Operator gallery: Terra Research Commission

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Terra Research Commission.png
An outfit commonly worn by Operators.
While not as practical as a uniform, it's what they find most comfortable.
Fly Into the Street
Terra Research Commission Skin 1.png
Attire gifted to the Felynes after arriving on Rhodes Island.
"Just a quick spray here, here, aaand here. Purrfect! Yes, my graffiti's quite remeowkable, if I say so myself! Quick, snap a picture of us together!"
Monster Hunter Collaborative Series/Fly to the Street. The Felynes are amped with excitement for getting some Terra-style fresh fits on, and spray paint-filled cans especially pique their curiosity. Noir Corne senses something big and bad's about to go down.

Acquisition (cannot be acquired by using Outfit Voucher): A Flurry to the Flame (Outfit Store, 18 Originite Prime icon.png)
