
MARTHE [Coral Coast] Summer Flowers Series FA394. Brings out a girl's figure and physique using all-natural materials. Pursue this summer's hottest trend.

How to obtain: So Long, Adele and Rerun (Outfit Store, 21 Originite Prime icon.png)
Party In The Garden
Outfit Voucher
Goldenglow Skin 3.png
One of Goldenglow's casual outfits.
From baking cakes to putting up decorations, Goldenglow helped set up this tea party with her friends. There's no special occasion or meaning behind it. Just a gentle, quiet afternoon she should have had.
Brand Collaborative Series/Party In The Garden. The sweetest treats, the most vibrant flowers, and lots and lots and lots of bow-tie ribbons. Even after the fire, Goldenglow has never forgotten that dream.

How to obtain: Sweetness Overload (Outfit Store, 18 Originite Prime icon.png)